Abyss Knight

Chapter 571

"Now there are no rules and restrictions. You can let someone kill me." kukas smiled strangely at the speech, stretched out his hand and pointed to the scene of the high-level professionals fighting with the nine headed strange snake in the distance. "Is it that the high-level professionals who protect you are sleeping?"

Kukas\'s words made the faubourg look ugly. However, regardless of whether his face was ugly or not, kukas turned to point out to the other party and said in a harsh voice, "don\'t threaten me because you think there are backers behind you. To tell the truth, I\'m not afraid of threats. If you threaten me today, I\'ll kill you today."

"A tyrant will never become a climate." the foberger was stunned, then shook his head and smiled, but mocked kukas\'s ignorance.

"It can\'t be a climate, but its own strength is too weak!" kukas ignored the ridicule of the other party. While talking, he grabbed three or five burning black flags behind him, projected them into his gun and axe, and then waved his gun and axe and rushed towards the foberger.

The gun and axe crossed the arc and cut at the faubourg\'s head with a shrill whistling sound. In this case, the fuberger didn\'t dodge at all. He just looked sarcastic and let kukas\'s gun and axe split him in half.

A slight explosion sounded, and the man\'s body broke in two. There was no blood or splatter of internal organs, but a broken red stick fell from the place where the fobergers stood in a pink smoke.

Looking at the broken stick that fell to the ground, kukas looked uncertain. He knew that he was a little crazy and confused in his words just now, but he never regretted it.

"If you use the backer behind you to press me, then I\'ll press you with blood." the fierce light burst in your eyes, but it became stronger and stronger when you saw that there were still no high-level professionals in the sky to stop the fight of the nine headed monster Snake: "since there are no so-called rules at this time, why not take advantage of the opportunity?"

Thinking in the heart, the body subconsciously began to prepare. Several burning black flags were thrown on the ground, and the flame on the black flag turned into silk thread to spread and burn, but the breathing time formed a transmission array outlined by complex patterns on the ground.

Several black flags loomed in the air. Prompted by kukas\'s mind, they began to rotate slowly according to a certain frequency and orientation. With the rotation of these black flags, white lights appeared around the array, and the white light dispersed, but fenliya warriors with white bone murder weapons appeared.

"Kill!" consume a lot of plane source power to build a temporary transmission array, and then lead a large number of fenlia warriors to kill. But the idea of completely killing the faubourg.

At this time, after placing the female prisoners and mercenaries, the female doctor sent them here alone. After hiding, she began to carefully affect the nine headed strange snake and began to move towards the hiding place of the fobergers, ready to kill the fobergers with the help of the high-level professional, and even directly use the nine headed strange snake to complete the task.

The appearance of a large number of fenliya warriors immediately attracted the attention of the high-level professional suspended in the air, but he cared not about the transmitted fenliya warriors, but the burning black flag that can instantly arrange the transmission array.

"Plane prop projection?" the high-level caster knew at first that the black long gun that kukas would carry was evolved from the plane prop projection. At first, he was just lucky for the other party and got a plane prop. But I didn\'t expect that now there are seven or eight plane props projected. You know, each level prop has only one projection in the same level, and there will be no two projections at all. Now the projection of these seven or eight props shows that he has at least seven or eight plane props.

Seven or eight level props, this number is nothing in kukas\'s view, but in the view of which high-level professional, he is extremely surprised.

In the view of the high-level professional, some powerful legends and gods can have a large number of powerful magic props, but few people can have plane props. In the eyes of some powerful forces, the value of a plane prop is even several times more precious than a plane that is completely controlled secretly. Even in some slave markets controlled by powerful forces such as the gate of heaven, a plane prop can be exchanged for hundreds of legendary or divine slaves.

The appearance of a level prop on a low-level professional will not cause too much fluctuation, but the appearance of seven or eight level props makes some people unbearable.

Seeing that kukas had so many plane props, the high-level caster couldn\'t help muttering. He was thinking about the specific origin of kukas. He even doubted whether it would cause some trouble to oppose kukas for the little reward he paid for others.

There were some concerns in his heart, and he didn\'t pay too much attention to the suppression of the nine headed strange snake. In his opinion, if kukas has a stronger backing, he will not hesitate to give up the original deal and cooperate with kukas instead. Of course, although this will make him lose some treaty property, it will make him related to some more powerful organizations. At that time, he can\'t say that he will get more benefits in the future.

After the high-level caster alleviated the repression, the female doctor was keenly aware of this. In order to prevent any accidents, she bit her silver teeth, but she didn\'t care about anything. She directly controlled the nine headed monster snake and swam towards the area where the foberger people were located at the fastest speed.

The nine headed monster snake swam away with all its strength, and the distance of hundreds of feet passed in a flash. Along the way, I don\'t know how many houses and plants I rolled, let alone how many creatures I killed. Even some fenlia warriors controlled by kukas were swallowed by the nine headed strange snake.

The fast-moving nine headed monster snake ate all the way, while the high-level professional threw lightning, fire and hurricane in the sky one after another to harass it, but it was not as crazy as it would attack.

Kukas didn\'t pay attention to this. He just saw the nine headed monster snake rush up, manipulated the crazy fenlia warriors to avoid as much as possible, and then followed behind the nine headed monster snake to prepare for siege. The female doctor didn\'t hide her body, but directly appeared behind kukas. While controlling the strange snake, she carefully guarded the high-level professional in the sky.

After the nine headed snake swam fast for seven or eight breathing times, its forward speed suddenly stopped.

Dozens of soldiers with the same face and stiff face jumped out of a broken house. Each of these soldiers carried a clean white spear. Some of them had incomplete arms, legs and feet, but those incomplete limbs were recovering quickly with the naked eye. They did not show any panic when facing the nine headed monster snake with endless fierce flame.

"Dragon tooth warrior." seeing these stiff faced soldiers appear, kukas gnashed his teeth and muttered.

"Don\'t worry, xudera can devour everything. It\'s just some small dragon tooth warriors, which can be destroyed easily." after the female doctor noticed kukas\'s anger and a trace of worry inadvertently flowing out, she immediately comforted softly: "now xudera, only Chuanqi can kill him, not other creatures."

"Those wild beasts running out of the underground palace can\'t do it?" kukas turned his eyes and muttered. But his careless words made the female doctor feel bad all of a sudden. It\'s just that she didn\'t show it.

"I still have bloody giants. No matter how powerful those wild giants are, they are not a small bug in front of the bloody giants?" the female doctor said in a deep voice: "and they have just been cultivated by me, and their strength has not reached the peak. If they reach the peak, I\'m afraid no one can stop them."

"Well." I wanted to say something more, but the next action of the nine headed strange snake brightened kukas\'s eyes, and his little worry disappeared in an instant.

It turned out that while he was talking, the nine headed strange snake launched a fierce attack on dozens of dragon tooth warriors in the way. The attack method is very simple, only nine snake heads open their mouths and inhale fiercely.

This time, the snake\'s head inhaled, but it took the lead in ejecting gray and black turbulent flows, which rolled and twined around the Dragon tooth warriors in an instant.

Under the gray and black turbulence, those dragon tooth warriors had no ability to resist. They were rolled into the air and swallowed by the nine headed strange snakes in an instant.

Staring at the belly of the nine headed strange snake for dozens of breathing time, there was no white light coming out of it. As a result, not only kukas was excited, but also the female doctor was very excited.

"Ha ha! It\'s really funny. In our opinion, the extremely difficult dragon tooth warrior was killed so simply. Do you think it\'s our garbage? Or are the nine headed strange snakes too powerful?" kukas was stunned for a long time. He smiled and pointed at the nine headed strange snake, but there was a trace of disbelief and jealousy in his eyes.

"It\'s not that the nine headed monster snake is too powerful, but that the nine headed monster snake can completely restrain these dragon tooth warriors." the female doctor shook her head and smiled softly. She had already run away from the nine clouds with the unhappiness in her heart: "It is said that the ancestors of the nine headed strange snake and the Dragon tooth warriors have a deep blood feud. Seriously, the nine headed strange snake and the Dragon tooth warriors are actually two different species evolved from the same creature. I think you know all this."

"Ha ha! No matter what, as long as the nine headed monster snake can kill these dragon tooth warriors, I don\'t care even if they are close to their parents." a few strange smiles urged the crazy fenlia warriors to follow the nine headed monster snake.

However, after devouring dozens of dragon tooth warriors, the nine headed strange snake didn\'t rush forward, but circled in place silently digesting the Dragon tooth warriors under the command of the female doctor. After completely digesting the Dragon tooth warriors, it twisted its body and continued to move forward. During this period, the high-level professional suspended in the air just threw thunder and fire Hurricane looks like a hurricane and uses a secret method to contact some friends in the hope of finding out the identity of kukas.

"If you don\'t have any background, I\'ll not only help my friends complete this entrustment, but also get some of your plane props. If there\'s any big backer behind it, I can let go of the gratitude and resentment, and even help you kill those forberg people." The high-level caster thought carelessly, and the magic power on his hand became weaker and weaker. However, his actions made the fobergers in the dark jump and scold.

"Damn it, these high-level professionals are unbelievers. If we had known so, we might as well leave our high-level professionals to protect us." a bearded bronze dwarf waved his sledgehammer and spit hard at the high-level caster in the sky. You know, they spent a lot of money to hire each other to break the rules against kukas.

"Elder brother, let\'s leave here first! My dragon tooth warrior can\'t show any power in front of the strange snake. And just now, dozens of dragon tooth warriors died completely and didn\'t turn into dragon tooth back to me. Even there is no body after their death in the Dragon tooth base." A handsome knight, with a sad face, whispered to the faubourg who controlled the means of the secret church about his current situation. "Now we rely on the Dragon tooth warrior. If there were no dragon tooth warrior, our people would be twice as many as those ferocious fenlia warriors."

"Don\'t worry, third brother. Auspicious people have their own nature. We are destined to be heroes of this era. It\'s normal to suffer some hardships. The nine headed strange snake can easily deal with your dragon tooth warrior. I think there are also things that can easily deal with the nine headed strange snake. We can\'t go, angel. They are still in the hands of these evil people. If we don\'t save them, it\'s not only me I\'m sorry. I\'m afraid other brothers can\'t think of it either. "When he said this, the foberger lowered his voice and glanced at several other young professionals around to remind the Dragon tooth knight.

"Angel, they must have been poisoned. Instead of saving them like Avril, let them die directly. In this way, we can not only make other brothers hate those fenlia warriors and that knight more, but also mobilize the forces behind these women to help us directly. You know, those races and forces are trying to please us You, but you sent all the pearls in their eyes. "The Dragon tooth Knight looked at kukas in the distance with a ferocious face, and then quickly said his plan to the forberg people.

Avril, as soon as Avril was mentioned, the forberg people couldn\'t help twitching. Avril is the daughter of a fairy queen. Because of the prophecy, she met the forberg people. Although the forbergers pushed her to one of their brothers for a series of reasons, there was still a vague ambiguity between the two. Of course, if it wasn\'t for his future events, he would never push Avril to his brother.

Now that Avril has been swallowed back by a high-level professional with a space crack, but she has become a licentious debauchery and woman. As a result, not only the brother can\'t accept it, but also he can\'t accept it.

"These damn demons, they must die easily." at the thought of what kukas and others had done to Avril, the faubourg people\'s face was distorted and their anger suddenly soared several times: "the dragon has an inverse scale, and if it touches it, it will die; if I hurt the people around me, I will eradicate him at all costs. God will stop killing God and devil will stop killing devil."

Looking at the distorted face of the foberger, the Dragon tooth knight on one side was full of disdain. In his opinion, if it weren\'t for the family\'s opinion, he would never follow the forberg. The faubourg people usually look like three good young people, but in some private lives, they are no less than those licentious people. It\'s just that the forberg people cover up well, but they are called romantic, while others don\'t cover up, so they are called adulterers. In fact, the essence of the two is the same. "Don\'t be so disgusting here. I\'m afraid the means you use when forcibly occupying women with secret methods are several times more evil than that kukas knight. Moreover, you don\'t have a clear relationship with the women who reward your brothers, and even occupy their fiancee. You pretend that it\'s not your fault. Don\'t I know? Hey hey! If it\'s not your prediction I\'m afraid countless people have killed you. Otherwise, you think those women with noble status will throw themselves into your arms with you? "

Just when the Dragon tooth Knight despised the fuberger he followed, the bronze dwarf couldn\'t help but carry the hammer and planned to rush out to fight with the nine headed strange snake.

The Dragon tooth warrior quickly pressed him, but he was reluctant to let the bronze dwarf die for nothing: "brother, what you are best at is making weapons, not fighting with people. I\'d better leave it to my brother, my dragon tooth warrior!" while talking, he shook his wrist. After his death, dozens of white lights flew out of the magic bracelet on his wrist.

The white light fell to the ground and turned into fierce warriors with dementia. After these warriors appeared, they didn\'t rush towards the nine headed monster snake, but scattered from left to right, bypassed the nine headed monster snake and fiercely jumped at the fenlia warriors and kukas who followed them.

"Berserker! Hold that strange snake for a hundred breaths." the foberger couldn\'t help but change his mind when he realized the means of following his dragon tooth knight. But he didn\'t say it, but wrote it down secretly in his heart.