Abyss Knight

Chapter 586

"It\'s no use, it\'s too late." the soldier\'s soul twisted and roared.

Four chains flew to his soul with teeth and claws, but they were broken by the waves sent out by the soul. The power radiated from the soul became stronger and stronger, but the warrior\'s soul burned completely during the breathing time.

The golden flame rose into the sky and formed a golden fire cloud in kukas\'s fighting space. The fire cloud spread, burning not only a lot of ghost crying and fighting spirit, but also the two just projected breath.

The two figures fighting with each other may be aware of the danger. The old man in gray robe roared and gave up his opponent, and his body instantly appeared above the burning soul. The big hand held it falsely and pressed it down like a mountain peak. The burning golden flame and fluctuation became more and more violent under the big hand. Some golden flames rose in the air and twined around the figure in an instant.

"Roar!" the roar from the depths of my heart sounded from the old man\'s projection. Even the incomplete memory projection of a drop of blood still showed extremely powerful power when facing the self explosion of the soul of a high-level professional at this moment.

After the figure roared, the golden flame wrapped around him went out in an instant, and some green light spots like tadpoles flew out on his dry hands. The light spot twines and instantly spreads all over the soul of the high-level professional. With the big hand clenched, the whole soul was destroyed in an instant. The broken soul dissipates with twisted reluctance, and the flame surrounded by soul as fuel dissipates.

"It\'s just a projection of broken memory. It\'s so powerful? Killing the soul of a high-level professional is just a hand." kukas was completely shocked by what he saw.

"What kind of existence kills such a powerful creature? Is the power contained in a drop of blood really so terrible? Is this the means to surpass the legendary power?"

While thinking, the projections appeared in his fighting space one by one. Among these projections, there are unknown professionals who are single, as well as the chaos of three or five people killing each other, but more are the images of an old man in a gray robe standing alone on a lonely peak.

Looking at the lonely figure, kukas felt an inexplicable sadness. The sadness came so suddenly and violently.

"I\'m just taking a rest here. Don\'t be so alarmed." a man came to a lonely peak at the foot of a figure. The old man in grey robe stood on the lonely peak that didn\'t rise, solidifying kukas\'s heart and spirit.

"Who are you?"

"The dead who fell into the endless abyss." the grey robed old man on the lonely peak was a little stunned, as if he didn\'t expect kukas to ask him these things: "I\'m a follower of supreme existence, I\'m a loser in the war."

At this time, the space was turbulent, and large cracks appeared. Some gray fog evolved into water droplets and fell from the crack. It was like a heavy rain in the whole huge fighting space.

"Who killed you?" drops of water condensed by gray smoke fell on his mind, making his mind start to mix and freeze, and the whole person seemed to fall into a dream.

"We are the saddest era. Before this era, there are supreme achievements; after this era, there are also achievements. Why not in this era? I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled."

When the gangster was stiff, kukas saw the old man on the lonely peak reach out his hand and give him directions. Green light came out of the old man\'s fingers. The light flew into his mind, and countless messages hit him at once. A large amount of information directly shattered his mind. If there was no constant repair of the original power of the plane, perhaps his mind would have completely turned into a virtual grip under the impact of those information.

The green light curtain spreads out from the isolated peak, the light curtain spreads, the space is stable, and the projected images are broken one after another. Some strange words flew out of the broken figure and landed on the altar and in the space crack. In just a few breathing times, all the cracks in the whole space are healed, even several times stronger than before.

The huge isolated peaks collapsed, the mountains cracked, and the huge stones fell into the space. Unexpectedly, some pocket mountains evolved here. However, as soon as these mountains emerged, they were entangled by slowly rotating chains, and then forcibly polished into fragments. They were entangled by countless ghosts and began to burn violently.

The broken rocks were turned into gray liquid under the burning of fighting spirit, and then smeared on the altar and chain. All this happened when kukas was in a daze.

When he was sober, these changes had disappeared.

A large number of words and information are branded on the altar. These words and information don\'t need him to study at all. Just an idea will float in his mind.

Ignorant, I don\'t know how long it has been. Just as kukas plans to carefully check the situation in his angry space, he suddenly feels a violent roar transmitted from the outside to the underground space. At this time, the empty voice of the demon spirit also sounded in my ears.

"Help me, throw that Scepter into my body." the image of the demon appeared in front of kukas in a twist. Its voice was empty and could not hear any anxious emotion, but kukas noticed the anxiety of the demon spirit through its rapidly changing image.

"You don\'t want to die?"

"Yes, I just came back to life. I don\'t want to die." the demon Spirit said in an empty voice.

Kukas looked up at the diamond crystal in mid air and found that there were cracks of different sizes everywhere. Cracks are spreading and shrinking slowly. If nothing happens, the whole crystal is likely to collapse completely after a few magic hours. At that time, the demon that finally gave birth to wisdom will die.

The drop of blood suspended in mid air has disappeared. Although the demon spirit didn\'t explain, kukas also knew that the blood had evolved by itself. The forbidden Dharma array covered the body shape, which ordinary people couldn\'t see at all.

"Yes! No one wants to die." he reached out and pulled out the purple and gold scepter in his arms and turned it in his hand: "if I give you the scepter, will the whole war academy destroy itself in the end?"

"If you need it."

"Why do you want to live?" kukas looked at the walls carved with countless patterns and Dharma arrays. Think of the scene where he came here ambitious thirty years ago to control countless professionals. I just didn\'t expect that he only had a latent training, and everything was over. The end is not only his idea of controlling professionals, but also some pursuits he once thought about.

In his previous thoughts, he came here to select potential professionals from more than a thousand empires, and then accept them and let them form their own guard. To rely on these low-level professionals to build a force to fill the ranks of the green people, so as to cultivate the high-level professionals they need little by little.

Unfortunately, all this is over. In just 30 years, when he has not implemented his plan, the main plane world has been defeated, and the war Academy must be destroyed. In addition, he entered the endless void to collect knowledge through the secret method, which also confirmed his previous mistakes. For a time, he was confused.

"I want to change my body for myself. I also have what I want you to have. I am not a magic prop, but a special creature. I want to see the strange planes recorded in books. I want to see the majestic posture of powerful creatures walking in the sky and on the earth. I want to control my destiny. I let others control my life and death, not others People decide my survival. "The demon spirit was silent a little, and finally answered kukas so simply.

"You know, I always wanted to be a legendary knight. Later, I wanted to build the most powerful alliance. But all this has not been completed. For 30 years, I did nothing, but wasted more than 30 years in vain. This war academy should have been under my control, but it was destroyed in my hands." Kukas squatted blankly in the corner of the wall. He covered his bald head and muttered disorderly.

"Thirty years is too short. According to the information I got, you have to work hard for at least tens of thousands of years to achieve something. Of course, the premise is that you must do anything and live long enough." the voice of the demon sounded again.

"Ha ha! Ten thousand years? It\'s too long." kukas laughed. He shook his head and threw the scepter into the diamond crystal in the air.

The purple gold scepter touched the crystal and immediately integrated into it. There was no abnormality, as if the scepter originally belonged to this crystal.

The demon was stunned. At the moment when the purple and gold scepter was integrated into its body, its rapidly changing body suddenly stopped changing, and finally formed an image of a middle-aged man who looked very loyal.

The huge roar was constantly transmitted to the secret room from the outside, and kukas felt inexplicable pressure. Although the pressure was not as strong as that drop of blood just now, it still made him feel very hard.

But even so, he still clenched his teeth and insisted on sitting up from the ground, and then supported the wall to stand up a little bit. The broken bones on his body quickly recovered under the irrigation of the original strength of the surface, but his confused mind still didn\'t really wake up.

The roar became more and more violent, and the whole underground space began to fluctuate slightly. Various magic characters on the wall flickered in varying strength, and a large amount of magic liquid flowed from the heads of some monsters on the wall.