Abyss Knight

Chapter 604

After calming his mind, kukas put his mind into the picture again. Carefully observe the knight battle in the picture. After the black robed caster killed the knight in the air, he ignored the fluctuation caused by the movement of the finger, but forcibly woke up after the picture was broken.

Sure enough, a pale finger still appeared in my mind this time. Not daring to wait for half a minute, he immediately cut this mind through the secret method, and then put it outside.

Perhaps it is because there is too little absorbed mental power. After that pale finger emerged to the outside world, it dissipated after more than ten breathing hours.

Secretly relieved, he put his mind into the picture again. So repeatedly, in watching again and again, I gradually realized some combat skills and coping methods in the face of different powerful professionals through the image of the knight. Even the means of escape.

As the days passed, he forgot what was behind the picture, and only felt the fighting style of the ash knight from those pictures.

Although we have to lose some minds every time, except those absorbed by the pale fingers, other minds are only temporarily consumed and soon recovered.

Over and over again, he didn\'t feel any boredom. On the contrary, with the increase of his perception, he had a deeper understanding of the combat skills in those pictures.

Time passed by inadvertently, and two years passed in a flash. In the past two years, he spent most of his time sensing that picture, but when he consumed too much mental energy, he would end this feeling, and then mobilize the secret law to restore his mind. When the mind recovers, it will continue to repeat such behavior.

At the end of an enlightenment, the scroll representing his identity flew out of his arms. The scroll unfolds and some information emerges from it.

"Is it time? Hehe! But he forgot the time." kukas sighed when he saw the information. At this time, he realized that the passage of time was so rapid. In these ten years, he still had a lot of things he didn\'t master, but there was no other way except to sigh.

After reluctantly realizing the last time, he didn\'t care about wasting time to recover his consumed mind. Instead, he threw the eternal ashes into the transmission array and took them away. He poured a lot of magic crystals into them, and then exchanged the eternal ashes of a manuscript.

Although the workmanship of this manuscript is also very exquisite, with precious magic metal on it for protection, it is so simple compared with the original. But thinking of the cost of owning the original books permanently, kukas subconsciously grinned.

And he also knew that the price of the original eternal ashes needed more than a hundred seven levels or so was caused by the scarcity of the number of ash knights. As far as he knows, he is the only one of the more than 108 rank professionals in the castle where he is located.

Put away the copy of the book. Although there was still some time, he no longer watched the book, but sat silently in the room, waiting for the last time.

During this meditation, he thought a lot. Finally, I suddenly found that I came to the castle. Except for a few words with some professionals when I first came in, I was working silently for my strength at other times.

"How many people will be like me?" he thought carelessly. Near the war, pictures flashed in my mind. He thought of the missing female doctor and the blonde general, as well as the natural Banshee and siren banshees he had left behind in Troy. As for the natural goddess, she was still imprisoned in the burning plane and never released.

"If I had been like an old knight in those years, and finally achieved no more than level 2, maybe I would inherit his manor, and then become a knight like him and cultivate Knight Huzi. I can\'t say that I can make more Knight names carved on that round table."

"Well, I don\'t know what happened to the scarlet queen and the secret mage. Maybe she has become a real bishop priest now. Maybe she will meet her on the battlefield."

The scenes of the past slowly flowed in his mind. He knew that this time on the battlefield, he was likely to fall completely. Although he could give up the war and return to the burning plane, he waited silently and waited for the end of the all-out war. But he was not willing to waste his time. He wanted to be strong in that battlefield and lay a solid foundation for his promotion to legend.

What\'s more, I don\'t know how long this all-out war will last, let alone how many planes have been affected. If he hid in the burning plane, tens of thousands of years of war would end, I\'m afraid his life would be few at that time. Maybe he will be found by the people at the gate of heaven before he can hide there for long. Because he heard some news about the gate of heaven in Troy.

The people of the gate of heaven set up a slave team to search for the losers hidden in all aspects with secret methods, and then catch them as slaves or even experimental objects. It was for this reason that he dared not hide in the burning plane alone.

Although he is the king in the burning plane, he will think that those who catch him will destroy the whole plane and catch him.

And whether it\'s the ghost cry Knight inheritance, the sin Knight inheritance, or even the design of the ash knight. He found that every strong professional grew up after countless wars. Without rich fighting experience, not many people can become legends. Even if someone can be legendary, they will be easily killed by others because of the lack of combat experience, or even killed by low-level existence.

A ray of light appeared on the keepsake scroll. These lights were violently turbulent in the air and instantly woke kukas from his meditation.

The light condensed in the air and turned into words. According to the text prompt, kukas quickly left his room, then passed through channels of different sizes, and soon came to a huge conference room.

The conference room is very simple. In such a large conference room, except for a platform suspended in the central area, the other party has no tables, chairs and benches.

A large number of professionals floated in the air out of thin air. After kukas glanced a little, he also floated in a corner of the air and waited silently.

More than 3000 professionals gathered in this conference room. Everyone was silent. Even if they had communication with each other, they also talked with God.

The Dharma array on the altar flickered, and a projection emerged from it. The projection pointed to the void, and a light spot emerged not far in front of him.

The light spot splits the light beam up, down, left and right. The light beam spreads in the air and quickly outlines a huge box.

"Everybody, what\'s in here is your ID. if you lose your ID, we\'ll deal with it as death. If members of the alliance see you in other planes, they\'ll deal with you as enemies. I don\'t think you understand me now, but you\'ll know soon." the projection explained in a hoarse voice.

Then the box opened and 3000 black hoods flew out of it. These cloaks fly to professionals, waiting for their masters to use.

He grabbed the cloak floating in front of him. Kukas just checked it rudely, and then shrouded himself. Of course, this cloak is not an ordinary black cloth cloak, but a magical cloak made by alchemists with secret methods. There are many prohibitions above, which can provide some help to users.

Inside the cloak, there is a black and red scroll, which merges with kukas\'s previous scroll representing identity.

The projection didn\'t give kukas time for them to carefully examine these things. When they were wearing magic cloaks, he continued: "Because of your personal experience, the alliance has arranged tasks for you. I think some people like these tasks, but others will resist them. But what I want to tell you now is that you can\'t resist this appointment, whether you like it or not."

"The battle between the alliance and the gate of heaven will be a long battle. Your task seems very easy and simple, but what I want to tell you is that your task is actually extremely important. Maybe the success and failure of the alliance are closely related to your task."

"The abyss alliance is now in a weak position. We have lost more than 30000 high-level planes in this all-round war. I think you should all know the severity of the situation."

"If the abyss alliance fails, you will either become slaves or enter the abyss and become demons. You know, the forces of the gate of heaven are extremely lack of control to develop their increasing power. This war is actually just a war of control."

"The winner controls the whole endless void, and the loser will fall into eternal darkness. He doesn\'t even have a chance to fall into darkness."

Not many people pay attention to a series of words, even kukas. In the eyes of these professionals, they are just passively fighting the war. Even if the war is won, the subsequent distribution of interests is estimated to fall on them. Even many people will die in the war and can\'t wait for the victory or end of the war.