Abyss Knight

Chapter 594

"Get out!" the mind roared, turned into a hurricane, and rolled madly towards the woman.

"Ha ha! Little brother, isn\'t your sister beautiful enough?" the woman smiled softly. She gently turned her body in kukas\'s mind, and a mass of pink smoke really flew out of her lower body. These pink smoke whirled in the air, forming a reverse rotating vortex, which firmly resisted the cyclone of kukas.

The woman whispered something in the center of the vortex. A red lotus flew out from under her feet. The lotus didn\'t know where to draw strength. In a few breathing times, it increased dozens of times, turned into a lotus platform and sat at the woman\'s feet.

A pink tent rose around the lotus platform. The woman reached out and shook it, calling for kukas to go to the clouds and rain with her.

Several ancient Knight words condensed from the mind. These words did not attack the woman on the lotus platform, but formed a big net outside the lotus platform to hide the charm sent out by the woman. A large number of hearts and minds were constantly instilled into the big net, compressing the woman\'s space bit by bit.

"Beautiful is beautiful, but I play with too many women. As soon as there are too many women, my desire will be reduced. Even if you tempt me again, I won\'t be half moved." my mind roared, turning into a hurricane and waves, rolling towards each other one after another, killing the Lotus platform that the woman turned into.

"Other women are other women, and each woman is different. And my identity is the first natural Banshee in the world. Isn\'t this identity enough to attract you?" the woman fiddled with all kinds of tempting gestures in the lotus platform, as if kukas\'s mind polishing had no effect on her.

"A woman is a woman. There are only three holes in her body. I\'ve used any of them and haven\'t found any difference." kukas Gaga smiled strangely. On the one hand, he stabilized his mind to resist the temptation of the other party, on the other hand, he constantly strengthened his attack. He knew that if he didn\'t kill the woman in his mind, Naturally, the Banshee\'s blood essence and her race\'s talent will not be completely inspired, so he can\'t be promoted smoothly.

"You are the first natural Banshee in heaven and earth. Your identity is noble, but you don\'t know how many males you accept in your three holes. It\'s disgusting to think of it. It\'s better to play with a pure girl."

"You are shameless." the woman frowned slightly and said pitifully, "I think I\'m the first natural Banshee in the world. Where can ordinary men possess? I swam for a long time with a secret method and found what you did today. Therefore, I\'ve been guarding for you like jade, but none of those men have touched."

"Am I not as good as that woman? Think about it! You have me. You can tell everyone that you have occupied the first natural Banshee in heaven and earth. I think countless powerful beings will envy your good luck."

"Ha ha! Don\'t tempt me with words, you woman. I\'ll kill you anyway today. Because if I want to achieve the eighth level, Whoever hinders me must die." after saying this, kukas stopped talking and just mobilized his mind to attack the woman. And his noumenon continues to tease the natural Banshee under him again and again.

The woman in his mind was seduced at first, and then begged bitterly. The whole person became pitiful, but she still couldn\'t move the stone heart of ferocious people such as kukas.

The natural Banshee under the body woke up in the excitement again and again, but in the subsequent excitement, she fell into a coma again. Under the extreme excitement of her body, as long as her skin touches kukas\'s body, she will reach the critical point of excitement. At this time, kukas would distance himself from her and continue to provoke her after she calmed down a little.

After more than one magic hour, the image of the woman entrenched in kukas\'s mind has been compressed and shrunk several times by the big net, endless mind hurricanes and waves. The lotus flower just reluctantly entrusted her body.

"Why kill me? It took me endless years to evolve into a form in your mind with a trace of residual breath, but let me stay with you for some days, and then I leave. OK?" the woman cried in a low voice, like a pear with rain.

"The Danu protoss have used this secret method countless times. They refuse to keep you. How can I keep you? I can\'t achieve level 8 without destroying you." seeing that the woman is so weak, kukas didn\'t have time to think about the reason. He just moved more hearts and spirits to evolve. Two huge millstones came out and polished the woman up and down.

"It\'s just a temporary stay. It doesn\'t hinder your promotion to the eighth level."

"I am very cautious about some important things. No matter what you say today, you will die for me." while talking, the two grinding plates began to polish and rotate up and down.

The millstone of the evolution of mind is tens of feet in size, and countless words and fierce animal patterns are carved on each millstone. I saw the ghost of a fierce beast looming on the millstone, sending out bursts of wails and constantly pounding at the woman.

Pink smoke kept coming out of the woman\'s lower body. The smoke filled the lotus, barely protecting the lotus from being polished immediately.

"I hate you so much! Hehe! You\'re lucky to have trained that little Banshee in advance, otherwise you want to kill me so easily, but it\'s delusion." after the woman supported for dozens of breathing time, there was no pink smoke in her lower body, so she suddenly took a pitiful look and showed a holy face: "If I see you someday, I\'ll let you try my means."

After saying this, the woman\'s body contracted violently, and in an instant it contracted into a pink bead. The next moment, the bead burst, and a pink ripple took the center of the bead as the origin, and instantly expanded into kukas\'s whole mind.

The pink wave wrapped kukas\'s whole mind and began to fluctuate wildly.

Every time the wave fluctuated, kukas\'s whole mind was completely disturbed and polished. Everything happened in an instant. Under this pink wave, kukas had no half ability to control his mind.

However, when he practiced this secret method, he had long been mentally prepared, so he was not frightened at all. Instead, he relaxed his mind control and allowed the fluctuations to shake and polish these minds again and again.

The waves vibrated and polished for dozens of times, and suddenly disappeared. These dozens of times of polishing increased his mind dozens of times. More importantly, after this polishing, his mind quality also increased dozens of times.

If it seems illusory that his mind condensed into an object in the past, the object condensed now looks no different from the real thing.

After the changes in the mind stopped, kukas immediately focused on the external noumenon.

Both hands instilled fighting spirit according to the special position and kept pressing on the natural Banshee. After the transformation of the secret method, the violent ghost cry fighting spirit not only did not destroy her body, but forcibly swam away in her body with a special line.

The flowers depicted in the ancient Knight\'s words bloom fiercely, giving off visions such as colorful clouds and bright lights.

The flowers bloomed and immediately wrapped them in. At this time, kukas didn\'t stop and stormed the natural Banshee under her. Just three or five times, she reached the height and tide of her body.

With the scream of the natural banshee, a warm current surged out of her body, then surged into Cass\'s body along the joint of the two people and began to wash his body.

Every time the warm current swam around his body, its strength increased by one third. At the same time, some petal like halos flew out of the Banshee\'s mouth.

These halos were colorful, like fountains rising into the sky. When they were about to rush into the void, the flowers wrapped around them trembled and contracted, and forcibly suppressed these colorful petals.

The petals broke and fell like raindrops. Most of them scattered on kukas and then appeared directly in his angry space. The other part scattered in the air and disappeared.

A large number of petals appeared in the fighting space. They frantically extracted the fighting spirit and then took root. However, in a few breathing times, tens of thousands of flowers came out all over kukas\'s huge fighting space.

The flowers bloomed and withered, and fruits of different sizes began to appear. At this time, kukas mobilized a large number of minds to immerse himself in the fighting space. These minds split into tens of thousands of silk threads in the space, waited for the moment when the fruits fell, and immediately wrapped the fruits with these silk threads.

After the mind entangles these fruits, the fruits begin to melt rapidly and then penetrate into the mind.

Every time a fruit permeates, some scattered information and pictures appear in kukas\'s mind. These information and pictures can\'t be sorted out and are directly stuffed into the altar by kukas.

The natural Banshee\'s small mouth constantly spewed out these petals, and then produced fruits in his fighting space. So repeatedly, there was no pause for a moment.

After hundreds of breaths, the petals from the mouth of the natural Banshee began to decrease, but at this time, there was a trace of golden light from the woman pattern depicted on her chest.