Abyss Knight

Chapter 603

When the virtual shadow of finriel gray wolf completely disappeared, the pool in the mind of the magic bear was soon completely drained by kukas.

The pool is dry and the palace is located in it. Vines twined below, deeply piercing to the bottom of the pool. There, as soon as a new mind emerges, it is forcibly extracted by these vines, and then transmitted to the palace, constantly strengthening the power of the palace.

The golden light spread from the palace, covering the pool and the surrounding gray area. After all the golden lights completely cleaned up the gray areas, the body of the magic bear was completely occupied by kukas.

The unnecessary mind was pulled out of the demon bear\'s mind. Then kukas turned his hand and pulled the chain off the demon bear. The Dharma array stopped rotating, the magic bear curled up on the altar gave a low roar, then shook his body and stood up slowly.

At first, the demon bear couldn\'t stand stably and fell on the altar dozens of times, but soon, the soul fragments entrenched in it adapted to the demon bear\'s body.

Shaking his head, the demon bear jumped down from the altar and fell beside kukas without moving.

"Eight years? Hehe, I didn\'t expect that it took me eight years to control a mount." after the collapse of the Dharma array, a large number of minds rolled back into the body. After the deduction, I soon understood how much time I spent to subdue the fierce beast.

"However, it\'s not a loss. With this finriel magic bear as a mount and a mount made by secret method, the power is more powerful than others, and it\'s not a loss." for kukas, after becoming level 8, he has increased his life by tens of thousands of years out of thin air. In these tens of thousands of years of life, eight years is just a moment for him.

After feeling his time, kukas shook the burning black flag and tore a huge crack out.

Without waiting for his order, the demon bear jumped directly into the crack and disappeared. This crack is the only burning plane leading to him. The magic bear goes in, but he is ready to sleep with the help of time there, so as to increase his strength a little bit through the passage of time.

Of course, this is that the fierce beast of finriel magic bear, who does not cultivate fighting spirit and magic, can increase strength in the zero level. Unless a professional like kukas has a great opportunity, he will never improve his strength by means of perception rules in the zero level.

After seeing off the finriel bear, kukas went directly to the study. Here he gently tapped the transmission array in front of him, and a transparent screen immediately appeared on the transmission array.

The titles of books are listed on the screen. As long as kukas selects them, they will be transmitted through the Dharma array immediately.

"Ash knight." his mind turned and a thought was passed to the Dharma array. The screen on the Dharma array flashed, and then the names of thousands of books appeared. These books are all about the ash knight.

Since only one book could be sent at a time, it took kukas some time to select one of them.

The Dharma array shook and a thick book was quickly transmitted. The book is three feet long, two feet wide and half a foot thick.

The book cover is inlaid with magic metal and carved with various patterns and words to protect the book from long-term preservation.

"Eternal ashes!"

Strange patterns were drawn on the cover of the book with unknown materials. Kukas didn\'t know this pattern at all, but after he instilled a mixture of mind and fighting spirit, the information in the pattern was transmitted to his mind. It was this information that he knew the name of the book.

"It\'s a strange name." his fingers gently touched the heavy book. Kukas didn\'t hurry to open it and watch it, but silently felt the breath contained in it.

The breath in this book is mixed, but each breath is extremely powerful. If he didn\'t have the spirit of fighting with ashes, he believed that these smells alone could easily tear him to pieces. These smells seemed stronger than the legendary ones, but he didn\'t know how strong they were.

This book is the earliest comprehensive book about the ash knight, which describes the knowledge of nearly a thousand legendary ash knights. And one is stronger than the other.

It\'s just a pity for kukas that the book still belongs to the library in the castle. He has no ability to take it.

To make this book permanent, he needs to occupy about 100 seven levels for the abyss alliance. If it is simply copying, he needs to pay 50 bits as a reward.

However, if he has a copy of this book, he only needs to pay a lot of magic crystallization to get it. But those transcripts don\'t have such a strong smell. The value of such books is not even one thousandth of the original.

It is said that this book is written by the souls of those Knights after killing one by one the ash knights. And such an original is estimated to be the only one in the endless void. Of course, if it weren\'t for the all-out war, I\'m afraid kukas would never want to see this book in his life.

I want to take the book to the burning plane for reading, but when I pass through the crack, the book emits a strong breath. The breath shook, but it smoothed the crack he tore with the original power of the plane in an instant.

"This book cannot leave the castle." a strange voice sounded from the book and passed directly to kukas\'s mind: "if there is another time, the book holder will be destroyed."

"Dry!" spit hard, but there was no other way. In desperation, kukas had to start reading the eternal book of ashes in this room.

In fact, the way of reading books is not much different from that of those spell casters. It also needs to consume the strength of mind and self-cultivation, plus the role of some secret spells to read books.

Fortunately, these books are prepared to deal with the war. At first, all kinds of magic traps hidden between the lines have been erased. As long as the reader has enough mind and strength, he can read them all the time. Even if the reader does not know the written text, he can know the meaning contained in it.

When the book opens, the first page is not a preface, but a portrait of a knight. The knight sat on a strange three headed monster with a knight\'s long gun in his hand. This portrait is a portrait of the knight who was killed.

Kukas was not in a hurry to turn to the next page, but immersed himself in the portrait and felt the fluctuation of the breath in the portrait.

His mind was immersed in it, and a large number of pictures emerged one by one in his mind. Many of these pictures are about the most important battle in the knight\'s life. Although these battle pictures are incomplete, even if they are just a glance, kukas still has a lot to gain.

The final picture is that the knight is separated by the fingers of a black robed caster on his forehead, and then the whole person dies silently.

After all the pictures were finished, kukas found that the people who fought with the knight, including what kind of professionals, often fought for a long time. But when it comes to the final death, there is only the space between the black robed caster.

The picture was broken, but the pale fingers in the void could not disperse in kukas\'s mind for a long time.

"What is the existence of such a powerful caster?" kukas came back after a long time.

But after he recovered, he found something more in his mind. A pale finger appeared in his mind out of thin air. The finger slowly absorbed his mind. Although the number was small, the finger was staring at him quickly.

"Damn it." looking at the pale shadow of the fingers without any breath fluctuation, kukas shouted out.

Without any hesitation, he immediately released his mind, and then forcibly cut off the mind around his fingers.

The strong mind turned into a light beam and flew out. In the central area of the light beam, a finger floated up and down. The surrounding mind is constantly pouring in.

With the rotation of his mind, the mind wrapped around his fingers broke violently, and then quietly suspended not far in front of him. The rest of his mind circled in the distance and went back to his body to hide.

After absorbing the remaining mind around, the finger began to dissipate slowly without getting a new supplement.

A pale finger without any fluctuation was suspended in the void for a full day and night, which was completely dissipated. During this period, kukas stood aside and watched silently. He didn\'t dare to go forward and look carefully.

After the pale finger completely dissipated, kukas breathed a long sigh of relief. Only then did he realize that he was sweating all over. "Damn it, a man who doesn\'t know how many years he has died can condense part of his limbs by virtue of a virtual shadow in the picture. How powerful is he?"

He was afraid. If he hadn\'t sobered up from the perception of those pictures in time, I\'m afraid the broken finger would have absorbed all his mind. At that time, he, the ash knight who had just been promoted to level 8, would become a nutrient for the resurrection of a powerful existence without even having time to bloom. At the thought of these, he was more cautious about this book.