Abyss Knight

Chapter 590

Before the words of the bent phantom had finished, kukas shot fiercely.

The palm of Pu fan size held it in the air like a flash of lightning and grabbed it at the big man\'s head.

When the big man saw kukas shooting here, he couldn\'t help but see a light in his eyes. In the face of the big hand caught in the air, the big man didn\'t avoid it, but shook his head and greeted it. At the same time, he grabbed the female mage in his hand, waved a stick and pulled it at kukas.

The big hand grabbed the big man\'s head, only to hear a dull bang. Kukas only felt that the palm was numb, as if he was not grasping on his head, but on a magic iron tempered for thousands of times.

"What a hard head." the fierce light in kukas\'s eyes soared. This was the first time he saw someone who didn\'t use strong fighting spirit or magical power to resist his grasp in the air. You know, there are many things he pays attention to when he grabs in the air. I think his palm has been quenched by fighting Qi for thousands of times and integrated into the siege hammer quenched by secret method. Generally, once he grabs it, the extremely hard Obsidian will be crushed by him like soil. According to his estimation, even the head of a professional like the eighth order shield guard can\'t stand his grasp in the air.

"Death!" a strange cry sounded from the man\'s mouth. The next moment, kukas felt a strong danger.

Without time to think about it, the bald evil man grabbed the natural Banshee with his backhand and withdrew from the distance of dozens of steps. He didn\'t stop until he felt that the danger was not so strong.

"Boy, hide fast enough." the ferocious voice sounded. Kukas looked at the voice and narrowed his eyes. I saw that the big man who provoked him was carrying a female mage? Instead, he carried a huge machete with a thick back almost five feet long. The faint light on the machete flowed, and some words that looked very simple swam along the blade. The strong sense of danger was emitted from the giant machete.

"You and I don\'t know at all. Why do you take such a shot against me?" kukas narrowed his eyes and pushed the natural Banshee three or five steps behind him, mobilized the violent ghost cry and fighting spirit, hidden in his arms, and was ready to attack again at any time.

"Ha ha! I heard that you belong to the face battlefield center. Now the face battlefield center has failed in the war. It\'s really damned that you don\'t go to the funeral and come here to pretend to be in latent training." while talking, the big man shook his huge machete in his hand and blurred his body for a moment. The next moment, He appeared directly next to kukas, waved a machete and cut his neck.

"I don\'t know." kukas said coldly, "I can do whatever I like. What are you? Dare you say I\'m buried with me? I\'m really looking for death."

While he was talking, the bald evil man let out a low roar, held his hands into claws, and then crossed a strange arc in the air to collide with the giant machete.

There was a loud noise. Kukas\'s big hands crossed the air like raindrops, wrapped his fingers with violent ghost sobs, and then hit the body of the machete. In a short breath, his hands shook nearly a hundred times. A series of collisions bounced the huge machete out.

When he bounced the other party\'s machete out, kukas didn\'t stop, but shook his body like a furious beast, followed the machete, shook his hands and grabbed it at the other party. This time, he was confident to catch the other party and tear him into pieces of meat the size of a palm.

"Roar!" the big man looked ferocious when he saw kukas\'s fighting spirit on his ten fingers. I know that this matter can\'t be solved by making a small fuss just now. Therefore, he shook his body, fiercely urged the fighting spirit, and showed all his strength.

The big man roared, and a red flame burst out from the huge machete. The flame rolled back and twined around him in an instant. Then the flames went crazy like poisonous snakes into his body.

Every time he absorbed a flame, the man\'s body made a strange crackling sound. After absorbing all the flames in his breathing, the man gave a non-human cry, and then saw cracks in his skin. The body shook, the crack collapsed, and the big man\'s body was broken like fly ash. The next moment, a ChiYan devil about three feet tall came out of the fly ash.

The red devil is extremely rare in every thematic world. On the one hand, the red devil has relatively few racial members. On the other hand, their brains are not very easy to use. They are usually calculated by other creatures except for some simple and strange conspiracies. Knowing that their brains are not easy to use, most of these red demons stay in the endless abyss.

Only in that endless abyss, they don\'t have to consider any conspiracy. They have a very large territory there. There, they simply hunt and kill invaders who break into the territory.

The three foot high red flame devil has been regarded as an adult devil. Most adult demons like this are in the territory of the endless abyss, and few come out and walk around. But whenever someone comes out and walks around, the demon is either a soldier belonging to the abyss demon army or a mercenary who is hired by others.

"I\'m going to eat you shameful fugitive." the red devil who revealed his body was three feet tall. He had two broken antlers on his head, his skin was red, and carved some strange patterns on his skin. A trace of fire swam in the pattern, forming all kinds of strange virtual shadows to condense in the void behind the devil. As he spoke, red flames came out of his nostrils and mouth. Some sparks burst out from time to time on that huge head, which looked terrible.

An arm thicker than an adult\'s waist waved the huge machete, while the other arm fiercely grabbed it in the void in front of him. The five fingers pierced into the void. Although it was only a little, kukas was still surprised and confused. You know, only those professionals above level 8 can tear the void with their own strength. Now, although the red burning devil has not been on level 8 for a long time, he has reached the peak of level 7 and may be promoted to level 8 at any time.

A twisted fire snake was caught out of the void by the red burning devil. The thick and thin fire snake of the grinding plate made bursts of hiss, and then wrapped around his arm. The snake head shook near his fist, ready to give the enemy a fatal attack at any time.

"Who says I\'m a fugitive? Those high-level professionals have failed. Can I, a little sixth level knight, surpass countless high-level professionals and turn the war around?" kukas smiled grimly and stepped forward to question each other.

"The loser should die in battle instead of wandering to other places like a dog." the red devil was confused by kukas\'s questioning. He grabbed his big head blankly, and sparks fell from his head, and then melted into the red twisted shadow behind him.

"Who asked you to say these words?" kukas stepped forward again, with fierce eyes, and pressed fiercely.

"A mage." the red devil subconsciously muttered, but then he immediately responded: "Damn it, fugitive, dedicate the woman behind you, or I will be blamed for being cruel and cruel."

After listening to the words of the red devil, kukas immediately understood what the other party was plotting. He had known that carrying a natural Banshee out for promotion would bring a lot of trouble, but he didn\'t expect the trouble to come so quickly. You know, in order to avoid possible trouble, he immediately chose to appear on this plane in order to prevent some interested people from pushing his destination. Many people know about the natural Banshee he got in the battlefield. After all, it is not so easy to hide some information.

And in order to avoid trouble, he also deliberately used magic props to block the natural banshee, and even changed her breath fluctuation temporarily with the melody of fate. And after coming to this position, he came to the library as soon as possible in order to get the shelter of the library and reduce a lot of trouble. Unfortunately, things did not develop as he thought.

With these thoughts in his mind, kukas instantly regressed to the natural Banshee. At the same time, he pulled out the burning black flag with his backhand, shook the black flag, hooked a large number of plane sources and appeared directly beside him. The original power exploded and formed a complex transmission array at his feet. He wants to transmit the Dharma array to another plane at random.

"This friend, walk slowly." an old voice sounded from the void. With the sound, a palm condensed by simple magic power appeared on the natural Banshee\'s head out of thin air, and then grabbed it.

The voice sounded, and kukas\'s mind was in turmoil. The next moment, he suddenly felt that he should not leave here. He felt that he should abandon the natural Banshee and promote with his real ability. "Although the promotion of natural Banshee has no sequelae, it lacks some experience and will have some impact on some means in the future. I kukas don\'t do what he doesn\'t do, but if he does it, he must be the most perfect."

The idea rose in his mind, and he subconsciously wanted to ignore the big hand that grabbed the natural Banshee in the air.