Abyss Knight

Chapter 588

A breath of destruction flew out of the crack thousands of feet. When the breath of destruction appeared from the crack, the earth trembled violently hundreds of thousands of miles around. The earth cracked, magma gushed, countless creatures disappeared, and all kinds of buildings collapsed into nothingness like sand. The strong war academy, which has just been completed, has been eroded by the smell of destruction. Most of the buildings have collapsed, and only a few buildings seem to have been eroded by tens of thousands of years and become dilapidated and stand on the earth.

Hundreds of legends and hundreds of high-level professionals who first came here were stunned by this series of changes. Those who wanted to be active immediately opened the portal at all costs. It took a lot of effort to transmit it hundreds of miles away. Some of the remaining people either didn\'t have enough means, or were arrogant and didn\'t take it to heart, so they didn\'t leave, but silently waited for something behind the crack to appear.

"Alfred, you bitch, dare to hurt me a hair, and I will detain you for three million more years when I go back." under the suppression of the destructive atmosphere in the crack, the high-level professionals who stayed here knelt down in despair, and the destructive atmosphere of the hard-working resisters. The legends gathered together, all kinds of released their own breath intertwined, turned into a huge column to hit the crack in the sky.

When the demon spirit in the basement looked up at the crack, the breath of destruction from the crack increased several times. The next moment, a huge arm came out of the crack.

Yes, an arm at least a thousand feet long poked out of the crack, the arm fell, and the breath of destruction rose sharply. The earth trembled fiercely within a radius of more than ten thousand beauties. Under the suppression of the breath of destruction, it began to collapse on a large scale.

"Go!" a legend finally realized the bad. He found that the breath of the union of hundreds of legends was slowly collapsing under the oppression of destruction and coercion, and his heart couldn\'t help being anxious. He couldn\'t care to look at the arm. He twisted and stabbed into the void behind him, trying to tear a space crack and escape.

White as jade\'s hands pierced into the void, his arms separated left and right, trying to tear a crack out. But he had just torn a crack more than an elbow high. After it appeared, a more strengthened and horizontal breath of destruction gushed out of the crack. The breath of destruction turned into a magic dragon virtual shadow, waved a huge dragon claw and grabbed it on the man.

The Dragon claws contracted, and the legend didn\'t even scream. Under the uninteresting gaze of the people, the whole body collapsed and broke. Even the strongest skull turned into fly ash in an instant.

Drops of blood fell from the sky, which fell to the ground and immediately corroded the earth into a pit thousands of feet deep. The blood rolled, and even pushed the eyes erupted from the earth to the depths of the earth. Blood pools emerge one after another, and the resentment and killing breath floating in the endless void are madly instilled into the blood pools, expanding the area of these blood pools bit by bit.

The huge arm fell down bit by bit. After the elbow of the arm flew out of the crack, the legends who were forcibly suppressed by the breath of destruction and couldn\'t move found that it was a broken arm. A broken arm cut off from an unknown creature. Drops of blood fell down. A legend was wrapped in blood and evaporated in an instant.

"The broken arm of power. We are all over." a legend cried out. He roared wildly, trying to escape under the suppression of the breath of destruction, but it didn\'t work. A strong magic and spiritual power, in the breath of terrible destruction, seems to have never existed.

"A drop of blood melts a legend, and a piece of flesh and blood destroys a plane. Ha ha! Well, it\'s lucky for me to die under the powerful limbs." a legend muttered absently, but lost his desire to escape.

Everything disappeared. When the broken arm hit the earth from the sky: the violent shock wave swept everything around in an instant. Those remaining legends have no sense of resistance under this shock wave. The whole person just stood in place, was swept by the shock wave, and then his body collapsed. However, in a few breathing times, hundreds of legends turned into a pile of fly ash and scattered on the earth.

Everything has turned into a desert within a radius of more than ten thousand beauties. All the living breath disappeared. But there are blood pools of different sizes swimming slowly in the desert. They either fuse with each other or split. In a short magic time, the blood pool formed a very simple pattern in Shan mo. After the pattern was formed, they stopped moving.

The underground buildings of the war academy sank rapidly in this series of changes. A large amount of blood and liquid in the magic pool were mixed and watered on those magic puppets. After these magic puppets were watered by these things, some flesh and blood began to grow on their bodies made of various metals.

Ferocious bone spurs, war knives and spears grew out of them, and a trace of cruel scarlet light began to appear in their empty eyes.

This series of changes is very sudden and extremely rapid. When it disappeared into the depths of the earth and hundreds of legends turned into flying ash, the half step powerful projection suspended in the sky collapsed. Countless light spots floated out of the broken body. These light spots either directly break the space into the crack, or turn into a streamer and fly tens of millions of miles away.

A huge head came out of the thousand foot crack torn by the half step projection. The head poked out, and the crack of thousands of feet was forcibly enlarged three or five times. The huge head shook, millions of miles of space began to break and twist, and two hundreds of feet of light came out of the orbit. With the breathing of the big head, tornadoes were generated out of thin air. In just a few breathing times, thousands of cracks of different sizes were forcibly torn out of the yellow sand land.

"It\'s just a dying struggle." the huge head spoke like hundreds of millions of thunder. The huge voice spread around, and even the cities gathered by ordinary people thousands of miles away were forcibly destroyed by his voice. As for those ordinary people and low-level professionals, they were directly shocked to death by this sound.

Two hundreds of feet of light hit the place where the crippled arm would blend in. Then I saw the earth shaking violently, roaring and unwilling to ring out from the depths of the earth, but after a few breathing times, the sound disappeared. The huge head also went along the crack. There are only countless hurricanes wandering in the desert and thousands of miles of dead areas still quietly stay on the broken earth.

All this changed quickly, but it had nothing to do with kukas.

The white light released by the demon spirit was directly transmitted to the burning plane. It turned into a fireball and hit the earth hard from mid air. Although there was a face source to repair his body, he almost fell into meat sauce after falling on the earth.

When the mind turned, thirteen burning black flags emerged from the mind, then rolled his body, easily tore the plane, and directly sent him to a gorgeous palace.

The huge body lay heavily on the soft big bed. Kukas lay there quietly, looking at the ornate ceiling above with confused eyes. For a moment, his whole brain was in great confusion, and messy images emerged from his head. Before he could see clearly, those pictures broke up.

I don\'t know how long it was before kukas shook his head to wake himself up. He remembered that after he returned to the main plane world from the endless void through the secret method, he killed the soul in the fighting space who planned to rob his body. Moreover, according to the requirements of the plane battlefield center, the self destruction device of the war Academy was opened.

After opening the self destruction device of the war academy, he did not leave in a hurry, but silently waited for the explosion of the Academy, and he returned here with the help of his original power.

As for the disappearance of the twelve control planes, he didn\'t pay much attention to it. Because in his memory, the twelve planes were destroyed by the total war when he entered the endless void.

Although the twelve planes were destroyed, after all, he controlled the twelve planes, so the twelve plane props were still in his body, but because the planes were destroyed, the power of these props suddenly decreased by more than ten times. But even so, it doesn\'t have much impact on him.

It turned out that the power of plane props was incomparable. When he used these props before, he could only cast one thousandth or even one thousandth of them. Other functions have never been brought into play because of his lack of knowledge and strength.

And he now controls a plane. If necessary, he can integrate the other 12 plane props into the only plane. In this way, it can not only rapidly increase the original power of this plane, but also completely restore the efficacy of the twelve plane props.

In his mind, he recorded a lot of knowledge, and kukas believed that these knowledge were obtained in the endless void through secret methods.

"It\'s a pity that I have owned the secret building twice, but I used it once. If I use it more, I\'m afraid I\'ll gain more!" kukas felt depressed because of the defeat of the main world at once several times when he thought of a lot of knowledge in his mind. Of course, he did not expect that all this was brought to him by the prohibition of Haoguang evolution.