Abyss Knight

Chapter 576

However, when he decided to leave the construction site temporarily, someone came up and wanted to have a detailed conversation with him.

"Reduce some areas of the college? Reduce it ten times?" kukas looked at the gorgeous Duke in surprise and said strangely: "you know, the design scheme is formulated by the battlefield center. I have no right to change it and dare not change it."

"Knight, I don\'t think you understand me." the Duke looks middle-aged. He looks noble and strong against the gorgeous clothes: "We just temporarily slow down the construction area. You know, it\'s a war situation. Many materials have been transported to the battlefield center. Now we don\'t have many materials on hand, so we can\'t finish the building in one go."

"And according to our information, as the top controller of the training base, you have the right to modify the college base to a certain extent. You should know that the architectural scheme provided by the battlefield center accommodates 100 million professionals. Such a design scheme is simply unrealistic. More importantly, haven\'t we changed our previous plan? In other empires Also establish a training base, so that the number of professionals gathered here will be greatly reduced. We don\'t need to build such a large college base. "

The middle-aged Duke\'s words were very sincere, but could not move kukas. The bald evil man just shook his head indifferently and refused his proposal without hesitation.

"This is the decision of the battlefield center, and I am not qualified to refute it. Moreover, I have no news that I can modify the design of the college base." while talking, kukas shook the purple and gold scepter in his hand and said coldly: "can more than 1000 empires gather wealth to build a college base that can accommodate 100 million people?"

"You know, the amount of work is too large, and we have decided to build another large college base every more than ten empires. In this way, our material consumption will be greater. It\'s better to waste these materials on useless bases than to train professionals." The middle-aged Duke\'s reaction to kukas was a little unexpected. Originally, kukas would compromise according to their previous expectations, but now things are not going as smoothly as they thought.

"We provide you with a lot of materials, and you only need a simple sentence to reduce the scale of the college base. The materials we provide can easily promote you to legends. Even the redundant materials can enable you to cultivate hundreds of legends." the middle-aged Duke persuaded kukas again: "the base college with 100 million people is actually completely unnecessary."

"Bribe me? I\'m sorry, I don\'t want those things." kukas smiled grimly, reached out and pointed to the middle-aged Duke and growled in a low voice: "If you want to reduce the area of this college base, you can propose to the controllers of the plane battlefield center, or change a new controller. Of course, as long as I stay here for a day, you will never want me to accept your suggestions."

"Do you know how many people will be displaced by your stubbornness? Do you know how many people will be killed by your stubbornness? Such a huge college base can\'t be used at all. It\'s already extremely huge. Countless people will lose their lives because of the construction of this base college, and countless professionals will lose their promotion opportunities because of the lack of magic materials. All this is caused by this Yes, it\'s just a useless building. "The middle-aged Duke narrowed his eyes, ignored kukas\'s instructions and growled in a low voice. He waved his arm and made all kinds of powerful gestures, hoping to convince kukas to accept his suggestions.

"I\'m still alive." kukas turned his thick neck, which was much thicker than an adult\'s thigh. There was a popping sound on his neck. Blood vessels and muscles moved around his neck like poisonous snakes. It looked terrible: "I have nothing to do with the death of those people or the loss of the opportunity to be promoted to a higher level. It\'s you Empire controllers who have something to do with them. Well, I don\'t know why you want me to reduce the scale of the college base. Of course, I don\'t want to know. I just tell you, as long as I\'m still in charge here Controller, everything is in accordance with the previously scheduled plan. You can\'t change my suggestion with any excuse. "

After saying this, the middle-aged Duke wanted to say something more, but at this time, kukas fiercely extended his palm the size of a PU fan, grabbed his cheek, then lowered his head and said ferociously: "The death of some people is not a threat to me at all. I can tell you that the college base is training professionals. In my plan, only one of the ten professionals is qualified to leave the college base. Of course, I don\'t mean much when I say this. I just want to tell you simply: there is no way to threaten the life and death of others Come to me. "

He pushed the middle-aged Duke aside. Kukas was too lazy to stay here. He directly grabbed a burning black flag, tore the void in front of him, jumped into it, and instantly reached a barren desert hundreds of millions of miles away with the help of the power of the plane origin.

"Damn rubbish." the middle-aged Duke, who was pushed down, stood still in embarrassment. He roared loudly at the place where kukas left. But there was nothing else to gain except the attention of some busy professionals and ordinary people around him.

Watching the buckets of water and gold preserved by secret method being manipulated by a group of cheap ordinary people, the magical machinery was dumped into hundreds of feet deep pits, his pain was like a knife twist.

As for other commonly used secret silver, magic gold, dragon grass and other things, they were polished into powder by those professionals with magic machinery, then mixed and poured into three or five feet deep gullies. He was completely numb.

A large number of magical materials were transferred, and all of them were accumulated for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years by the dignitaries of various empires. If these savings are used by them, they will not be so extravagant to build useless bases, but will be used to cultivate family children and make them strong and become high-level or even legendary professionals. But now with the advent of the war, everything has changed.

"Damn it, there are also members of our family among the controllers of the plane battlefield center. Why don\'t they stop this stupid design and command? Even if they can\'t stop and change, can\'t they choose an easy to talk controller? Damn it, a little sixth order Knight dares to talk to me like this. Damn it, I\'m going to kill him." The middle-aged Duke roared ferociously.

"Master, we can\'t kill him, nor can we imprison him. According to our information, this knight controls several planes. After death, he can directly revive with the help of that face source." a distorted figure emerged from behind the middle-aged Duke and humbly persuaded his master.

"Behind him is the alliance?" the middle-aged Duke\'s ugly questioner said, "is there any way to transfer him away?"

"When he chose here, everything happened immediately. The ancestors had no way to transfer him. What\'s more, they all went to the battlefield during the war and didn\'t have time to pay attention to these things." this person twisted and emerged from the void. A thin lurk, he would feel kukas\'s eyes sweeping through his hidden void more than once, And this feeling made him feel extremely bad.

"Moreover, I heard from the ancestors that if the college base is completed, it will provide not only various trained professionals, but also some magic materials and an extremely large number of magic crystals. In addition to some of these things to be handed over to the battlefield center, others are controlled by the controller of this area."

"How many years will it take for him to raise the materials we have paid for the establishment of a super Empire? The war is changing rapidly, so we must do some backup work and have a large amount of material reserves, so that even if the war fails, we can still maintain our competitiveness in the main world The middle-aged duke said his thoughts without any scruples. Of course, there is no need for people like him to worry about anything.

"We can reduce some materials during construction. After all, most of the people who execute the construction here are our people. Moreover, the knight doesn\'t accept our bribes, and others will accept them."

"Accept? If they accept bribes again, they dare not cut corners too much, and the saved things are very huge for our single force, but the quantity is too small for all forces. You know, the lack of materials will make some functions of the building unable to play, and I\'m afraid we need to pay at that time." the Duke snorted coldly, He quickly denied the suggestions of his subordinates: "it\'s ok if these outsiders don\'t take the initiative to withhold those materials. Otherwise, we still need to supplement what they withhold."

"We\'ll kill whoever dares to buckle. I don\'t believe them. Everyone here is not afraid of death." the lurk said in a gloomy voice.

However, the middle-aged Duke didn\'t say anything. He just shook his head and left the busy construction site through the portal. He decided to go back and discuss with others to see what to do next.

Not to mention how these people planned and calculated, kukas found it deserted after returning to the desert base he built a few days ago.

The huge castle has been partially covered by yellow sand, and there is no vitality in the empty castle. If there were not some basic magic running to resist the wind and sand outside, I\'m afraid the castle would have been completely buried.

The underground part of the castle was not completely completed. After finding a magic crystal, kukas found the message. It turned out that after the outbreak of the war, the alchemists working here were forcibly summoned away, and most of the materials here were dismantled and taken away. In this way, the castle that kukas had planned for a long time was completely abandoned.

"Damn it," kukas cursed fiercely, but there was no way to deal with the situation. Of course, if his castle is taken away by people in the center of the battlefield in a peaceful environment, someone will come forward to compensate. But now it\'s war, and no one will pay attention to the loss of this small castle.

A kick on a thick stone column, accompanied by a dull sound, a large number of cracks appeared on the stone column carved with exquisite patterns, and then began to collapse. However, in just a few breaths, the whole stone pillar collapsed completely. But other stone pillars still exist. Under the exquisite design, the other stone pillars share the pressure of the whole castle, so as not to let the whole castle collapse completely.

"It\'s boring." spit hard, and kukas was too lazy to destroy it again. Although the whole castle gave up halfway, some of his plans were blocked. In the past, he would definitely vent his anger, but now due to the construction of the college base, he suddenly felt that the castle he designed himself was too small. And his loss is not big, just some materials. Now he controls the construction of a college base, and a large amount of materials enter it every day. He can get dozens or even hundreds of times the materials needed to build the castle.

Moreover, he was well aware of the function of the college base after it was built in full accordance with the plan, so he paid less attention to the abandonment of the castle.

"It\'s just a delay of three or two years. It\'s been delayed for decades, and now it\'s not bad in these years." after crushing the magic crystal stone that stores information at one time, he instantly returned to the college base through the plane prop.

Not long after he left, the last remaining magic array in the abandoned castle stopped working because of the lack of energy. The yellow sand all over the sky rolled over, but in a few months, the huge castle was completely buried.

The college base covers a huge area. If a super empire is built alone, it will never be completed in thousands of years. But now more than a thousand empires are working together to build the college base. Millions of professionals and tens of millions of ordinary people control all kinds of magic instruments and work frantically here. And over time, more and more professionals gathered to join the construction work.

Although the number of people participating in this project is extremely large, the progress of the project is relatively slow due to the lack of professionals above level 8.

Take the work of melting some magic materials and watering the lines of the magic array. If there is an eighth order caster, it only needs to use the secret method to urge the magic flame to burn the materials, but a large magic array can be watered in more than ten breathing times. But now a group of low-level professionals are busy for three or five magic hours, which can water a large magic array.

Fortunately, there are enough people and the speed is not too slow. Moreover, after discovering that the castle he had built before had been abandoned, kukas talked to the people of these empires again and again, asking them to provide more professionals to work here.

In this case, the whole huge college base took a full five years to complete the construction.

The completed college base is a landmark building, which completely occupies the whole million mile mountain range. Peaks were hollowed out, valleys were specially designed and houses were built. During this period, some Warcraft found in the whole mountain range were completely destroyed. When it is finally completed, at least 30 million professionals and more than 100 million ordinary people will be working here.

The whole surface architecture is not much different from ordinary colleges, but the magic defense force is a little stronger. Special magic attack towers stand on the mountain, forming an extremely powerful attack means.

The whole underground building is the same size as the surface building. Dozens of areas are distributed inside: there are specialized in cultivating all kinds of magical plants, smelting all kinds of magical metals, storing special books and knowledge, and practicing all kinds of secret methods. The most important area in this underground building is the magic source area composed of tens of millions of magic pools and underground magma.

This area provides more than 90% of the energy supply of the whole college base. Moreover, a large number of high-purity magic spars are condensed every day, two-thirds of which are transmitted to the central area of the plane battlefield, and the remaining one-third are carefully stored by kukas.

Although only one-third of the magic crystal remains, the remaining one-third of the magic crystal every day is enough for him to buy a small Empire and play as an emperor in any position.

Of course, in such a huge underground area, the servants are not ordinary people or professionals, but magic puppets designed and made by alchemists according to a unified scheme.

Although the combat effectiveness of these puppets is not high, they use all magic materials in order to maintain long-term operation. Under normal circumstances, these puppets can run for at least 100000 years as long as they have enough magic crystals as energy.

In the whole underground area, at least more than 10 million puppets are active day and night. Some of them are dedicated to maintaining the existence of other puppets, as well as for escorting and patrolling. But more are puppets who carry out all kinds of miscellaneous work.

It is the existence of this huge number of puppets that makes kukas, the controller, reach the peak of his control here. At least for now, no Empire has the ability to intervene in his underground forces.