Abyss Knight

Chapter 578

In some older books, many books record that the void monsters of the physical evolution of professionals live by swallowing the natural void monsters as food. And those natural void monsters, although they are food, are also very powerful. Often millions of monsters gather together and instantly devour hundreds of planes and all creatures in planes.

The roar of the virtual shadow of the monster giant wrapped in the diamond crystal became louder and louder. At the end, there were waves visible to the naked eye from the mouths of these monsters. Fearing that a void monster would notice these ripples and appear here, kukas immediately cast his secret method and began to return to his body.

When his mind turned, the irregular six pointed star Dharma array turned upside down, and suddenly an ancient breath was released from the central area of the Dharma array. As soon as the ancient breath gushed out, kukas\'s mind was forcibly squeezed together by these breath, but in a short breathing time, it was squeezed into a bead the size of a thumb.

The irregular six pointed star array began to collapse slowly. Every line came out, there was a golden light. After these golden lights showed up, they began to swim in the ancient atmosphere. After the complete collapse of the whole Dharma array, those golden lights completely integrated into the ancient atmosphere around.

At the same time, the copper pillar of kukas\'s body in the thematic world began to tremble slightly. The copper pillar trembled, and bursts of sounds like thunder rang from the copper pillar. The loud noise was continuous, sometimes like the sound of bells and sometimes like the sound of horns. The patterns wrapped around the copper column poured out like a tide.

These patterns hit the wall of the secret room, and tens of thousands of Dharma arrays and prohibitions suddenly appeared on the wall. The two collided silently, but twisted in the void at the collision. The magic pool hundreds of feet under the copper pillar began to roll violently. Strange characters drilled out of the magic pool, and then drilled into kukas along the copper pillar.

There are more and more distorted void, but in just a few magic hours, all the spaces in the whole secret room are distorted. When these spaces are completely distorted by a loud noise. A brilliant light suddenly appeared from kukas\'s head sitting at the top of the copper pillar.

Haoguang fell, like a sword and green silk, little by little through the bald evil man\'s head, and finally moved into his fighting space.

The silk Haoguang who stayed in the fighting space went straight to the rotating altar in the central area. When the brilliant light just came to the area three feet above the altar, the flames from the thirteen stone pillars on the altar soared. The limitless fighting light band was forcibly absorbed by the altar, and then evolved into a flame and burned towards the Haoguang.

It looked like nothing, but at the moment when the flame of Fighting Evolution burned, it shrank fiercely, and then made a click. With this clear sound, Haoguang instantly evolved into a grinding plate, and then polished it silently towards the fighting flame below.

As the millstone of Haoguang\'s evolution polished the flame above the altar, the twisted void in the chamber began to shrink.

The sound of linen tearing sounded in the secret room space. With these sounds, endless nothingness appeared. After the twisted void shrinks, leave a dark nothingness in the original place to the extreme.

A breath of death and resentment flowed out of these dark nothingness. For a time, with the appearance of these breath of death and resentment, the prohibition and Dharma array emerging on the walls around the whole secret room began to frantically extract the magic liquid of the whole base to expand itself, and then squeezed the breath emerging from nothingness from all directions.

During the previous magic, kukas\'s mind in the endless void was in trouble. According to normal circumstances, after his secret method was displayed, the mind forcibly squeezed by the golden light and the ancient breath would directly return to the noumenon through the void, But just when the ancient breath mixed with the golden light, the vortex was about to swallow his mind, and a sad voice suddenly came out in the distant void. The sound rushed from far to near towards kukas\'s position.

"My God!" hearing the shrill voice, kukas\'s mind couldn\'t help shaking violently: "I didn\'t expect that I was so unlucky. I met this kind of thing the first time I came to this endless void through the secret method."

His mind was in turmoil. At one time, thousands of thoughts were illusory and disillusioned in his mind. Sometimes he complained that he should not use the secret method easily, and sometimes it was just a small thing to comfort himself.

The voice sounded, but in a short breath, kukas sensed that a light mass of gold and silver suddenly appeared in the endless gray void in the distance. At first, the light was no more than the size of a fist, but when the next breath came to him, he found that the light was at least hundreds of feet in size.

The fighting spirit of gold and silver erupted from the light mass. These fighting spirits jumped and collided in the void, making bursts of thunder. With every sound of thunder, some words fall off from the light and dissipate in the void.

"Friend, let me use this channel to return to the thematic world." a strong mind was transmitted from the hundreds of feet of light ball. The mind touched the golden vortex and made a sound.

"Use a hair." kukas faced the light ball at this time. Although he was a little frightened, he didn\'t lose half his spirit. He knew that the light ball in front of him was actually something formed by professionals who had not yet become legends or gods, who fled the mind and soul of the body after falling in the endless void. Under normal circumstances, this light mass will float endlessly in the void. Because they lose their bodies, they can no longer open up a channel to return to the main plane world, nor can they tear a plane into it to find the secret method of reincarnation and rebirth.

These high-level professionals who have not yet become legends or gods for various reasons can only wander in the endless void after losing their bodies. Finally, they can slowly evolve into void treasures under the erosion of years, or be swallowed by void monsters, or forcibly collected after being discovered by other legends, As magic materials to make all kinds of weapons and props.

Generally speaking, such high-level professionals will never want to enter a plane to practice the secret of reincarnation and rebirth unless they encounter the channel opened by the secret method by those who have not yet become level 8 professionals such as kukas.

"Ha ha! My friend, I have a good intention to discuss with you, but you should not humiliate me like this!" the guangtuan laughed and listened to the laughter as if he was in a very happy mood: "I will return to the main plane world through your channel, and I will repay you well in the future. Your wife is mine. If there are future generations, I will treat them well; if there are no future generations, I will help you continue your blood, and I will never let your blood break."

"Dry!" kukas smelled that the speech was just a curse, and then crazily hooked the secret method to return to the noumenon of the thematic world through the golden vortex.

However, the gold and silver interlaced light ball shook above him, and countless gold and silver interlaced fighting spirit scattered down. In an instant, it wrapped up a range of tens of feet to prevent the vortex from rotating.

An overwhelming force squeezed down from all around, but it wanted to completely Polish kukas\'s mind.

"I\'ve been floating in this endless void for more than 1000 years, and finally met this opportunity. Friend, do you know how small this opportunity is relative to the endless void? It\'s really fate for you and me to meet." the light ball continued to sink and polish, and the words were full of excitement.

"Fate is your head." Kukas smiled grimly, but he didn\'t pay attention to the threat of the other party at all. Although the light ball polished down and brought endless pressure to his mind, it didn\'t polish his mind in a short time. The mind turned, and he condensed ancient Knight words with his mind. These words merged into the surrounding golden vortex to produce great repulsive force , I want to repel the light ball with gold and silver.

"It\'s fate that you and I meet after all. When I occupy your body, I will use it to achieve the legendary road and save you from being lost in the public." the golden and silver light ball laughs strangely when seeing kukas resist. A series of vicious words are said through his mind, but it is to attack kukas, so as to make his mind turbulent and make his invasion easier.

"Hundreds of millions of legends, what\'s rare there? I\'m not rare." kukas sneered at the words, and the mind forcibly squeezed together by the golden vortex began to quickly decompose and evolve into more ancient Knight words into the vortex.

Although the repulsive power of the golden vortex was greater after the knight characters were obtained, it still could not stop the light ball with gold and silver from falling. Every minute the light ball fell, the repulsive power in the vortex was forcibly polished. When the light ball did not pay attention, the repulsive power in the vortex was continuously polished, but the knight characters condensed by kukas\'s mind were still there Ups and downs in the vortex never die.

"It\'s normal to have billions of legends in the endless void, but it\'s very difficult to give birth to a legend in a single plane." The golden and silver light ball is still full of laughter. With its falling, it also begins to shrink a little bit, ready to go through the golden vortex, enter the main plane world through kukas\'s secret method, and occupy kukas\'s body.

"Talented people are born every day in every aspect, but most of these talented people have not become legends, and even level 8 professionals have made achievements. Do you know why?" the golden and silver sphere of light has been reduced by half. At this time, he suddenly shouted.