Abyss Knight

Chapter 607

After five or six magic spells were quenched in the fire, kukas\'s mind could not support it. He just injected a few thoughts into the armor and allowed the armor to sink and float in the fire cloud, while he himself left here and returned to the magic castle.

"One day, I\'ll study the bronze tripod." when he remembered that he had met three bronze tripods almost identical in different planes in the endless void, an inexplicable feeling rose in his heart. Driven by this feeling, he was extremely eager to master those bronze tripods.

However, it is a pity that the two bronze tripods disappeared before, but now the bronze tripod is said to be left over by a legend. The bronze tripod extracts the original power of this plane, and then evolves into a flame to quench a magic prop.

The fire clouds that came out of the holes were only part of the power leaked out of the copper tripod.

Not long after returning to his residence, he accidentally received a message from his peers. In the message, the colleague hoped that he could go to a capital called the charoman empire for a dedicated banquet.

"The war academy has accumulated 1000 eighth level professionals, so we prepare a banquet for them in DIDU, and then send them to the front."

"It\'s boring." his fingers flicked and gently bounced on the light curtain in the air. Then the light curtain broke, and kukas didn\'t go to the banquet in the Roman capital. He just wrote a few words and sent them away by secret method.

Over the past three years, every hundred days or so, the war academy has accumulated enough thousands of eighth level professionals to hold a so-called banquet. This is also because the war college is a small college. If it is a large war college that accommodates more than 1000 professionals of the Empire, it is only common to give birth to more than 1000 eighth level professionals every day.

After all, with the huge base there and the support of magic materials at all costs, the birth rate of level 8 professionals is several times higher than before.

After habitually refusing the invitation, kukas regained his mind on the high spire. After the mind recovers, he uses the secret method to release the huge mind power into the void, and then tries to understand the rules in this plane.

The mental power condensed into substance sprayed out from his head. After flying hundreds of feet into the sky, it burst into countless light spots scattered in the air, and then released strange waves to hook the rules of this plane.

His mind fluctuated. After a long time, fuzzy information was attracted by his mind. Although this information is very vague, the victory lies in the large number.

Carefully brand these information on the altar in the fighting space, and then start to deduce these information based on their huge knowledge reserve.

The soul hidden in the deepest part of the altar emerged on the altar, sat cross legged, and countless pictures flashed in his eyes. Under the influence of the secret method, as long as a few scattered words emerge from the vague information, he can spend a lot of time to deduce the whole information.

Although this deduction will consume a lot of soul and mental power, and there are a lot of information and knowledge that are repeated, kukas never gave up. As a high-level professional, he can feel the rules of heaven and earth after he has just been promoted to level 8. Compared with other professionals, he can often feel the rules of heaven and earth at level 9 or even level 10, which is extremely lucky. Therefore, he will never give up his advantage, even if it will cost him a lot of attention.

Understanding and deducing various rules, which brings him a lot of benefits. Alone in this short period of three years, he initially mastered the ability to tear space.

It was about to dawn. After taking back all the spirits of understanding the rules, the bald evil man roared fiercely, stood up with his hands and pierced the void in front of him.

Puff! With this strange sound, the puncture of most of kukas\'s palm disappeared into the void. Then I saw his arms exerting force, and a large amount of ash was instilled into his hands.

"Open!" a low roar, left and right hands laboriously separated, and then a crack the size of a palm appeared in front of him.

The mind detective turned into a rope like a poisonous snake in the crack and explored ahead. Where the mind went, it was dark and dark, and unknown forces eroded his mind quickly. However, in a short breathing time, his mind deep into the crack was eroded by the unknown forces.

The mind turned and instantly locked a point in the dark space. Then he forcibly dragged the point to the crack. With the force of his arms and the winding of his mind, he tore this point hard. The next moment, kukas quickly grabbed a magical material and threw it into the crack, then took back his mind and let the crack heal quickly.

"It\'s time to see how far it went." after the crack healed, kukas flew into the air, identified the direction a little, and then urged a lot of fighting spirit to turn into a streamer to fly in the distance.

This time, he urged a lot of fighting, and the speed was dozens of times higher than usual. In a flash, but in a few breaths, he rushed to a mountain thousands of miles away.

Scattered fighting spirit, suspended on the top of the mountain, released his mind around, and soon found it.

"Eh! I didn\'t expect someone to come here."

It turned out that when kukas released his mind to search for the magical materials transmitted through the space crack, he found a group of young professionals preparing food on the hillside below.

The campfire was burning, and an unknown Warcraft was baked on it. More than a dozen young professionals were around. Some were on guard around, and some were waiting silently for the food to be cooked.

Originally, he didn\'t want to pay attention to these young professionals, but then he thought that this is his jurisdiction. Ordinary professionals rarely walk in the mountains. Now these people come here to make him curious.

I wanted to go straight down and ask them about the purpose of coming here, but after one of them spoke, he asked him to press that mind temporarily.

A professional said in a deep voice: "we shouldn\'t have come here. We should hang around here for dozens of days, let alone find any relics, but we can\'t find a deeper cave."

"After crossing a few more mountains, we can get to our destination. What\'s the use of complaining now? Even if there are large caves here, are you willing to go in and waste time?" someone retorted in a low voice: "be patient. It\'s not a big deal to wait for another three or two days."

"Yes, as long as we make this deal, the War College will not be able to keep us, but will also keep us as mentors, but it will save us from fighting with others."

"There are many dangers in the ruins of ancient times. We must calm down, otherwise there will be mistakes in it. I\'m afraid we can\'t come to a good end. Moreover, it has been heard that someone is frantically searching for ruins, and many high-level professionals have joined them these years. We\'d better say less, and accidents in the province have been spied."

"Yes, not to mention the damn ruins." a woman whispered, "tell me about the war college!"

"Bah! What\'s there to say about that college? It encourages us to kill each other all day. I don\'t think it\'s a college at all, but a den of demons in the abyss." a soldier spit hard and muttered carelessly: "I have been in College for more than half a year. There were dozens of acquaintances who came in with me, but now there are only seven or eight. Now I think I regret it. I knew that I didn\'t come here when I said anything."

"Hehe, if you can\'t come here, you can\'t come here? In my empire, anyone who becomes a third-class professional has been forcibly sent here. Anyone who escapes will be killed as soon as he finds out. I think the same is true in your empire." someone roared loudly, but showed his dissatisfaction.

"Did hundreds of Empires form an alliance? They want to hold a large-scale battle? That\'s why they brought us together?"

"It\'s impossible. If hundreds of empires are allied, how come no one has ever heard of such a big news? Although the war academy is full of strange things, the various secret methods collected in it are several times better than those we practiced before. Maybe this is the chance!"

"I\'d rather not have this chance," the soldier muttered.

"Hehe, although the war academy is a little cruel, each of us has made great progress. In just six months, you have been promoted from a third-class professional to a fourth-class professional, which would not have been possible in thirty or fifty years." a female mage held a book and read it. She heard her companion complain, suddenly put away the book and gently persuaded: "Although we have improved rapidly, our foundation is still stable. If we continue like this, we may become a high-level professional like level 8 in a few decades. At that time, we will be unhappy and destroy the war college directly. I\'m afraid no one dares to say anything about us."

"Eighth level? It\'s so easy to achieve there? My empire covers an area of ten million square kilometers and has a population of about 1.3 billion. But even so, only a few people achieve eighth level every year. Which of those who achieve eighth level is not supported by a big family?"

"Yes, the materials consumed at the lower level are still less. If we reach the seventh level, if we still use drugs and materials to improve rapidly, I\'m afraid the drugs we consume every day will be enough for a year\'s income of an ordinary town. I don\'t know whether the war academy can support such a large expenditure."