Abyss Knight

Chapter 581

"When was the main plane world defeated?" kukas suddenly asked about it after being silent for a long time.

"There is no real defeat yet. Now we are negotiating an agreement with the people at the gate of heaven. When the agreement is established, we will announce the formal defeat." the evil Sutra teacher muttered in a daze: "it is said that at that time, most of the Empire will pay compensation to the people at the gate of heaven."

"Do you mean that the news of the defeat has not been officially transmitted?" kukas thought of some bad things. His fingers knocked on the table unconsciously, making a thump.

"It\'s officially transmitted. Didn\'t the plane battlefield center send us a message a few days ago? Didn\'t it let us give up the college base when necessary?" a soldier beside the round table looked at kukas suspiciously and muttered in a low voice.

"I just woke up from latent cultivation." he touched his bald head and muttered a little embarrassed. Then he instilled his mind into his magic ring and read the information stored in it in detail.

These messages appeared after his mind entered the endless void through the secret method. He was not proficient in information, but kukas couldn\'t help feeling a burst of sadness after reading them. Because between the lines of those messages, there is a kind of unwilling and crazy resentment. Although the information did not clearly say something, it was vaguely mentioned. At this moment, kukas, a bald evil man who didn\'t use his head, had a rare flash of light and thoroughly understood the hidden information in those words.

Taking a deep breath, kukas grabbed the purple and gold scepter in his hand and instilled a message into it. This information is given to the mentors scattered in more than a thousand empires. Of course, it is beyond his jurisdiction whether these information is followed and implemented. The only thing he can do is start cleaning up the huge college he now controls according to the plan.

"Transport all the books to a secret place. This is the last order given to me by the battlefield center. These books are accumulated by our people over the years. Even if they are destroyed, they must not be left to the people at the gate of heaven." kukas shook his purple and gold scepter and paused a little, He continued in a deep voice: "as for the various precious magic materials left here, we will distribute them ourselves. No one knows how many of those remaining magic materials are, they are all ours."

As soon as kukas said this, the professionals gathered around the round table couldn\'t help but become violently turbulent.

"All the magic materials in the whole college are under our control?" the evil Scripture master swallowed his saliva and asked with an incredulous expression. You know, there are only about one million people here because of various reasons, but according to the original plan, all kinds of materials here have accumulated an extremely huge amount. There are hundreds of millions of low-level magic scrolls used for future trials alone. As for other kinds of magic materials, there are countless. You know, here they want to train professionals above level 8.

"Don\'t you want to? Before you distribute those magic materials, send me all the books in various libraries. I think the value of those books is more important than those magic materials." kukas gently knocked the table with his scepter to wake up the shocked professionals.

"Books are very precious, but I think those magic materials are more precious. You know, the books we have here will also be available in the gate of heaven. In fact, there is no need to hide anything." a soldier muttered in a low voice. Now he wanted to end the meeting immediately, Then prepare several super large magic rings and other things to search for those precious magic materials stored here.

"That\'s impossible." someone knocked hard on the table in front of him and said in a stuffy voice: "we don\'t necessarily have some books, even the powerful alliances and organizations in the gate of heaven. Now our only worry is that they don\'t have those books. I want to clean up all the books here in a short time. It\'s not a realistic thing at all."

"You should know that the books stored here can be said to be copies of all books of nearly a thousand empires. Moreover, most of them are precious books provided by the battlefield center. It takes us a long time to select valuable books from them alone, but now we just lack time."

"Take it all, and don\'t leave a book for the people at the gate of heaven." kukas raised his mouth slightly and smiled strangely: "But the message I sent to others through the magic ring is not like this. The message I sent to them is: let them select some precious books and completely seal them in the most secret place. They must not be left to the people at the gate of heaven. In an emergency, they should completely destroy those books."

"Why did you do this?" thirty or fifty people present, including the evil Scripture master, didn\'t know what kukas was doing for.

"The people of the gate of heaven defeated this plane, and they must plunder what this plane has, just as we did when we invaded other planes." kukas pulled up the corners of his mouth and smiled grimly: "In this process of invasion, some aborigines will take refuge in the invaders. In order to gain a foothold among the invaders, they will frantically try every means to help the invaders to plunder everything in their position. I think there must be someone in our Empire who has contacted the invaders. They will try to stop us from selling those books Hide and destroy. "

"Interesting idea." the evil Scripture master hehe smiled strangely: "I don\'t think there will be such a situation in our main plane world. You know, we are high-level planes, not the low-level planes we invaded before. The dignity of those people will never allow them to take refuge in invaders."

"Ha ha! This idea is not interesting at all. It\'s a fact." kukas snorted coldly and said ferociously: "Among the more than 1000 empires where we are now, I think a large number of Empire controllers will not take refuge in those invaders. But there are absolutely exceptions. You know, the more noble they are, the less they want to lose their power and status. Even they will take the invasion of the gate of heaven as an important opportunity to improve their status and power."

"Please the robbers with your own things and get some rewards from the robbers. Which Empire controller do you think can do such a thing?" someone disdained: "if I were the Empire controller, I would rather destroy the whole empire than cooperate with those strong robbers."

"I think you\'ve all participated in the plane invasion war, and what happened during this period is so similar to what we\'ve encountered now." kukas was too lazy to go on. He stood up fiercely, held the round table with both hands and said in a deep voice: "Start according to the plan immediately! Be careful. I think some people at the gate of heaven must have moved here. I think they will try to save everything here. We are not allowed to take anything away. Hurry up, everyone!"

"OK." all the professionals here stood up and immediately left here. Of course, whether they collected books according to kukas\'s requirements or various magic materials according to their ideas is not under kukas\'s jurisdiction. Some things can\'t rely on others at all. The only thing they can rely on is themselves.

After those professionals left, kukas used the purple and gold scepter to directly transfer them to the largest secret warehouses in the college. These warehouses store the most precious books and magic materials, but more are all kinds of low-level scrolls.

Faced with this large collection, kukas took the lead in collecting not those precious magic materials, but various books. Most of these books are original. Reading these books, you can feel the first understanding of the book writers, which is much more precious than those copies. You know, many books are written by legends and gods, and they will be there when they write The unique brand is integrated into the book. When reading this book, if you encounter any difficult problems, you can use the secret method to hook the brand hidden in the book to seek solutions.

Millions of various books were stored by him. Even the magic ring had little free space after storing these books.

With the help of the original power, he returned directly to the burning plane. After throwing those books in palaces in a hurry, he returned to the main plane world as soon as possible. Then he began to collect those magic materials and all kinds of low-level scrolls.

A large number of magic materials were also sent to the burning plane by kukas, while those low-level scrolls were left by him. These scrolls were all scattered by him with secret methods. With the help of the law array prohibition power of the whole underground base, a large number of scrolls were sealed into thousands of puppets. When those puppets were destroyed, these sealed scrolls would be destroyed The ministry releases the magic power sealed inside.

One secret warehouse was cleaned up by him. During this period, he clearly saw that light spots disappeared from the college through the map on the magic ring. Through the information transmitted by the magic ring, some of these disappeared light spots disappeared, and some were separated from this plane.