Abyss Knight

Chapter 599

Just when the rulers of the castle ordered to kill some people, kukas still chose his own mount in the Warcraft cage.

The patterns and brief introductions of Warcraft and monsters flashed before his eyes. Just after scanning the brief introductions of these creatures, kukas was not interested in them.

The staff waiting on the side saw that kukas looked unhappy, so he swallowed his saliva and went forward and said in a deep voice: "Knight, what kind of Mount do you want? I can help you choose."

"You\'ve hidden something from me?" kukas narrowed his eyes, wrists trembled, chains trembled, and the staff at the other end of the chains screamed, but he still couldn\'t say a word.

"Well, absolutely not. It\'s just that this magic screen has some search functions. Well, you can use these search functions to find what you want." the staff member swallowed his saliva and looked at his peers at the other end of the chain. "Just now, my Lord was worried. I didn\'t have time to say."

"Well, help me search! The conditions are ferocious, well, extremely ferocious." kukas said, and the staff quickly played on the magic screen.

"It also needs strong strength and super endurance."

"Sir, do you have any special requirements?" the staff member took a hard breath and asked softly. There are countless kinds of mounts in the Warcraft cage. There are more than a thousand kinds that meet the conditions mentioned by kukas just now.

"Ferocious, the most ferocious." kukas patted his bald head and grinned strangely: "no special requirements, as long as it is ferocious enough."

"OK, there\'s a fierce beast here. It\'s said that it has the blood of wild and fierce beasts in ancient times. It just can\'t break out and release magic. It just has some power. And its movement speed is a little slow compared with others." the staff member thought a little, but finally clenched his teeth and remembered a fierce beast that has been detained here for decades.

When the fierce beast declined in a position decades ago, it was caught by some high-level professionals with secret methods. Although the fierce beast is extremely strong, it is ferocious by nature. No one can tame it at all. It is said that a legend once tried to tame it without success. On the contrary, under the carelessness of the legend, he was bitten by the fierce beast.

Later, the legend was angry and forcibly suppressed the fierce beast here. At intervals, the blood of the fierce beast was drawn for some experiments, and it would not stop until its owner appeared.

"It\'s best to let the fierce beast eat you when taming the fierce beast." the staff fantasized fiercely.

"Take me there." kukas couldn\'t help moving when he heard the speech. Although he was still a little dissatisfied after watching the shape and some introductions of the fierce beast, he didn\'t bother to be picky after considering that he had no other choice.

Open the small transmission array, and the two and a half corpses appear over a secret room in an instant. They stood on a crystal platform above the secret room. Through the crystal platform, they could see the fierce beast curled up below.

The shape of this fierce beast is not much different from the black bear kukas saw before, but it\'s a little bigger. The whole body is black, but through the data, kukas knows that under the black hair are palm sized scales. Although those scales are not dragon or Asian dragon, they are no less hard than Dragon scales.

Finlear magic bear: it is said that in ancient times, a land black bear mated with finlear gray wolf and unexpectedly gave birth to seven or eight cubs. One of the cubs ate his brothers and sisters, even his mother. The offspring left by this little bear are called finriel magic bear.

The finriel demon bear imprisoned here is not yet an adult, but even so, it still has a tall body of seven or eight feet. And when it grows up, although it can\'t walk in the void like the finrier wolf, one foot at a time, it can at least reach tens of thousands of feet tall. At that time, it can be regarded as a behemoth.

Kukas soon had the idea of dealing with the finriel demon bear. But before that, he must subdue the magic bear. Only in this way can he continue his next plan.

To subdue the finriel demon bear, kukas must go down and fight it alone. Of course, it\'s easy for ordinary Warcraft to subdue them under the action of some secrets and prohibitions, but the fenlil magic bear is different.

If you want to subdue this demon bear, only the challenger\'s own simple strength can subdue it. If you use power such as fighting spirit or other secret law prohibition in the process of surrender, it will not surrender even if you defeat it.

Dior jumped down from the crystal table with the chain in his hand and threw himself directly at the head of the Nefarian demon bear. Although the demon bear curled up on the ground and was sleeping, he woke up at the moment when kukas swooped down.

"Roar!" with a strange cry, the demon bear fiercely raised his head and roared. At the same time, it waved a huge bear\'s paw and took it at kukas.

A sharp claw came out of the bear\'s paw. The claw crossed the space and even caused a slight distortion in the space. You should know that this is a special area. Ordinary eighth level professionals can\'t tear space here, even a space distortion. In front of him, the fenlia magic bear pounced on him, but it easily caused space distortion. Such a powerful force surprised and delighted kukas.

Surprisingly, the power of the magic bear is beyond my imagination. I am glad that the magic bear is strong. It also represents that I will be strong after I tame it.

The palm the size of a PU fan shook in the air, and then collided with the bear\'s paw.

With a dull sound, kukas felt himself slapping on a rock eroded by magic power over countless years. The powerful rebound force spread wildly into his body along his arm.

The muscles trembled, and his huge body twisted into various postures in mid air. Every time he changed his posture, a powerful force poured out of his body. These forces crashed into the air and made strange noises.

He moved his body in the air for dozens of times, and finally fell heavily on the wall. A large number of prohibitions and Dharma arrays appeared, which immediately bounced him out again. Fortunately, these prohibitions and Dharma arrays have no lethality, otherwise he would have been killed by the prohibitions Dharma array before he did anything about the magic bear.

With the power of prohibition, he quickly adjusted himself in the air, and then attacked the black bear\'s back again.

The finriel demon bear has no wisdom, but makes a killing attack by relying on his instinct. Before kukas appeared behind his head, the demon bear noticed it.

The huge body twisted violently, and the huge head hit kukas like a meteorite falling from the sky.

His arms were staggered in an oblique cross shape, and his muscles shook with a special frequency. The next moment, he waved out fiercely, and his two arms slashed the devil bear\'s head like two giant war knives.

Bang! There was another muffled sound. Without any accident, kukas\'s body flew out backwards again. But this time, the demon bear also suffered under the violent impact just now.

There were two bare gullies on the huge head, revealing lacquer black scales. The gully was left by kukas\'s arms pumping the hair off his body.

Shaking his head several times, the fenlia magic bear roared sadly. Being hurt to this extent with simple power, in its memory, only the legend who bit off a finger by it can do it. I didn\'t expect that decades later, someone could let it taste this pain again with simple physical strength.

Crazy killing consciousness surged in its unsightly head. At this moment, it just wanted to eat the reptile that hurt it.

With a roar, the finriel demon bear moved his huge body and rushed at kukas who flew backwards like lightning. In mid air, it stood upright, and two huge bear paws slapped down from left to right, but it wanted to pat the reptile into meat sauce.

"Relying solely on strength, even if you are a fierce beast, I don\'t care." kukas quickly twisted his body in mid air, drew a strange arc, and instantly separated from the bear\'s paw, while his body also fell on the demon bear\'s arm.

His feet fell on the bear\'s arms and ran quickly. With each step, a violent force erupted from under his feet through muscle concussion. After each step, the black hair on the foot burst and exposed dark scales.

He collapsed and ran wildly, but in a moment, kukas\'s body appeared next to the head of the magic bear.

Raise your hands high and beat them crazy.

Bang! Bang! Bang! A series of thunderous sounds continued, and the palm of the palm the size of the Pu fan patted dozens of times in the same position in just a few moments.

Black hair smashed, scales cracked, and golden blood erupted like a fountain.

At this time, kukas did not take the opportunity to expand the results, but suddenly stepped back, jumped down from the head of the magic bear, and then turned upside down and appeared in the belly of the black bear.

The flow of blood made the black bear completely crazy. It made a strange cry and began to shrink rapidly. At the same time, he waved his palm and drew towards his ear, but kukas was aware of the danger, so he turned over and hid in his abdomen.