Abyss Knight

Chapter 606

Enter a magical plantation under your jurisdiction. Here is a magical food, a plant similar to common wheat improved by the casters.

This kind of wheat contains some magic power. Eating it for a long time can slowly improve the physical strength of the eaters, and even increase their fit with magic or fighting spirit to a certain extent.

The planting area is large, covering an area of more than 10000 square kilometers. The magic wheat produced here will be provided to all empires in this area. Under the power of magic, a batch of wheat ripens every three days. Then they were harvested and cleaned up by the puppets and transported to some empires through the transmission Dharma array.

According to the distribution rules here, kukas\'s magic wheat plantation needs to be provided to more than 30 empires of different sizes. The abyss alliance will give him varying contribution records through the magical food he provides to these empires.

When kukas came here, it happened that the wheat was ripe. Thousands of magic puppets turned the tracks, waved special props and reaped quickly. When they harvest wheat, they will select the fullest wheat grain as seed, and then plant it to increase the yield of these magic wheat little by little. Of course, all this was ordered by kukas.

Now the yield of magic wheat in his plantation is twice that when he first came here. After optimization, not only the yield of wheat increased significantly, but also the efficacy of wheat increased partially.

The harvested wheat was transmitted through the transmission array, and the wheat was directly transmitted to a war academy, which became the food for the students there.

As usual, after touring several other plantations, kukas returned to his residence in the magic castle.

The furnishings in his house were very simple. Sitting on a chair by the window, he took out the eternal ashes and began to read them in detail.

In three years here, he has just read one percent of a thick book. Moreover, in the part he watched, a lot of information knowledge was swept away, and only a small part of information knowledge was remembered in detail by him.

The books are too thick. Without the inheritance of the ash knight, he is too hard to read those information knowledge.

According to his habit, after reading several magic books, he ate some simple food. Then he left his residence and turned to a towering spire. This is his place for latent cultivation. Many precious magic materials are stacked here for him to cultivate Knight skills.

Calmed his mind, kukas slowly urged the fight. Since he was promoted to the ash knight, more than ten years later, the fighting spirit in his body has completely changed into ash fighting spirit. Now, a trace of gray and cyan fighting spirit came out between his hands, and then circled three feet in front of him.

Ancient Knight words came out of his mouth. These words absorbed some fighting spirit, manifested themselves, and then slowly branded them in the creeping fighting spirit.

After absorbing some words, the wriggling spirit began to shrink, and a blue gray glove came out soon.

This glove looks very similar to ordinary magic gloves. There are all kinds of shallow lines on it. These lines are formed by the combination of Knight words and prohibition array.

After the glove emerged, kukas reached out and grabbed the magic materials that had been prepared and sprinkled them on it. The glove wriggled and began to slowly absorb the material. At the same time, kukas opened his mouth and poured a gray and cyan fighting spirit into the glove, making the glove look more solid.

A trace of fighting spirit came out of his fingertips, waved these fighting spirit, and wrote ancient words in the air. When the text is formed, it will be bounced into the gloves by kukas. Whenever a word is integrated into the glove, the glove will emit a clear sound. With the sound, there is a gray cyan halo, which spreads three or five feet away from the center of the glove.

After refining the gloves for a while, fighting spirit flew out of both hands. These fighting spirit condensed into an arm guard, and then came out of chest armor, helmet, face armor, leg guards and even cloak. Of course, each of these scattered devices has been individually quenched by him with special words.

Finally, these devices are combined in mid air to form a complete armor. This armor is almost as tall as kukas\'s body. There is no gap at all kinds of joints. All the devices are made of fighting spirit. There are three or five inch long triangular spikes at the joints such as shoulder blades and arm bends. The fighting spirit on the spikes flickers and looks ferocious.

When the whole armor was combined, the fighting spirit from kukas\'s mouth was evenly integrated into it.

A handful of magic materials were scattered on it, and then quickly absorbed by the armor. The whole armor is solidified little by little under such quenching.

Three or five magic hours passed, and the fighting spirit in the fighting space was nearly exhausted. Until this time, he stopped this kind of quenching.

A big mouth, a group of fighting spirit gushed out of his mouth, then rolled the armor, shrinking, and finally flew to his mouth and disappeared.

With a long sigh, he jumped out of the secret room, and the whole person suddenly suspended on the spire hundreds of feet high.

"The unique fighting armor of level 8 professionals can\'t succeed without three or five hundred years. Unfortunately, my secret method can\'t be quenched and made separately like other professionals, otherwise I can greatly improve my combat effectiveness by completing a glove or helmet alone. Unfortunately, the secret method is The secret method is different from ordinary methods. "After shaking his head, he identified the direction in the air a little, and then turned into a streamer and flew quickly to a mountain thousands of miles away.

It was not long before kukas arrived at his destination. Here he quickly found a cave and leaned in.

The cave twists and turns, sometimes up and sometimes down, left and right, like a maze. Fortunately, there is no bifurcation in the cave, otherwise ordinary people will be trapped in it and never want to go out.

After flying in the cave for half a magic hour, there were bursts of heat waves in the channel ahead. The gray black walls around began to appear light red. The more you walk towards the front, the greater the heat wave, and the walls gradually turn red.

The passage became wider and wider, and after walking only three or five miles, a space of more than a hundred feet suddenly appeared in front of him. In this huge space, there is a seven or eight foot tall copper tripod in the center. The copper tripod has a cover with nine holes. Nine red flames spurted out of the hole, forming a cloud of fire above the bronze tripod.

There are dozens of armor and weapons floating in the fire cloud. These armor and weapons are condensed with fighting spirit. They fluctuate in the fire cloud. With the help of the hot fire cloud, they quench the impurities and make these armor and weapons stronger.

Looking at the huge bronze tripod, kukas looked uncertain. The bronze tripod is almost the same as the one he saw at the Dionysian church, but it looks a little bigger than other bronze tripods.

He didn\'t understand why he could see almost the same thing in different planes. Privately, he exchanged a lot of books in the abyss alliance, hoping to find records about this kind of bronze tripod, but he has gained nothing in the past three years.

A device in the fire cloud disappeared, and then new devices emerged. Kukas knew that this was caused by other high-level professionals directly summoning these devices with secret methods and then sending them back.

His mind turned and his mouth opened and spewed out the suit of armor he had tempered. After the man\'s high armor sprayed out of his mouth, it directly turned into a streamer and drilled into the fire cloud.

As soon as the armor entered the fire cloud, the mind attached to it immediately felt a violent burning feeling. A muffled sound sounded from the armor, but the fire cloud was refining some impurities in the armor.

Some of these impurities are produced by the magic materials incorporated into them, and some are produced by kukas\'s fighting spirit. After all, he has just become an ash knight for a short time. Although his fighting spirit is strong, it is not pure enough.

Under the burning of the fire cloud, kukas began to infiltrate his mind into the armor little by little. The mind swam in this huge armor, washing the armor again and again, making it more fit with itself.

"Get up!" he whispered, his fingers drew several arcs in the air, and a large number of minds were crazy like the tide into the armor. The next moment, he saw his condensed armor move fiercely.

The armor raised its hands and feet, moving forward and backward, shaking its body left and right, or jumping up and down.

At first, the activity of armor was a little astringent, but it didn\'t take long for its movement to be smooth. After more than one magic hour, the armor looked like a real person, walking in the fire cloud and even playing a set of killing skills.

With the armor activity, kukas\'s mind consumed rapidly. He should not only scour and control the armor with his heart, but also bear the burning of the fire cloud.

The flame in the bronze tripod penetrated the armor of fighting spirit and burned his mind. In such a burning, his mind was gradually pure. It is for this reason that kukas spends a lot of time practicing here every day.