Abyss Knight

Chapter 572

"Hold the nine headed snake xudera for more than a hundred breathing times?" kukas listened earnestly in the back, but he disdained the speech in his heart. In his opinion, even the high-level professionals above level 8 can\'t cope with the power of the nine headed strange snake xudela. How can a bronze dwarf resist it?

Just as he was thinking, the bronze dwarf roared fiercely, and then his body disappeared in place. The next moment, he waved a giant hammer and appeared on the head among the strange snakes.

The copper hammer was held high, and lightning came out of the void, wrapped around the copper hammer, and then hit the middle head of the strange snake xudera.

"Bang!" with a dull sound, the place where the copper hammer collided with the snake\'s head threw up a circle of cyan and black ripples, and the ripples spread around. The strange snake xudera hissed, and the central head seemed to inflate and burst in an instant.

Blood and flesh splashed, and a large amount of venom sprayed out of the broken head like a spring. The figure of the bronze dwarf disappeared again and returned to its original place in the next moment.

"How could this be possible?" seeing that the head of the nine headed strange snake was so easily broken by a bronze dwarf, kukas\'s mind was violently turbulent. He could not believe that what was happening was true. However, this is indeed the case.

"It\'s the copper hammer." the female doctor stood next to kukas. She stretched out her hand and pointed to the giant hammer in the bronze dwarf\'s hand and said quickly: "just now I felt the power that seems to have rules on it. This should be a high-level magic weapon. But don\'t worry, the nine headed snake is not so easy to die."

"I stopped the bronze dwarf and asked xudera to get rid of those dragon tooth warriors. Damn it, the means of fenlia warriors are too ordinary here." kukas felt his bald head with some dissatisfaction, then summoned the ghost crying war horse, and took out the gun and axe obtained from the old knight to prepare for killing.

"There\'s no need to bother so much. Xudera can get rid of them. I\'ll deal with the faubourg, and you\'ll be on guard." the female doctor shook her head and stretched out her hand to point to the nine headed strange snake xudera. At this time, the broken head of the strange snake quickly grew a new head at the speed visible to the naked eye. In kukas\'s view, although the head looked a little smaller than the other heads, the scales on it looked more thick and solid.

"Roar!" the bronze dwarf roared again, and the powerful force burst out from his feet. Then his body became blurred, and the next moment appeared again over the newly recovered head of the nine headed monster snake.

The huge copper hammer fell, and the copper hammer, which drew the power of void lightning, carried endless evil wind and hit the snake head again.

"Bang!" without any accident, the newly recovered snake head burst. With the flesh and blood flying sword, the bronze dwarf retreated and wanted to return to the original place.

However, at the moment when he broke the snake head in the middle, three or five snake heads on both sides gave up swallowing the fenlia warrior and the Dragon tooth warrior, shook their heads and instantly bounced to the central position, opened their mouths to swallow the broken snake head and the bronze dwarf who planned to go back.

Three or five snakeheads came from all directions. Each snakehead opened his mouth, and black eddies emerged from their mouths; However, these black eddies did not come out, but hovered in their mouths, releasing endless suction.

Although the bronze dwarf was prepared for the counterattack of the nine headed monster snake, he didn\'t expect to encounter this strange attack. For a time, a large number of backup means failed, but he was unwilling to be swallowed by the strange snake.

The urgent voice sounded from his mouth. It was extremely strange. It was different from the mystery and nobility of those magic languages, and also different from the desolation and antiquity of knight and warrior languages. In the breath of that language, there was only rage and arrogance.

The voice sounded and stuttered like a little man who had just learned to speak.

"Wipe me!" after hearing the strange language of the bronze dwarf fixed in the air by the suction of several strange snakes, kukas didn\'t react at first, but then he heard the voice of the high-level caster suspended in the air. At the hint of the voice, he knew the meaning of the bronze dwarf\'s language.

"Shut up," kukas screamed, afraid to let the other party finish the violent language, so he burst into a fierce fight and urged the war horse to rush up to the bronze dwarf fixed in mid air like a strong wind.

The nine headed strange snake xudera seemed to be aware of the bad. Its heads gave up swallowing the Dragon tooth warriors and turned to hover to absorb the bronze dwarfs in the air. As for kukas\'s charge, it was ignored at the order of the female doctor.

The ghost cried and the war horse neighed. Driven by kukas\'s fighting spirit, it ran frantically. It was more than a hundred feet away, but it rushed in a few moments. Kukas jumped up when he rushed under the nine headed monster snake.

The powerful recoil force tore the newborn war horse. In the sound of broken bones, kukas appeared in front of the bronze dwarf like a fireball rising from the sky.

The absorbing power of the nine snake heads formed a strange balance in mid air. Under this balanced absorbing power, the skin of the bronze dwarf continued to burst, and large tracts of flesh and blood fell off him. But even so, he was still mumbling the strange language that sounded stumbling.

The killing talent was opened, and the invisible node of absorbing power entangled with each other emerged in kukas\'s mind. The gun and axe in his hand crossed a strange arc, but immediately crossed the void and collided with the node absorbing power.

With a muffled sound, the entangled absorption force cracked like a cloth torn by violence. Kukas took the opportunity to follow the crack and appeared in front of the bronze dwarf.

It was only an elbow away from the dwarf. At such a close distance, kukas clearly saw each other\'s face.

Some strange patterns appeared on the green gray skin, which was just like a bronze dwarf roaring up to the sky with a copper hammer in his hand. With the language of the bronze dwarf, the pattern became clearer and clearer.

"Those who hurt the great emperor will die." when the bronze dwarf saw kukas appear in front of him, he mocked, and passed such words to him with his mind.

"Don\'t him, put a magic stick here." kukas was moved, then smiled grimly, waved a gun and axe and stabbed the bronze dwarf\'s head. At the same time, he also reached out to catch the other party\'s Warhammer. In that killing talent, he knew that the threat of the bronze Warhammer was the greatest.

The tip of the triangular spear pierced the bronze dwarf\'s head, easily tore his skull, and then smashed the brains inside.

"You should listen to me. I have many secrets to tell you." the bronze dwarf looked incredible. He never thought that kukas would kill him so quickly. His secret method only needs seven or eight languages to complete, and half of the magic props he plans to use to kill kukas have been opened. As long as kukas asks him about the emperor, he can complete his secret method and kill him at the same time. Unfortunately, all his backhands ended in kukas\'s ferocious laughter.

"I\'m not interested in the secrets of the dead." kukas snorted coldly, his wrist trembled, and the gun and axe trembled fiercely. Then he carried the fierce ghost cry and fighting spirit and stabbed the bronze dwarf\'s head again.

When the tip of the three edged gun came out of the back of the dwarf\'s head, the whole bronze dwarf\'s body shrank sharply, and then quietly began to melt.

The bluish gray smoke emerged from the melted body and melted into the copper hammer that kukas held in his hand.

"You will die: without the company of relatives and friends, you will never get love and affection. Everywhere you walk, there are your enemies. You will walk in suffering. Even if you fall to the ground forever, the suffering will not be let go. Sadness, aging, hatred, * *, madness and despair will accompany your soul forever Do not die. I say this in the name of the bronze giant coromandesaussus: you will forever become the enemy of the bronze giant and the bronze dwarf, whether in life or death. "

Some blood came out of the bronze dwarf\'s broken mouth. The blood condensed the bronze dwarf\'s smiling face in the air, and then said these words.

"Are you cursing me? There are many people cursing me, but none of their cursing has been realized." kukas sneered, kicked the image of blood condensation, and then threw the copper hammer into a snake\'s head.

Without the copper hammer as the carrier, the cyan gray smoke emitted from the melted body condensed in mid air, but an ugly little giant condensed in a few breathing times.

The little giant is only three or five feet tall, with a twisted body, one arm and one foot, and a broken head. As soon as it condensed, it was bitten by a snake head. Then several snake heads rushed over and bit other parts. In a short breathing time, the crippled giant just condensed was eaten by the nine headed monster snake.

Looking at the huge snake head flashing around him, seeing drops of snakes passing by and falling on the ground, kukas jumped down from the giant snake without hesitation, and then rushed to the female doctor as fast as possible. He didn\'t want to be swallowed by a strange snake, let alone melted. Even if he can rise again.

When he rushed to the female doctor, there were three or five low-level professionals lying on the ground. These professionals have an elf and a barbarian and two members of the swan family. Their bodies are being engulfed and wrapped by a touch of deep green, transforming into a special medicine jade. As for the foberger and the Dragon tooth knight who controlled the Dragon tooth warriors, they were riding a one eyed Warcraft three or five feet high and fled to the distance.

Kukas was a little surprised to see the female doctor standing where she was and not chasing the foberger. However, he did not ask because he believed that the female doctor would give him a reasonable explanation.

"I feel the danger." the female doctor rubbed her temples, then pointed to the high-level professional floating in mid air and continued, "look! He is also aware of the danger." here, her expression looked blank and anxious: "but we can\'t detect where the danger comes from."

"Then you should leave this plane and go to the battlefield center to check the situation. There won\'t be a war here!" kukas looked up at the high-level professional in the sky in the distance. His killing talent didn\'t feel any danger, but the female doctor felt it. The result made him feel very depressed. However, he also knew that this killing talent could only sense the danger to himself, but could not feel the danger of the surrounding environment.

And in his opinion, they fought here for so long, but no more high-level professionals stopped them, which made him even more surprised.

You know, this is the Trojan plane, which is the top plane of the thirteenth order. In this face, there are many rules that restrict high-level professionals. So that these professionals can\'t cause too much damage in the throne. But now it seems that those rules never existed.

While kukas was thinking, the female doctor hurriedly locked their breath with a secret method towards the fleeing fuberger and the Dragon tooth knight, and then returned to the center of the battlefield with the help of the projection of the burning black flag given to her by kukas.

Not long after kukas leaned against a broken wall and smoked a silver smoke, the female doctor appeared pale in front of him.

"What happened," kukas asked quickly. At this time, the high-level caster who had long been aware of the bad and stopped floating in the air also appeared next to the female doctor, silently waiting for the news brought by the female doctor.

"War. There is a war in Troy." the female doctor looked deeply at the uninvited high-level caster, and then said in a sarcastic tone: "a group of so-called noble beings launched a war with the death of a dandy."

"There are wars in Troy every day, races die out every day, and new races appear." the high-level caster ignored the mockery of the female doctor. Because in his opinion, he has nothing to do with those noble people.

"Total war?" kukas was not as optimistic as the high-level caster thought. In his opinion, since it was solemnly called war by the female doctor, it must be a very special war, which was more serious than the plane invasion.

As soon as kukas said this, the high-level caster couldn\'t help taking a cold breath: "total war? How is it possible? There has been no total war for a long time. Are you sure the news is correct?"

Looking at the frightened and disbelief of the high-level caster, the female doctor took a deep breath, nodded seriously and approved kukas\'s guess: "yes, all-out war."

"I\'m just joking." kukas touched his bald head and laughed. "I just saw the outbreak of the all-out war in some ancient books."

"It\'s over." after seeing the female doctor\'s affirmation, the high-level caster immediately wondered why he had been tossing around here for so long, but no one paid attention to him, and why the nine headed strange snake appeared here without anyone stopping. As far as the all-out war is concerned, their struggle will not attract anyone\'s attention at all. Even if he destroyed the whole empire now, no one would care. Because under the pressure of all-out war, senior professionals focus on some important things.

"Our main plane world is also involved in this all-out war. When I went back, the whole plane battlefield was forcibly recruiting all professionals above level 8. I was also recruited and left immediately." the female doctor smiled bitterly.

The bodies of the three burning black flags manifest from kukas\'s back. He grabbed the three black flags and threw them to the female doctor, but the female doctor did not refuse. She knew what the three black flags represented. If she wants to live better, she must accept the gift of kukas.

"I didn\'t expect that you could get so many plane props. To tell you the truth, you didn\'t release the power of this props like you just did, even one in ten thousand." when the high-level caster saw that kukas threw several burning black flags to the female physician, he couldn\'t help muttering.

"Help me catch the faubourg man, and I can give you a projection of the plane props for a hundred years." kukas grabbed it and pulled out a burning black flag from his back. However, the burning black flag is not a body, but a projection.

"No problem at all." the high-level professional was overjoyed at the speech. A plane prop projection is just a temporary magic prop for low-level professionals, but it is very easy for them to use some secrets to copy the rules in the plane prop projection and instill them into special magic props. In this way, he can use kukas\'s plane props to make his magic props more powerful. At that time, even if kukas takes the face prop, he can use the magic prop made by secret method to show most of the effects of the face prop again.

The high-level professional directly tore the void and disappeared. After he left, the female doctor opened her mouth to say something to kukas, but finally just came forward and hugged kukas tightly, kissed him on the chest and began to cry in a low voice.

"Follow me to the burning plane," kukas said in a deep voice, stroking the woman\'s long hair.

"I heard that the Trojan plane, like our main plane world, is all united with the abyss demons. The opponent is a huge organization such as the gate of heaven. Do you think your zero level will be safe under such circumstances?" the female doctor shook her head and sobbed, "I\'m just a little worried. I\'m afraid I\'ll never see you again."

"We\'ll all be fine."

"The bloody giants who broke away from Pires controlled those wild beasts. It is said that they have controlled thousands of planes. Now they are planning to join the war."

"Those allied forces who have made friends with the gate of heaven have also joined in. I can\'t escape this war, because those people gave me this to locate my identity and position."

Silence, kukas was silent. Looking at the mark on the female doctor\'s wrist, he didn\'t know what to say for a moment. At this time, he suddenly noticed that a powerful breath appeared in the sky from a distance, and the breath spread like a tide flowing to them from hundreds of miles away.

The huge breath passed by him, and some hovered around the female doctor, and then left. With the departure of this breath, the earth cracked, and high-level professionals with a strong breath drilled out of these cracks. These high-level professionals looked ugly and wandered a little in the air, then scattered and soon disappeared into the sky.

"I\'ll go to the battlefield with you." kukas took a deep breath and looked at the ugly faces of those high-level professionals forced out by the huge breath. He didn\'t know why he was happy.

"No. our battlefield is in the endless void." the female doctor took a deep breath and also glanced at the hidden professionals forced out. Perhaps after she realized that their fate was the same as her own, her worries were soon covered up by schadenfreude: "it\'s no use going there."

Kukas wanted to say something more, but there was a crack in front of him. Then the high-level caster came out of the crack.

The high-level caster looked a little embarrassed. He had a short spear with gold and silver on his shoulder. From time to time, some words appeared and disappeared on the short spear. Drops of silver blood flowed down the short spear and fell to the ground into nothingness. In his hands, the handsome forberg man was like a mollusk without bones.

"He\'s hard to deal with." the high-level professional looked ugly and threw the fuberger at kukas\'s feet: "the fuberger participated in the war, but their race is not on the same front with us."

"And you are very lucky. Just now, in order to deal with him, at least hundreds of legends suddenly appeared to kill me, but fortunately there were experts. Otherwise, I would die before I could go to the battlefield. To tell the truth, if I knew that your plane prop projection was so difficult to get, I would never ask for it."

Although he didn\'t see what happened to the high-level professional in order to catch the fuberger, kukas was able to guess a guess. It is clear that even at this time, there is still someone around the forberg people to protect him. Of course, he didn\'t know that the sudden legends didn\'t always protect the fuberger, but rushed to take him away because of something. But they were a little late and were perceived by the powerful breath sweeping from a distance, so they failed.

Kukas grabbed the man\'s head with his hands and tried to crush it.

"He is a powerful existence in the prophecy. If you kill him now, you will encounter a lot of trouble." the high-level caster grabbed the fuberger\'s head when he saw kukas coming up, so he quickly grabbed his arm to stop his crazy behavior.

"Yes, you can\'t kill me. Ha ha! I dare say that if you kill me, not only you will die, but even your position will die." the paralyzed foberger still didn\'t panic at this time. He just looked at kukas with a smile and mocked: "no one can kill me before I become an emperor."

"Ridiculous theory." kukas rubbed his bald head and grinned. He took his hand back, squatted on the ground and stared at each other: "tell me, what emperor are you going to be?"

"The eternal emperor, the eternal emperor who controls hundreds of millions of planes," said the faubourg suddenly with a serious face.

"Your brain is sick." kukas lit a silver smoke, took a hard puff, and then spit out the smoke. Under his fighting spirit, the smoke hovered around the people\'s neck like a poisonous snake.

"Ha ha! What you don\'t know and know doesn\'t mean that he doesn\'t exist. You don\'t know many secrets, and you\'re not qualified to know them. If you knew those secrets, you wouldn\'t say that about me." the foberger was stunned at his words, and then he smiled softly: "you can kill everyone around me, but you can\'t kill me."

"I\'ve always wanted to kill a little bit to break your mind and let you fall into regret and panic." kukas sat on the ground in a daze and muttered softly: "But I sent people to hunt you down, and the people who followed you continued to die, but more and more powerful people followed you. I tried my best to hunt you down, but I still didn\'t succeed. Every time there was an accident at the critical moment. Is this all because you will become an emperor?"

"Fate." the female doctor interrupted kukas\'s self-talk. She reached out and stroked kukas\'s big head and explained softly. She could understand the idea of the bald evil man in front of her, and knew how crazy and bad his idea was.

"In every god system, whether the God system is strong or weak, there are three gods who control destiny. One controls the future, one controls the past and one controls the present. Only professionals above legend will not be manipulated by those fates."

"Those gods are just some things in the projection of the rules of fate. They can\'t control the fate. If they can control the fate, the so-called gods of fate won\'t die." the high-level caster raised his wrist and looked at a strange mark on it, explaining some depression.