Abyss Knight

Chapter 575

Someone shouted, but kukas didn\'t answer, but silently remembered some rights and responsibilities about his future control area, left this stone pillar and entered another stone pillar not far away.

The space in this stone pillar is larger, and more plane adventurers are gathered in it. They are not qualified to join the distribution and control of regions like members of some major forces, so they can only wait here and wait for those regional controllers to select them for assistance.

As a controller of the third program area, kukas is qualified to recruit some professionals as his subordinate mentors. Of course, these mentors, like him, will not receive any higher remuneration except for the subsidies for knowledge and a small amount of magic materials. After all, this is a time of war when the whole plane needs to be mobilized. All kinds of material needs are leisurely provided to professionals fighting on the front line. Rear members like them get relatively few material supplies.

However, even though all kinds of supplies received in the rear are extremely scarce, the professionals in the battlefield still try their best to stay in the rear and are unwilling to go to the front. Because they all know that if they stay in the rear, they can definitely live more days. In these days, it can\'t be said that they can become a high-level professional. But if they go to the front line, even if their strength is strong, they will never avoid death in the end. Only a small number of level 7 peak professionals who are about to break through will take the initiative to look for opportunities in the front line.

In this case, when kukas released his requirements for selecting players here, the professionals here immediately became boiling. Almost in just a few dozen breathing times, at least 35000 people branded their information in the crystal ball thrown by kukas and tried their best to mark their strengths in order to be selected by kukas and stay in the rear.

This crystal ball is made by alchemists with secret methods. Although it has no attack and defense power, it is very effective in processing some information. According to what the alchemist said when he sold it to kukas: the crystal ball is made by imitating the divine personality of the gods. It is an extremely easy means to process hundreds of thousands or even millions of information in one breath time.

Moreover, the crazy alchemist also made puppet souls and instilled them into the crystal ball, so that it has low-level wisdom and thinking ability, which is more convenient for users. Of course, it also makes the works of alchemists sell better.

According to his own conditions, kukas quickly screened out more than 1000 professionals. Almost all of these professionals exist in the seventh order. Among them are casters, arcane masters, priests, sutras, divine archers, lurks, knights, warriors and gladiators. Although the number seems to be large, it is still very small for the controllers of kukas. You should know that there is a kind of caster alone, which is divided into: Spiritual caster, monomer caster, curse caster, prohibition caster, range caster, some are good at calling, some are good at magic confusion, and some are proficient in various theoretical studies.

There are more than ten categories of casters, and each category has only seven or eight or thirty-five casters, which is extremely rare compared with the area that kukas will control in the future. The situation of other professionals is similar to that of casters. Kukas wants to complete his task, at least recruit more than 100000 professionals of all kinds.

A trace of fighting spirit was instilled into the magic ring on the finger. The golden light flickered on the pale gold magic ring, and then began to split into silver white magic rings. Each time a magic ring is split, one more line comes out on the gold ring on kukas\'s finger.

More than a thousand rings split out, but more than a dozen breathing times. During these more than a dozen breathing times, the original simple pale gold rings were outlined with extremely complex patterns and patterns by those lines.

Give these more than 1000 magic rings to those recruited professionals, and then according to the original plan, let none of these professionals recruit three or five subordinate professionals. The three or five subordinate professionals they recruit are their assistants or low-level mentors when they serve as mentors in the future.

When the newly recruited thousands of people began to publish information on the huge crystal screen in the stone pillar space center to recruit subordinate members, kukas left the stone pillar space and entered other stone pillar spaces. Similarly, in this space, he also recruited nearly 1000 subordinate members.

So repeated, swimming among stone pillars. Some stone pillars can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people, while others can only accommodate tens of thousands of people. Kukas did not care about the difference, but just recruited people according to his own requirements in order to complete the formation of the mentor team as soon as possible, and then entered the area he would control in the future and began to cultivate those backup professionals.

After a busy day, the team of more than 100000 tutors put together a complete set. At this time, the square in the center of the plane battlefield is also gradually lively. Of course, this kind of excitement is not formed by selling and buying all kinds of materials, but by piles of hurried professionals.

There are teams waiting in front of the portal of different sizes. Most of them want to enter the thematic world as mentors and train backup professionals. Only a small number of professionals need to enter the front line for various reasons.

At the center of the battlefield, there is a portal or transmission array between every seven or eight stone pillars. Therefore, although there were many people gathered here, it was kukas and his men\'s turn in a short time.

Show the purple gold scepter and the pale gold ring, while other professionals show their silver and bronze rings. Of course, those bronze ring owners are actually subordinate mentors of silver ring owners, who will assist them in teaching at that time.

More than 100000 mentors and professionals filed through the portal, and kukas was the last to enter. When the white light dissipated, he appeared directly in the selected area of the chafil empire.

Here, as a large empire, the controller of the chaffer Empire had already known the situation here through magic props. Therefore, a day ago, he sent a large number of professionals to gather here with a large number of building materials and began to build the college according to the drawings provided by the battlefield center.

Yes, construction college. The college is actually a large city, where thousands of low-level professionals from empires gather. Of course, there is no student here. A large number of professionals will not appear here until other regional mentors arrive at their destination and start cultivation.

Before that, according to kukas\'s idea, a large number of ordinary professionals, no matter which Empire they are in, must come here on foot for training, and finally become an eighth level professional or an ordinary professional. Finally, they died on the battlefield or in training. In this case, nearly a thousand empires, except for the military members controlled by each Empire, all other professionals, regardless of their status and status, came here.

Of course, this idea was just kukas\'s previous plan. However, when he said this idea, a scholar sent by the chafil Empire to cooperate with him immediately denied it.

"The farthest empire from us is a small Empire named isol. According to the idea of the knight, it will take at least a thousand years for the professionals of isol Empire to walk from them to us. This is simply unrealistic. If the surrounding imperial members arrive here by transmission array, the energy consumption is also extremely huge A large number. To tell you the truth, I didn\'t expect that you people in the center of the battlefield should be so simple in considering things. "

"Well, actually, I\'m not good at this. I\'m good at killing people, not planning these trivial things." kukas touched his bald head and grinned strangely, but he couldn\'t see half an embarrassment.

"Well, according to our idea, well, our emperor and more than a thousand other emperors held consultations at the first time after receiving the news. Finally, we had such a plan."

The scholar had seen a lot of cheeky people like kukas and didn\'t pay attention at all. And he also knew that the bald man in front of him should know that they need to be closely connected with various empires to train reserve professionals here. According to the covenant between each Empire and the battlefield center, kukas actually only have the right to choose the school site and training, and the others are no different from the rights of ordinary Empire members.

A sheepskin scroll inlaid with gold ribbon came out of the old scholar\'s arms, opened the scroll, and there was a magic map on it.

In the central area of the map, there is a red dot the size of a grain of rice, and this red dot represents kukas\'s current position. The map clearly depicts the terrain of more than 1000 empires, and on this map, more than 100 red dots are evenly distributed.

Dry fingers move on those red dots. If they are linked by lines, they will form a small spider web pattern.

"According to the discussion results of the emperors, they intend to set up professional training colleges in these empires, which are specially used to train novice professionals. Of course, if you can, it is best to set up one such college in each Empire, which will reduce a lot of trouble. You know, professionals from more than a dozen empires come together every year There are few hundreds of millions of people. Ordinary colleges can\'t accommodate them at all. "

"We don\'t have many mentors." kukas rubbed his bald head and muttered something boring. As soon as he said this, the scholar\'s eyes brightened, but before he could speak, a sutra standing behind kukas suddenly opened his mouth.

This sutra is different from ordinary sutras. He is not as thin as ordinary sutras, but as big as kukas. It\'s also a big head. There are one or two scars on the head. The whole person looks extremely ferocious. It doesn\'t have the softness that half of the sutras should have.

Although the evil Sutra master looks clumsy, his head is extremely flexible. And it was precisely because of the mind of the evil Scripture master that kukas took him with him to help him give advice.

At this time, after hearing the scholar\'s words, the evil Sutra master suddenly shouted: "All follow the instructions of the plane battlefield center. However, considering the actual situation you said, I think it is the limit we can afford to build a college together with more than a dozen empires. If we build another such college in each Empire, I think it is an unnecessary waste. Moreover, it will weaken our teaching power to a great extent."

Seeing that the evil Scripture master spoke like this, kukas immediately changed his tongue and never mentioned the establishment of a college in each empire. Instead, he began to discuss the construction of more than 100 colleges with the scholar.

The discussion lasted a long time. Finally, kukas contacted some controllers in the center of the plane battlefield through the purple gold scepter. The final plan was finalized: to establish a college for professionals in more than a dozen empires. Instead of building a super professional college in more than a thousand empires.

For such a result, kukas was not aware of any hidden advantages and disadvantages, and the scholar did not show satisfaction, but showed a look of wholeheartedly working for the war.

"The emperors of these empires want to control those colleges, so as to attract those professionals to serve them. You know, we can say that we have broken their foundation. If it goes on for a long time, there will be fewer and fewer low-level professionals in their military headquarters. It may even lead to a college controlling their empire." When the scholar went aside to play with his map, the evil Scripture master whispered his views to kukas.

"There are no eggs under the nest!" kukas said coldly with a smile: "when facing the foreign enemy, they are still intriguing. If the whole battlefield center fails in the war, their empires will not be better. When other invaders enter here, I think they will end up more miserable."

"People always have a fluke mentality. If outsiders want to control a plane safely, it is the best choice to cooperate with the powerful forces of the local plane." the evil Scripture master spit hard and muttered.

"It seems that you are very dissatisfied with these empires!" kukas suddenly smiled at the evil Sutra master: "do you have a grudge against people in an empire?"

"Three hundred years ago, a prince of the chafil Empire seduced my wife, even my daughter." the evil Scripture teacher muttered with distorted face: "This time, I must let the people of this empire know my power. I want to fundamentally let this empire begin to decline and finally become an inferior country. I want all the women of the imperial family to become my slaves."

Kukas was stunned when he listened to the evil Sutra master\'s words, and then quacked with a strange smile. He stretched out his hand and patted the evil Sutra master on the shoulder, and then said with a strange smile: "well, since you have such an idea, I\'ll decide to keep you in the Imperial college. Well, ha ha! Interesting, interesting, mother and daughter eat all! I envy the prince."

At this point, kukas also made a very evil mouth, and a series of dirty ideas emerged from his mind.

"Yes! It\'s quite interesting. That bastard seduced my woman and humiliated me by relying on his royal son\'s identity and massive wealth." the evil Sutra master smiled ferociously and showed a crazy color in his eyes: "I knelt at his feet and begged him not to compete with me for that woman. Do you know what he said? He said that poor people must have hateful places, ha ha! Yes, poor people must have hateful places. Damn it, what nonsense logic is this? If he didn\'t rely on his own identity and status, I would be so poor?"

"Well, I\'m not in the mood to hear you complain about this." kukas knocked on his bald head, then put away his smile and said ferociously, "go! Supervise those people\'s good work. I don\'t want them to cut corners."

"Don\'t worry, I don\'t think everyone will let them get what they want. These brain crippled Empire controllers, if they dare to cut corners at this time, I think the center of the battlefield doesn\'t mind the complete demise of the Empire. If that\'s true, that\'s great!" seeing kukas\'s face showing impatience, the evil Scripture whispered and turned away.

A large number of transfer arrays have been built, and countless metals and various magical materials continue to appear here through these transfer arrays. Professionals use special alchemy tools to melt those metal materials, and then pour them into the foundation tens or even hundreds of feet deep.

Some ordinary people manipulated various seemingly simple but extremely strong alchemy instruments and dug out the gullies one by one. The casters carved various magic words on them, and the alchemists poured various materials into the gullies to form prohibitions and arrays one by one.

The construction site is extremely busy. The mentors from the battlefield center either supervise the construction of these people according to their responsibilities and abilities, or join them and build with them, so as to build the whole college in the shortest time and begin to deliver fresh blood for the war.

After wandering around the construction site for three or five days, kukas felt boring. He didn\'t know these things. Therefore, after selecting hundreds of mentors to help him complete the supervision task, he planned to go back to the underground castle he built in this position, and planned to make latent repairs there and try to improve his strength.