Abyss Knight

Chapter 591

Naturally, the Banshee screamed loudly, and strange waves were released from her voice. Under the traction of the fluctuation, kukas realized the bad in an instant.

"Get out!" with a low roar, kukas turned back fiercely, shook his arm, and the virtual shadow of the siege hammer appeared. Shook the huge siege hammer and hit the magic palm in the next moment.

"Bang!" a slight explosion sounded, and the magic palm and the virtual shadow of the siege hammer broke at the same time. The next moment, kukas grabbed the natural Banshee with his backhand and disappeared in a golden light.

"Hey!" a sigh sounded in the library, and then two thick black hands appeared out of thin air. The black hands pierced the place where kukas disappeared, tore left and right, and tore out a space crack more than one person. A big hand spread into the crack and scratched indiscriminately. Several breathing times passed, but there was no harvest.

"Well, old man, what\'s the matter with the woman behind the boy just now?" the red burning devil who took the lead in provoking kukas shook his body. The huge devil\'s body blurred and disappeared, replaced by a normal person. At the same time, the giant machete in his hand was twisted and turned into a demonic female mage.

"That woman can make your blood evolve. As long as you sleep with her, you can evolve from a humble ChiYan devil to a noble Barto devil." a mage wrapped in black robes didn\'t know when to appear in the library. The old mage shook his hand and scattered the magic palms and cracks in the air, Staring at the place where kukas left, he sighed gently.

"Noble Barto devil? Hey hey, I killed eight or nine thousand Barto demons without ten thousand. Do you think such a devil is noble?" the red burning devil muttered in a low voice, then dragged the demonic female mage in his arms to leave the library, and soon integrated into the crowd on the street and disappeared.

"It\'s a pity that such a big client was taken away by you. If my master knew, he would punish me." the phantom who had handled half the formalities for kukas was a little sad and muttered with pain at the magic crystal left by kukas.

Not to mention what these people thought because of kukas\'s departure, just say that kukas appeared in another eighth order plane this time after random transmission through the plane\'s original power. However, this time he did not lead the natural Banshee to appear in the big city as before, but directly in a wild mountain.

In this desolate area, kukas quickly found a cave. He set up some simple warning lines with various magical materials and props. When he was ready to push the natural Banshee to the ground for meat and body communication, the accident happened again.

There are two professionals fighting each other in the sky, and the aftermath of the struggle directly affects the area thousands of miles around. If he hadn\'t seen the opportunity quickly and used his original strength to escape to other places, he would have been killed by the aftermath of the struggle between the two professionals.

After running in a hurry and changing dozens of planes and hundreds of locations, kukas still didn\'t find a chance to occupy the natural Banshee.

It turned out that every time he went to a place, all kinds of accidents would happen. There are professionals passing by, and then recognize the identity of the natural Banshee and want to rob it; Some people think he appears there out of thin air, suspect that he has special props and wants to rob. Even as soon as he arrived at a place, some magic relics were born, and a large number of powerful professionals appeared there, so he had to change places again.

In short, whenever he appears in one place, all kinds of accidents will happen. In this series of accidents, his enemies were stronger than him.

"Damn it. What\'s the matter?" after leading the natural Banshee back to the burning plane in a hurry, kukas sat on the ground and stared at the natural banshee, constantly thinking about all kinds of accidents that had just happened.

"Is it because someone is staring at this natural Banshee? So they can destroy my good deeds? But if someone is staring at her and can accurately calculate my position again and again, it must be a strong professional. Such a professional can transfer so many high-level professionals in dozens of positions in a short time, why not grab it in person?"

The natural Banshee lowered her head and dared not look directly into kukas\' eyes. She twisted her hands uneasily, like a poor child waiting for others to rescue, silently waiting for the sentencing of the bald evil man in front of her.

"Tell me, do you know why? Why do I take you to other planes? Every time there will be an accident, which will attract the attention of high-level professionals?" kukas touched his bare brain bag and asked fiercely.

"The natural Banshee can\'t leave her birthplace. In my inheritance, every member who leaves her birthplace will encounter the competition of powerful beings when walking in the high-level plane." the young natural Banshee said timidly.

"Walking on the high level? Will you encounter the competition of powerful beings?" kukas trembled. At this time, he remembered his experience, and combined with the words just said by the natural banshee, he seemed to understand a lot for a time.

"Yes. When the people of the Danu Protoss took me away from my hometown, they encountered many fights. However, since I followed you to this zero level, there has been no accident."

"Damn it." kukas could not help cursing in a low voice.

It turned out that he wanted to use the natural Banshee to be promoted to the eighth order knight, which needed him to carry out in the higher level above the eighth order. If the natural banshee is occupied in the low-level plane, the effect of the natural Banshee will not be displayed at all. As for why, he couldn\'t figure it out.

"Damn it, those bastards of the Danu Protoss didn\'t remind me. Did they insist on seeing my jokes?" kukas frowned and cursed. At this time, he was on the verge of complete outbreak because of a series of accidents. At this time, all kinds of resentment emerged from his heart: resenting that the nadanu did not tell him in advance, resenting the characteristics of natural banshees, and resenting those professionals who interrupted his promotion.

Anxiously, he stood up and sat down in the palace, but his mind could not get half a moment of peace. After a long time, he grabbed the natural Banshee and started transmitting again.

The golden original power emerged, forming a Dharma array, wrapped his body, tore the void, and instantly appeared at the far end of the endless void.

When the golden light dispersed, he caught the natural Banshee and appeared in a huge square. This is not any plane, but the plane battlefield center built by the powerful beings in the main plane world.

The huge square is full of broken bodies and incomplete magic props. The huge stone pillars that used to stand between heaven and earth either collapsed to the ground or appeared one by one. Groups of unconscious flames roamed among these broken stone pillars. From time to time, flames fell on some corpses, burning the flesh and blood of those corpses in an instant, leaving only incomplete skeletons scattered on the ground.

Standing still, kukas saw at least dozens of crystal skulls scattered on the ground. Obviously, those crystal skulls are the remnants of fallen legends.

There is a stone pillar beside me, which is well preserved. Except for a few tens of Zhang long cracks on the surface, the stone pillar doesn\'t seem to have any other damage. But when he planned to use the secret method to enter the stone pillar, he suddenly felt an extremely strong danger. Under that dangerous stimulation, without any hesitation, he immediately abandoned the ideas that had just risen.

With the natural banshee, he walked quickly in the center of the battlefield, walking hundreds of miles. He could not see any creatures except corpses and incomplete stone pillars. And he also found that as long as he didn\'t try to enter those stone pillars, his killing talent wouldn\'t convey any danger to him.

"What happened here? Can I be promoted here?" looking at a crystal head not far away, kukas wanted to collect it very much. However, a large number of prohibitions were wrapped around the crystal head. When he touched them, these prohibitions instantly played an extremely powerful power. If it were not for the restoration of the original power of the plane, he would have been polished into nothingness by the prohibition and Dharma array wrapped around a crystal head.

One thought after another appeared in his mind, while the natural Banshee followed closely behind him, but he was afraid of the bodies around him and the faint smell of resentment from the air.

"Why hasn\'t there been any accident for such a long time?" kukas found that there had been no accident for such a long time after walking for half a moment in the center of the broken plane battlefield full of death. "Maybe you can promote here?"

Just as the idea came into his mind, he found a huge crack in the sky in the distance.

The crack was thousands of feet in size. The crack appeared, and a strong smell of blood and death gushed out of it. Then I saw piles of bodies falling from the crack like meteorites.

When a large number of bodies fell, kukas hooked the plane without any hesitation, and the original power wrapped him and the natural Banshee for transmission.

Golden light wrapping, normal array generation. At the moment when the transmitting Dharma array was running, a black light suddenly flew out of the pile of corpses and directly wound around his Dharma array. And kukas didn\'t notice all this.