Abyss Knight

Chapter 592

When the Dharma array was opened, kukas only hurriedly focused on the underground castle he built in a desert in the main plane world. The rest of the mind power was put on the bodies that fell from the cracks.

There are many corpses, including hundreds of feet tall giants and dwarves of only one meter. There are demons who burn the flame, and there are gods who emit the holy smell. Some of these bodies are incomplete, either missing arms or legs, or there are only some scattered pieces of meat left. A little part of the bodies are intact. Most of them just have distorted faces and no wounds on their bodies.

At a glance, but in his breath, he found that most of these bodies were the bodies of legends and gods, and a few were half step legends. Moreover, among these corpses, he also found that there were no fluctuations of thematic world members in the residual breath fluctuations of many creatures.

The golden light rises, and when the original force tears the space, kukas finds more cracks in the distance. A large number of bodies poured out madly.

"Why didn\'t these corpses evolve into mountains and earth, oceans and lakes?" an idea rose from his heart, but soon the idea was put aside by him.

Kukas, who should have appeared directly in the abandoned base under the desert of the main plane world, found that he did not enter the main plane world, but directly appeared in an unknown plane.

When the golden light dissipated, he found himself standing on a huge altar with the natural Banshee. Around the altar are rows of huge stone pillars. There are holes of different sizes on the stone pillars, which can store stone slabs, scrolls, paper, or all kinds of magic props and metal materials.

Before he could carefully observe the situation here, he saw a black light flashing under his feet. The next moment, the black light flew into a stone pillar.

"My God, someone is taking a ride." seeing the black light flying out of his feet, and thinking of such a huge deterioration in his transmission position, the bald evil man immediately understood what had happened to him: "It\'s so powerful that I can control the transmission array of the source power without any awareness. But he\'s so powerful, why don\'t he walk alone?"

A series of thoughts came to his mind, and just as he was thinking, the stone pillar that swallowed the black light suddenly trembled slightly, and then a golden helmet flew out of the stone pillar.

"Stranger, I\'m glad to take your teleportation array back to my hometown." the golden helmet suddenly spoke.

"Who are you?" kukas narrowed his eyes, subconsciously burst into fighting, instilled his arms, pulled his gun and axe out, and prepared to fight with the golden helmet in front of him. While the natural Banshee screamed, curled up, squatted behind kukas, trembled and waited for his final fate.

The gold helmet looks very big. It is roughly estimated that it is at least the size of a grinding plate. The whole helmet is golden. There are two curved ox horns at the top, and the face is a beautiful face armor that looks like crying and laughing. In the eyes of the armor, black light comes out and flickers indefinitely. With it talking, the mouth opens and closes. If you just look at the gold helmet, don\'t go Look at the nothingness below. I\'m afraid no one will doubt anything.

"The loser of the abyss alliance. Hehe! Luckily, I thought I was going to die forever, but I met you and returned to my hometown with you." the golden helmet opened and closed its mouth, and the words were full of a touch of sadness.

"Were you a legend?" kukas reached out and touched the natural Banshee behind him. He held her in his arms with his back hand. He was ready to use his secret method to lead her out of here at any time. Of course, if the golden helmet hurt him.

"That\'s right! Hehe! You\'re lucky to get a natural Banshee behind you. Well! I remember I wasn\'t as lucky as you. I remember that I didn\'t meet a natural Banshee until I swam hundreds of thousands of years in the endless void. And I still lost my effectiveness. Hehe!"

Kukas was silent. Because of a series of accidents caused by the natural banshee, he was reluctant to mention this special creature at all. "If I hadn\'t been so greedy and didn\'t get the natural banshee, maybe I wouldn\'t have to be so tangled!"

"In order to repay you for bringing me back to my hometown, I allow you to take all the things here and allow you to be promoted here." a voice sounded in the gold helmet.

"Can I have this helmet?" kukas asked in a strange voice, raising the corner of his mouth slightly.

"This is my coffin, this is the place where I will sleep forever in the future. Do you even want to take away an old man\'s coffin?" a hearty laughter came from the golden helmet. But to kukas, the laughter was full of sadness and reluctance.

"Coffin? Hehe! As a legend, what else do you need a coffin for? After reincarnation and rebirth, it is equivalent to continuing a new life." Kukas shook his head and muttered in a low voice. He had recognized the origin of the gold helmet. It was not useful to him now, but after he was promoted to the eighth level, it was very useful, even more useful than the plane props.

"Legends will also fall completely, and there is no immortal God. The war has completely damaged the origin of my soul. Even if I am reincarnated, I won\'t live long. It\'s better to sleep here forever than die in an ordinary person\'s body."

The voice in the gold helmet was full of sadness. As he spoke, the huge helmet shrank in a circle. At the same time, a strong breath came out from above. Although it was only a trace and soon disappeared, the smell still brought great pressure to kukas. As for the natural banshee, she was stunned by the silk breath.

"Origin of soul?" kukas frowned slightly. After thinking a little, he found that he had heard the word in the inheritance of evil knight. However, in that inheritance, the explanation of the origin of the soul is only a brush, and there is no detailed description of what it is useful for professionals.

"You don\'t understand. When you become a legend, you will know the origin of the soul." the volume of the gold helmet shrinks at a visible speed. In just a few breaths, the helmet the size of a millstone has shrunk to the size of an adult\'s Fist: "you\'d better be promoted here! Before I show up, you\'d better not touch anything here, otherwise I\'ll regret stacking all the things I should have given you on your body. HMM! Or ashes."

"Don\'t worry. This is a special place. No one will disturb you at all. This is my gratitude for bringing me back to my hometown."

Having said this, the gold helmet flew backwards and disappeared into a stone pillar.

"Can change my transmission position, but can\'t tear the space. Do you think I\'m a fool? What do you want from me?" kukas was extremely upset when he looked at the place where the golden helmet disappeared. But he really doesn\'t dare to do anything here. Because the killing talent perceived that the altar was surrounded by prohibitions and Dharma array. He believed that as long as he was half a step away from the altar, he would be completely hanged into ashes by the hidden prohibitions and Dharma array around him.

After thinking about three or five magic hours, kukas finally made up his mind to promote here. Of course, when he made up his mind, there was no way, because he tried to use his original power to transmit himself to the burning plane, but he was accidentally stopped. Obviously, in this inexplicable space, there are prohibitions and Dharma arrays that limit the use of transmission Dharma arrays.

Strip off the clothes of the natural banshee, and then take out the potion prepared at first. After dipping a special brush with ink, he urged a trace of fighting spirit and began to carefully paint enough on the natural Banshee.

What he did first was to draw a woman\'s pattern on the chest of the natural Banshee. This woman is said to be the first natural Banshee born in the endless void. Of the course, no one will verify whether this legend is correct. Because in people\'s view, this natural banshee is actually a special magic material. No one will be interested in verifying that magic materials first appeared there. They can only use and cultivate them.

After depicting the woman\'s pattern, he took a little rest. After the consumed fighting spirit was completely restored, he began to write in ancient Knight characters.

Every time he wrote a knight character, kukas had to stop and rest for more than ten breathing times to recover his mind. Originally, he didn\'t need to spend so much time writing this ancient Knight character, but at this time, he didn\'t write on an ordinary carrier, and he didn\'t use ordinary ink. In addition, the arrangement of his writing made his consumption far more than several times or even dozens of times that of his usual writing.

Ancient Knight characters centered on the heart of the natural banshee, and then spread along the skin to the limbs. He wrote the words on the Banshee\'s arms first, and then on his legs. Of course, this is entirely because of the order. If he forgets the order and takes the lead in writing the words on his legs, the whole body of the natural Banshee will explode directly, making him lose the chance of rapid promotion.

It took him three magic hours to write more than 300 ancient Knight characters on the natural Banshee. Although there are few words, there are many meanings in them. If these Knight words are combined randomly, a different meaning will appear. If more than 300 Knight characters are combined randomly, there are at least hundreds of thousands of meanings. These meanings are related to his success in promotion.