Abyss Knight

Chapter 568

"What is he talking about?" shaking his bald head, kukas asked the one eyed shorty. He felt the cold and murderous meaning extending from the crack, so he wanted to know what the other party said before he left.

"He said he would not let us go." the one eyed shorty looked at kukas in surprise, and then said in a deep voice, "maybe we should speed up the process of the plan."

"No, everything goes according to the plan." kukas nodded and sneered. "Give me the thing you used just now. Don\'t worry. I will pay some materials to compensate you."

"This is a disposable magic prop made by the golden goblins. This prop is specially used to destroy space cracks and strengthen the firmness of space in a certain area. Of course, if the professional tearing space cracks is careless, it can even be destroyed by this magic prop." Shorty one eyed fumbled in his arms for a while, This is a little reluctant to find out a purple crystal the size of a baby\'s head.

He took the crystal and saw that the light in the crystal flickered and collided, and some strange silk threads loomed on it. If he didn\'t have the talent of killing and sensed the danger contained in it, kukas almost thought that the crystal was just a simple magical object for decoration, I never thought that this thing would destroy the space crack torn by a class above level 8, or even kill a high-level class.

The method of using this magic prop is very simple. You just need to instill a little fighting spirit in it, and then brand your own mark. With the rotation of your mind, the magic prop will explode at any time.

"This thing is very precious. Even if ordinary people pay a lot of materials, they can\'t get it. I got it from those golden goblins through my friends. If you don\'t need it, you\'d better not use it. This is my treasure to protect my life." the one eyed shorty told kukas. He was really reluctant to give up such a good thing, but in that case just now, he had to use it even if he was reluctant to give up again. Otherwise, when the high-level professionals behind the crack come in, I\'m afraid all of them will die. At that time, although the high-level professional will be punished by some people, they have died, but they can no longer live.

"I won\'t treat you badly." after his mind was completely calm, kukas didn\'t bother to continue grinding with each other. Instead, he ordered shorty one eyed to lead his mercenaries to look after the women, and he quickly returned to his residence on the ground.

In this residence, the female doctor is still struggling with the powerful spiritual force from across the void. Although she has the support of the source, she still seems a little embarrassed in this not very long stalemate.

It turned out that at first she slowly gained the upper hand with the help of the original power of kukas, but the good time didn\'t last long. The spiritual power from across the air increased several times. Such a huge spiritual power pressed down, but the advantage she had just obtained disappeared in an instant. Although she tried her best to use all kinds of means to collide with each other, after all, she was just a doctor who had just been promoted to level 8. Although the means were special, there was a big gap with each other in fundamental strength. The most basic thing is that at the same time, the spiritual power released by her is far less violent and huge than that of the other party.

For such a long time, the power fluctuation of the high-level professional almost spread to the whole city, but dozens of breathing time passed, but no high-level professional came out to stop him. Although kukas had expected such a result, he still felt very angry and helpless at this time.

"We didn\'t offend you. Why did we fight against us?" the killing talent sensed the breath fluctuation caused by the collision of spiritual power and knew that the other party was not the same person who shot in the basement. Therefore, kukas forcibly suppressed his anger and asked in a deep voice: "if there is any misunderstanding, I think we can have a good talk, rather than relying on such force collision to solve the problem."

Kukas\'s words not only made the female doctor who was struggling to resist each other laugh, but also released the wave of laughter.

"Boy, you are interesting. According to the information I have, your boy can only use force to solve problems in the face of misunderstandings and some problems. Now it\'s good to let me not use force, ha ha! Your thinking is really strange!" the mental wave came to the back, but it was fiercely split. One part still resisted the female doctor, while the other part crossed the void, instantly appeared on kukas\'s head, and then drilled into his head.

The female doctor saw that kukas was attacked, but she was anxious. Hearing her scream, she suddenly appeared next to kukas, and then waved the scepter in her hand. The light green light came out of her small mouth, eyes and nostrils again and again and wrapped around the scepter.

The nine headed strange snake hovering on the scepter hissed. It shook its head and devoured these green lights crazily. After swallowing all the green lights in its breath, it suddenly bounced out of the scepter and opened its mouth to bite at the essence power that came across the void.

At the same time, kukas looked ferocious. He took a fierce breath. After his chest and abdomen collapsed to the limit, he opened his mouth and roared. A visible ripple came out of his mouth and split in mid air. One left and one right wound around the nine headed monster snake, which had shrunk countless times, and hit the spiritual force in the void.

At the same time, the female doctor didn\'t stop. She screamed in a low voice and broke the scepter in her hands. The broken Scepter turned into a mass of golden powder, and then she grabbed the powder as fast as she could and began to write in the air.

Distorted words emerged from her hands. Every time a word was formed, the breath emitted from her body was strong, and her blushing face was pale.

Kukas was happy, angry and helpless when he saw the female doctor working so hard. The thought of a woman working so hard for herself, but she has no ability to deal with the enemy in front of him, makes him feel extremely bad. And all this, he thought, was caused by the faubourg. If the faubourg hadn\'t destroyed the essence of the natural banshee, he would have become an eighth order Knight through the natural Banshee. But now he can only passively wait for the fighting spirit to grow by itself. He is still in the sixth level position and can\'t make any means of threat and resistance to high-level professionals.

Anger made him lose his mind. Coupled with his already extremely irritable temper, this guy\'s brain was hot, and once again summoned the ghost crying horse, and then urged the fighting spirit to be instilled into the horse\'s body, sending out bursts of sad cries.

The sobbing sound echoed in the small room. Although he was trying to suppress the influence of the sobbing sound on the female doctors, the female doctors still felt that their mind was slightly turbulent under the cry of ghosts and war horses. And the spiritual power that came across the void was affected dozens of times more.

"Ghost sobbing knight, ha ha! I didn\'t expect to see ghost sobbing Knight again for many years." the spiritual power from across the air released the wave of Gaga strange smile. In this wave, kukas felt endless killing intention and resentment. Obviously, this spiritual power from across the air has definitely met ghost crying Knights before, and has suffered losses in each other\'s hands, otherwise it would never be so excited.

"I haven\'t seen you for many years. I\'ll let you meet again today." kukas smiled grimly. He was angry that the other party didn\'t obey the rules and attacked him, so he tried his best to urge the ghost to cry and instill the fighting spirit into his arm.

The dark ghost sobbed and puffed out from the pores of his arm. Under the action of the secret method, a huge siege hammer two meters long was formed. The streamer flickered on the siege hammer, and a slight explosion sounded from time to time. With the support of a large number of reserve forces, some fighting spirit condensed into flames, wound around it, and sent out bursts of strange hiss.

Several ancient and mysterious syllables came out of kukas\'s mouth. These syllables were not the magic language of the casters, but the ancient Knight language spread among the Knights.

After these ancient Knight languages were spoken from his mouth, they absorbed some fighting power and directly condensed into substantive words, which were branded on the siege hammer. After the knight text is branded on it, all the wonderful lights and flames converge in an instant. At the same time, a Golden Shadow of the shackle emerged out of thin air. After hovering in the air once, the shadow of the shackle was also branded into the siege hammer.

"Kill!" with a low roar, kukas fiercely urged the ghost to cry, and the war horse charged. A large amount of fighting spirit erupted from his body and twined on the white bone armor. At the same time, the burning black flag hidden behind him turned with his mind, directly hooked a large number of plane sources and instilled them into his body, It quickly suppressed his internal organs damage caused by space turbulence and a large amount of fighting release in a short time.

The huge siege hammer crossed an arc in the air, and with a burst of shrill roar, it hit the mental force that came across the air. Where the sledgehammer passed, there was a slight twist in the space. It was "arrogant!" the spiritual force from across the air snorted coldly. In the face of kukas\'s siege hammer, he didn\'t dodge, but directly mobilized the huge spirit to collide with his siege hammer under the arrogance of high-level professionals.

"Bang!" there was a loud noise. The sledgehammer broke, and the thick arm broke like fragile glass. Flesh and blood splashed, but it was hit by the same broken mental force in an instant, and then polished into nothingness. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the nine headed strange snake, which had shrunk countless times, gave a fierce hiss, and nine heads shook in the air quickly. Every time it shakes, it swallows part of the scattered spiritual power. As for kukas\' broken fighting spirit, it dare not swallow it.

When the giant strange snake swallowed the broken spiritual power, the owner of the spiritual power from across the air was very distressed. It turned out that when he saw that kukas resisted the impact of his spiritual power, he just attributed all the credit to the ghost cry fighting spirit. After all, he had fought with a ghost cry knight for thousands of years. He knew the particularity of this ghost cry fighting spirit, so he didn\'t take it to heart when he saw that his spiritual power was broken. But in the next moment, he found that the nine headed strange snake swallowed up those spiritual powers.

"Bad!" when he saw that the nine headed monster snake could devour this spiritual power, which could be regarded as nothingness, the high-level professional noticed something bad. In his opinion, something that can devour spiritual power is absolutely unique. In order to prevent accidents, he quickly used his secret method to gather those broken spiritual power.

However, just as he was about to gather up the broken mental power, the nine headed strange snake had swallowed nine pieces of broken mental power at the order of the female doctor. After these mental powers were swallowed by the nine headed monster snake, the high-level professional who came across the air was extremely keen to find the abnormality.

The swallowed spiritual power has completely disappeared. Yes, it can recover after some time, unlike the previous dissipation of spiritual power. This time he found that these spiritual forces were permanent and disappeared from his meditation space. Although the number of disappearances was one ten thousandth of the amount of spiritual power contained in his meditation space, it still made him feel distressed. More importantly, the emergence of monsters or Warcraft that can permanently swallow the power of * * in history will eventually cause endless killing.

In a flash, the senior professional thought hundreds of ideas. "Kill them. Today, in any case, we must kill all these people. As for the nine headed strange snake, we must control it in our own hands."

The thought rose, and the high-level professional did not hesitate. At this time, he directly used the supreme secret method, directly tore the barrier that would be released by the female doctor with the help of strong spiritual power, and then tore out a crack that is more than one person high.

The crack appeared, not as bland as the crack that would devour those women. In the crack that appeared in front of kukas and the female doctor, endless magic power came out.

The powerful magic power was released from the crack and rushed around like a hurricane and tsunami.

Such a powerful magical force was vented from it. Kukas felt that there were endless boulders around him. After impact, he tore the armor formed by ghost crying war horses and war horses. If he hadn\'t been supported by a large number of original forces, he might have been squeezed into powder directly by the ocean formed by this magical force.

"Damn it, just a simple squeeze of magic power can make me like this. What kind of power will the magic of high-level casters produce?" at this time, kukas thought not about escape, but about the real power of high-level professionals. You know, although he has seen many high-level professionals, he has even seen their struggle. But the former did not take action, while the latter\'s struggle was tens of thousands of meters high, and what he saw was just some aftermath of the struggle.

"Go!" the female doctor was not frightened in the face of this sea like magic power, because she knew that the other party was just promoted to a higher level a few days earlier than herself. These forces are accumulated by each other with the passage of years. Over time, she can also have such powerful magic power, even surpass each other.

"Can\'t walk away, you must die." a bleak voice sounded from the crack. The next moment, a withered palm poked out of the crack.

The magic power surged, and even rolled the nine headed strange snake who had no time to respond directly to the crack. The palm grasped the body of the nine headed strange snake directly. Then a thin, dry old man came out of the crack. The old man has an ordinary face, bald head and no hair, but the beard on his chin is as high as the ground. If you look carefully, you can even see some strange words walking and colliding upstream of the root beard, flashing black light from time to time.

"It\'s you who died." kukas saw that the high-level professional who came out of the crack grabbed the body of the nine headed strange snake. Instead of being frightened, he giggled. And female doctors are unwilling to miss this opportunity. As soon as she gritted her teeth and turned her mind, she directly ordered the nine headed monster snake to return to her body and prepare to fight with the high-level professional. And she herself took kukas to forcibly tear the magic power around her and rushed to the basement to take away the women who followed the forberg people.

"You can\'t take those women away. Go straight back to the arena. I\'ll see how powerful the nine headed snake is." kukas narrowed his eyes and broke free from the pull of the female doctor, staring at the high-level professional who came out of the crack with a ferocious face.

"OK, be careful." when the female doctor saw kukas talking like this, she knew she couldn\'t change his plan. And she also knew that kukas could revive with the help of the original power of the plane. It can be said that if the thirteen planes he controls are not destroyed, he is an immortal existence. Of course, all this is what she thinks.

After the female doctor left, kukas took a burning black flag projection to hook the original power, so as to protect himself from being squeezed into powder by the violent magic power that filled the whole room. At the same time, the nine headed monster snake was also ordered by its master to release all the power of suppression at once, but it recovered its body in an instant.

Restore the nine headed monster snake in the body, and all its strength burst out. There was no magic fluctuation, let alone fighting rage. Only the blood from the era of wild beasts surged.

The desolate and ancient breath was released from it. The powerful blood force passed through the endless void and directly touched the residual breath of the wild giants before countless times. Breath instillation increases the length of one foot in an instant. The dry palm of the high-level caster was instantly bounced out, and even the powerful magic power that has been bound around was forcibly torn apart.