Abyss Knight

Chapter 577

The magic puppets with four arms on the lower body and the upper body quickly swam through the huge campus. They waved sharp knives and patrolled the fixed route tirelessly. They are found on almost every road. When they don\'t have much energy in their bodies, they will directly enter the underground space area through secret channels or transmission arrays, where they enter into huge spaces to supplement energy.

According to the amount of energy stored in their bodies, these puppets can complete energy replenishment here in a short time of magic or a magic hour, and then continue their tasks again.

At the center of this underground area is a huge platform linking the underground magma area. In the center of the platform, a huge dodecahedral rhombohedron is suspended in the center. The rhombic body is more than ten feet tall and thirty-five feet thick. Under the influence of alchemists, this huge crystal controls all the magic puppets in the whole college base through a special Dharma array. More importantly, the crystal has a certain degree of intelligence and logical reasoning ability.

Under its deployment, the transportation and supply of various materials can be handled quickly without kukas\'s trouble. And there will be no errors. Of course, we will not be greedy for the materials.

Above the platform is a three or five foot thick rock partition. The layers of the rock became more and more solid after being scoured by magical power day and night. Coupled with the various magic arrays and prohibitions carved on it, even if hundreds of legends attack at the same time, they have no ability to break it. Under the supply of sufficient magic crystals below, the firmness of the compartment exceeded everyone\'s imagination.

A large number of magic crystals are carried by the puppets to seven or eight foot long chain cars. These chain cars are also magic puppets. They can transport and store these magic crystals by themselves.

Before the magic crystal is transported out of the storage area, it first passes through a smaller underground space. This space is empty, and nothing else will appear except the puppet carrying the magic crystal. Every two chain cars pass here, one chain car stops to unload the magic crystal on it, and then transmits it to the outside through the transmission Dharma array.

There, more than a thousand empires have set distribution plans. Whenever the magic crystal appears, it will be transported away as fast as possible. Almost every hundred breath times, magic crystals are transmitted. The appearance of such a huge magic crystal made the controllers of more than a thousand empires feel a little more comfortable.

Although these magic crystals cannot be transformed into other magic materials out of thin air, the use of some magic arrays and the cultivation of magic materials require an extremely large number of magic crystals. With so many magic crystals, they can slowly compensate for their investment in building the college in disguise. Of course, it will take a long time to compensate, but this is a state of war. No one dares to do too much at this time.

After the college was built, the huge construction workers gathered here quickly left here through the transmission array. But only three or five days after they left, the empty college base became lively again.

A large number of professionals below level 3 poured out of the transmission array like ants. They belong to different empires, including men and women, spell casters and melee professionals. Under the control of the underground crystal, these low-level professionals soon got the college mark here: a palm sized crystal brand. Through the crystal sign, they can know their future residence and various courses to learn. Similarly, there are detailed maps of the whole college and some strange rules on it. So that these professionals can be familiar with here in the shortest time.

While kukas was thinking about something in the central area of the underground space, the evil Scripture master acted as the temporary controller of the college. Under his control, more than 100000 mentors split up and more than half went to more than 100 colleges later built by the Empire. Their mission there is to tap potential professionals and bring them here.

He led the remaining mentors and tens of thousands of mentors sent by other empires to start training these young professionals as planned.

Most of the training courses are completed on the ground. The underground buildings are not open for the time being. They will not be open to them until some of these students become third-class professionals appear. For the time being, the whole underground building can only be used by the instructors who are level 7 professionals.

All kinds of well-equipped laboratories almost drove some tutors who were keen on experiments crazy. Because the experiment is carried out here, they can almost completely ignore the problems of various experimental materials. Because under the order of kukas, most of the magic crystals he stored were exchanged into various magic materials with some power alliance people.

Of course, these magic materials are not completely free for those people to use, but open different permissions according to their contribution to the whole college base. In this way, he wants to slowly control these professionals with strong combat experience to work for himself. Because he knew that relying solely on those green people who had no creative ability, he would never want to build a huge and incomparable force.

A huge force also needs many people with creative ability to study, deduce magic arrays and prohibitions with various effects, and make various magic props. None of this can be done by those green people.

While the evil Scripture master operated the whole college base bit by bit according to the previous plan, kukas calmed down in a special secret room and prepared for latent cultivation.

Yes, he does not go to the low-level plane and rely on time accumulation to quickly increase his fighting spirit. Instead, he conducts latent cultivation in this main plane to improve his strength on the other hand.

At this time, he was sitting in the basement, which was very special. In terms of quantity, there were only 108 such chambers in the whole college base.

The layout of the whole secret room is extremely simple. There is only a huge pool in the secret room hundreds of feet around. This pool is a huge magic pool designed, and there are other channels connected to tens of thousands of magic pools of different sizes. If necessary, you can draw magic liquid from other magic pools at any time. After all, in this college base, all magic pools are connected to each other.

In this huge magic pool, a seven or eight foot high bronze column stands. There are no carvings or patterns on the column, which looks very simple and simple. However, inside the copper pillar, countless magic arrays and prohibitions are carved and branded. Of course, the bronze pillar was not made by low-level professionals, but by legendary spell casters in the center of the plane battlefield.

The copper pillar was not about ten feet thick, but kukas sat on it, but he had enough room to move.

After sitting on the copper pillar for more than one magic hour, kukas completely calmed his mind. After calming his mind, he began to draw his fighting spirit and instill it into the bronze pillar under his body a little bit. With the indoctrination of fighting spirit, the mental power also began to penetrate into it a little bit. Almost after all his thoughts were immersed in the copper pillar, the whole copper pillar suddenly had strange changes.

The liquid in the magic pool began to roll violently, and bubbles emerged from below, and then burst. It seems that something forcibly heated all the liquid in the whole magic pool. A large amount of magic liquid was absorbed by the holes under the copper pillar. With the absorption of magic liquid, magic words and Dharma arrays began to emerge on the ancient copper pillar. These things form wonderful patterns and lines, and then rotate slowly around the copper column. Such a phenomenon is that the prohibition and other things first branded in the copper column are all manifest after sufficient energy supplement.

The manifest forbidden array spread along the copper pillar, but a huge cocoon was formed at the top after dozens of breathing time. The cocoon turned upside down and formed a dodecahedral rhombic crystal on the top of kukas.

"Go!" kukas suddenly roared, and the remaining mind used its last means to hit the copper pillar under him. The copper pillar began to tremble immediately after being hit by the mind.

The roar of monsters rang out from the copper pillar. With the sound of these monsters, virtual images emerged from the void around. Among these images are three one legged giants, short men with one arm and one leg, beasts with two wings in the north, and reptiles covered with scales.

Strange virtual shadows emerged, and then wrapped around the diamond crystal. The diamond crystal is not something else, it is kukas\'s mind instilled into the copper column.

These spirits were forcibly gathered together by the power of the copper pillar, guarded by countless monsters and giants, and then plunged into the void above.

With a strange sound, the void blessed by the whole base again and again was forcibly torn out of a crack more than one person high. The crack appeared and healed in an instant. If you are an ordinary professional, I\'m afraid you will be torn before your limbs detect the crack, but the diamond crystal suspended on kukas\'s head flashed in. When the crack healed, the diamond crystal had disappeared from kukas\'s head.

The departure of the diamond crystal made kukaston sit on the copper column silently. The huge body was paralyzed and bent like a sick old man. The body curled up on the copper pillar and didn\'t move. If it weren\'t for the heartbeat and the hidden mind fluctuations, I\'m afraid everyone who saw this scene would think he was dead.

However, kukas\'s mind appeared in nothingness after entering the crack. When the crystal wrapped his mind appeared in nothingness, the liquid in the magic pool in the thematic world began to fall at a visible speed. Seeing that the magic liquid in the huge pool was about to disappear, hundreds of holes of different sizes suddenly appeared on the four walls of the pool. With the appearance of these holes, a large amount of magic liquid was sprayed out and scattered in the big pool, allowing the copper pillar to absorb and swallow.

At this time, the residual mind in kukas\'s body was not aware of these at all. The remaining mind just hovered firmly in the fighting space, waiting for the return of a large number of mind stepping into the void.

However, he said that after entering the endless void under the protection of the copper pillar secret law, he found himself in a gray area.

"Endless void, this is the first time to really enter this endless void." thinking, kukas soon understood where he was now. In the past, he also crossed the endless void countless times by transmitting the Dharma array, but under the power of the Dharma array, he just flashed through the endless void and had no ability to stay in the endless void. But now he stayed in this endless void with the help of the power of the bronze pillar. For a time, he was very excited.

Although he was excited, he calmed down after just a few dozen breaths. Because he knows that it\'s not easy to come here once with the help of copper pillars. And he came here to make himself stronger, not to do anything else.

He closed his mind. According to the records in the secret Dharma, he began to concentrate on God and gather a Dharma array within his mind. It is said to be a Dharma array. In fact, it is a special pattern of extremely ancient times. This pattern is of no use in the thematic world, but it is of great use in this endless void.

The pattern is very simple, but more than ten lines are staggered to form an irregular hexagram. After the six pointed star pattern was formed, kukas began to instill the remaining heart gods into it. He didn\'t stop until all his mind was instilled into the six pointed star.

The mind wandered passively in the pattern, and with these mind wandered, the virtual shadow of the monster outside began to roar silently.

Maybe it\'s a magical time, maybe a few days. My mind quietly curls up in this endless void, and I can\'t feel the passage of time at all, as if everything has solidified.

Although this silence is extremely depressed, kukas\'s mind can\'t wait here. Because he has no ability to move his mind in this endless void, he can only wait here passively.

Suddenly a strange wave came from a distance. This wave speed is very fast, and in an instant it crosses thousands of planes and passes through the area where kukas is located. When the wave passed by him, part of the wave fell off and was swallowed by the virtual shadows of monsters and giants wrapped around the crystal.

The next moment, a lot of scattered knowledge appeared in kukas\'s mind. At the same time, his mind, which was entrenched in the irregular six pointed star array, suddenly solidified more than one tenth under the impact of the fluctuation.

The sudden change delighted kukas. Without any hesitation and confusion, he mobilized his mind and began to remember this scattered knowledge.

Although the fluctuation was only a flash, and less than one in ten million fluctuations were instilled into his mind, even one in ten million fluctuations carried far more knowledge than he imagined. The benefits of concentrating his mind were more than he had thought of before.

Quickly sort out those scattered knowledge. This knowledge has neither beginning nor end, almost paragraph by paragraph. But even so, when sorting out a small part, kukas still used these incomplete knowledge to integrate with the knowledge he had mastered at the beginning, and even perfectly solved some of his previous doubts.

His mind was busy sorting out those knowledge, but kukas didn\'t find that the monsters and giants that roared silently outside the crystal were a little more solid than before after the fluctuation.

As time went by, waves flew from the distance of the endless void. Whenever waves flew past kukas, the monsters and giant virtual shadows swallowed a little wave, and knowledge appeared directly in his mind.

There is more and more knowledge in his mind. Fortunately, his mind is stronger and stronger after the baptism of fluctuation. Without his attention, the virtual shadow of monsters and giants wrapped around the diamond crystal became more and more solid. One of them, a giant with one arm and one foot, made a sound when he roared.

Of course, these virtual shadows are not boring and strange cries, but they instinctively shout under the urging of the secret method, and through this cry, they can attract possible fluctuations to their location to the greatest extent.

I don\'t know how long has passed. After kukas found that the surrounding monsters and giant virtual shadows can make a sound, he couldn\'t help moving, but he didn\'t dare to stay here.

Because he knows from some books and those ancient Knight inheritance that this endless void is actually extremely dangerous. In this endless void, there are not only a large number of professionals, but also a variety of void monsters. If there is a high-level professional in the endless void, there are at least 100000 void monsters.

Some of these void monsters were born from the void by themselves, and a few were evolved by the broken limbs of fallen professionals. There are even some special void monsters that are born out of the killing ideas of professionals.

In this endless void, the most ferocious void monsters are not those monsters condensed by themselves, but monsters evolved from the incomplete limbs of professionals.