Abyss Knight

Chapter 601

There are fewer and fewer light spots emerging from the space. In the end, when there is no light spot branded on the soul, the whole soul looks like a real person, but the eyes are not half flexible and look very dull.

When the secret method was used, the remaining source of mind and spirit flew out of the deepest part of the altar. This soul origin looks small, like a golden light mass the size of a baby\'s fist. The light regiment danced over the altar, drew the gray and cyan fighting spirit around, and began to condense ancient Knight words.

These Knight characters are connected from beginning to end to form a small Dharma array over the altar. When the Dharma array was formed, all the sources of mind and spirit were integrated into the Dharma array.

For a time, the Dharma array trembled, the golden light flickered, and countless illusory images flew out of it. These images include the picture of the bald Taoist carrying the dust to kill men, women, old and young, and the picture of the bald Knight breaking other people\'s heads.

Just a few moments, thousands of pictures appeared and burst, and the golden array continued to shrink and turned into a streamer, which instantly integrated into the soul that looked very dull.

The mind and Dharma array integrated into the soul, and suddenly a murderous spirit rose into the sky. The killing breath drilled out of the head of the soul, condensed into a scarlet light column, and hit the top of the fighting space heavily.

"Boom!" a heavy thunder sounded. The next moment, the top of the light column broke and turned into countless light bands, falling from the top like a fountain.

The scarlet light band fell on the earth of the fighting space and instantly evolved into lotus flowers. The lotus blossomed, and a figure came down from each lotus.

These figures are male and female, old and young, some are full of killing breath, and some look ferocious, and some look like ordinary people; Some are pitiful, others are ferocious and hateful; Some cry in a low voice, others laugh.

Countless figures and thousands of images are different. Some were wearing robes and carrying swords and steel knives, and others were wearing armor and carrying spears and shields.

When you look carefully, it is the image of all the people killed in kukas\'s previous life and this life.

The red light on his head dissipated, but kukas\'s mind was completely integrated into his soul. He turned his head and looked around. When he saw all kinds of strange figures, the evil man giggled.

"Demon monk, I\'ll kill you to avenge my sister!" a handsome boy jumped from the lotus nearest to kukas. The boy carried a sword, wore a brown suit, pinched the sword formula, shook his body into a wisp of green smoke and stabbed kukas in the head.

After him, more people were ready to rush up and kill him. But they could only walk down the lotus and move on, but they were imprisoned by the halo emitted by the lotus.

"Ha ha! What? You\'re not convinced? I could kill you in my previous life and this life, and now I can kill you all." kukas shook his head and came forward with a dust brush in his hand and threw it at the young man: "Want to avenge your sister? Ha ha! But you will never have a chance. Your sister was disabled by me long ago and was finally thrown into the brothel as a red card. Then go there to find her quickly! I can\'t say you can have a brother sister relationship!" kukas Gaga smiled strangely and knew the gratitude and resentment between the boy and himself from the soul in an instant.

After a few fights, the dust in his hand changed violently and became a hammer to attack the city.

The huge siege hammer shook up and down and smashed the boy in a few times.

When the young man died, the red lotus that evolved him suddenly appeared behind kukas, and then the red lotus broke into a red light and twisted on his back.

Then other figures came up to fight with him, and kukas was not timid, and he could not be timid. He just waved his Warhammer and killed one figure after another. Every time he killed one, a new lotus was born, and then came out of a new figure to wait to fight with him.

Kill tens of millions. I don\'t know how long it has been. No red lotus has been born in the soul space. Kukas\'s soul has been killed crazy.

The scarlet light twisted and wriggled on his back, sometimes into the shape of monsters and demons, sometimes into seven distorted images, sometimes into strange buildings. These red lights flickered, but they could not be shaped.

One figure after another is killed by him. The more they go to the back, the longer they fight. In the end, it often takes several times as long to kill one figure as the previous one.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" kukas\'s soul roared wildly. A trace of killing breath was nourished from the depths of his soul, but these killing breath was rolled in by the red light on his back before it was integrated into his soul.

"Bang!" when the last figure broke his head by the suddenly changed dust brush, all the red lotus in the whole fighting space disappeared. The red light on his back suddenly paused, and then continued to twist and wriggle.

However, the speed of change at this time is dozens or even hundreds of times slower than before, and every time a shape disappears, it will never appear again.

In the end, the red light on the back of his soul split into two, one is seven distorted images, and the other is a slowly rotating palace.

The two images collide constantly, trying to swallow each other. But they are evenly matched, and no one can do anything.

"Ha ha! I finally survived." it took a long time for the soul caught in the crazy killing to wake up. When he found that the whole space was empty and there were no other images except himself, the whole person suddenly relaxed.

Aware of the struggle between the two images on his back, he was confused at first, but he immediately found the origin of the two things from the depths of his soul.

It turned out that the distorted seven images were the secret method formed when he practiced evil fighting in the world, and the gorgeous palace was the strongest secret method manifestation at the peak of his previous life.

Now, the two secrets of previous life and present life are displayed in his soul at the same time. At this time, he needs to carefully select one and then choose one as the carrier to integrate the other. Of course, he can also allow the manifestation of the two mysteries to fight and integrate themselves, but in that way, it will take longer, and after the integration, it will weaken some strength due to the struggle between each other.

After carefully considering the effects of these two secrets, kukas quickly made a judgment. A little mind integrated into the soul actively threw itself into the palace.

The next moment, the palace soared and swallowed the seven distorted images. Of course, this is not because the seven distorted images are not as powerful as the power of the palace, but he clearly knows that the seven distorted images actually represent the seven mighty abyss kings in the world.

In order to clear away the hidden dangers in his body, he had to give up the seven images. Even if their killing methods are far more powerful than palaces.

After swallowing seven distorted images, the palace began to shrink. Every contraction circle, there are sad shouts from the palace, but the seven images are fighting against the swallowing and melting of the palace.

When the palace, which is three or five times larger than the soul of kukas, was shrunk to the size of an adult, suddenly a powerful smell full of killing was released from the palace. With this smell, some black smoke emerged from the seven images. The smoke hit the interior of the palace, trying to tear and erode the whole palace.

"King of the abyss? This is my place. Here, even if you are the king, you don\'t want to turn out any waves." feeling the destruction in the palace, kukas giggled, but he didn\'t pay any attention to the struggle in the palace.

"Ha ha! Knight! Don\'t think you are safe now. I can feel that you are sliding into the abyss. One day, I will see you in the abyss. At that time, you will regret the decision you made today." a strange voice came from the palace.

"When I step into the abyss, no one can stop me, even a king like you." kukas sneered: "the endless abyss will be the place under kukas\'s control, and you kings must submit to me."

Immersed in his soul, he got not only some memories of his previous life, but also a vague feeling of his contempt for the world in the future of his previous life.

Just now, when he merged into his soul, he knew that his previous life was just when he was practicing secret Dharma. Without knowing it, he condensed a soul projection. As a result, the soul projection appeared in this world and made him kukas. He always thought that in his previous life, there was another one where he fought against all the powerful people in the world, and finally set foot on the peak and despised the world.

"Arrogance!" the king\'s voice sounded from the palace, of course, only from the palace. Because the seven distorted images as the carrier are all firmly trapped by the palace. Although the king is extremely powerful, he can\'t cross countless planes and project his power into kukas\'s fighting space. Even if he can project it, the carrier can\'t bear it and will collapse in an instant.

"Arrogance is not arrogance, not what you say, but what I think." kukas smiled grimly, but constantly instilled his mind into the palace.

The palace, supported by his mind, contracted faster. However, in just a few breathing times, in a burst of creaking noise, the palace abruptly shrunk by about half. "How about we make a deal? As the oldest king in the endless abyss, I will pay you enough." the king\'s voice sounded again.