Abyss Knight

Chapter 585

In some organizations, some people mass produce this evil scroll, and then use these scrolls to seal special creatures. A few of these creatures are special and powerful creatures, and most are handsome men and women of all races. These creatures are taught and cleaned up by the scroll holder again and again in the scroll, bearing inhuman torture. In that scroll, they don\'t even have the right to commit suicide. Most creatures can be liberated until the day when their souls die.

It is said that this scroll can seal the powerful existence of legends and gods, but no one has really seen it, so no one is sure.

It is precisely because of the evil of this scroll that most organizations are crazy about banning the emergence of this scroll. But privately, there are still a large number of professionals who make and buy such scrolls and do all kinds of heinous things.

The woman of the temple of glory had seen this scroll before, and her mentor was sealed with it by a mysterious man when she was young. More than a hundred years ago, after participating in a plane war, she found the scroll sealed with her mentor from a low-level plane. At that time, her mentor had been tortured into a body without any thinking.

"I must kill you." the woman in the temple of glory took a deep breath and forcibly restrained her intention to kill. She knows that it\'s not time to start now. Otherwise, it will be used by interested people and lose the qualification to explore this mysterious situation. At that time, she will even be punished by the temple. She still understands the importance of some things.

The Magic Cave of kovaze flew out in the hands of the mage. After receiving a lot of fighting support, it began to grow slowly. When touching the twisted space, the center of the scroll burst out a dazzling golden light. The golden light flickered and turned into a light net hundreds of feet in size, wrapped the distorted space, and then contracted, ready to pull the distorted space into the scroll.

There was a strange sound in the twisted space, like thunder, like the cry of monsters, and like the cry of the wounded. The strange voice sounded, and began to shrink slowly under the suppression of the optical network, while the scroll expanded a little bit.

"Succeeded." someone whispered, because in just seven or eight breathing times, the golden optical network was shrinking, and the distorted space was also shrinking by more than half under the suppression of the optical network. If there is no accident, after a few more breathing times, the distorted space will be completely sealed.

Mysterious words came out of the caster\'s mouth in a hurry. With these words, his dry fingers danced in the air and came out in an arc. A large number of magic forces gushed out of his fingers like a tide. Under the traction of magic words, they were constantly instilled into the scroll to maintain the magic power on the scroll.

The sound in the shrinking twisted space became louder and louder, but under the Magic Cave of Covar, after more than ten breathing times, it was finally completely dragged into the scroll by the golden light net.

When the twisted space was dragged into the scroll, the caster shouted excitedly. He reached out and pointed to the scroll suspended in the air. At the end of a few simple syllables, the scroll narrowed and rewound, and finally fell into his hand.

The caster grabbed the scroll and stuffed it into his arms as fast as he could. He didn\'t give others a chance to see it at all.

"You\'d better find a way to open the mountain! Instead of staring at me like this. To tell you the truth, the demon cave of kovaze has not been trained with soul, and it won\'t take so long for the responsible person to seal the distorted thing." after the caster put away the scroll, he found that dozens of people stared at him with bad faces, and he knew why, Therefore, he quickly explained: "when the demon cave of kovaze, which has been washed by the soul, is released, the scroll will be broken and will be restored only after the seal is successful. I think you know."

"Anyway, it\'s unpleasant to use kovaze\'s Magic Cave," said the shorty caster, narrowing his eyes and quickly turning his white bone scepter.

"Bah!" when the caster who used the scroll heard the words of the short caster, he muttered to himself: "your boy, the means of killing thousands of ordinary people is far more cruel than the means of making this scroll. What integrity do you put in front of me now? Don\'t think the power behind you is huge. If you are in a hurry, I will find a chance to kill you later."

"Magic and fighting power will lead those breath to appear. We have to find another way." someone whispered.

Not to mention how these people think outside and look at the situation below, just the situation of kukas in the underground war Academy.

After the demon spirit of diamond crystal evolution opened the blood suspended in the air, the bald evil man was severely suppressed in the most marginal area of the chamber of secrets by the powerful breath emitted by the blood. Even if the demon spirit mobilized the forbidden Dharma array to protect him, he was still paralyzed on the ground and couldn\'t stand up under the pressure of the breath.

"Just a little blood, should have such a powerful power?" kukas looked at the blood floating in the air and thought about it.

I saw a drop of red blood suspended in the air. The drop of blood was big enough to be the size of an adult\'s head. Endless breath of killing and authority emanated from it. Most of the breath condenses and tears the forbidden defense of the chamber of secrets, and a few blessings are added to the chamber of secrets.

Blood billowed and countless images flashed on it one by one. Some of these images were projected onto the diamond crystal and some into kukas\'s fighting space.

After bearing these projections, cracks of different sizes appeared on the diamond crystal. Fortunately, it can mobilize all the magic pools in the war Academy. With the help of the energy supplement in the magic pool, it finally did not collapse and dissipate. But the virtual shadow condensed outside was easily crushed into nothingness by the breath.

The projection of some images is branded in kukas\'s fighting space, which is dozens of times stronger than ordinary professionals. Under these projections, the fighting space trembles violently.

I saw a projection falling in his fighting space, which suddenly turned into a scene of a gray robed old man fighting with a four armed three legged freak.

The strong breath accompanied the two virtual shadows fighting and colliding, and raging like a hurricane on the ocean in this fighting space. A large number of fighting light bands were forcibly torn apart by the breath emitted by the two virtual shadows, and cracks of different sizes began to appear on the altar in the central area.

The thirteen chains trembled violently and made a dragon chant. The flame wrapped around the chain was like a poisonous snake, swallowing the fighting spirit around, so as to evolve more flames to protect the chain from being crushed and torn by the breath.

At first, the soul of the warrior who entered his fighting space with the help of the secret passage was fighting with all kinds of creatures evolved by kukas\'s killing breath. Unexpectedly, such strange changes suddenly took place in this fighting space. For a time, he couldn\'t respond. He was forcibly suppressed in the most marginal area of the space by the strong breath, and the killing creatures around him dissipated directly.

"I\'m not reconciled. The body is mine and no one can take it away." the soldier shouted wildly. His soul and mind had been weakened a lot after a long struggle in kukas\'s fighting space. The weakening of his soul almost lost his hope of occupying the body. Now he suddenly found two people breaking in. For a time, he thought that the intruders, like him, were trying to rob the body for rebirth. It is precisely because of this view that his next behavior is completely crazy.

"Damn rubbish, this body is mine. I can\'t get it, and you can\'t think of it." the soldier\'s soul screamed. He shook his long gun in his hand, turned it upside down and stabbed it hard on his soul.

The golden liquid flowed out of the soul. These liquids did not scatter on the ground, but quickly spread on the warrior\'s soul. In a short breathing time, a strange Dharma array was drawn.

The fighting spirit and spirit wrapped around the soul poured into the Dharma array on the soul, and even the ghost crying fighting spirit close to him was forcibly absorbed by the Dharma array.

Dong! Dong! Dong! Bursts of sounds like heartbeat were transmitted from the soul, and the golden ripples were released from the depths of the warrior\'s soul. The ripples spread around, and kukas\'s solid fighting space began to twist. Cracks of different sizes appear directly in the interior of the space, from which a large number of gray smoke flows. These gray smoke flows in the air fighting space, further accelerating the fragmentation of the whole space.

"Bastard." aware of the abnormality in the fighting space, kukas immediately transferred a lot of mind to immerse himself in it. However, it was too late when he came in. The soldier who forcibly entered into his fighting space from the endless void had cast his secret method and was ready to explode his soul. "If I had known so, I would have wiped you out completely even if I spent some energy."

In his anger, he did not care to repair the crack of the altar, but forcibly condensed four black chains, and then wound around the soul ready to explode. "If you dare to destroy Lao Tzu\'s fighting space, Lao Tzu will let you try what life is better than death." at that time, kukas was full of evil thoughts, ready to forcibly suppress the self exploding soul, and then seal it into the green skin in the burning plane with a secret method to carry out some experiments and punishment. As for the fragmentation of fighting space, he really didn\'t take it to heart. After all, if the thirteen planes were not destroyed, he wouldn\'t die. The big deal is to directly revive the plane origin and rebuild this fighting space.