Abyss Knight

Chapter 598

"I scolded you next door." kukas roared fiercely, grabbed the staff member\'s head, and then smashed it on the table in front of him.

Bang! With a dull noise, the head of the staff member was squeezed by kukas and broke the table in front of him.

The staff member only felt dizzy and his whole head was buzzing. He didn\'t wake up for a while: "dare you hit me?"


It\'s good that he didn\'t speak. At this speech, kukas\'s suppressed anger completely broke out: "what are you? I\'ll not only beat you, but also kill you; I\'ll also kill the whole family and the position where you, mom and are. I want to see that the garbage plane gave birth to your brain disability."

"Extortion is on my head. If I don\'t give you some color today, I won\'t be called kukas." the bald evil man was angry, grabbed the staff member with a ferocious face, held it high, waved his big hand around, and slapped it on the staff member\'s face.

Two slaps down, only the man\'s cheeks swelled, and his teeth fell from his mouth like fried beans. Kukas was merciful, or he would blow his whole head out with a slap.

"A small receptionist, but also extortion, grass, I let you extort."

He slapped his opponent twice, threw him to the ground with his backhand, and then took a step forward and stepped on his arm. Under his feet, GA bounced and made a crisp noise, which trampled his arm into meat sauce.

Still unhappy, he raised his foot and crushed the staff member\'s limbs. Then he pulled a chain and pierced it into his shoulder blade. In this way, he pulled the chain and waved it wildly on the ground.

The sudden change stunned everyone around. None of them thought that the man who had just been well would do such a crazy thing like a devil. For a moment, everyone was silent and quietly watching kukas\'s madness.

The staff member just wailed on the ground and opened his mouth, but he couldn\'t say a clear word.

After waving the chain a few times, kukas\'s anger decreased slightly, but he still didn\'t let each other go. Instead, he carried the chain and let the staff lie on the ground and drag towards the castle.

"Trouble, trouble, what should I do? Get out of this position quickly!" the professional who first persuaded kukas reacted at this time. He came up to chase kukas and whispered persuasion.

"Ha ha! Your boy is really shameless." kukas turned his head and glanced at each other and walked forward sullenly: "I think you, as an eighth level professional, are really incompetent to be humble and dare not speak in front of a small staff member and allow him to blackmail."

"Professionals like us, control the powerful power. This power is not for us to be humble and blackmail those incompetent people, but for us to kill. Kill those injustice and those who dare to bully us."

"There is no place without rules. Everyone uses killing to solve things like you, not to mention forming an abyss alliance. There is no peace in an empire or even a city. At that time, countless ordinary people will die because of you, but it is greater than the evil of the man eating devil." the professional said quickly. In his opinion, the other party represents the rules of the abyss alliance, and can also use those rules to deal with the newly promoted professionals. Therefore, it is most normal to bear with some things.

"Ha ha! If this boy acts according to the rules, I don\'t need to kill. If those in power act according to the rules they set, there will be no resentment and anger to do the crime of killing. In the final analysis, it\'s not my killing, but the rules controllers and executors."

"Interesting!" many professionals living in the castle laughed, but they felt funny about kukas\'s words. However, most people did not speak. Those who were curious continued to follow and watch, while those who were timid turned and left.

Dragging the staff with some limbs into the castle, kukas immediately focused on the surrounding buildings.

The interior of the castle is very large. It is an ordinary passage alone, which is seven or eight feet wide and five or six feet high. The wall is full of magic words and Dharma arrays. At a certain distance, there is a stone pillar with a thickness of more than ten feet against the wall, and a large number of magic crystals flow on the stone pillar.

There were few pedestrians in the passage, even if there were, they passed in a hurry, and few people noticed the incomplete staff dragged behind kukas. Even if someone noticed it, it was just a quick glance, and then kept busy with their own affairs. They are all residents here. After some time, they will go to the front line to fight, but they don\'t have much time to waste watching the excitement.

According to the tips of the magic map, after bypassing several corridors, kukas soon found his next place to go: Warcraft cage.

This place is located in the underground part of the whole castle, and the whole Warcraft cage area occupies a level of the underground area. There are a large number of Warcraft, monsters and even young giants in captivity. However, most of them have just been captured and have not yet been tamed.

Through the small transmission array, kukas directly appeared in the control center of the Warcraft cage.

"These are all the details of all the Warcraft in the whole cage. If you like it, you can choose that. However, some Warcraft have not been tamed. We are short of manpower here and you need to tame it yourself." when kukas showed his scroll to show his identity, the staff waiting here quickly opened a magic screen, Then point out all kinds of Warcraft images above to quickly explain them.

"Do you need to pay a special fee?" kukas asked with a strange smile after touching his bald head.

"Well! There\'s no need to pay any fee." the staff in the Warcraft cage twitched at the corners of their mouths after looking at kukas\'s dragging peers.

"It\'s a pity, but I still have a chain." kukas shook his head and muttered with regret.

"Hei hei!" the staff just laughed and didn\'t talk, but they were afraid that they would be locked in chains.

After glancing at each other, kukas didn\'t bother to pay attention to what the staff was thinking. He just immersed himself in the huge magic screen in front of him, and then selected it according to his own requirements.

Since he became the ash knight, although he still controlled all kinds of knowledge and information of the ghost cry knight, he lost the ability to summon the ghost cry horse. So he came here to choose a horse according to the rules.

When kukas selected the mount, the projection of the controllers of the whole castle gathered together to start a temporary meeting. What they discussed was not war or material allocation, but what had just happened to kukas.

"My suggestion is to wipe out all those who blackmail the property of the eighth level professionals and their families," a projection said lazily.

"An outsider came to our territory to challenge our men. Do you think it\'s reasonable for us controllers to help the outsider instead of helping our men? How can we lead them in the long run?" someone quickly refuted. "Although those people are not strong, they are all arranged by some big forces. Their reckless actions will sweep away their face."

"We made the rules, but the people below broke the rules. If we didn\'t punish these people, what rules would we make? If they were allowed to charge 1000 magic crystals, don\'t say it\'s free."

"Even if the man did something wrong, it should be handled by us," someone whispered.

"What he did was wrong. If we were to deal with it, we would have dealt with it long ago. Can we wait until today? I heard that these people not only collect property when they first enter the castle, but also collect property when they enter and leave the castle in the future. Those people rely on the forces behind them and don\'t pay attention to the rules we have made and knock them wantonly Cheat those eighth level professionals. It\'s really time to kill them. "

Among the hundreds of projections, only three or five people quarreled with each other, while others were silent. Just sit quietly on the chair, like a lifeless statue.

After arguing for a little while, someone suddenly spoke: "That\'s enough! Those professionals who have just been promoted to level 8 are already uncomfortable. Coupled with the tossing of the following people, their resentment will become greater and greater. Moreover, they will go to the battlefield after all. They all know that it is difficult to live on the battlefield. If this situation is not stopped in time, they will have violence and movement. Don\'t forget that there are at least ten people in this castle More than eight thousand level professionals gather here. As long as someone wants to blow the wind and set fire, not only will the castle be destroyed, but we may also fall here. "

"Agree to kill the blackmailers, stay and the others leave here." finally, someone proposed.

Dozens of projections disappeared instantly, but more remained.

"Give an order and thoroughly clean up some staff of the castle! Well, their direct jurisdiction, their families and confidants should also be completely wiped out. Now it\'s the war period. Everything serves the war. I don\'t want someone to drive more than 100000 level professionals crazy because of such trivial things."