Abyss Knight

Chapter 587

"What happened?" kukas, standing blankly in the corner of the wall, was awakened by a growing roar. He shook his head hard, then turned his head and looked at the demon spirit not far away and asked in a deep voice.

"Someone wants to come in. They are polishing the prohibition here. According to normal circumstances, they can polish the prohibition here in another magic time and come in." the demon turned into a middle-aged man still said in an empty voice.

"Can you see the situation outside?" feeling the pressure of the powerful atmosphere around, kukas wanted to see how the people outside dealt with the War College: "how long will the whole war college destroy itself?"

"In half a magic time, the war academy will disappear." the demon spirit didn\'t look at kukas, but twisted his head and limbs and pointed to the diamond crystal behind him.

The crack on the rhombic crystal is slowly recovering. After the guidance of the demon\'s image, the crystal more than ten feet high slowly rotates, revealing a plane without any crack in front of kukas.

The light flickered, like water ripples. After flashing on the crystal, a picture appeared in front of kukas.

On such a big picture, a red cloud column with unknown thickness rose into the sky. The rotation of the red cloud column not only hooked the endless fire cloud at the top, but also tore the void on the way of rotation. Thirteen twisted chains flew out of the void and wound around the red cloud column.

Every time the red cloud column turned, there was a roar in the basement. In the statistics of demons, some magic pools in the War College will collapse with the roar, or lose the ability to contact other magic pools.

Hundreds of vague figures shuttle between the red cloud pillars. These figures either grab flames from the void, integrate clouds into the cloud pillars, or chop a large number of lightning hurricanes into them.

"Who are these people?" looking at the image on the crystal, kukas\'s killing talent sent him bursts of fierce danger. In particular, some figures shuttling through the cloud column seemed to notice his observation, often stopped in the air, and then locked his eyes through the crystal to look at him.

Every time he looked at these people, even the images, kukas still felt a heavy pressure. Every time he looked at each other, he subconsciously felt that the other party\'s eyes turned into two beams to penetrate into his body, as if he had noticed all his secrets.


"I see!" kukas nodded, and then took a long breath of relief. In his opinion, only the existence of legend and above can give him so much pressure with an image.

"The cloud pillar is falling." kukas suddenly found that there was a huge gap between the cloud pillar connecting the fire cloud and the fire cloud after a roar.

"There\'s someone up there." the ghost\'s unique empty voice sounded. I don\'t know how it was manipulated. The next moment, the picture displayed on the diamond crystal suddenly shifted to the top of the huge fire cloud column.

A naked, red haired woman stood at the top of the cloud column, wrapped black and red chains around her limbs, and a short spear with gold and silver pierced her heart. Drops of golden blood followed the short spear and fell on the cloud pillar. With every drop of blood falling, the cloud column rotates once. And the woman let out a painful groan.

"Legend Aphrodite." the empty voice of the demon spirit sounded again: "it is said that there is an extremely ancient goddess\'s blood in her blood. Unfortunately, she did not become a God, but embarked on the road of legend."

"Do you know her?" seeing the woman\'s painful face, kukas didn\'t know why he felt bad. The woman\'s heart beat every drop of blood, and bursts of pain passed from her heart.

"The theme plane is one of the most powerful legends in the world. It is said that she may be the only legend that can win great power in recent ten thousand years." the solidified figure of the demon spirit began to twist and change again. Its shape changed dozens of times in just a few breaths.

"Achieve great power?"

"Yes, if it weren\'t for the all-out war, she would definitely achieve great power status in thirty or fifty years." when the demon said this, there seemed to be a trace of sigh and reluctance in his tone.

"You know a lot." kukas\'s eyes focused on the red haired woman in the image: legendary Aphrodite.

"I got a lot of information from that drop of blood. And many legends have instilled information in my body before." the demon\'s voice didn\'t fluctuate at all.

"Can you save her?" kukas took a deep breath and looked at the legendary Aphrodite who closed his eyes and moaned from time to time. In his opinion, it was not the top legend or half step power, but a poor humiliated woman.

"That\'s her fate." the voice of the demon answered kukas\'s question after seven or eight breaths of silence.

"Ha ha! Funny, will you still recognize the so-called fate of the creatures who have evolved magic props?" kukas was shocked. After hearing the demon\'s words, countless thoughts flashed in his heart. A violent spirit of ghost sobbing erupted from his arm and wound around the gun and axe that had killed countless surviving projections.

The gun and axe trembled slightly, and a strange sound came out of it. The gun and axe trembled, and kukas\'s confused mind gradually woke up. At this moment, his blood was boiling, and a trace of murderous intention broke out from his body uncontrollably. Looking at the constantly changing demon spirit, he seemed to return to the time when he and the female general killed infinite fragments in the underground palace of Pires.

"Without fate, I can\'t have wisdom." the demon\'s expression changed for the first time. His calm face frowned, and countless magic words rose between it and kukas. These magical words were woven into a crystal wall. Some Dharma arrays and forbidden projections are projected from the surrounding walls to the crystal wall, making the crystal wall more solid.

"Can you save her?" kukas took a deep breath and shook his hand to receive the magic ring. Although the gun and axe were put away, his mind did not continue to be confused.

"It\'s just a projection. Saving the projection is of no use to Ben. Her noumenon is suppressed in the God prison at the gate of heaven." the voice of the demon sounds like a little low and helpless.

"You know a lot."

"That drop of blood contains a lot of knowledge." the twisted image of the demon spirit suddenly showed a strange smile. The smile flashed by, and staring at the half step powerful Aphrodite in the image on the diamond crystal, I didn\'t see the strange smile at all.

"Hurry up! The war academy will be destroyed soon."

"Ha ha! Why do you want to go? I want to see this place destroyed." kukas smiled grimly. He is not afraid of death, nor of the capture of others, so he wants to stay here and see how the place he once wanted to control dissipates.

"After this place is destroyed, legends can easily walk in this underground space. At that time, they will be able to track your footprints and catch you."

Kukas wanted to say something else, but he suddenly found that in the picture, he had been standing on the cloud column with his eyes closed. Da Neng aflow fiercely opened his eyes.

Two golden beams of seven or eight feet long spurted out of her eyes. A legend was swept by the beam and was swept out hundreds of miles away in an instant. If Aphrodite didn\'t intend to suppress his power, but with the sweep of the light beam, he could erase the legendary moment.

The sudden changes not only made kukas look silly, but also the legends who pulled the cloud pillar and were polishing the forbidden Dharma array were stunned. They use the secret method to draw the projection of half step power, just to carefully polish the prohibition of the war college below by means of this half step power, rather than completely destroy the prohibition of the whole war college.

Under normal circumstances, the half step power projection they pulled out will only float in the air and silently provide power, and there will be no other action at all. But now there is a sudden abnormal change, which makes hundreds of legends feel turbulent at once.

The clear whistling sounded from the mouth of the half step powerful Aphrodite projection. She looked up at the sky and stared at the golden light tens of millions of feet high in the sky.

The golden lights staggered, collided with each other in the void, and burst out a crack thousands of feet in size.

Endless pressure was released from her body. Even if it was a imprisoned projection, the pressure emanating from her was extremely strong.

If the pressure released by the drop of blood that kukas will see is a drop of water, the pressure released by this half step can be projected like a waterfall from heaven.

The hundreds of legends hovering under the cloud column were like dumplings in the pot, plopping down from the sky, hitting the earth and smashing deep pits of different sizes.

The bodies of all non legendary creatures within a radius of nearly ten thousand miles burst into a blood mist, and even the soul was forcibly erased. All kinds of buildings on the ground are like building blocks built by children. The countless Dharma arrays and prohibitions arranged on them seem to have never existed, and they collapse completely in an instant.

The great pressure came to the secret room in an instant, and kukas\'s body cracked quickly under the pressure.

"Roar! I want to see what this half step of power will do." kukas roared, but he refused to let his body collapse. Therefore, regardless of the crazy consumption, he hooked the plane source, crossed the endless void, instilled it into his body, and repaired his body again and again.

Under the pressure of the half step powerful projection, his body had just been repaired and was smashed by the pressure in an instant. Bones are broken and recombined, flesh and blood dissipate and regenerate. The soul splits and heals. Although all this brought him endless pain, kukas insisted.

"I\'ll see what I can do in this half step." it was precisely because of this idea that he clenched his teeth and refused to leave. At this time, he only looked at the projection of half step power in the sky through the diamond crystal, but did not notice the excited expression on the demon\'s face.

"Bitch, don\'t you stop now? Will you give in if we punish you?" a legend suppressed in the ground shouted fiercely: "don\'t stop, go back and let them kill thousands of garbage legends."

"What are you, bitch? How dare you bully me? Don\'t you think it\'s not long enough to be suppressed?"

A series of vicious curses were transmitted to kukas\'s ears through the cracked diamond crystal, which made him feel incredible.

"Why do hundreds of legends curse one and a half step power?" kukas shouted with an uninteresting look on his face. His mind was in turmoil. One didn\'t notice that his lower body didn\'t have time to supplement enough plane origin. In an instant, he was pressed into nothingness by the pressure released by the half step powerful projection.

In the face of the vicious curse, the projection of the powerful Aphrodite standing on the running half step was silent, but kukas saw a drop of tears flowing from the woman\'s face.

Tears trickled down. After breaking away from her round chin, she appeared in front of kukas across the void and condensed into a crystal like crystal.

Looking at the teardrop crystal suddenly appeared in front of him, kukas subconsciously reached out and grabbed it. The teardrop like crystal melted slowly after touching his body, and disappeared in a short breathing time.

"This is" before kukas reacted, he noticed that the plane source instilled from the endless void disappeared from his body at an extremely fast speed.

This sudden change made him subconsciously want to cut off the origin of the hook plane. But when the mind turned, the original power not only didn\'t reduce by half, but more madly crossed the endless void and rushed into his body, and then disappeared inexplicably.

In just three or five breaths, kukas realized that a plane under his control was suddenly broken, but it collapsed and destroyed directly in the endless void because of the rapid disappearance of the original power. With the destruction of the that plane, there are countless green skins.

The sudden change not only shocked him, but also made him have no way to stop it. It was only more than 30 breathing times, and there was only one burning plane left of the 13 planes he controlled.

"Da Neng keeps his hand. There is a natural Banshee that my younger brother cherishes. If I lose the natural banshee, my younger brother doesn\'t know how long it will take to achieve level 8." at the critical moment, kukas finally noticed something. The blessing spirit was so excited that he saw the bald evil man wailing, beating his hands and shouting loudly.

"Ah! I just use your strength to build a sleeping place for me. Just! What about the last plane left for you? We have been sorry for you, but we can\'t take your things anymore." an ethereal woman\'s voice sounded in kukas\'s heart. Accompanied by this sound, a teardrop shaped crystal flew out of his head.

The teardrop shaped crystal stone flew into the air, rotated around kukas for three times, and then fell to the ground with a slap, which immediately converged all the brilliance and changed into a drop of extremely ordinary crystal stone.

While the teardrop shaped crystal dissipated the brilliance, kukas saw a naked, naked woman like the half step great Aphrodite floating in the sky, curled up like a baby. However, when the glory dissipated, he could not see anything at all. "Is it an illusion?" an inexplicable idea appeared in my mind.

When this inexplicable idea appeared in his mind, a transparent light beam suddenly flew out of the diamond crystal on one side. The light beam rotated around kukas\'s head. The next moment, a crack more than one person appeared behind him. The crack moved and swallowed kukas in an instant.

"Oh, don\'t cut my memory." after the beam appeared, kukas noticed that his memory began to regress. With the retrogression of memory, pictures were broken in his mind. Most of the fragments are directly twisted into nothingness by the light beam, and a few fragments fall into the deepest part of the mind and disappear.

"It\'s for your good." the ethereal female voice directly appeared in kukas\'s mind.

At the last moment when kukas was swallowed up by the crack, he saw a pale gold pool coming out where the teardrop like crystal stone fell. The whole underground space began to fluctuate violently. The hidden blood floating in mid air emerged and then merged into the diamond crystal.

But soon, this series of memories were instantly killed by the white Haoguang. This Haoguang killed his memory until he returned to his noumenon from the endless void. Finally, the Haoguang was broken in his mind and forcibly integrated into his mind, evolving countless prohibitions.

Severe pain passed from the depths of his soul. Kukas did not know why, but his heart was full of sadness. When the mind turned, the whole person was in a coma.

"You go first." after kukas disappeared, the demon spirit suddenly spoke anxiously: "be patient. One day, we will walk under the sky again and control the main plane world again."

"I\'m afraid that at that time, everyone will forget us." the voice of the ethereal woman sounded in the pool. The pool continued to expand, accompanied by a sound and a series of ripples.

"If the new controller does better than us, it\'s OK for future generations to forget us." the demon spirit looked up and two golden lights flew out of his eyes and pierced into the void. At the end of the void, he saw the crack thousands of feet in size torn by a half step powerful projection with golden light.