Abyss Knight

Chapter 584

The woman who radiated the holy light said that the shorty caster was very angry. But after seeing the mark on the woman, he can only suppress his anger and dare not vent on the other side.

"I don\'t believe that this small mountain can resist me when the pressure here disappears." a soldier smiled grimly. He realized that the means of the casters were polished by the residual pressure here, so he came up with this kind of attention.

The shorty caster wanted to say something, but when he saw that most people were standing there quietly, waiting for the pressure to disappear, he didn\'t try to be strong. "Bear with me for a moment. This bitch humiliated me in public and will kill her someday. The people who honor the temple of God are great? I don\'t believe I can\'t find a chance to kill you."

The malice in the dwarf caster\'s heart, the woman of the glory temple, was absolutely unexpected, and she would be hated because of a sarcasm.

Hundreds of high-level professionals are quietly suspended in the air, waiting for the powerful pressure to dissipate slowly. However, the prestige floating in the air dissipated completely during the magic time.

The dwarf caster was overjoyed when he saw the pressure dissipated. He just wanted to recite a spell and release a powerful spell to destroy the mountain. See what\'s hidden below. When I stepped forward, I just wanted to make an action. Suddenly, my mind moved, but I had a new plan: "I can\'t stand out, hide my means and find a chance to kill the woman."

With this in mind, the short caster stepped back and stood next to the woman in the glory temple and shouted, "I heard that the divination skills of the priestesses in the glory temple are extremely exquisite. It\'s better for us to see that we don\'t know the strength of the glory temple. In the future, we\'ll be sorry to sin and bring disaster to you."

As soon as these words were said, they immediately made other professionals mutter in their hearts. They are hundreds of professionals, although they are all subordinate to the gate of heaven, but in the gate of heaven, they are subordinate to different organizations and alliances, and there is no lack of intrigue, fighting and killing each other on weekdays. But all this is done in secret. Like a shorty caster, there are very few who stir up right and wrong in front of everyone.

The woman of the glory Temple heard the words, her eyes flashed, but her heart was secretly vigilant: "our priests of the glory temple are only good at assisting divinity and healing divinity, but they have no means of attack."

"Well, don\'t waste time. Opening the mountain immediately is the right way." a soldier suddenly muttered loudly. Without waiting for others to speak, he just opened his big hand, fiercely urged his fighting spirit and attacked the mountain below.

Beams of light came out of his palm. These beams wound around his five fingers, and finally condensed into a column of light thick and thin as an adult\'s arm and sprayed fiercely on the top of the mountain.

Hiss! There was a burst of noise. When the light beam was about to hit the top of the mountain, the disappeared inexplicable wave suddenly appeared again. The breath fluctuated. This time, the space within seven or eight miles was stirred by the breath. The space is twisted and wound around the light column, but the breathing time can\'t be surrounded, so he forcibly polished the light column.

Some twisted spaces squirmed along the light column towards the soldier and walked all the way. Where they went, the space was broken, revealing cracks of different sizes. Although the crack appeared and disappeared in an instant, it made this group of high-level professionals panic.

"Drink!" the soldier was shocked by the distorted space, but he didn\'t turn around and run away. Instead, he sneered and grabbed his hands in front of him.

I saw his big hand empty grasp, the space in front of him contracted and collapsed violently, and countless fighting Qi sprayed out from his fingertips. These fighting Qi instantly pierced the edge of the twisted void, and then woven into a crystal wall three or five feet in size to meet the twisted space.

The twisted space touched the crystal wall instantly. There was no deafening explosion or brilliant light, but a slight crisp sound. The crystal wall was easily torn apart in front of the twisted space like fragile paper.

The twisted space tearing the crystal wall did not disappear or shrink, but the scale became larger and the speed increased a lot.

"What a strange place." a professional shouted. He threw a fireball at the twisted space. He never thought that the twisted space would become bigger after swallowing the fireball.

"Retreat one after another, wait until this thing dissipates." the woman in the glory temple was careful. One thing was bad, she immediately stepped back. The caster, who had been secretly paying attention to her shortness, sneered at herself and followed the woman\'s retreat. Others are unwilling and try to block each other, but like the people in front, they can not block the movement of the distorted space, but also because their attacks make the distorted space more huge.

"Don\'t attack, go back at full speed." the woman of the temple of glory warned loudly again, but her words contained the meaning of command. Those who attacked were dissatisfied, but considering the strange distortion of space, they took the opportunity to go downhill and all retreated back.

These people retreated and thought that the distorted space would slowly dissipate after no power attack, but they didn\'t expect that the distorted space was not only still chasing them, but also the scope was gradually expanding. No matter how they dodge, the distorted space still changes direction and chases down.

"What a strange means." seeing the distorted space like this, a group of high-level professionals couldn\'t help being interested. They don\'t worry that the distorted space will keep catching up. They just think that the moving speed of the space can\'t keep up with their speed, so they don\'t worry. What\'s more, if necessary, they can reach tens of millions of miles away directly through the portal, or even another plane. At that time, let the distorted space catch up, and don\'t want to catch up.

For these reasons, some casters were curious about the structure of the distorted space and began to carefully release their spiritual power to explore the distorted space, hoping to get some inspiration through this spatial structure and deduce their own secret Dharma.

As time went by, under the leadership of people with intentions, this group of high-level professionals retreated hundreds of miles in a straight line. But even so, still did not get rid of the increasingly huge distorted space.

"There\'s a voice inside." just as the crowd continued to retreat, a caster suddenly said his discovery in doubt. He just released his mind around the twisted space. Although the twisted space swallowed up part of his spiritual power, he still collected part of his spiritual power at a critical moment. It was this collection that made him aware of the changes in the distorted space.

"It\'s impossible. I didn\'t observe it just now." someone retorted in a low voice, but at the same time, in order to check the authenticity of things, he released his mental power to observe the distorted space again.

"It didn\'t exist at that time, but it doesn\'t mean it doesn\'t exist now." the caster who first found a voice in the distorted space snorted disdainfully: "as a caster, I don\'t need to deceive you."

"There is really a sound." at this time, more professionals found the abnormality of distorted space. Such a sudden change made them extremely excited.

"Even if you can\'t find the things hidden under the red light, if you control the distorted space, it will be a big harvest." this idea emerged in the minds of most professionals in a short time. In a hurry, he even took out the collected magic props and was ready to forcibly seal or imprison the distorted space for good research in the future.

"This thing was made by our chaos cloud alliance. It belongs to our chaos cloud alliance." a soldier shouted, and several casters stood behind him. These spellcasters held a bottle shaped magic props suspended in the void to collect the twisted space.

"What\'s the use of saying this? Whoever gets it will own it." when a caster saw that the distorted space was changing over time, he had a mind of control for a long time. At this time, I saw that there was a special sound transmitted from the distorted space, and my mind was more powerful to control this thing.

While talking, the caster took a sheepskin scroll out. This sheepskin scroll is made of sheepskin on the forehead of Centennial RAM with some strange magic materials. The scroll is unfolded. It is composed of characters and Dharma array structure written with dragon blood and high-level Warcraft blood.

Several strange syllables came out of the caster\'s mouth. At the end of those syllables, the expanded magic scroll flashed a colorful light, and then flew towards the twisted space caught up in the distance.

"The devil\'s cave of kovaze!" someone suddenly shouted when he saw the scroll that looked very simple.

"How could this be possible? Unexpectedly, there are still people making this evil scroll now." the woman in the glory temple nearby trembled when she heard the speech, and her blushing face became pale because of the name of the scroll. A touch of fear came out of her eyes. If she hadn\'t understood what she was doing here, she would have gone up and killed the caster who threw out the scroll.

In the Magic Cave of kovaze, the material for making this scroll is not too difficult to find, but if you want to maximize the power of this scroll, the maker needs to collect the souls of thousands of babies and practice this scroll, so that the power can reach the peak.

After the seal is formed, the Magic Cave of kovaze, which has been washed by the baby\'s soul, will form a variety of projection worlds inside the scroll according to the holder\'s ideas.