Abyss Knight

Chapter 583

"Yes, right there." the empty voice of the demon spirit sounded again in the empty hall: "it\'s under my seal. If you agree to our transaction, I\'ll help you open the above prohibition. It will not only give you this powerful memory fragment, but also let you feel the breath contained in that drop of blood. I think it will be of some help to you."

"Just a drop of powerful blood, and how many memories can it contain?" kukas glanced disdainfully. He doesn\'t think what the other party gives him can get enough benefits.

"A drop of powerful blood, stained on legends and gods, can instantly erase them." the ghost\'s empty voice did not have any ups and downs. It got some memories in the drop of blood, so it knew a lot more secret things than kukas.

What else did kukas want to say? The image of the demon spirit suddenly pointed in mid air.

Bursts of thunder sounded, and pieces of magic prohibitions and Dharma arrays of different sizes emerged from the wall and the void. These prohibitions and Dharma arrays collided and fused with each other in mid air. When they gathered above the rhombic crystal ramp, those prohibitions and Dharma arrays completely gathered together and evolved into a grinding plate of more than square meters.

The words on the millstone swam away, and the electric light flashed. When it fell into the void, it made a more roaring sound. The millstone fell and spun out of thin air. The millstone rotates and explodes u countless scattered lights from below. The scattered light danced and dissipated in the air, evolved into a broken prohibition and Dharma array, and then rolled back into the grinding plate again.

The crackling sound sounded in the secret room area. Kukas narrowed his eyes to watch the millstone turn, but his mind was immersed in the purple gold scepter in his arms and observed the changes of the whole war Academy.

In the whole war academy, there are hundreds of thousands of magic pools on the ground and underground. After the millstone appeared, he found that the magic liquid in the hundreds of thousands of magic pools was consumed quickly at the same time. In just a few breaths, tens of thousands of small magic pools dried up. At one time, a large number of buildings lost their defense due to the lack of magic supplement. In this short period of time, some people immediately noticed these abnormal changes.

Although those people were aware of the abnormal change, they didn\'t know the specific reason.

At this time, under the grinding of the grinding plate, the void above the diamond crystal began to twist. And the illusory magic projection squirmed faster.

"It\'s about to open. That drop of blood is giving birth to countless prohibitions to protect it all the time, but now these prohibitions are not strong enough. With the support of the whole war academy, it can\'t last long."

Kukas didn\'t respond to each other, but kept accumulating fighting spirit. Some fighting spirit directly drilled out of his arm, spreading along his arm like a flame, winding his upper body and forming a dark light curtain.

After a few more breaths, the twisted void made a sound of broken glass. The next moment, kukas felt a sharp pain in his eyes. A red light column rose into the sky and broke the grinding plate hooked by the demon spirit in an instant.

"Ah!" a scream, kukas subconsciously covered his eyes, then turned fiercely and ran away. The fighting defense on the body was torn apart like paper under the light of the red light. At the same time, he felt a moment of extreme majesty over him. Under that pressure, the body, which had been tempered countless times, began to break like rotten wood.

"You hurt me!" kukas roared, but under the pressure, he couldn\'t say anything.

"I didn\'t hurt you!" the demon spirit\'s intermittent voice passed to kukas\'s mind. In that empty voice, it sounded as if there was a trace of grievance.

The professionals who remained in the war Academy at this time immediately found the abnormality. They saw a red column of light coming out of a mountain in the distance. The pillar of light rose into the sky and went straight into the sky. But for a few breaths, a dark cloud condensed out of thin air and hovered at the top of the light column. Countless thunder and lightning rolled in the dark clouds, which spread and covered the sky for tens of miles.

Under the dark cloud, some professionals knelt down uncontrollably, but they couldn\'t bear the terrible power brought by the dark cloud.

After receiving endless pressure, the buildings on the surface operate and form a Dharma array. A large number of magic prohibitions and Dharma arrays rose into the sky, forming a light curtain in the sky to resist the threat brought by the black cloud.

"What is this? Is there any powerful magic prop buried there?"

"I don\'t know. This phenomenon happened three years ago. It\'s estimated that there are some secret experiments going on below!"

"Secret experiment?" someone sneered with disdain. "Now the theme has been defeated, and it\'s no use doing experiments again. Do you still want to resist?"

"How about resistance? We should resist. The gate of heaven is full of invaders. If we don\'t resist them, why don\'t we be their slaves?" a professional looked at the man who had just spoken with contempt, but his heart was jealous and disgusted.

"What slave? The rule of the gate of heaven is not as cruel as those people rule now. It\'s not a good thing to change the controller."

For a time, some people quarreled, but more people thought about what the red light column represented, and how to quickly pass information to their master, and then get a reward.

Black dragons appear around the red light column. These dragons hover and neigh. It doesn\'t sound arrogant, but full of sadness.

One after another, thunder and lightning chop down from the dark clouds. With each chop of thunder and lightning, the red column of light shrinks.

In just a few dozen breathing times, the hundreds of feet thick and thin red light column continued to shrink under the splitting of lightning, and finally completely disappeared from the sky. Some professionals who lurked in the war academy did not care to hide their tracks, and immediately showed their fastest speed to fly towards the red mountain, hoping to see the situation there at the first time.

At one time, hundreds of professionals who broke through the air completely blinded those low-level professionals. They were surprised to find that their companions who practiced with them could suddenly break through the air. At this time, no one paid attention to their thoughts.

"Go, there\'s no secret magic prop unearthed." some professionals pulled their companions and ran frantically towards the distant mountain, but they wanted to take a chance there.

Hundreds of high-level professionals appeared on the peak of the red light eruption after only more than a dozen breaths. Although the red light dissipated at this time, there was still an extremely powerful threat here.

These high-level professionals either urge magic props to generate a prohibition array to resist, or urge their own fighting spirit or magic to deal with it.

"What a powerful breath!" a spellcaster covered in smoke said hoarsely, "everybody, who knows what\'s going on here?"

"It\'s a barren mountain. On weekdays, some low-level professionals come here to duel with each other without any buildings." a caster outlined his hands in the air. Groups of prohibitions flew out of his fingertips like flames. These prohibitions finally melted together and burst into hundreds of streamers and shrouded the whole mountain.

However, what shocked everyone was that the forbidden streamer for detection just flew away from a distance of tens of meters, and saw a slight turbulence in the pressure left in the air, which immediately polished off the forbidden streamer.

"What a powerful means." the caster who released the forbidden streamer took a cold breath. As a ninth order caster, he came here as a spy. I thought he was not the top existence here, and he was among the top several. However, I didn\'t think he was directly resisted by the unknown smell when exploring the barren mountain.

"Is there a legend hidden underneath?" a woman with a holy light all over her body smiled coldly and doubted.

"It\'s impossible that all the legends of their position have been imprisoned. Except for a few of the professionals above level 8 who escaped, others have also been caught. It can\'t be the hands and feet of the professionals." someone countered in a deep voice.

"Dig!" a short man who was no more than one meter high, with a white bone Scepter in his hand, suspended in mid air, and squinting his triangular eyes, said this suggestion: "It\'s said that something unusual happened here three years ago, and three years ago, when the garbage plane surrendered, some fish must have escaped. You know, many professionals subordinate to the military headquarters in this plane have never been active in the endless void."

"A group of garbage, hiding here, still trying to resist?" someone cursed in a low voice, grabbed it in the air, and then grabbed a fireball the size of a washbasin and threw it hard into the open space not far away.

"Good means." someone saw that the caster instantly condensed the fireball without outlining any Dharma array. Then he felt the powerful power contained in the fireball, and immediately knew that the professional was good.

Feeling the admiration of the crowd, the caster raised his mouth and smiled. However, as soon as his smile appeared on his face, it completely solidified.

After the fireball flew tens of meters away, it disappeared out of thin air with a bang. Where it dissipated, it just left a strong wave of pressure out of thin air.

"What a good way!" the woman with holy light snorted. She didn\'t know whether she was talking about the pressure wave or the caster\'s fireball.