Abyss Knight

Chapter 573

The strange mark on his hand did not exist before, but after the strong breath used in the distance just now, the breath was forcibly branded on his hand. This mark is the same as that on the hands of female doctors. It is used as an identity mark after forced recruitment. Of course, this is also a powerful prohibition secret law to restrict their recruits.

"But anyway, if someone kills him at an inappropriate time, some future rules will be backfired on the murderer. Of course, sometimes these backfires bring you nothing but a stumbling block or a streamer. But there are also bad luck. They will be affected by a sudden battle and die." High level casters obviously know more about this than female doctors. His words not only surprised and surprised kukas, but also the female doctor.

"Any thing or action you do now will affect the future. The rules or fate of the future will produce all kinds of changes because of your behavior now. Of course, almost none of those changes can be fed back to the present, unless your behavior has a great impact on the future. This kind of phagocytosis usually occurs in the future A so-called disaster is formed in the body. "

"I\'m sorry, I don\'t understand this too much. And I don\'t want to understand it." kukas touched his bald head, then looked down at the foberger curled under his feet, but his killing intention didn\'t weaken.

"Ha ha! I don\'t understand too much. I just told you about this before. But what I understand is that our transaction should be completed, don\'t you think?" the high-level caster doesn\'t want kukas to kill each other now. On the one hand, he once helped the fuberger for some reason, On the other hand, I don\'t want kukas\'s killing to cause future retaliation and drag myself down.

"Yes, our deal should be finished." kukas was stunned a little, then grabbed the projection of the burning black flag from his back and threw it to the high-level caster.

He took the projection of the plane prop thrown by kukas. Without saying a word, the high-level caster just recognized the authenticity of the thing as quickly as possible, and immediately tore the space away from kukas.

"Those who break faith will never come to a good end." the paralyzed foberger watched the high-level caster he hired through the secret channel leave, and couldn\'t help cursing fiercely.

"You flenberg betrayed Troy. Do you think he is a traitor?" the female doctor snorted coldly.

"I don\'t know if he will come to a good end, but I know you will come to a bad end." kukas took a hard puff of silver smoke and thought about how to deal with the fuberger.

According to his original idea, after catching the foberger, he wanted to torture the foberger with all his secrets, but his ideas gradually wavered under the persuasion of female doctors. Now, looking at the people who have always wanted to kill so limp at their feet, there is not much tyranny in their hearts.

"You can\'t kill me. Dozens of races, even dozens of empires in Troy\'s position, have bet on me. If you kill me, they won\'t let you go. Think about it, in order to get closer to me, some super empires even sent their princesses and princes to me." although the fuberger was maimed by the high-level caster, But he still didn\'t give up the hope of living. Because in his opinion, as long as he can escape this disaster, he can get more help and make himself stronger. Of course, he has experienced such things several times, so he is not too worried about his future after surviving.

"Don\'t worry! I\'ll never kill you." kukas nodded, then grabbed his head and threw it at the gathering place of fenlia warriors in different distance.

"No! You can\'t go like this. I will curse you. I curse you with my soul. I curse you that you are still alone until death; death and grief are around you, and despair and hesitation are always entrenched in your heart." the faubourg was caught by several fenlia warriors before he landed.

Several Fenglian warriors tore his limbs madly and began to swallow.

In the curse of the faubourg people, the female doctor frowned slightly. She took away the nine headed strange snake that was still frantically destroyed, and then came forward to hold kukas\' arm. Without waiting for kukas to speak, she directly shook the burning black flag, tore the void, and instantly transmitted them to the center of the level battlefield constructed by the main level world.

Just after kukas was taken away by a female doctor for only three or five breaths, a crack suddenly appeared in the sky of the flenberg people who were gradually dying. The next moment, a pale and embarrassed looking soldier came out of the crack.

There are some wounds on his body, which are wrapped with some fighting spirit and magical forces that do not belong to him. Under the erosion of these forces, those small wounds can not be healed at all. The armor on his body was broken. Although there was fighting spirit pouring out of his body and instilled into the broken armor, there was still only one incomplete shoulder blade and chest armor, and other parts were missing. As for the gold spear in his hand, it was covered with holes of different sizes.

"Save me, I\'m the hope of the future of the faubourg people, and I\'m the king of hundreds of millions of faces in the future." after the soldier appeared out of thin air, the fenglia warriors who devoured him crazily suddenly became stiff. It was not that these warriors dared not move, but that they were forcibly imprisoned by the obscure smell emanating from the soldier.

Looking at the ferocious fenliya warriors and the fubergers who were paralyzed and crippled on the ground, the soldier shook his head reluctantly: "The future of the faubourg people? The king who controls hundreds of millions of positions? Didn\'t your patriarch tell you that there are thousands of members who predict that they can become kings in this period? Hehe! Only those who finally grow up will be kings. No one will remember you if you die halfway like you."

"Save me! I can swear with my soul that if I become the master of hundreds of millions of faces after you save me, I will give you everything you want." the faubourg\'s face has been gnawed to the bone by the fenlia warrior. In his hurried voice, his face twisted, making him look more frightened and terrible.

"I\'ll save you, then who will save me? I\'m sorry, your soul has begun to dissipate, because you cursed someone with your soul. Now, the power of the curse begins to take effect, and your soul is no longer able to take another oath." the high-ranking soldier sighed, giggled and pointed around wildly: "Look! The future king of hundreds of millions of faces, you can\'t even protect a city, and you want to control hundreds of millions of faces? Ha ha!"

The strange smile of the high-ranking soldier suddenly heard it. He took a deep look at the fuberger. There was an inexplicable sadness in the depths of his eyes. After letting go of his breath, he waved a gold spear to tear the space in front of him, and disappeared as soon as he dodged.

"No!" seeing that the relief he craved was gone, the whole person\'s mind completely collapsed: "save me, I know you\'re hiding in the dark. You can save me when I have only one head, you can save me when I have only one soul, as long as you save me."

Before the crazy cry finished, a huge foot at least tens of feet in size suddenly appeared from the void. The huge foot fell to the ground and trampled the twisted fenglia warriors into meat sauce, and their flesh and blood were completely mixed with their food: fenglia warriors, and they were no longer divided from each other.

"Oh! Damn little thing, you run so fast. Ha ha! You used to be known as the king of hundreds of millions of faces. Why do you run when you see me now?" Like a thunderous voice sounded in the void. Without the slightest control, the city that should have held a grand event completely collapsed. Countless remaining ordinary people burst apart and died under the thunderous voice. A large number of professionals, whether soldiers or casters, or believers and priests of the gods, were under this huge voice , they are all in a mess.

"Little guy, don\'t run away, let me catch you! I like to catch you creatures who will be strong in the future." the roar echoed over the broken city, and the huge soles of feet appeared out of thin air disappeared.

Kukas didn\'t know what happened in this broken city. After he was forcibly brought back to the battlefield center by a female doctor, he was confused by the changes in the battlefield center.

There were not many professionals in the center of the busy battlefield in the past, let alone the merchants who bought materials. Some professionals flew quickly in mid air, or drilled into thick stone pillars, or entered the transmission array with dim light.

Beside the female doctor stood dozens of mercenaries and seven or eight naked women. These were the mercenaries sent back by the female doctor from Troy and the women who followed the forberg.

While kukas was checking the changes here, the female doctor quickly made a settlement with these mercenaries and successfully ended the employment. As for those women, they were thrown to these mercenaries by the female doctor. Kukas didn\'t pay attention to these things at all.

The mercenaries led by shorty one eyed stayed here longer, so they had more information. After they handed over the task, they immediately left with the women left by the female doctor. As for the end of those women, kukas could not predict. Of course, he was too lazy to predict.

"Go, take a good look at the changes in this period of time. These changes are recorded on it." after the one eyed shorties left, the female doctor pulled kukas\'s arm and walked towards a huge stone pillar not far away.

There are countless such stone pillars in this battlefield center. They not only serve as the gathering place of the battlefield, but also are props for selling goods, exchanging materials and releasing various information.

Without being reminded by the female doctor, kukas branded his mind on the stone pillar. When his mind was branded on it, a huge amount of information actively poured into his mind. After all this information poured into his mind, kukas soon understood the origin of the so-called all-round war.

It turned out that a female bishop belonging to the gate of heaven was playing in a low-level plane a few days ago. Originally, the play would end soon, but because of some accidents, the female bishop decided to stay in that plane for another day. That is, staying for another day also led to the outbreak of the war.

It turned out that on this last day, the female bishop led some people to play in a city. Perhaps by accident or necessity, she clashed with a teenager who shot her prey. Those who escorted the bishop wounded the girl who followed the boy.

The next thing became interesting: in his anger, the boy waved a steel fork and killed several guards. Finally, after * * * the female bishop, he hung her on the tree and skinned her alive. Then she made medicine from the Bishop\'s heart and applied it to the girl who followed him.

It is reasonable to say that only a young hunter has no ability to kill the female bishop. You should know that although it is a low-order potential plane, it is only relative to the eighth-order potential plane. In that low level, professionals can release about five levels of power. A strong figure like a female bishop has special magic props that can release the power of a seventh level professional.

But no one thought that the boy was not the child of an ordinary hunter. In the blood of the boy, there was the blood of a powerful creature like golden bimon. In the struggle, the boy broke out the blood of golden bimon, so he killed the female bishop.

After killing the female bishop, the boy treated the girl with her heart, but the girl still died.

If only an ordinary girl died, it might not happen later, but the identity of that girl is stronger than that boy.

It turned out that the blood of the wizard flowed in the girl\'s blood.

In ancient legends, the first professionals in the endless void were not soldiers or knights, but wizards who were more mysterious than spell casters. Nowadays, all kinds of casters are just a branch separated from those wizards.

Although there is no trace of wizards in all aspects, it does not mean that wizards have disappeared. In that lower plane, there is still an orthodox wizard. And the wizard is the girl\'s mother.

The mother who lost her daughter went crazy and lost a female bishop, which made the behemoth of the gate of heaven very angry. Countless professionals appear in this plane through the transmission array. They bury the female bishop with bloody killings, and there are cruel wars to show the strength of the organization.

Some influential organizations in this position were killed by the gate of heaven. If there were no special changes, those organizations and forces would endure this oppression. But at this time, the arrogant gate of heaven forgot the girl\'s mother and the boy with golden bimon blood.

The mother who lost her daughter fell into madness. She collected tens of millions of souls with secret methods, and then made sacrifices with those souls. She sacrificed with an ancient supreme existence through a bloody altar that did not know what remained in that era.

The desire of sacrifice was not to revive her daughter, because her daughter\'s soul was shattered into nothingness by the Bishop\'s Secret Law. All the crazy mother\'s sacrifice desire is to become a powerful wizard and revive the wizards who still have souls.

The evil bloody altar met the wishes of the crazy mother: tens of thousands of wizards who did not know when to be imprisoned in the endless abyss were released, and the souls floating in the endless void were forcibly awakened and landed in the low level.

Only this sacrifice led to the emergence of tens of thousands of wizards. These wizards kill a large number of members of the gate of heaven, and then offer sacrifices to the evil bloody altar through their soul and flesh, so as to become more powerful or awaken more wizards.

Stimulated by the crazy mother, the teenagers who lost their childhood friends also offered sacrifices through the altar. And he used his own soul and tens of millions of souls as sacrifices to compare the gold sleeping in the endless abyss to the ancestor of bimon: chanulhasi.

In order to resist the huge thing of the gate of heaven, the awakened ancestor of golden bimon directly tore the ancient seal and released the angry king who had been suppressed for countless times. He was also the oldest king in the Abyss: ossoviri.

The first thing ossoveri did when he was free was not to release his former companions, but to help Kim bimon chanulhaas start a fight with the people at the gate of heaven.

With the help of the oldest king of the endless abyss, the golden bimon chanulhaas who woke up from his deep sleep broke through a dangerous place in the abyss and released a powerful creature.

Most of these creatures were dragged into the abyss by a powerful existence in extremely ancient times and then suppressed. Some gods fell in the war of the ancient times, and their flesh and blood turned into mountains and seas in the abyss, but their souls did not really die. Now, with the help of the golden bimon chanur Haas, they all stand in the void again, showing their strength in those days.

The ancient remnant wizards, the abyss demons, the powerful existence released from the abyss and the resurrected fallen existence United. Under the original promise, they began to kill and fight with the people at the gate of heaven. At this time, they had long forgotten that the most fundamental reason was that a mother avenged her daughter.

In a series of struggles, some alliances and forces were forced to choose their camps. However, the center of the plane battlefield constructed by kukas\'s main plane world chooses to rely on the side of the endless abyss.

On the one hand, the two sides have cooperated in the past. More importantly, there is a powerful existence in the powerful existence resurrected from the endless abyss, which came from this thematic world before. And the descendants of that powerful existence are the founders of the land of Lich and the land of blood. In this case, even if the battlefield center chooses to join the gate of heaven, the power of the gate of heaven will not accept it. Even use them as cannon fodder after acceptance.

In addition to the origin of the war, there are other aspects of this information. After reading the information, kukas frowned.

"Use the natural Banshee now! Don\'t use it after she recovers, or you will become an eighth level professional." the female doctor reached out and grabbed kukas\'s big hand, crossed her fingers and looked at her man pleadingly.

"The war will not end in a thousand years." kukas looked down into the eyes of the female doctor, but his heart wavered. This vacillation was not caused by the persuasion of the female doctor, but by his checking the information of the war.

He was afraid. Maybe the long time of comfort made him forget to kill, maybe the female doctor\'s persuasion in the past, or maybe his heart was weak.

Although there was a trace of fear in his heart, he didn\'t show it.

"If I become a level 7 professional now, according to the particularity of the next knight, although I still can\'t take the initiative to cultivate fighting spirit, with the self growth of fighting spirit, I will still become level 8 in a thousand years. At that time, I will also be recruited to really join the killing."

"Maybe the war will end in a thousand years," said the female doctor with some uncertainty. Of course, she also knew that what she said was actually untenable. You know, in some books, the total war represents that all planes in the void will join the war. Under this kind of war, it lasts for millions of years, which is only the shortest record, and a little longer is hundreds of millions of years. Even this war will last until the end of the whole era.

"If I didn\'t use the natural banshee, it would take me another 30 years to be promoted to level 7." kukas touched his bare brain bag and smiled.

"Be a tutor?" the female doctor tilted her head and asked softly, "or return to the burning plane?"

"Be a mentor!" kukas whispered with a smile. "Naturally, the banshee is about to recover to its peak. At that time, I will be transferred and promoted directly. Before that, I need a lot of knowledge. Many of these knowledge are not in the inheritance. You know, those inheritance are too old."