Abyss Knight

Chapter 570

"Only when death comes will you know regret." kukas sneered at the speech.

The high-level professional who came out of the crack intended to say something, but suddenly found that the counterattack of the nine headed strange snake trapped in the crystal ball was too much beyond his imagination.

The nine huge heads of the nine headed strange snake began to spray out endless poisonous water, and the colorful poisonous water scattered in the air and stained on the crystal ball. The crystal ball formed by the magic power began to melt quickly after being contaminated with the poisonous water. The nine headed monster snake took the opportunity to devour the incomplete crystal ball crazily.

"Devour the formed magic? This wild beast is really strange!" the high-level caster looked at the action of the nine headed strange snake, but frowned slightly. He quickly turned over the book suspended in front of him, and then moved his fingers on a page. With the movement of his fingers, some obscure words jumped out of his mouth. Strange language sounded, and thick blue chains poked out of the void. These chains were like poisonous snakes, winding around the head of the nine headed strange snakes.

"Kill!" kukas moved just as the chains wound around the nine big heads of the nine headed strange snake.

The fierce ghost cry and fighting spirit were all instilled into the sitting white bone war horse in an instant. The war horse neighed. After containing a large amount of fighting spirit, the horse\'s tail made a crackling noise. Then three or five horsetails with baby\'s head at the tail spread out from the spine.

The hair of five or six skeletons made sad sobs. These sounds did not spread around as before, but bound all these sobs under kukas\'s secret method, and gathered on the long gun in his hand through the white bone armor on his body.

The three foot long gun shook and drew strange arcs in the air. The top of each arc would burst out hundreds of gun flowers in an instant. For a time, tens of thousands of gunshots gathered and collided, forming a conical shock wave in front of kukas, and rushed at the high-order caster flying out of the crack.

With the support of a lot of fighting spirit, the killing talent worked for the former, and a vague virtual shadow appeared in kukas\'s mind and consciousness. This virtual shadow is not someone else, it is the projection of the high-level professional suspended in the air. Of course, this projection is not the active projection of the high-level class, but the condensation of the killing talent after it reaches the limit.

There were seven or eight light spots moving or stopping on the virtual shadow, and kukas\'s mind fiercely pierced into the virtual shadow, and then rolled up those static light spots, and instantly integrated them into the knight\'s long gun with a secret method.

The green flame is like a volcanic eruption. It erupts madly from under the feet of ghosts and horses. With the help of the flame jet, one rides across hundreds of meters high and rushes to the high-level caster who is still reading books in no hurry.

The ghost crying war horse neighed again. With this neighing, the ghost crying war horse, which was forcibly promoted by kukas with fighting spirit, crashed. Although the war horse was broken, five or six skeletons on the horse\'s tail suddenly appeared around the long gun in his hand. Several circling skeletons opened their mouths and made strange cries, which were all integrated into the long gun.

After the mind grabs several static light points condensed from the killing talent and instills them into the long gun, no matter how many strange arcs the long gun crosses in the air, no matter how many gun flowers it shakes out, the ultimate goal is all a few special positions on the high-level caster. These special positions are the region of the still light point in the projection.

"Insect carving skill." in the face of kukas\'s attack and the struggle between the nine headed strange snake and the chain, the high-level caster didn\'t care. If it weren\'t for this place, he would have used powerful magic means to kill kukas directly, instead of attacking them with some stupid methods and single spells he wasn\'t good at.

While talking, the caster fiercely raised his dry left hand and saw him holding the five fingers on his left hand. The next moment, five black and gold filaments came out from his fingertips. These filaments were only seven or eight hairs thick and thin. In a short moment, they crossed and braided each other between the dry palms, and then formed a small black gold fishing net, which fell off from the palm and shrouded kukas.

Hundreds of meters away, the black gold fishing net came in an instant. After the fishing net collided with kukas\'s trembling gunflowers, the whistling sound spread from the place it flew to kukas\'s ears. Obviously, this attack was several times faster than the speed of sound, even twice as fast as kukas\'s full charge.

Endless gunshots collided with the black gold fishing net, and each collision was a slight explosion. It was just a moment, and the gunpowder was forcibly polished by the fishing net. Before kukas could react, the fishing net formed by the light wire had hit him.

"Bang! Bang!" a ray of light hit him. Each impact produced a slight explosion. With the explosion, it not only cracked kukas\'s flesh and blood, but also had an extremely powerful magic wave, which went crazy into his body along the broken wound.

But in an instant, the powerful magic wave that penetrated into his body condensed into a big net again, and then rushed into his fighting space.

"What a strange means." in the face of such an attack, kukas was not frightened. He just used the secret method again to forcibly draw a large amount of fighting spirit from the fighting space. These fighting spirit fiercely collided with the fishing net formed by the magic wave, so as to polish the collision damage of the fishing net to his fighting space.

His mind was placed in his body to fight with each other\'s magic wave, but his body couldn\'t help falling out under the blow of magic power. The huge body fell from the air and hit the earth like a meteor. With a dull sound, the huge body was heavily embedded in the earth, leaving a huge hole in the earth.

His internal organs rolled for a while, and a large amount of blood was involuntarily sprayed out of his mouth and nose. The pores on his body were broken, but some remaining magical forces were instinctively vented by his body in this way.

"The reptile is a reptile after all, and will never be on the table." the high-level caster suspended in the air did not look at kukas. In his opinion, although kukas\'s breath still exists, he believes that it will disappear by itself in a short time. His attention was on the nine headed snake.

In just a few moments, the nine headed strange snake fought with his chain. The chain wanted to wrap around the snake\'s head. However, the nine snake heads kept moving in the air. Every time they shook, they tore at the chain and swallowed part of the chain. Such strange means greatly increased the interest of this high-level caster.

"I\'m tired!" after three or five breaths, kukas reluctantly cleaned up the magic waves in his body. After shaking his head a few times, he struggled to climb out of the pit. At the first time when he climbed out of the pit, he didn\'t go to the trouble of the high-level caster, but tried to take advantage of the chaos to see if he could kill the fuberger.

It turned out that he also wanted to be clear. In front of the high-level caster, he was a garbage. He couldn\'t resist an ordinary spell of the other party. Impeachment against people? Seeing that there were still no high-level professionals to stop the caster who broke the rules, he guessed that those high-level professionals either had something to delay or deliberately let each other toss here. And according to the Danu Protoss, thousands of legends and gods are hidden in this small city alone. Even if there is something, it won\'t happen at the same time. So he thinks those people acquiesced in the existence of breaking the rules.

In this case, the fight between the nine headed monster snake and the high-level caster was not stopped. For a time, it made the city very chaotic.

Flames, ice, hurricanes, cracks, poisonous smoke and venom appeared in the sky and the earth, and the battle scope gradually expanded. Even if the high-level professionals didn\'t go all out, the fight affected almost one-third of the cities.

Countless ordinary people fled in panic. Many of them were not killed by the nine headed strange snake, but killed each other in order to escape. Some even killed their master who had served them for many years for a war horse, while others gave up their escape tools to save their close friends.

Chaos, no one can stop this chaos. Some low-level professionals came to deal with the nine strange snakes, but they were either killed by poisonous smoke and fire or swallowed up by the strange snake.

After sobering his head, kukas recognized the direction a little, and then looked for the place where the faubourg man was. The ghost crying war horse burning the green flame, the sobbing sound, and the ferocious face armor made him walk in the chaotic street without being blocked by any situation. Of course, even if someone stops him, it will be eternal death waiting for him.

The spear and axe obtained from the old knight flew up and down like a light reed in kukas\'s hand. The spear and axe danced in a strange arc in the air. The shield of the shield guards broke like paper under this arc. The spells of the casters were easily broken by the gun and axe. One professional or ordinary people who dared to stop him fell to the ground, and their blood was absorbed by the gun and axe. Under the action of ghost crying and fighting spirit, their soul was directly forcibly absorbed to the heart of kukas.

The Tomahawk was raised high, and then fell in an instant. After a zigzag arc in the air, it was instantly cut on a knight\'s head. The knight just killed the nobleman he escorted and robbed a lot of materials from the nobleman. However, his escape route was wrong. In the rapid run, he blocked kukas\'s route.

Don\'t give each other a chance to dodge, and don\'t say anything else, just use the simplest way to clean up the obstacles.

The stimulation of blood made him suppress and even try to polish the melted killing breath, which was released a little bit uncontrollably. The strong killing breath hovered and twisted behind him, forming seven distorted images like essence. At first, kukas didn\'t notice the seven distorted images, but with the increasingly fierce struggle between the nine headed monster snake and the high-level professional, a large number of low-level professionals and ordinary people died, which gathered a lot of resentment and killing. Stimulated by these things, the changes on his back became more and more intense, and even affected the surrounding environment. Therefore, he was aware of it.

"Is there anything left over from the killing of seven sins?" kukas quickly had a vague inference after observing the distorted shadow on his back. Of course, this is just his inference. As for whether it is his imagination, he still needs to wait until he has time to check it slowly in the future.

Thinking, but the action in your hand doesn\'t stop. Taking advantage of the chaos, he found the manor where the faubourg people lived after spending only half a moment of magic time.

Compared with the chaos in other places, the manor where the forberg people lived and other residents near the manor seemed so calm. Some tough men sat on the high Pavilion and Rao was interested in pointing out the nine headed strange snakes in the distance. Some even drank and gambled to see how long the nine headed strange snakes could last before they could be killed.

Kukas\'s appearance attracted the attention of these people, but after finding that he didn\'t come to them, he didn\'t bother to pay attention to him. A knight who exudes the breath of a sixth order knight, no matter how strange, no one cares about him here.

Kukas ignored these people. He was just dissatisfied with such a peaceful scene here. You know, he came here to catch fish in troubled waters, but now the order here is very normal. He doesn\'t know how to do it for a while.

That is to say, with a stunned Kung Fu, a virtual shadow appeared in front of kukas. The virtual shadow twisted from side to side and made a strange hissing sound. When the sound disappeared, a handsome young man appeared in front of him barehanded.

"Ghost crying knight, do you want to kill us?" the handsome boy nodded to kukas and asked in a strange voice: "I wanted to trouble you, but you took the initiative to bring it to the door. What do you think I should do with you?"

"I didn\'t expect to meet people from the secret Church in Troy. Hehe, it seems that I have a lot to do with your secret church!" kukas Gaga smiled strangely, and he stretched out his hand to point out the ferocious voice of the fauberg man: "Kill you? Ha ha! You think too highly of me. I can only make you a little trouble. How can I kill you? But don\'t worry, although I can\'t kill you, I can kill all the people related to you. Well, whether men or women."

"What have you done to them, angel?" as kukas had just finished, the faubourg pointed his head and jumped his feet and shouted, looking very excited: "Over the years, your people have been chasing me, but I don\'t know where they have offended you. And how many innocent people you have killed over the years! Ling\'er and Yan\'er are ordinary people, but they have been brutally killed by your fenliya warriors. You crazy devil, no, you make the devil more demonic than the creatures in the abyss Evil and darkness. "

"No one is innocent, not before, not now and not in the future." kukas spit hard and growled with disdain: "Boy, don\'t pretend to be pure for me. Did you forget that you took the blood of a natural Banshee? Scolded the next door. How much did I spend to get the natural Banshee? Ha ha! You ruined my natural Banshee and came here to pretend to be innocent. Isn\'t it disgusting?"

"What natural Banshee? I\'ve never heard of it. Are you sure someone didn\'t frame it?" the foberger was stunned and looked blank. It seemed as if he didn\'t know about the natural Banshee at all.

"Will the prophets of the Danu Protoss make mistakes?" kukas did not continue to entangle in this matter. He just knew that the news brought to him by the Danu Protoss was that the foberger had damaged the essence blood of the natural Banshee. "In those years, you sent someone to assassinate a woman transported by the Danu Protoss."

"I see, ha ha!" after hearing kukas\'s words, the foberger thought a little, and then looked up and laughed: "So that woman is the natural Banshee hidden by the Danu Protoss! Ha ha! Yes, it seems that some of my methods were very effective. Oh! I didn\'t think that woman was the natural Banshee. To tell you the truth, it was just easy to assassinate that woman. Oh! I\'m sorry. If I knew, I wouldn\'t let someone assassinate her, but I would do well Protect her. "

While talking, the foberger\'s eyes flickered, and it was obvious that he was thinking about something in his heart.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, kukas began to call the female doctor through the burning black flag hidden behind him, hoping that the female doctor would come and control the nine strange snakes to kill the foberger, the Dragon tooth Knight behind him and the strange dragon tooth warriors.

"I\'ve wasted hundreds of years. What do you think I should do with you?" kukas smiled grimly. He slowly turned his gun and axe and tried his best to urge all the situations covered by the killing talent within a few miles, so as to provide some necessary information for his own killing.

"Deal with me? Ha ha! A running dog of the Danu Protoss also wants to deal with me? It\'s funny. Are you qualified? Do you have that ability? If I remember correctly, you can\'t even resist my men and want to fight me? Do you think there is only the support of the forberg behind me? You\'re too naive. If it\'s not for the restriction of the rules, you\'ll lead people to attack me secretly For the first time, the strong of dozens of races made you ashes. "The faubourg sneered, narrowed his eyes and mocked kukas.