Abyss Knight

Chapter 579

"It has nothing to do with me." kukas snorted coldly and tried his best to split his mind and integrate it into the golden vortex with a secret method. He realized that he had no way to resist the light ball here, so he had to use this method.

"Three thousand eight hundred and seventy-five years ago, I became an eighth order crack sky warrior. I came to them organized and told them to let me join them. The one who persuaded me was a twelfth order mage. Under my power, I couldn\'t resist at all, so I had to promise." while talking, the light group kept shrinking and polishing, and touched the golden vortex a little bit, Want to return to the main plane world through the vortex at the fastest speed. "After I became a member of that organization, I got the task, that is, I tried every means to secretly hunt and kill talented professionals. In a flash, thousands of years later, there were at least 500 Tiansha characters who died in my hands. It is said that most of these 500 people are likely to become legendary professionals."

When the light ball said this, kukas\'s mind couldn\'t help a violent turbulence, that is, at the moment of his mind turbulence, the light ball shrank into the size of a fist, and a strange sound was transmitted from the inside of the light ball. With the sound, a visible ripple hit his mind again and again like a tide.

When kukas heard the man say this secret, his mind was turbulent. At this time, he noticed something bad, but he had no time to respond. Therefore, he could only passively let the impact force wash his mind again and again. The huge mental power melted rapidly under the impact of this ripple.

For a time, countless images appeared in his mind like walking a lantern: in one image, a murderous soldier slaughtered tens of thousands of people under the shelter of night; There are also images in which the soldier killed low-level professionals and picked their heads.

Countless images floated in his mind one after another. At first, kukas only looked at it as a secret Xin. At the back, his mind was involuntarily substituted into it, into the professionals and even ordinary people who were killed. For a man, for a woman, each generation experiences a death. Facing the murderer again and again filled his heart with endless resentment and unwillingness.

"Roar!" when his mind was replaced by a baby killed, kukas\'s mind was completely boiling.

The sky killing spirit emerged from the mind, condensed into a real killing atmosphere, and evolved into a monster or a knight on horseback. These monsters and ferocious Knights roared, and unconsciously began to attack the gold and silver staggered light ball falling towards the golden vortex.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" the impact again and again made the gold and silver interlaced light ball start to fluctuate slightly, and a large number of words and patterns scattered from the light ball, either dissipated in the endless void, or integrated into the golden vortex.

"Damn it." the golden and silver light ball didn\'t expect that this would happen if he used words and secret methods to hook kukas\'s mind. At first, he just wanted to make kukas\'s mind unstable, or let him win here smoothly and return to the main plane world. But I didn\'t expect that there was such a huge smell of killing in kukas\'s mind.

"What a cruel knight. If he wants to unite into such a powerful killing atmosphere, he will kill at least tens of millions. He is really the God of killing. I think I am cruel and inhuman. It seems that this boy is more cruel and cruel than me." thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind at once. At this time, he said he regretted it, but it was irreparable. He had to use his secret skills again to split a large number of mind to forcibly resist the killing monsters and knights evolved from kukas\'s mind. "As long as you bless a few breathing times, you will succeed."

"You\'re wrong to use this method to sink me." just as the golden and silver sphere of light was about to completely integrate into the golden vortex, kukas\'s spirit son woke up from the images of being killed again and again.

"Ha ha! It doesn\'t matter whether you think wrong or not. I\'ll take control of your body, accept your wife and daughter, and leave you endless descendants in the world." while talking, the golden and silver light ball burst. For a moment, gold and silver short spears sprayed out of the light ball. These short spears entangled a lot of fighting spirit, and then frantically tore kukas\'s mind. At the same time, the golden and silver crisscross light ball sank into the vortex center like a falling sun.

"Want to occupy my body? I really don\'t only know death or life." kukas smiled grimly. He had already been prepared, so he let the short spears tear his mind.

The broken mind did not float out or dissipate nothingness, but was branded in the golden vortex under the action of the secret method. For a time, a large number of minds merged into the vortex and produced an extremely powerful pulling force to pull out the sinking gold and silver crisscross light ball, but the light ball floated in the endless void for more than 1000 years and deduced the secret method of returning to the thematic world almost every day. Therefore, the pulling of kukas\'s mind was not affected at all.

"Don\'t do that useless work. Don\'t worry. After returning to the main plane world, we will still walk on the earth with your name." after the light ball finally transmitted this message, kukas let him curse in every way, but there was no sound anymore.

The golden and silver light ball completely disappeared from the golden vortex. At this time, a heroic light appeared above the body of kukas in the thematic world, and then went into his fighting space.

At this moment, all kukas\' minds were completely integrated into the golden vortex. The next moment, with the disappearance of the light ball, the golden vortex began to shrink. Finally, under the protection of diamond crystals and countless monsters and giants, they forcibly tear the endless void and rewind back to the main plane world.

However, when the brilliant light turned into a light ball drilled into kukas\'s fighting space and evolved into a grinding plate to polish the flame on the altar, kukas\'s mind that remained in the body used a secret technique. On the one hand, he hooked the surrounding magic brand to prohibit the rewind itself, projected the virtual shadow of these forbidden Dharma arrays into the body, and polished the intruder with the supreme secret method. On the other hand, it sends out the breath of endless killing, which hooks the subsequent mind and guides the way for the mind.

Under normal circumstances, the golden vortex shrinks and rolls back. Generally, it only melts into the crack when tearing the endless void. When the crack heals, it will be immediately transmitted to any corner of the endless void. At that time, the diamond crystals and monster giant virtual shadows wrapped around the vortex either dissipated the void, or wandered in the void, and finally evolved into void monsters or void treasures.

Now kukas uses a lot of mind and spirit to suppress the golden vortex, and then with the help of the residual mind and spirit guidance in the noumenon, he hooks a large number of plane source forces and forcibly returns to the noumenon.

The golden original power wrapped his mind, turned into a lightning, and followed the Hao light of the evolution of the light ball back to the fighting space.

"You are not qualified to occupy my body." as soon as his mind returned to the fighting space, his huge mind evolved into a giant with three heads and six arms. A lot of fighting spirit condensed in the hands of giants, or evolved into a burning black flag, or evolved into a giant hammer and Tomahawk that released lightning.

Waving his arms, he stirred the boundless fighting spirit in the space and evolved into a golden iron horse, pounding at the millstone of Haoguang from all directions. At the same time, he also completely released his mind, immersed in the killing breath of countless years in his mind, and completely released it.

"If you want to occupy my body, I\'ll destroy your heart and soul, and you can\'t be reborn forever." the giant evolved by kukas looked ferocious. One head opened his mouth and spewed out endless poisonous smoke and fire, one head spewed out hurricane ice, and the other head spewed out endless red sand, rolling towards the grinding plate.

"I said that if you occupy your body, you can occupy it. Why struggle and waste time?" the millstone rolled back and instantly evolved into a heavy armor warrior in the air.

The heavy armored soldier was wrapped up in a layer of silver white armor, even his eyes and mouth. A silver spear emerged from his hand, and a burning white skeleton tower loomed up and down behind him.

"In the past, there were no residual ideas. You didn\'t succeed in trying to occupy my body, not to mention you, a soldier who has not yet achieved legend?" kukas smiled grimly, but ignored the other party, waved his weapons and cut down on the other party from all directions, which is bound to erase the intruder\'s mind and soul.

"Ha ha! That boy is really funny. I have also encountered the idea of the supreme existence. It was just a weak idea that came and directly killed hundreds of legends and gods. I was just swept away by the wave hundreds of millions of miles away. The idea of the supreme existence came here, and a little breath alone can kill you The silver armor soldier shook his long gun and shook out countless gun flowers to resist kukas\'s attack.

The weapon collision of mind evolution made a loud noise every time. With the collision between the two people, the whole fighting space began to fluctuate slightly.

The thirteen chains were like a flipping python, crawling wildly, and the angry flames flew uncontrollably from the altar and crashed into the angry space.

"It\'s impossible." kukas hesitated: "no matter how strong he was before his death, no one can toss about any waves after his death."

While talking, he screamed in a low voice, then shook his body, split a group of mind from it, directly instilled it into the lower altar, and hooked up the breath of immeasurable killing.