Abyss Knight

Chapter 569

The nine headed monster snake regained its body and forcibly squeezed away the magic power around like a sea like a mountain. These squeezed magic powers lost their master\'s constraints and vented around like a flood. Almost condensed into real magic power, it tore the whole house in an instant, and destroyed all buildings and creatures within hundreds of feet of the house.

With a dull sound, at the moment when the magic power was vented, kukas felt that the female doctor used the power of the burning black flag to disappear from here. At the same time, the breath of the women who followed the forberg people also disappeared from here. And such a result, let him know that this thing is a success.

The nine headed strange snake that has recovered its body is more than ten feet in size. The thick and thin heads of the nine water tanks shake in the air, and the huge mouth is constantly huffing and puffing. Each huffing and puffing will absorb the broken magic power around into the stomach. After absorbing these magical powers, the body of the nine headed strange snake increased, and the ferocious flame emitted from the body became stronger.

The snake\'s head shook and roared, and some flames fell around, and the poisonous smoke and venom spread to the high-level professionals who came out of the crack. With the help of the disintegration of those magic quantities, kukas immediately went back hundreds of feet to avoid the accidental injury of the nine headed strange snake. You know, the nine headed strange snake was bred by a female doctor, but she only obeyed her orders and didn\'t pay attention to kukas, a bald evil man.

"Wild breath, I didn\'t expect it was a wild beast." the high-level professional who came out of the crack saw that his palm was bounced open, and then the nine headed strange snake recovered its body. In a short breathing time, he took it for granted to calculate the origin of the nine headed strange snake. However, he did not know that the nine headed strange snake was not a wild beast at all, but a more powerful wild beast. But now the nine headed strange snake has just been bred and has not officially grown. If such a monster grows up formally, it will be at least tens of millions of feet high. At that time, swallowing the mountains and oceans was just a matter of opening your mouth. Even taking the swallowing plane as an example, it was just a little effort.

After feeling the pure wild smell of the nine headed strange snake in front of him, the high-level caster coming out of the crack was very excited. As a high-level caster, he has the same hobby as ordinary casters, that is, doing all kinds of strange experiments, and a fierce beast with such a pure and wild smell is a rare good material. In addition, this wild beast can permanently devour people\'s spiritual and magical power, which makes him more excited.

"Ha ha! Boy, do you think this little snake can stop me?"

"Stop you." kukas spit hard and sneered: "as a high-level professional, he even shot at us low-level professionals. Aren\'t you afraid of other high-level professionals to trouble you?"

"At most, I\'ve been imprisoned for thousands of years. Compared with the benefits I\'ve received, that punishment really doesn\'t matter." the high-level professional who came out of the crack didn\'t pay attention to kukas\'s statement at all. He just watched the nine headed strange snakes devour his magic power with great interest.

In his perception, after the nine headed monster snake devoured his magic power, those magic powers disappeared from his body forever. However, before those magic powers disappeared forever, he mobilized those magic powers through secret methods to outline strange magic prohibition structures in the nine headed strange snake, ready to catch the strange snake at one fell swoop to study.

"Is it just a thousand years of imprisonment?" kukas frowned at his words. In his opinion, these punishments are too light for a high-level professional. A thousand years is enough for ordinary people to multiply their blood for decades, but for a high-level professional, a thousand years is just a time spent on latent cultivation and experiment.

Kukas was thinking wildly, but the nine headed snake had no time to think wildly. As the existence cultivated by female doctors through the inheritance of the secret method obtained from the bloody giant, this nine headed strange snake xudela is more ferocious and evil than its parents.

In his little consciousness, he just knew that his master asked him to kill the thin reptile on the ground and eat all the creatures he could see. And such an order is the best for it.

Hiss! Accompanied by bursts of hissing, the nine headed strange snake xudera stopped his random attack and began to absorb it fiercely.

Invisible forces were released from its mouth. These forces were wrapped around hundreds of feet. All houses, plants and even the remaining ordinary people entangled by this force were absorbed into its mouth in an instant. As for the magic power scattered in the air, it is the first food it pays attention to.

The high-level professional who came out of the crack flew into the air more than a hundred feet high when the nine headed strange snake quickly absorbed his scattered magic power.

He was suspended in the air. He didn\'t know when a heavy book appeared between his hands. When he opened the book, he ignored the surrounding situation and just began to recite the information in a mysterious language.

Mysterious syllables jumped out of his mouth. Every syllable, the nine headed strange snake gave a shrill hiss. The huge body either burst a blood hole or grew a huge abscess. These abscesses burst and spewed out a foul smelling liquid, scattered in the air and on the broken earth. More bright flowers grow out of this broken abscess.

These bright flowers are very strange. They crazy suck the flesh and blood of Hydra, the nine headed monster snake, and bear fruit. They fall on the nine headed monster snake and grow more flowers. In this sudden change, the body shape of the nine headed strange snake shrank rapidly. In just a few breathing times, it shrank by about 35 feet.

His mind turned, the ghost cried, and the war horse appeared in his crotch with a whistling sound. The burning black flag evolved into a three foot long Knight\'s long gun in his hand. The visor wrapped his head and formed a more ferocious pattern on the very ferocious face. In the case of the defeat of the nine headed monster snake, kukas thought of not running away, but fighting face to face with the high-level self-employed person to see the strength of the other party.

Although he wanted to see the strength of each other, the high-level professional didn\'t pay attention to him at all. His attention was all on the nine headed snake xudera.

It turned out that in the series of changes just now, the nine headed strange snake noticed the strange flowers on its body. It rolled on the ground and couldn\'t destroy the flowers. Instead, it opened its mouth and bit the flesh and blood of the growing flowers. One of its heads also spewed out flames to wrap itself.

Large chunks of flesh and blood were swallowed up by itself, and then under the fire, those flesh and blood grew again in an extremely short time. The newly grown flesh and blood is very strange. Even if the seeds with flowers fall on it, they can\'t hurt it. As for those abscesses that grew out of thin air, they disappeared.

"Hiss!" the nine headed strange snake cleaned up his things, shook his head and shrunk on the ground. The next moment, he bounced into the air. The nine heads opened their big mouths, shrank rapidly in mid air, popped out and swallowed it.

Several ancient languages came out of the mouth of the high-level professional. The magic power was vented from his body. A crystal ball hundreds of feet in size appeared around the nine headed monster snake out of thin air and wrapped it firmly.

Nine fast shaking snake heads hit the crystal ball and made a loud noise. Ripples appeared at the place where the nine headed monster snake hit and spread around, but the whole crystal ball not only didn\'t break, but began to shrink under the control of the high-level professional.

Yes, the hundreds of feet of crystal ball began to shrink under the control of the high-level caster, constantly compressing the living space of the nine headed monster snake. It was obvious that he wanted to imprison the nine headed monster snake.

"Can you succeed? If it was so easy, I\'m afraid those people wouldn\'t bother to suppress it into the mysterious underground palace." kukas thought wildly looking at the shrinking crystal ball in the sky.

Sure enough, when the crystal ball completely limited the activity range of the nine headed monster snake and kept compressing, the nine headed monster snake stopped struggling fiercely. It screamed fiercely, nine heads shook, and its cold eyes stared at the high-level professional who planned to imprison it.

"Why? Still want to resist? Hehe! Your master has escaped, can you resist?" the high-level professional doesn\'t know the origin of the nine headed monster snake at all. He just deals with the nine headed monster snake in front of him according to his previous knowledge and methods of catching powerful Warcraft and wild beasts: "you can devour my spiritual power and magic power, but you can\'t Devour Magic."

"Ha ha! You are wrong. It can not only swallow the power and magic power of * * but also the magic formed by fighting spirit and these magic powers. Believe me, it will surprise you soon." kukas giggled, but mocked each other\'s ignorance.

"Those who don\'t have the ability to oppose me will always just ridicule me with words." the high-level caster suspended in the air didn\'t care about kukas\'s ridicule, but showed up next to the crystal ball with great interest and carefully observed the nine headed strange snakes across the crystal ball. As for the existence of kukas, he subconsciously ignored it. In his opinion, there is no difference between low-level professionals and ordinary people. Generally speaking, such creatures don\'t need his attention at all.