Abyss Knight

Chapter 589

After spending dozens of days sorting out the information and knowledge contained in his mind for several times, kukas began to prepare some materials for his promotion. Fortunately, he has stored a large number of materials in the burning level in advance, so it is not too tight to prepare now.

It took him dozens of days to count all kinds of materials. These materials were not needed when he was promoted, but only after he was promoted. He now counts these materials in order to use them to practice his secret skills as quickly as possible after becoming an eighth order knight. After all, now that the main plane world has failed in the war, he is worried that he will be chased by the victor after he reaches the eighth level.

You know, when they invaded other low-order planes in the past, they often made a rule. Those who find that there are relatively high-level occupations in the low-level plane will try their best to catch each other. Either they were killed directly, or they were taken away by some people to serve as slaves or even experimental objects.

Of course, if he is not promoted to an eighth level professional, the probability of being arrested is relatively low. But kukas thinks it is impossible not to be promoted to the eighth rank, because his current pursuit is to become a legend in the vertical and horizontal void. And in his opinion, since he will be promoted to the eighth level sooner or later, he may have higher achievements in the future.

After sorting out all kinds of magic materials, kukas directly found the natural Banshee that had been kept in captivity in the palace. After hundreds of years of peace of mind and rest, under the action of a large number of drugs by female doctors, the essence and blood of the natural Banshee has completely recovered to its peak.

When kukas appeared before and after the natural banshee, the natural Banshee soon understood his purpose. Although she resisted in her heart, she had no ability to resist under such circumstances.

"After I achieve level 8, you will be free. If you want to go there, as long as I can do it, I will send you." looking at the natural Banshee standing in front of him, kukas felt a little uncomfortable. I think there are not a thousand or 800 women he has been to. Every woman has a relationship of their own free will. But now he could obviously feel the resistance of the natural Banshee. Of course, in order to successfully achieve the eighth level, even if the other party resists again, he will never give up.

After all, the probability of professional promotion from low level to high level is very low. If a special professional like him continues to promote a special professional, the probability of failure is several times higher than that of other professionals. Normally, a level 6 ghost cry Knight wants to be promoted to level 7, but there is only one percent chance. And there is a one percent chance of being promoted from level 7 to level 8. With such a high probability of failure, he didn\'t dare to be half distracted. You know, if you fail in promotion, you will lose your fighting spirit and become an ordinary person, or you will lose your body and soul, and you won\'t even have the chance to reincarnate.

"My life span is only a few decades." the natural Banshee whispered with her head down. "I just hope you can let me walk on a plane and let me know the outside world."

"No problem at all." kukas agreed without hesitation. In his opinion, as long as he can be successfully promoted to level 8, all the problems of the natural Banshee will no longer be a problem. As for what will happen to him after he becomes level 8, that is not what he is considering now.

Several special magic materials were prepared, and then kukasla pulled the natural banshee, with the help of the original power, directly crossed the endless void and appeared in a high-level plane.

This higher plane is not his main plane world, but a higher plane controlled by demons in the endless abyss. Here, he doesn\'t have to worry that his breakthrough will be disturbed by others.

He found a huge library. After explaining to the controllers here that he needed an extremely quiet and safe place for secret Dharma cultivation, he soon got an extremely safe place for latent cultivation. Here, as long as the library is not completely destroyed, no one will disturb his secret room.

"You need to pay 3000 magic crystals to spend ten days in that secret room." a bent phantom humbly told kukas about the conditions here.

A magic ring was thrown to the other party by him. There were at least a few 100000 magic crystals in the magic ring. These magic crystals were collected by him in the war School of the thematic world. I think the war college is huge. There are nearly 100000 magic pools of different sizes in it. At least 100000 magic crystals are born every day. When searching there, kukas still transported a lot of magic crystals.

A trace of flame with strong sulfur smell sprayed out from the nostrils of the phantom. Thinking of the benefits he could get from this big business, the phantom was already very bent, and his body was more bent. "Great knight, how long do you need to sneak in there?"

"It will take at least a year. If there is not enough spar in it, I will pay you the rest after my latent training." kukas touched his bare head and said strangely.

"Boy, your woman looks very good. Why don\'t we change and play!" a strong man came from a distance with a charming sorceress in his arms. His eyes lit up after his eyes fell on the natural Banshee standing next to kukas. But it moved some thoughts.

"If you want to die, come up to me and say this." kukas lit a silver smoke and took a hard puff. "Some women, you are not qualified to play with."

"Is she your master?" the stout man looked up and laughed after hearing kukas\'s words. A pair of thick palms swam and rubbed the female mage\'s body in his arms, which only made the female mage charming and panting, and his body was manipulated uncontrollably.

"Hurry up, I\'m in a hurry." kukas ignored the strong man. He stretched out his fingers and gently tapped the table in front of the bent phantom. "Does anyone care about the killing here?"

"Great and noble knight, my speed has reached the fastest. If you want to kill here, I suggest you kill more. Because if you kill too little here, many people will look down on you. This is the level controlled by the endless abyss, not the level you used to be." The bent phantom quickly took the seal and stamped it on some magic paper and scrolls. His work efficiency is actually very high, but the formalities here are cumbersome, which only delays time.