Abyss Knight

Chapter 574

"Good! At least you should accumulate more knowledge to prepare you for becoming level 8." the female doctor nodded and didn\'t bother about it anymore.

They were silent, and a light flashed from time to time on the distant transmission array. The light dissipated, and professionals came out one by one. Some of them are only eight levels, while others exude legendary power. However, regardless of the strength of these high-level professionals, they hurried into huge stone pillars. "I\'m leaving, too, they\'re calling me." the female doctor raised her small hand, and the strange mark was flashing scarlet light on her white and tender wrist.

"Everything will be safe. I\'ll find you in a few days." kukas hugged the female doctor fiercely and kissed her hair and forehead. This time, instead of suddenly crying as before, the female doctor bit him hard in his arms and bit a deep tooth mark on his chest.

The female doctor left. After recognizing the information transmitted in the wrist mark, she entered a thick stone pillar in the distance. Kukas stayed in place for a long time before he found the stone pillar he should enter according to the information on the stone pillar.

Starting the secret method, the stone pillar that looked extremely strong was easily penetrated by him like an illusion. There are prohibitions and Dharma arrays inside the stone pillars, which open up a huge space in it. In this huge space, there are rings of seats. A large number of professionals below level 8 sit in their seats and quarrel with each other.

The arrival of kukas did not attract anyone\'s attention, because at every breathing time, someone came in from the outside. After these people come in, they will be automatically blessed by the space, and a large black cloak will cover them to cover their identity.

Mentors, the professionals gathered in this pillar come for the position of mentor. Some professionals don\'t like the position of mentor. They will become ore refiners, secret law researchers and writers. In short, all professionals who are named in the center of the battlefield, whether high-level or low-level, should finally make unconditional contributions to the war.

Leaning on the broad stone chair, kukas\'s mind remained on the female doctor. He did not know when he would be able to see the female doctor again, nor what would happen between the two after he saw each other next time. Of course, he now regrets not agreeing to the previous request of the female doctor: let the female doctor give him a child. However, this regret only flashed in his heart and was soon abandoned by him.

Listening to the arguments of those professionals around, kukas gradually got a general understanding of their quarrel.

It turns out that what these professionals are arguing about is how to teach and train people in the thematic world. Some people think that the old method is to select talented young children from various places to study systematically in the college, use a large number of magic materials and drugs to quickly improve their strength, and finally give birth to professionals above level 8 to join the war.

Others believe that they should be cultivated in an extensive way. They don\'t care about their qualifications or go to any college, but let them kill each other on the battlefield. In the oldest way, let these people burst into fighting or magic, so as to become a professional. Although countless ordinary people will die, it will save a lot of materials. You know, it\'s a time of war, and any material is extremely precious. It can\'t be said that the materials they saved can help thousands of legends and gods win the war in some ways.

Of course, a small number of people put forward other suggestions, but fewer of them, and the voice of those suggestions was soon suppressed.

Kukas sat quietly on the stone chair and did not move. He did not participate in these quarrels. Instead, he immersed part of his mind in his fighting space and began to read all kinds of knowledge he had obtained before. We should know that although the knowledge is branded in his fighting space, he has not completely mastered it.

"Kukas, the ghost crying knight who alone controls the thirteen zero order planes?" a strange voice suddenly sounded in his ear and woke him up from his meditation.

"Yes, what\'s the matter?" kukas twisted his thick neck, and bursts of GA jumping sound sounded from his neck. He looked around and found a thin man in black on the stone chair on his right hand.

"The plane battlefield center hopes to talk to you about the thirteen planes you control." the thin man in Black said hoarsely, "and about your green skins."

"Come on! I don\'t think you\'ll care what my opinion is. Is that right?" the killing talent wrapped around the thin black robed man, trying to detect some information from him. But in the perception of killing talent, the thin black robed man seems to have never existed. If his eyes hadn\'t seen each other, I\'m afraid he would have believed the message sent to him by the killing talent.

"The thirteen planes you master must be open. Send some people there to mine and cultivate all kinds of materials. Your green skins should become the first troops to attack other planes." the thin black robed man said without any pause his plan or the plane battlefield center behind him.

"No problem at all." kukas nodded very readily and agreed. The reason he knew that even if he didn\'t agree, the black robed man would use some means to make him promise, "thank you, ghost crying Knight kukas." the black robed man fiercely stood up and solemnly performed an extremely ancient mage etiquette towards kukas.

In this sudden thanks, kukas didn\'t react at all. He just sat in his chair and stared at the black robed man in front of him, wondering why the other party was so excited and solemn.

"We need every strength. Although the amount of your green cannon fodder is not as much as that of other forces, it is better to last." the man in black hoarse sat in his chair and explained to kukas: "In this war, the task of our main plane world is to capture the subordinate planes of the gate of heaven and their allies, and fundamentally weaken the reserve force of their alliance. In this way, your green cannon fodder\'s ability will be shown.

"How many green skins can you provide a day now?" the man in black paused a little and continued to ask.

"Ten billion." kukas rubbed his temples in some trouble. In fact, he didn\'t want to go to the front to control these green people to fight, because it would delay him from learning some knowledge. What he wanted to do now was to learn some knowledge in a quiet place to prepare him for cultivating some means after becoming level 8 in the future.

"The number is a little small. How many planes do you think you need to multiply your green skins in order to provide more than 100 billion green skins every day?" the black robed man asked in a low voice.

"I don\'t know. I haven\'t calculated these problems." kukas shook his bald head hard and grinned. "I\'ll give you 13 plane prop projections, and you can temporarily control those green skins. I want to learn all kinds of knowledge in the main plane world, and I can\'t go to the front line with you to direct myself."

"As for the mining of materials in the 13 planes I have mastered, I have no opinion. I just hope you can open some precious books and knowledge to me."

"For every member who pays a lot, there will be no stingy behavior in the battlefield center. Although the materials are tight now, we can still provide you with any magic materials you want. Of course, we will also provide you with some books and knowledge you want." The black robed man\'s voice involuntarily brought a little joy. He felt very satisfied because his task was too easy to complete.

You know, he also advised some other members who had mastered the power. Unfortunately, those people could not understand the situation and bargained with him in an attempt to master more power. For those people, although they agreed temporarily, he and the controllers of the battlefield center behind him were determined to thoroughly clean these people when necessary.

After receiving the projection of thirteen burning black flags handed over by kukas, the man in black left quickly. However, before leaving, he handed kukas a small purple gold scepter.

This Scepter looks very similar to the gorgeous Scepter used by ordinary nobles, but after branding his mind into the scepter, he can put forward his requirements through the scepter, and then there will be special personnel to meet his requirements in the shortest time. Finally, what he wants is directly transmitted to him through the scepter.

Of course, the purple and gold scepter also represents his identity. After having this scepter, other people and forces have no qualification except that the controllers of the plane battlefield center have the right to demand him. The existence of this thing will shield him from many unnecessary troubles.

Not long after the black robed man left, tens of thousands of scrolls appeared in the huge space in the stone pillar. The scrolls drifted in front of the professionals gathered here, and then let the professionals write down their thoughts and suggestions on cultivating reserve professionals.

After everyone finished writing the proposal, another simple ring fell out of those scrolls. These rings were put on kukas\'s fingers, but they represented their mentor\'s identity. Similarly, they were also a small prop for the task assigned by the battlefield center.

Tens of thousands of scrolls gathered together and slowly became illusory in mid air. Just after tens of thousands of professionals silently watched, but after dozens of breathing time, the illusory scroll solidified again. However, this time, it did not split into tens of thousands of scrolls, but formed a huge octahedral rhombohedron.

The plan to cultivate reserve professionals is written on this diamond shape. After seeing those plans, some professionals who are doing it can\'t help but turn their mouths to disdain. However, no one has the courage to say it.

Tens of thousands of mind imprints rushed towards the octahedral rhombohedral body in the air like a strong wind. Such a huge number of imprints immediately caused turbulence in this huge space. Around the octahedral rhombohedral body, a distorted fuzzy whirlwind emerged. All these were produced by tens of thousands of mind imprints surging together.

Kukas did not choose the scheme of cultivating professionals with materials or the scheme of cultivating professionals with extensive mode, but chose the combination of the two.

It turns out that among the three schemes, the first two are the two that have been discussed for a long time, while the latter is a combination of the two.

According to the third plan, what the tutors actually have to do is to train professionals who broke out fighting spirit and magic. On this basis, provide some materials for these professionals to speed up their cultivation. As for how to improve during this period, it needs to be deployed by each tutor.

The first two programs are designed to train ordinary people. When they break out of fighting, they will be handed over to the mentors of the third program.

Many people choose the third scheme, but the third scheme has only hundreds of locations. Therefore, the struggle of mind and spirit inevitably occurred.

The casters have strengthened the indoctrination of spiritual power again and again, so that more spiritual power and even magic can be attached to their own mind, collide with other people\'s mind, and then brand it towards the scheme area. As long as the mind mark is imprinted in the program area, he will become a mentor of the program.

The fighting professionals are weaker than the casters, but they have a large number. Under the encouragement of people like kukas, there are often seven or eight mind brands of melee professionals collide and entangle with the mind brand of a caster, so as to delay the speed of these casters.

The mental imprint was instantly projected. In a low roar, kukas urged the secret method, forced all his fighting spirit into the mental imprint, and then threw it at the scheme area as fast as possible.

The fierce spirit burst out from the imprint of the mind and formed a twisted light around. Some professionals\' minds touch these lights and are torn and destroyed in an instant. After three or five spellcasters\' mind marks were forcibly smashed by him, no one dared to stop him. Just let his mind mark be branded in the third program area.

After the mind was branded in the third scheme area, a map immediately appeared in his mind. This map maps the spheres of influence of tens of thousands of empires. In these spheres of influence, some empires have special marks. According to the rules, kukas\'s mind is branded on the imperial region, which means that he will be the top controller of training reserve professionals in the imperial region in the future.

His mind quickly revolved among the hundreds of empires with special marks. He wanted to find the nearest empire in the desert, so as to facilitate his latent cultivation in the future. But after several searches, there was no discovery. Obviously, the underground magic building he built in the thematic world was in other areas, and he didn\'t know how far it would be from the empire he was going to.

While he was thinking, the hundreds of Empire maps with special marks quickly dimmed, which also represented that those Empire areas were occupied by other professionals entering the third scheme area.

"It seems that everyone\'s speed is not slow!" after looking at the last seven or eight bright Empire maps, he was too lazy to choose, moved his mind and branded them on an empire map.

His mind was branded on the map. He only felt a dull bang in his head, and then a large amount of information was forced into his mind. At the same time, the map of the Empire began to expand rapidly, and the patterns of some cities and mountains were displayed in front of his mind.

"The chaffer Empire has a history of 30 million years since its establishment. Although it has not become a super Empire, it has the potential of a super empire." for a time, information about the Empire flowed in his mind. With the help of this information, he quickly chose a mountain range millions of miles as an area to teach reserve professionals in the future.

Of course, the future college will not be built in that huge mountain, but in the edge of the mountain. He chose this way because he wanted to use the mountain to give some interesting training to those reserve professionals in the future.

Just after he made his final choice, the ring on his finger flickered, and a strange pattern was formed on it in an instant. If you instill fighting spirit or magic power into the ring, and then press the ring on the paper, a miniature map of the Empire will be formed on the paper. And this also represents his identity.

After marking the area they will control in the future, some special lights appear on the map again. These lights enveloped nearly a thousand imperial regions. According to the information, the future professionals in these Empire areas shrouded in light should be under his jurisdiction. Of course, in those special imperial regions, each imperial region has a controller like him to control those backup classes.

After memorizing the regional scope of those empires in detail, he began to remember some information about these empires. This information will be of great help to him in cultivating young professionals in the future.

Three or five magic hours passed. After kukas\'s mind retreated from the third scheme area, he found that the professionals in the hall had been sparse, but there were still many people gathered together to talk in a low voice.

"People from the third program area come here. I think we should have a good discussion."