Abyss Knight

Chapter 580

After the breath of immeasurable killing emerged, most of kukas\'s mind did not stay in the fighting space, but withdrew from the space and returned to the noumenon. But after the rest of the mind stirred the breath of immeasurable killing, the breath of killing mixed with the endless fighting spirit in his space and began to evolve.

A part of fighting spirit evolved into thousands of troops and horses, and shot wildly with bows and arrows; One part evolves into monster giants, and the last part evolves into men, women and children. Some of these people chanted spells to release magic, and some waved swords to release fighting spirit. But more men and women in strange clothes shook around. They either turned the sky with one hand, or their legs and feet were like dragons. Countless figures attacked the silver armor soldier.

"These people are the people who died in my hands in the past. Now they have evolved. If you can kill them all, I will let you out. If you can\'t, let me disappear into the world forever!" kukas left this message to the silver armor warrior when he withdrew from the fighting space.

"What a strange means." the silver armor warrior experienced countless killings, but it was the first time he met kukas. But he also knew that in this case, he could occupy the altar only by killing all the creatures in kukas\'s fighting space. Otherwise, even if he has tens of thousands of secret methods and hundreds of millions of means, don\'t think about losing and rebirth. "I\'ll see how many creatures you killed."

The silver armour soldier shook his spear, and the silver spear drew a strange arc in the air. In an instant, more than a dozen figures killed at him from all directions were wiped out by the secret method of the arc. The death of these more than ten figures only consumed one tenth of the mind of the silver armor soldier.

"It\'s just so." the silver armor soldier frowned slightly and fell to the ground from the air. Every time he waved his long gun, at least more than a dozen or even more than a hundred people were killed. However, his sight was blocked by the monsters and giants around him, and he didn\'t see the black killing breath pouring out from the altar in the distance.

The breath of immeasurable killing stirred the fighting spirit of large groups, evolved into all kinds of creatures, and killed the silver armor soldiers without any fear. At the same time, the Dharma array and forbidden projection first arranged on the secret room and copper column also emerged in kukas\'s fighting space through the secret Dharma.

After these forbidden secrets are projected into the fighting space, they immediately evolve into all kinds of powerful monsters, whistling and fighting with silver armor soldiers.

For a time, the two sides killed each other: cracks appeared on the earth in the solid fighting space. Although those cracks healed quickly, a large amount of fighting spirit disappeared and leaked along these cracks every breathing time, and disappeared from kukas forever.

Every time the silver armor warrior is attacked, his mind condensed into his body will float away. These scattered minds form words or images, float in the air, and then are absorbed by the altar in the central area. At the same time, the silver armor warrior also lost a little memory until his mind was completely polished.

Kukas didn\'t pay attention to the mind and soul that entered his fighting space. In his opinion, it doesn\'t matter what admonished professionals. Even if the legend and divine mind came into it, it should be polished by him.

He opened his mouth and spit out several ancient Knight words. These words were branded on the copper column, which immediately stopped the prohibition and the operation of the Dharma array in the whole secret room. Then he sat on the bronze pillar and silently sorted out the harvest this time.

"The records in the ancient books are untrue in many places. This time, if I didn\'t control the thirteen zero order planes as the backing and have the source of immeasurable planes to break the void, I\'m afraid my mind will wander in the endless void forever, and I can\'t return to the noumenon."

"Catching the fluctuations of information in the void, many of which I have mastered, and only a few of which I have not mastered. Most of these are incomplete. Although they can make me feel, they are not of much use. I don\'t have as much knowledge as I read some secret books in the thematic world."

"There is no concept of time in the void. I thought that the thematic world had passed for several months, but I didn\'t expect that the present world has passed for more than 30 years. If I read books for more than 30 years, I\'m afraid I\'ll gain several times more than going to the void."

"The fighting spirit accumulation is about to reach the limit. If there is no accident, you can be promoted in dozens of days. However, if you are promoted to a seventh order knight, the success rate is too low. If you fail, even if you don\'t die, the fighting spirit space will completely collapse and become a useless man."

"Calculated by time, the natural Banshee hidden in the burning plane should have recovered all blood essence. If it is used, it will be able to be successfully promoted to the eighth order knight. Moreover, there will be no unstable foundation."

"I just don\'t know how far the all-out war has come, and I don\'t know what happened to female doctors."

"If I\'m promoted to level 8, I\'m afraid I\'ll go to the battlefield. But I\'m not willing to suppress cultivation and not promote."

A series of thoughts crossed his mind. After thinking for a long time, he shook his head, jumped off the copper pillar, and then went straight out of the underground secret room and directly returned to the college on the surface through the secret road.

Returning to the college on the surface, kukas immediately felt a desolation and loneliness. According to the original plan, hundreds of empires have to send professionals here for training, select potential seeds for better training, so as to achieve level 8 and join the all-round war. If so, there should be at least hundreds of millions of professionals in the college, which covers an area of millions of miles. It should be a lively scene. But at this moment, kukas came out of the secret way and couldn\'t see a student except some loyal magic puppets.

Not far away, there is a library with a height of more than 100 feet. In that huge library, there is only the breath of more than 100 low-level professionals.

"What happened?" kukas was agitated and instilled fighting spirit into his ring. The ring trembled and formed a magic screen. At the other end of the screen, the image of the evil Scripture master is displayed.

"It\'s terrible. I think we\'ve been busy for nothing." the evil Scripture master muttered with a bitter smile. He didn\'t ask kukas where he had been for more than 30 years. He just stimulated the ring to leave his place and let kukas go to find him. Of course, this does not mean that he despises kukas, but the college is too big. If he wants to come to kukas, he will waste a lot of time. Kukas went to find him, but it was just an idea.

The purple and gold scepter appeared in his hand. Looking at the purple and gold scepter and looking at the huge library not far away, which accommodated only hundreds of people, kukas\'s anxiety became more intense.

Shaking the scepter, magic lines appeared on the ground. These lines are just a breathing time, forming a portal in front of him. "Are those imperial people secretly against us?"

With this doubt, kukas stepped into the portal and then appeared in a gorgeous living room.

The living room is not very big, but the walls and floors are inlaid with various defense magic props. There is not much furniture here, only a large round table. The round table is large enough to hold thirty or fifty people.

When kukas appeared here, there were dozens of professionals around the round table. These professionals were known to kukas. They were the controllers of the management surface college assigned by him before entering the chamber of secrets.

Sitting on the northernmost chair, the purple and gold scepter was thrown on the round table: "what happened? Why are the members of the college so few? And I can\'t feel any sense of killing?"

"We were defeated, and most of the students left. If you don\'t show up, our so-called mentors will leave in three or five days." the evil Scripture master urged the magic ring on his hand, and the light on the magic ring twinkled to form a map.

This map is the map of the college. There are more than 1000 light spots of different sizes on it. After seeing the light spots, kukas\'s ugly face became even more ugly. He clearly knows that these light spots represent the number of mentors. You know, when I first came here, more than 50000 tutors gathered here, but 30 years passed, leaving only a thousand people. Such a result was unacceptable to him for a time.

He grabbed the purple and gold scepter on the table and instilled fighting spirit into it. The next moment, a huge map appeared on the round table and was in front of everyone.

The lines on the map are staggered, which is the map of more than a thousand empires. On these maps, if you count carefully, it\'s only three or five thousand light spots.

"There are only more than 100000 mentors left now. Are they all dead?" kukas held the purple gold scepter tightly. The scepter seemed to notice his angry mind, and a trace of lightning swam out of it, winding around the scepter and making a crackling sound.

"Not dead in battle, but escaped."

"Escaped? Yes, ha ha! Escaped to the center of the battlefield? Or other planes?" kukas touched his bare brain bag and asked with a grim smile. The news from the evil Scripture master made him extremely angry. "Didn\'t the people in the plane battlefield center make a move? Even if the main plane world was defeated, they shouldn\'t leave. At least they can\'t leave until they get the order from the plane battlefield center."

"They fled to other planes and directly went to the area controlled by the victors." the evil Scripture master looked at kukas\'s crazy and ferocious expression, hesitated a little and said the information he had.