Abyss Knight

Chapter 605

The uthor plane is located in the rear of the battlefield of the abyss alliance and the gate of heaven. Moreover, because this plane is only a plane that has just become the eighth order for less than ten thousand years, this plane is relatively desolate.

The plane is desolate on the whole, and because it is located in the rear of the battlefield, the number of high-level professionals gathered here is extremely rare. There are only a thousand high-level professionals in such a large plane, including more than 100 members sent by the abyss alliance.

Kukas has been stationed here for three years. He has been assigned here as the controller since he met in the castle three years ago. In addition to providing a lot of magic materials and some magic food, his task here is to help other high-level professionals protect the whole plane, search and hunt those high-level professionals who enter the plane through special ways. Of course, transporting newly promoted high-level professionals is also one of his tasks.

Stationed in USSOR, kukas has been thoroughly familiar with his mission here in just three years.

The place where he was stationed was a mountain range stretching for millions of miles. In this huge mountain range, the people of the abyss alliance built a huge magic castle here. If nothing happens on weekdays, he is stationed in the castle.

He was stationed here with three spell casters and a shield guard. In addition, his newly promoted ash Knight constitutes a control mechanism composed of five high-level professionals.

Among these five people, except for the shield guard soldier who has been stationed here for seven or eight years, kukas and they are all newcomers.

Every 100 days, their five controllers have a simple meeting in the conference room. In fact, the content of the meeting is very simple, that is, to simply discuss how many materials to be delivered to the front line and how to expand their control area in this position.

Millions of mountains are centered on the central magic castle, and then divided into five areas. Kukas, they each control an area. What they have to do is to manage their own area, and then obtain more magic materials and various materials to provide to the front.

In the huge magic castle, except for those mechanical magic puppets, kukas is the only normal creature most of the time. The other four masters spent most of their time living in some empires around millions of mountains. They rarely go back to the magic castle, even if there are a lot of magic materials in the magic castle for them to spend.

The night faded, and when kukas, standing at the top of the magic castle, saw the first ray of sunshine, he jumped down from the spire.

The huge body jumped down from the spire hundreds of feet high, and the rapid sinking brought bursts of harsh sonic booms. When his body was only three or five feet high from the ground, the whole man suddenly stopped for a while, and then his body rose rapidly, roaring like a strong wind and flying rapidly outside the millions of mountains.

Enjoying the feeling of the strong wind blowing through his body, kukas sent out bursts of whispers. After staying here for three years, he has gradually liked this quiet and comfortable life.

Flying at low altitude only took a little fighting spirit, which made his flying speed reach nearly 10000 kilometers per magic hour.

Under normal circumstances, he will fly wantonly in the air and return to the castle to carry out his work after dozens of breaths. However, today, he left the castle and flew out because he wanted to monitor a production base thousands of miles away.

Six months ago, with the help of his position in this position and the power of four other professionals who control the castle with him, he searched nearly 10000 alchemists and casters proficient in magical plant research from hundreds of Empires around him. Of course, because of the war and other reasons, these people are low-level professionals.

These professionals who are proficient in studying magical plants are placed on a mountain by kukas. They study all kinds of magical plants there in order to improve their yield and quality, so as to provide kukas with a large number of materials.

Of course, most of these materials were transported to the front line by kukas and exchanged for merit. And he used these merits to seek some benefits for himself.

Flying at low altitude, he released his powerful mental power. Under the action of the secret method, these mental power woven into a transparent net in the air, covering hundreds of miles. In this range, as long as he finds the smell of high-level Warcraft, he will immediately lock the target, and then try to kill or capture the target.

However, since kukas took control of the area, he has repeatedly cleared the area under his control several times in the past three years. There are no higher-level Warcraft in his control area. Even if there is one occasionally, it is also caused by the sudden promotion of level 7 Warcraft.

Feeling the wind blowing across his cheek, kukas sighed for his good luck more than once. At that distribution meeting three years ago, because he had controlled a huge war academy and provided a large amount of green cannon fodder to the front line, he was assigned here as a logistics personnel. In this way, it gave him time to master and learn some knowledge, so as to avoid premature death on the battlefield due to lack of means.

According to some news he received, in just three years, among the more than 108000 rank professionals who lived with him in the castle, except that more than 10000 were safe in the rear, more than 50000 of the other 90000 professionals who went to the front have disappeared into the endless void forever, and more than 30000 have been reincarnated by luck. The rest, Still struggling on the front battlefield.

Before long, kukas successfully reached the peak where the group of researchers gathered. Hundreds of miles from the peak, kukas found traces of some researchers.

These low-level professionals move on the mountains hundreds of miles around. They plant all kinds of magical plants on those mountains. However, because the plan has just been implemented, those magical plants can not provide kukas with a large amount of materials.

The huge body flew across the sky, and the sonic boom sounded. When the researchers looked up, they could only see a black light passing in the air, and lost its trace in a moment. And they did not panic. Looking at the whereabouts of the black light, they knew that the master here was coming.

On the high mountain of the magic plant planting center, kukas built a simple castle there. Although the castle is simple, it is extremely strong. He collected tons of boulders and built them himself. He asked three eighth order casters to help him build three magic pools inside. With the help of the magic power in those magic pools, the whole castle is constantly tempered.

Of course, the main purpose of building those magic pools is not to harden the castle, nor to condense magic stones in the magic pool, but to irrigate the magic plants with the help of the liquid in these magic pools.

Originally, he wanted to build more magic pools here, but the three casters were unwilling to do it again. Because it takes them a lot of time to build a magic pool.

Through the skylight, it fell directly into the conference room in the castle and released an idea at will. Soon, nearly 100 casters and alchemists appeared in the conference room.

After motioning the spellcasters and alchemists to sit down, kukas gently knocked on the table in front of him and asked in a deep voice, "gentlemen, are there any new developments in this period of time?"

"Dear Sir, we have some new discoveries." a fifth level alchemist stood up and made a formal reply. He was the highest level among the more than 10000 spell casters and the most talented among all alchemists. "After six months of testing and trying, we found that most of the surrounding peaks are suitable for planting a plant called centrifugal fruit."

"What\'s the use of what this plant produces?" kukas frowned at his words. He had never heard of this fruit, which also meant that this fruit would not be useful to professionals above level 8.

"It can quench the power and purity of professionals below level 8." the alchemist swallowed his saliva hard, and sweat rolled down his forehead. He felt a powerful pressure at the moment when kukas frowned just now. It was the powerful pressure that frightened him so much.

"How about the output?" kukas was a little stunned and quickly filtered some kinds of items needed by the abyss alliance in his mind. He found that the alliance also needed these low-order materials.

"An adult tree can produce more than 100 fruits a year. A seventh level professional can consume up to one such fruit a day, while a lower level professional takes longer. Although the effect of this kind of fruit of purification power is not as good as some high-level materials, its production capacity is several times larger than those of high-level materials." The fifth order alchemist explained quickly.

"Moreover, in the research a few days ago, someone found that after grafting another fruit tree with similar effect in our plane through secret method, it can increase the yield by one third."

"How long is the life cycle of this fruit tree?" kukas was not confused by each other\'s words, and hundreds of thoughts flashed through his mind.

"Thousands of years, the longest can survive for thousands of years. As for the grafted plants, no experiments have been carried out, so there is no accurate conclusion. However, we speculate that the grafted magical plants can survive for at least 800 years."

"Well, plan and see how much you can plant on the surrounding mountains. However, don\'t relax the cultivation of other magical plants. The yield of those plants can be lower, but I hope you can combine them with plants in different planes and have new harvest." kukas gently tapped the table in front of him and said in a deep voice: "Are there any other gains?"

Hundreds of professionals are silent, but they secretly despise kukas, despise the research he doesn\'t understand, and only know to ask. You know, the research on magic plants is very difficult. This time, they can find the improvement method of this magic plant, which was completed by chance.

More importantly, these people are the aborigines of this plane. They don\'t know a lot of magical plants provided by kukas. Because those magical plants are excellent plants in other planes. In more than half a year, they just managed to figure out the characteristics of some exotic plants. It\'s impossible to study them thoroughly for decades Don\'t even think about it.

"No more." after hundreds of casters secretly communicated, the alchemist replied to kukas.

"Well," kukas snorted. And his soft hum made these spellcasters sweat again.

"Is there any difficulty? You don\'t have to hide anything in front of me." he habitually wanted to touch his bald head, but remembered that he was wearing a black hooded cloak, so he raised his hand and waved it in the air, and then gently put it on the table. He has noticed the tension of these low-level professionals, just as when he faced those high-level professionals.

"The liquid in the magic pool. To make those fruit trees grow and survive quickly, we need a lot of magic liquid at the initial stage." the alchemist still spoke, because he was the highest ranking among all people.

"Moreover, after these magical plants are watered with magical liquid for a long time, the quality of the materials produced will be improved, and even may change," said the alchemist quickly.

"Well." kukas nodded. He leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes and thought silently.

As the alchemist said, if a magical plant is watered with magical liquid for a long time, it will often mutate. This situation has long been confirmed in the huge magic castle where he lives.

In that huge magic castle, there are also five areas. There are several magic manors of the same size in each area. Through the power of Dharma array and prohibition, these magic manors cover an area of thousands of miles. All kinds of magic materials are planted in them, and all kinds of puppets work there.

Magic liquid irrigates those plants every day. Over time, all kinds of plants have changed. After variation, either the yield is increased, or the product quality is improved, or the growth and maturity time are reduced.

It is precisely because of the existence of the magic castle that several high-level professionals stationed here like kukas can complete the tasks assigned to them by the alliance by relying solely on the material output in the magic castle, even if they do nothing.

"Now allocate the liquid in the two magic pools to plant the centrifugal fruit tree, and the others are used for the cultivation of other plants. The castle will not be quenched for the time being, and some unnecessary prohibitions will be closed." after thinking about a few breathing times, kukas quickly made a decision. "As for the magic pool, just leave it to me."

Although it was absolutely unnecessary for him to open up new planting areas, he had to do so in order to provide more magic materials to exchange meritorious deeds in the abyss alliance, so as to obtain all kinds of knowledge and long-term residence in this position.

"I\'m not avoiding the war, but laying a good foundation for the war." whenever he used his merit to increase his living time in this position, he would persuade himself: "I\'m afraid I\'ll end up miserable on the battlefield without mastering enough skills and knowledge."

"Go, take me to see your achievements." he fiercely stood up and motioned these professionals to lead him to see the centrifugal fruit trees grafted by secret method.

Under the leadership of these low-level professionals, kukas came to the back mountain.

In the rubble, dozens of fruit trees more than one person tall swayed in the wind. Next to these fruit trees, there is a pipe with the thickness of baby fingers linked to a magic pool in the castle. Drops of magic liquid trickled down from the pipe and melted into the roots of those fruit trees.

More than a hundred fruits swayed in the wind, of which only a few showed light red, but more were cyan.

Fruit trees absorb magic liquid. A lot of magic power is transformed by trees, and then injected into those fruits to continuously accelerate the ripening speed of these fruits.

"I hope you can speed up. If you have any difficulties, contact me directly through the secret method and I will help you deal with them. By the way, you can prepare again. A group of people will come here in a while. Then you will lead them to integrate here as soon as possible and speed up your research."

Many spellcasters were overjoyed when they heard the words. More than 10000 of them were here. Although it seemed that there were a large number of people, their hands seemed too thin when nearly a thousand magical plants needed to be studied.

According to kukas\' understanding, in some powerful planes, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people often study a single magic plant. What he wants to do now is to increase the number of researchers under his command in order to obtain more benefits.

In this position, most of the eight rank professionals among the Aborigines have been sent to the front line. In this position, with the help of his own identity, he doesn\'t have to pay any compensation to ask for these researchers. If he hadn\'t been a newcomer and the people with him didn\'t support him, his researchers wouldn\'t be so scarce and poor.

After observing other magical plants, kukas left here and returned to the magical castle.

In such a big magic castle, even if there are a large number of puppets, it still seems empty. Inside the castle, there are space law arrays and prohibitions everywhere. Under the influence of these magical forces, there is often a small room with hundreds of miles of space in it.