Abyss Knight

Chapter 597

"As for this arena, it still belongs to you. Unfortunately, it has been deserted because of the war. Now there are only hundreds of thousands of fenliya warriors left." the smell of knowing kukas\'s identity quickly explained everything here to him.

"I see." kukas took a deep breath, reached for the transmission scroll and asked in a deep voice, "are there many people like me there?"

"Many. 3800 planes have signed a covenant with us. Among them, some have been promoted to level 8. They don\'t have to go to the battlefield immediately, but go to this plane for ten years of latent cultivation. Of course, here we will only provide the most basic weapons, but no one will provide all kinds of magic materials and magic props you need."

"However, some forces recruit people there. If you join them, you can get some magic materials from them in advance."

Then he asked about other things, and the breath answered him one by one. As for the other breath, after confirming the identity of kukas, he left quickly. They are not in the mood to waste their time on a stranger.

Half a moment later, kukas had a new understanding of the Trojan plane. It turned out that when the all-out war began, the phoebes suddenly led people of other races to unite with the people at the gate of heaven, but they acted secretly and were noticed by some people. In a hurry, these people fought directly against the Danu Protoss and killed nine tenths of the Danu Protoss. It directly reduces the combat effectiveness of Troy\'s plane by a large part.

Several other powerful races were also angry when they saw that the Danu Protoss was secretly attacked. So desperate to help the remaining Danu Protoss began crazy revenge, so they joined the abyss alliance very smoothly.

Because the Trojan plane is a top level of the twelfth level and is also located in the front area of the battlefield, some powerful forces of the abyss alliance calculated a little and finally decided to transport a large number of seventh level peak professionals to this plane.

On the one hand, let these seven level peak professionals gather together for communication in order to make a breakthrough as soon as possible; On the other hand, because this potential plane is the top order potential plane, if we break through here, we will easily get a lot of information about the rules of heaven and earth. More importantly, the professionals gathered here can get familiar with each other. When they enter the battlefield in the future, they will save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Crushing the positioning transmission scroll, the next moment, kukas appeared in a huge square.

The square is full of different sizes of transmission arrays and transmission gates, and professionals come in and out from time to time. According to the information he got, he soon found a huge castle.

The castle is very large, covering an area of hundreds of square kilometers. Some professionals fly in and out in midair, showing a lively and busy scene.

"Come here to report." he found a reception point, and kukas handed over the keepsake he got from the breathers and prepared to live here for a period of time.

"Occupation, rank, gender, who he came from, whether he had a family or power." a series of questions came out of the staff member\'s mouth. While saying these words, the staff member did not raise his head, but just lowered his head and turned over several richly decorated magic scrolls on the table.

"I don\'t remember such a rule here. According to the rules, you just need to determine the keepsake and arrange a residence for me." kukas shook his bare brain bag and sneered, "don\'t waste time, and don\'t you think all these things you say are nonsense?"

"This is the reception desk. If you are not satisfied with my way of working, you can go to other places or even not come here. These are the rules here. They used to be, are and will be." the staff member glanced up at kukas. Looking at his fierce appearance, he was not half afraid, but full of contempt: "Maybe you can try to go straight into the castle behind me."

"All the people living in this castle are professionals who have just been promoted to level 8, and you are just a level 6. Who made you talk to level 8 professionals in this tone?" kukas giggled. He didn\'t look angry, but put his hands on the table, bent over and stared at the staff member and mocked.

"The abyss alliance gives me this right." the staff sneered, reached out and knocked on the table and said, "the registration fee is 1000 magic crystals. Well, it must be the best."

"The abyss alliance didn\'t make such messy rules here. Aren\'t you afraid of any accident?" he reached out and touched his bald head. The bald evil man smiled.

"What are you doing mumbling nonsense? If you don\'t want to enter the castle, leave immediately and go directly to the front line to make cannon fodder." the staff member snorted coldly, leaned back on his chair and pointed to kukas: "Everyone who enters here has to teach thousands of best magic crystals, without exception. As for the rules you said, they are just rules in an ideal state. They don\'t work here."

The quarrel between the two soon attracted the attention of some professionals in and out of the castle. These professionals have just been promoted to level 8. They come here to study crazily and try to master all secrets and resources in order to save their lives in the future battlefield.

Some professionals couldn\'t see it, so they fell down from the air to kukas and whispered, "we don\'t care about thousands of top magic crystals. Just give them to him. These people are just fishing for some property to support their cultivation. There\'s no need to be so serious."

"And if he really doesn\'t accept your keepsake, you can\'t enter the castle. Someone will come to you and send you to the front line. It\'s a lot more dangerous."

The professional persuades kukas. The staff sitting in the chair raised his mouth, but looked at kukas with a mocking face and muttered softly: "now I\'ve changed my mind. You need to pay 2000 magic crystals."

Kukas laughed at the speech. He stared at the staff member for three or two breaths, then turned his hand, took out a magic ring and poured out two thousand magic crystals. "Hurry up, I\'m in a hurry."

"Ha ha! Look! Everyone has to pay for magic crystals. How can you not pay? That\'s the rule. Now, pay 1000 more magic crystals and waste a lot of time, which makes you and me feel bad. Why bother?" the worker quickly restrained the crystals poured out by kukas with a magic ring, In a low voice.

Kukas just nodded and said nothing.

When the staff saw that kukas didn\'t take over, they didn\'t bother to say anything. After collecting those magic crystals, they began to accept kukas\'s Keepsake according to the normal procedure.

The breath in the keepsake was branded on the gorgeous scroll, and then several seals were taken to cover it. Finally, after kukas branded the heart God mark, the staff opened the prohibition on the scroll with a secret method. After the scroll closed itself and floated into the hands of big kukas, the city entry procedure was over.

"Knight, to tell you the truth, I\'m not talking about you. The rules formulated by those high-level figures are their rules, but in the hands of our staff, there are our rules. In ordinary people\'s words: the county magistrate is not as good as the present one. If you fight with us, there will be no good results." the staff leaned back in his chair and muttered, kukas, look at that, It was as if he were a life teacher and kukas was just an ordinary apprentice.

"Yes, you\'re right." kukas put away the scroll, which represented that he could live in the castle for ten years. In these ten years, as long as his position is not destroyed, he can never go to war.

"My friend, to tell you the truth, we don\'t need to care too much about these things with these people. After all, our time is very tight. We can\'t even practice a secret method in ten years!" one side persuaded kukas\'s professionals to see the success of the matter, and couldn\'t help but breathe a sigh of relief: "I\'ll go first. If we have a chance to meet, let\'s have a good talk."

"Well." kukas nodded, but instead of going to the castle, he stepped forward and leaned over to the staff again and whispered, "what do you think I should do with you?"

"What are you talking about?"

As soon as kukas said this, the professionals who were going to leave were stunned, and the staff member looked at him strangely and shouted out.

"I kukas killed countless people, and no one dared to embarrass me on this small matter. Oh! No, some people were sad about me before. Later, after I killed many of those people, no one embarrassed me anymore. I didn\'t expect that after I came to this position, someone would embarrass me on this small matter, which makes me very embarrassed!"

Kukas looked worried and touched his bald head. He glanced at the staff member with a strange smile and continued: "If I follow my previous habit, I will directly crush your head. You know, the moment when the brain burst out is really beautiful. Well! Unfortunately, this is not where I used to be. If I do this, someone will say I am bloody and cruel. Now tell me, how can I punish you?"

"After all, he is a staff member of the abyss alliance. You don\'t have to do anything drastic." after hearing kukas\'s words, the professional who just planned to leave quickly persuaded him by holding his arm: "there are law enforcement teams here, each of which is above level 9."

"Ha ha! What? You\'re not convinced that you paid an extra thousand crystals? I tell you, today I can give you scrolls to let you enter the castle, and tomorrow I can let you roll to the front line as cannon fodder." the staff member spit hard and shouted with disdain on his face.