Abyss Knight

Chapter 593

A trace of fighting spirit was instilled into the most marginal text, instilled fighting spirit for dozens of times, and finally let fighting spirit link all the text together.

The words linked by fighting spirit send out a gray light. The light keeps wandering among these words. At first, it is very slow, but in the end, it becomes more and more fast. After more than ten breathing hours, the flower formed by the words seemed to become a real flower.

The gray petals bloom, and the woman\'s pattern seems to live and walk in the middle of the flower. But when kukas looked carefully, the flower and woman\'s pattern seemed to be still and never moved.

After a little rest, after calming his mind, kukas took off his clothes and applied all the remaining text ink to himself.

Finally, the fighting spirit erupted from his body, and these fighting spirit fused with those ink. However, after a few breathing times, ancient Knight words also appeared on him. This time, the cohesion and arrangement of words are many times faster than those written on the natural Banshee.

At the end of the magic time, hundreds of Knight words formed a burning flame on him.

Under normal circumstances, after the flame is formed, he can directly enter the body of the natural banshee, and finally use the secret method to extract her blood essence to complete this promotion. But at the moment when the text flame was formed, his mind suddenly jumped. The next moment, dozens of green words like tadpoles swam out of it. These words instantly integrated into the flame, making kukas\'s body instantly stiff.

The gray flame shape wriggled violently immediately after getting the dozens of green tadpole words. At this time, kukas didn\'t have any intuition at all, but stood on the altar with no look in his eyes. The whole person seems dead.

A desolate wave flew out of the flame on him. The wave was like a heartbeat and slowly passed around.

Hidden prohibitions emerged in the air, which turned into crystal walls or vortices to devour and block those fluctuations. However, with the increasing number of these fluctuations, those prohibitions and Dharma arrays were like fragile glass, but they supported a few breathing times and completely collapsed.

This strange wave tore the forbidden system in the void and hit the surrounding stone pillars. The streamers on those stone pillars were forbidden to flicker, and there was a slight explosion from time to time. When the forbidden streamer on one of the stone pillars was torn by the wave, a sad cry rang out from the stone pillar.

"No!" with the shrill cry, the gold helmet hidden in the stone pillar flew out: "I kindly give you shelter and even give you a lot of reward. Why do you attack me? Can\'t you let me finish the last part of the journey quietly? Damn, I\'ll kill you."

As soon as the gold helmet came out, it shouted loudly, and the violent breath was released madly centered on the helmet. A trace of breath condensed into essence. Finally, a huge vortex was formed around the gold helmet. The vortex rotated and forcibly polished some fluctuations, but it was suppressed by the waves emerging from behind.

"Damn it, what\'s going on?" the legendary soul hidden in the gold helmet also found kukas\'s abnormality. Looking at the gray flame beating in front of kukas\'s chest and a trace of green light mixed in it, the remaining soul was violently turbulent.

"The breath of power. Damn it, there is a remnant breath of power. Want to seize it? No, take the boy\'s soul origin as the foundation and carry out puppet like control. Except that he can\'t restore his original strength, it\'s no different from ordinary reincarnation." the legend in the golden helmet found the strange flame provoked by kukas\'s chest, So he cried out.

However, he soon found that his guess was wrong, because it was not a single powerful breath that wanted to occupy kukas\'s body, but dozens, almost hundreds of powerful breath.

These breaths are extremely weak, so weak that dozens of breaths are fused together, which is only one percent of the power that can leak a trace of breath. But even so, the pressure of the breath fluctuated and released, which also firmly suppressed his means.

"Dozens of powerful smells that have never been felt appear on a person. What\'s going on?"

While the legendary soul was struggling to support, he suddenly found that the powerful breath transmitted from the flame words on kukas slowly weakened. And with the passage of time, the breath of these powers weakened faster and faster.

Taking advantage of the rapid decline of those powerful breath, the legendary soul roared, spared no expense to use the original strength of the soul, exercised the secret method again, and then observed in detail what happened to kukas: "it\'s not worth me to find so much powerful breath before I die."

The heart thinks, but the secret method is always being used. After consuming the few remaining original strength of the soul, a red light suddenly flew out of the gold helmet. The light struck the writhing text flame in front of kukas\'s chest.

When the light was about to hit it, it suddenly stopped. Of course, it was not the legendary soul that wanted to stop, but the light was forcibly blocked by the faint breath of dozens of great powers.

Although the secret method was blocked, the legendary soul did not panic. Because he had expected this situation for a long time, his mind turned, the red light burst violently, and then formed countless light spots, trying to integrate into those fluctuations, and slowly spread out around with these breath fluctuations.

"I see." when the wave from the flame of kukas\'s words on his chest was about to dissipate completely, the legend finally got the information he wanted.

"Ha ha! I didn\'t expect that it was just the projection of the breath of great power before countless times, ha ha! What an unexpected discovery! No, I must record this situation. Ha ha! No one can imagine that there are still the breath projection of great power in the world after countless times. HMM! I don\'t know who projected these breath of great power, huh! What should I do Dead, if there are many sources of my soul, I must reincarnate and be reborn. "The legendary soul muttered some words in confusion, and then quickly integrated into a stone pillar and disappeared.

After the gold helmet wrapped with the legendary soul melted into a stone pillar and disappeared, the breath fluctuation in the text flame disappeared. At this time, kukas\'s body also fell to the ground.

He was not aware of what had just happened to him. He had no memory of the loss of consciousness just now. His memory still stays at the time when he is ready to enter the natural Banshee.

The thick palm is very skilled in groping on the body of the natural Banshee. The fingers play and the palm rubs and rubs. A trace of fighting spirit is instilled into the body of the natural Banshee according to the techniques he obtained from the secret female bishop, so as to provoke her feelings and desires.

The natural Banshee in coma soon reacted. Her body has become extremely sensitive after hundreds of years of training by two siren banshees again and again. In just a few breaths, the natural Banshee twisted up instinctively to meet the palm movement of kukas, and a trace of low moans and moans floated out of her mouth.

Without any pity, she entered the body of the natural Banshee and hit it quickly. The natural Banshee groaned and groaned unconsciously, and soon her body reached the peak of quickness and sensation. At this time, kukas will stop to calm her body slowly and prevent her from reaching high and tide immediately.

After such repeated dozens of times, the blood on the natural Banshee began to gather on her chest under repeated excitement.

The first is the depiction of a woman. The woman\'s pattern came to life completely. She twisted her body on the flowers formed by words and made all kinds of attractive gestures. It even released a trace of mysterious fluctuations, which were directly instilled into kukas\'s mind, where a charming woman came to seduce him again and again, hoping that he could possess her ruthlessly.

Kukas had known this situation for a long time, so he was not worried at all, and was not tempted by the woman\'s image. He just kept his head depressed and teased the natural Banshee\'s body again and again according to the plan, so that she was always on the edge of high and tide, and then took a little blood essence from her body with the help of the literal meaning depicted on her.

The image of a woman became more and more attractive in his mind. Even kukas\'s firm mind almost couldn\'t help pushing the woman into his mind and occupying her ruthlessly. But he knew that if he really possessed the woman in his mind, he was not waiting for him to draw the blood essence of the natural Banshee and her own mysterious power to promote himself, but poured his blood essence into the natural banshee, so as to complete each other.