Abyss Knight

Chapter 602

"Leave here, I won\'t make a deal with anyone." kukas grinned coldly. Not many minds were madly instilled into the palace, and the contraction speed of the palace was faster.

"You will regret it, I said in the name of the oldest king."

"That\'s what will happen in the future. In the past, when I was down, you didn\'t come to deal with me, but wanted to occupy my body. Now you come to deal with me, and you think I\'m easy to bully?"

The soul turned around, reached out and grabbed the palace reduced to the size of a fist, fiercely stuffed it into his mouth, and then Baji a few times. His mouth tasted the taste: "but there is no time."

When his mind turned, kukas\'s soul opened his eyes fiercely, and a golden light gushed out of his eyes. The golden light distorted the space, in which words and images swam away. After the golden light revolved around the whole fighting space, it slowly dissipated the trace.

The ancient Knight words sounded from his mouth. With the ancient and mysterious voice, a large number of twisted patterns appeared on kukas\'s soul. These twisted patterns were all composed of images of his previous life and present life. Finally, these patterns flowed along his body like water, and finally gathered on his left arm.

"Today\'s ash Knight kukas tore his soul, evolved an ancient secret method and achieved a dark separation."

The voice of the soul reciting the ancient words became stronger and stronger. Finally, kukas\'s soul tore off his left arm and threw it on the altar not far away.

"Boom!" the broken soul fragment fell on the altar, and suddenly hundreds of millions of thunder and fire appeared out of thin air in the whole fighting space. The thunder and fire swam away and hit the altar like raindrops.

Under the impact of hundreds of millions of thunder and fire, a golden vortex emerged on the altar. The vortex turned and instantly rolled in the hundreds of millions of thunder and fire and the soul fragments.

On the altar in the middle of the chamber of secrets, the chained finriel demon bear wailed, and suddenly a fist sized hole appeared above his head. Then I saw a thunder and fire fly out of it and hit it hard on the head.

"Bang!" only the soul could hear the roar. The next moment, part of kukas\'s mind and spirit source accompanied the soul fragment into the demon bear on the altar.

The powerful soul directly evolved into a bald evil man in the demon bear\'s mind. The evil man, with a stick in his hand, was like a crazy devil, tearing all kinds of creatures evolved unconsciously by the demon bear\'s mind. At the same time, the rotation of the Dharma array on the altar accelerated.

In bursts of roar, hundreds of millions of golden lights were hooked out of the void. These golden lights mixed kukas\'s consciousness, and then pierced into the demon bear. After a few breaths, the millions of golden light wrapped the whole mind and consciousness of the magic bear.

The grinding plate of the evolution of soul fragments and billions of golden lights intertwined with each other, but in just a few breathing times, the mind of the magic bear was forcibly polished into nothingness.

Soul fragments took root in the demon bear\'s mind, and hundreds of millions of gold lights either turned into gold pillars or huge gold bricks. The gold pillars fell to the ground and the gold bricks staggered. It was just a moment. A golden palace appeared in the mind of the magic bear out of thin air, and then wrapped up the soul fragments of kukas.

The murderous consciousness bumped into the golden palace from all directions, and the palace turned, forcibly polishing these murderous consciousness.

"Go!" kukas\'s body and soul fragments shouted silently at the same time. Then he saw the palace in the mind of the magic bear take off out of thin air, and then turn into a golden light to tear the endless darkness, but in an instant, the palace appeared over a gray black pool.

The fall of the palace hit the pool like a meteor. Then countless golden vines were drilled under the palace. These vines drilled into the pool and devoured the liquid in the pool madly.

The finriel demon bear lying on the altar struggled frantically. The body forced by the chain made a burst of noise, and then began to slowly increase.

"The last struggle? You have the ancient blood of the finrier wolf, but you can\'t use it. Today, you let me occupy your body and become my mount to achieve my power. When I kill the four sides in the future, I can leave your name in the endless empty air. It\'s much better than you bending in a cage. It\'s such a great honor , if you don\'t thank me, I want to resist. It\'s really stupid. "

Kukas shook his head and waited for a long time before he figured out this paragraph. After a speech, the guy touched his bald head, but he felt very good. "Ha ha! It seems that I am not a clumsy talker, but a clever talker."

Bursts of strange laughter, the bald evil man roared, his huge body jumped to the magic bear, and then his right hand was held high. The palm the size of a PU fan instilled a lot of fighting spirit and hit the magic bear on the back.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" he waved his arms and hit the demon bear on the back like rain. Under this series of slaps, the body of the finriel magic bear, which had just expanded a little, was like an air leaking balloon, and began to shrink a little.

The body is suppressed by the outside world, and the body of the magic bear increases. At the same time, his soul fragments also encounter problems in the mind of the magic bear.

It turned out that the palace fell in the gray black pool, which was originally the origin of the fighting spirit or magic space evolved by the fenlil magic bear in the future. At the same time, this pool is also the basis of evolutionary mind.

The golden vines under the palace madly pumped the liquid from the pool, but fundamentally cut off the consciousness of the finrier magic bear, so that kukas could better control the body of the magic bear.

When two-thirds of the gray liquid in the pool was extracted by the palace, the liquid under the pool suddenly rolled up, accompanied by a sad roar, and a breath of destruction rushed up from the bottom of the pool.

The breath of destruction turned into a poisonous snake and hit the palace fiercely. Just for a moment, it twisted all the vines spreading under the palace into nothingness. The poisonous snake wound around the palace and kept shrinking, suppressing the palace and making bursts of crackling noises.

"Roar!" the pool water separated from the left and right, and then a wolf with an infinite smell of destruction came out of the pool step by step.

When the wolf opened his eyes, two beams of light condensed by the breath of destruction erupted from his eyes, stained on the palace condensed by hundreds of millions of golden lights, and stubbornly left two huge holes in it. The edge area of the hole is surrounded by the smell of destruction, which erodes the whole palace bit by bit.

"It\'s just a shadow of blood. After hundreds of millions of years, you finrier wolf is no longer powerful, and now you can\'t run the world again. In the past, I could use your bones as materials for promotion, but today I can also kill you. Your blood shadow." the arrogant voice sounded from the broken palace, but kukas immediately cast his secret arts when he saw the situation, He forcibly instilled immeasurable mind into the soul fragments in the palace.

This soul fragment is full of power immediately after getting a lot of mind. Then it evolved into a bald evil man carrying a huge siege hammer and came out of the broken palace.

The golden light on the soul fragment soared into the air and turned into an unreal flame around him. The smell of destruction surged around the wolf, and a burning flame shadow also formed around his body.

"Roar!" the shadow of the gray wolf in finrier is just a little power left in the blood. In those days, the wolf was so powerful that he devoured the plane and hunted the gods. His strength almost reached the peak of his era.

Although he died in the end, his remaining mind projected his life\'s experience of killing and destruction and instilled it into his descendants. After the passage of countless years, the power of the projection of consciousness in the descendants has weakened a little. Up to now, although the virtual shadow is still ferocious, it doesn\'t even have the power of one hundred million of the noumenon when it ran around the world. Otherwise, with the breath of the wolf alone, the soul fragments of kukas can be crushed into nothingness in an instant.

The soul fragment fights with the gray wolf virtual shadow. The fight between the two sides is extremely cruel and simple. The wolf\'s body crossed an arc in the air. It was clearly to kill kukas to the left, but at last it tore up his right limb.

Kukas couldn\'t react to the strange shaking of his body at first. In the end, he dissipated the siege hammer directly. When the wolf bit him, he turned a lot of mind consciousness into a big net to stop the movement of the wolf.

Although it was only a moment, it was enough for him to tear a virtual shadow off the wolf\'s body and eat it.

One is the rootless source, and the other has a lot of spiritual support. The longer the struggle between the two sides, the weaker the virtual shadow of the finrier gray wolf.

It roared, but because of its strength, it could only bite like the simplest beast.

He grabbed the wolf\'s head with his big hands and rubbed the wolf\'s head into a ball with his hands.

He opened his mouth and swallowed the spot. The wolf shook his body and a head came out again, but kukas caught him again in an instant.

So repeatedly, finally, the gray wolf virtual shadow completely disappeared from the magic bear\'s mind.

Some scattered information began to appear in kukas\'s soul after kukas ate the gray wolf\'s virtual shadow. However, because it forcibly occupied the demon bear\'s body, the gray wolf did not recognize kukas\'s identity, so these inheritance are extremely scattered and fragmented, and the quality of information contained therein is also extremely low. However, these are unexpected gains. Although they are few, they still satisfy kukas.