Abyss Knight

Chapter 600

Hanging upside down on the belly of the fierce beast, he just waved and hit three or five fists. The body of the fierce beast has shrunk to no more than ten feet. A few punches hit it, just let the fierce beast shake a little.

In a strange cry, the speed of finriel magic bear suddenly increased several times because of its reduced size. I saw the dark shadow flashing in the air, constantly hitting kukas. Claws across the void, even tearing out palm sized cracks in mid air.

"Interesting, ha ha! But I like it very much." kukas giggled and waved his fists to fight with the demon bear.

For a time, two huge shadows in this space kept shaking, sometimes crossed, sometimes bumped head-on and flew out upside down. One man and one beast are killing madly here.

He slapped the demon bear, and the demon bear left a wound on him. Flesh and blood turned out. Fortunately, his physical skills recovered very quickly. However, after more than ten breathing times, the wound that could expose white bones healed. Some pale silver blood also shook along the muscle and rolled back into the wound.

One person and one beast collide madly in this space. Almost every collision will be hard on each other.

At first, kukas was in high spirits and felt that he had infinite strength to subdue the fierce beast, but over time, he gradually felt the difficulty.

In order to subdue the fierce beast, he did not use fighting spirit. Therefore, no matter how powerful his own strength is, it is difficult to compete with the fierce beast for a long time. In particular, the fierce beast also has the legendary finlear wolf blood.

The body flew backward again and hit the wall heavily. This time, the fierce beast left a foot long crack in his chest, which was exposed on the pale gold bone, and a trace of white mark appeared on the bone. But it was left by the claws of the fierce beast.

"Lord Knight!" a staff member on the platform shouted. During this magical time of kukas\'s struggle, he was frightened and always afraid of accidents. Now, seeing that kukas was smashed once and thrown out by the fierce beast, I couldn\'t help but cry out.

Although the cry was not very loud, it sounded like thunder in kukas\'s ears and woke him up from the crazy struggle.

"Ha ha! I didn\'t expect that I also had brain and disability." kukas was a little stunned. His mind turned. Dozens of thoughts flashed through his mind, but he understood the fundamental reason why he came here.

"What I want is not a mount that completely tames me, but a powerful mount. It doesn\'t matter whether the mount is subject to me or not. What I want is a ferocious and powerful mount. Even if it is not subject to me, I have a secret way to use it."

It was this idea that woke kukas up. Wake up and think back to the time when he fought with the fierce beast for more than one magic with his physical strength, which made him feel funny. However, he also knew that the fight that had not changed just now was not his original intention, but because of his resentment that he would be sent to the front line as cannon fodder soon after he was promoted to level 8.

At this time, although a fight wasted a lot of time, it reduced the resentment in his heart. Although this resentment will not bring him any harm, it can slowly erode his mind until one day, it suddenly erupts in his mind and makes him a madman who kills madly at a certain point in time.

The reduction of resentment not only enabled him to look at some things more calmly, but also made him find the resentment he didn\'t know at first. Therefore, he was wary of it and saved him from any big trouble in the future.

Full of dead ashes, fighting spirit wrapped around his arms. This time, he waved his fist and hit the fenrier demon bear one after another. Every time, a trace of ash fighting spirit was injected into the demon bear, and then began to erode its flesh and even bones.

The erosion of this fighting spirit made the finriel magic bear scream wildly. But in front of kukas, it gradually weakened.

Bang! One punch hit the devil bear on the head. With this punch, the devil bear\'s head has been hit by him dozens of times. A large number of ashes began to erode its head. Even if it had no wisdom, it knew that it was in danger. Therefore, with a shrill cry, the demon bear turned over and lay on the ground with his limbs facing the sky, revealing his relatively soft abdomen on it.

Seeing that the demon bear showed his belly, kukas knew that he had temporarily surrendered. But looking at the red eyes of the demon bear, I also understand that the other party is only a temporary surrender. If you want it to surrender forever, unless he uses simple power, the magic bear will never surrender completely. Generally speaking, no professional will regard it as a mount. When fighting with the enemy, the mount suddenly turns back, and then brings destruction to himself.

Although he saw that the fierce beast didn\'t really surrender to himself, kukas didn\'t care at all. All he wants is for the fierce beast to surrender to himself temporarily.

The wrist shook, a gray chain flew out of his arm, wrapped around the neck of the finriel magic bear, then retracted the chain, roughly dragged the fierce beast to the crystal table in mid air.

"It\'s done, send me out." kukas ignored the ash fighting spirit in the fierce beast demon bear, but allowed the demon bear to melt a little with its own strength, but refused to come forward to clean up and help.

"My Lord, this fierce beast is not really tamed." the staff quickly glanced at the finlear magic bear, and then quickly made a judgment with their many years of experience. He thought that kukas had made a wrong judgment, so he said this.

"Not tamed? Your eye saw that it was not tamed by me?" kukas narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly. His fierce eyes glanced at the demon bear, who quickly lay on the ground and twisted his body, making funny movements to show that he had been subdued.

"Knight," the staff member\'s eyes wandered between kukas and the magic bear rolling on the ground. Even if the demon bear rolls on the ground and makes a flattering appearance, he still sees endless ferocity and resentment from the demon bear\'s eyes. This ferocity and resentment means that as soon as it regains its combat effectiveness, it will not hesitate to rebel.

"There is a legend that as long as no one really tames the fierce beast, no one is allowed to take it away."

Having summoned up the courage, the staff member breathed a long sigh of relief, then sat down on the crystal platform and stopped talking.

"If you think I haven\'t tamed this fierce beast, I don\'t mind showing you the way I control it." kukas frowned slightly, but he was very upset after listening to the staff.

Having said this, he stretched out his hand and pointed to another worker who was paralyzed on the ground. Although the fierce beast rolling aside waiting for the opportunity was unwilling, he rushed up quickly, opened his mouth and bit the staff member\'s head. But the head didn\'t eat it, but was vomited out by it.

"Knight!" the staff member swallowed his saliva when he saw the end of his peers. Finally, he had no choice but to lower his head and stop talking.

"Let\'s go! Don\'t waste time here." after touching the bald head, kukas backhand gathered ashes and fiercely hit the fierce beast\'s head, but he noticed that the number of fighting spirit in the fierce beast\'s head decreased. To suppress it, that\'s why I did it.

The staff member opened his mouth and wanted to say something more, but when he saw kukas\'s ferocious eyes, he sighed secretly, but he opened the Dharma array and passed him and kukas out. Of course, he can not start the transmission of the Dharma array, but in that case, he thinks he will be bitten off his head by the fierce beast and die worthless. And this space can not trap an eighth level professional who has lived here for a long time. More importantly, the legend will never care about his life and death.

A light rose into the sky. In the next moment, kukas dragged the finlear magic bear out of the Warcraft prison and appeared in a huge transmission array in the castle.

After grabbing a handful of magic crystals and throwing them to the staff member, kukas forcibly dragged the fierce beast towards his residence.

After he got the residence permission of the castle, the magic system assigned him rooms directly. According to the tips on the keepsake scroll, he soon came to his residence.

The residence is located in the last corner of the whole castle. There are few people living here, and the conditions are worse than the central area of the castle. However, kukas didn\'t care about this, because the living conditions were just a little poor, and there was no difference in other aspects from those living in the central area.

Although the residence is a little humble, with the support of magic and through the construction of space law array, the space inside is still very huge. The whole residence is divided into study, secret room, dining room and bedroom.

It is worth mentioning here that there is a small transmission array in the study and restaurant except the bedroom and secret room. Through the small transmission array, residents can get what they want without leaving the room.

For example, as long as the owner inputs the type of books he wants into a magic crystal, a large number of book directories will appear. Then, after selecting the books, but for dozens of breathing time, the books will be directly transmitted through the transmission array.

Through the sign on the scroll, kukas entered his room smoothly.

After carefully checking all the items in the room and all kinds of forbidden Dharma arrays on the wall, kukas directly dragged the nefarir magic bear into the secret room for latent cultivation.

The secret room is very large, with a radius of more than 100 feet, and a special altar in the center. The altar was made by Alchemy. After the Dharma array and characters are carved on it, after the master opens the secret Dharma, the carved things will disappear and the whole altar will return to its original appearance.

He slapped dozens of times on the head of the Nefarian demon bear, and a large number of ashes were madly instilled into it.

The finriel demon bear let out a whine, then paralyzed on the ground and stopped moving.

"Pretend to be dead? It falls into my hands. Even if you don\'t pretend to be dead, I\'ll kill you." looking at the fallen demon bear, kukas grinned, but urged more fighting spirit into the chain. The chain spread and wound the crazy wriggling of the finriel magic bear. However, after a breath, the magic bear was firmly bound.

At this time, the finriel magic bear realized that it was bad, but it was too late to resist.

It turned out that the chain was not just a chain condensed with fighting spirit, but a chain that had been absorbed in kukas\'s arm and wrapped around it after it became manifest. This chain is very strong, which contains countless miracles. Until now, kukas still hasn\'t fully discovered the use of the chain and the yoke at the other end of the chain.

After a lot of fighting spirit is instilled into the chain, use the secret method to urge the chain, and the creatures entangled by the chain will temporarily disappear fighting spirit and power. And this time will continue until the chain disappears.

It can be said that since kukas was promoted to the eighth level, all the power of those who were entangled in his chains would disappear. Unless you don\'t let the chain touch your skin, or you burst the chain before that.

After besieging the finriel demon bear, kukas began to carve some words and simple Dharma array structure on the huge altar.

The structure of the Dharma array is very simple, but a few lines outline a six pointed star Dharma array. The carving of words took him a lot of time.

Thousands of ancient Knight characters were carved in the center of the six pointed star array. Special words correspond to special directions and special sentences correspond to a certain line. He often has to write again because of his writing mistakes. Fortunately, the altar can be restored by itself, otherwise I don\'t know how many materials he needs to spend to complete the work.

After the last ancient Knight words were written, the six pointed star Dharma array on the whole altar began to operate on its own without any external force.

A trace of light emitting the breath of death passed from the altar. After these breath of death condensed into a substantial vortex in the air, kukas quickly threw the fierce beast into the vortex.

Perhaps aware of the danger, the fierce beast struggled madly in kukas\'s hands, expanding its body, trying to escape the entanglement of the chain. But under the instillation of kukas\'s massive fighting spirit, the chain kept tightening and forcibly suppressed the fenlil magic bear to the size of a baby.

The baby sized magic bear made a sad roar, condensed into a real evil smell, and rushed up from its head. Instead of tearing the void, the evil breath condensed into substance crashed directly into the dead vortex on the altar.

The evil breath collided with the vortex, not only did not break the vortex, but was absorbed by the vortex and completely assimilated.

"Delusional struggle, but it\'s useless." looking at the struggling magic bear in his hand, kukas giggled: "don\'t worry, I will make good use of you, and I will never make you weak. Believe me, I will definitely do better than you, and better than your parents."

"Go! You need a little sacrifice for my strength. Well, it\'s just a sacrifice of your soul."

With a strange laugh, kukas threw the magic bear into the vortex.

As soon as the demon bear fell into the vortex, kukas also shouted fiercely. He saw his mind condensed into a substantial beam of light and followed the demon bear into the vortex.

As soon as the mind was put into the vortex, there was an endless breath of silence squeezed madly from all directions. These smells did not squeeze his mind together, but crushed it.

In a short breathing time, in addition to a little mind source, it still remains in the noumenon, at home and abroad, and all other minds are invested into the vortex.

After this, kukas didn\'t stop. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he urged a few original powers of mind and spirit to directly display his secret skills in the fighting space and began to summon his soul.

Before he became the eighth order, although he could occasionally feel the fluctuation of the breath of the soul, he never noticed where the soul was hiding. But now, after he achieved the eighth level, he used the secret method and soon found the location of his soul.

When the altar rotates, a light cyan figure emerges from the center of the altar. The figure is extremely blurred. After it emerges on the altar, it rotates by itself, looming and looming, as if it would be broken at any time.

"Is this my soul? Why is it so weak?" kukas was very surprised to have such a weak soul because it was the first time to use this secret method. In his opinion, as an eighth order knight, although his strength may be weak due to lack of inheritance, he didn\'t expect his soul to be so weak.

However, when he was confused, a large light spot suddenly appeared in the huge fighting space. These light spots appeared out of thin air. After they appeared, they were accompanied by the rotation of the altar, and then slowly attached to the virtual shadow of the soul in the center of the altar.

Every time there was a light spot attached to the virtual shadow of the soul, kukas felt that there seemed to be a little more in his mind, but he felt it carefully as if there was nothing more.

A large number of light spots are branded on it, and the virtual shadow of the whole soul solidifies in an extremely rapid way. Maybe it was a few breathing times, maybe dozens of magic hours. The virtual shadow of the soul on the altar was completely solidified, and there was no light curtain in the surrounding space.

The condensed soul is not a ferocious bald man, but a bald Taoist wearing a Taoist robe and carrying a duster.

"It was my appearance in another world." looking at the very familiar bald Taoist, kukas couldn\'t help laughing: "I thought I was integrated into this world, but I didn\'t expect it was just self deception."