Abyss Knight

Chapter 567

The collision of spiritual forces made kukas feel his blood boiling. It\'s a pity that he can only release his mental power now, but he doesn\'t have the ability to condense his mental power to make a strong collision with others. Therefore, he can only stay quietly and watch the female doctor work hard there.

Although he did not have the ability to help the female doctor collide with the spiritual force from across the air, after a little thinking, he pulled out a burning black flag and projected it. The black flag shakes and hooks a large number of planes at any cost. The source is instilled into the female doctor\'s body.

The female doctor had gradually lost in the collision of mental power, but with the original power instilled into her body by kukas, she quickly restored her mental power. With this, she began to slowly move back to her disadvantage.

With a grateful look at kukas, the female doctor quickly said, "be careful to protect those women and don\'t let others seize the opportunity to catch them. Otherwise, all our traps will turn into nothingness." it was obvious that she didn\'t really pay attention to the spiritual power that came across the air. And she also knew that since the other party came, she must have noticed their plot.

"Be careful." kukas knew he couldn\'t help here, so he threw the burning black flag on the female doctor\'s head and turned around and rushed into the basement. He knew that since someone came to spy on them, it could not be said that someone would go to the secret room to rob their prisoners. In order to plan for the future and kill the faubourg smoothly, kukas had to take care of the prisoners first.

He rushed to the basement, and what appeared in front of him was a chaotic scene.

Dozens of fenlia warriors disappeared from the chamber of secrets, but dozens of heads were added to the ground. The seven or eight mercenaries who stayed in the secret room gathered together in embarrassment and huddled in the corner under the protection of a magic prop of the one eyed shorty. And those women who were caught were being sucked in one by one by a crack as high as a person.

"Dry!" kukas was furious at the disappearance of the female prisoners. He did not care about the overbearing spirit and pressure filled in the secret room. He burst into a frenzied fight, and the whole man rushed towards the women like a strong wind.

"Climb down!" a cold hum sounded from the crack of how tall the man was. The next moment, the tyranny filled the secret room soared several times. With this surge of pressure, a solid black * * Dharma force came out of the crack like a ribbon, and then rolled towards kukas\'s head.

"Climb you, mother." kukas\'s charge almost stopped for an instant because of the increased pressure. The violent ghost cry and fighting spirit drilled from around his body contracted under the pressure. Finally, they not only stuck tightly to him, but also some places where the control area was weak. Under the pressure, those fighting spirits planned to roll back into his body.

With the increase of pressure, not only kukas felt strong pressure, but also the one eyed shorty hiding in the corner and his mercenaries felt the sudden increase of pressure.

Originally, the one eyed shorty reluctantly protected himself and his men with a special magic prop, but at this time, the pressure from the crack increased several times. In this way, the one eyed shorty kept cursing in his heart. On the one hand, curse the unruly and powerful professional, on the other hand, curse the rash emergence of kukas. "Damn it, if you don\'t come early, you can\'t play. Just come at this time."

The powerful pressure suppressed kukas\'s heart. Coupled with the ribbon like magic power, kukas was angry and panicked, but the perennial killings and dangerous experiences did not make him disordered.

His mind turned and a burning black flag appeared in his hand out of thin air. The wrist shook, and the black flag made a strange sound of tearing and pulling. With this strange sound, the flags on the burning black flag fluttered, and instantly turned into a black net and shrouded in the past. The black net collided with the magic light belt, and bursts of deafening sounds sounded, accompanied by sounds. I saw layers of ripples in the void where the two collided. The ripple spread and stirred the space within a radius of 35 feet, which twisted strangely.

At this time, kukas clearly perceived that the magic power gushing out of the crack was weakened in an instant through the killing talent. With the weakening of these magic powers, the space distortion caused by the collision was controlled within a certain range and did not affect the women not far away.

"Knight!" the one eyed shorty who was struggling to support in the corner, with the support of his companions, took time to shout at him, "the speed of those women has slowed down."

As soon as he said this, the magic power gushing out of the crack increased instantly, but after the distorted space expanded, the crazy magic power suddenly weakened again. At this time, kukas also found the moving crack, and the speed of swallowing these women slowed down.

More than ten women were bound by mercenaries with special means. They couldn\'t move or even beat. Because every movement of their limbs will lead to the rope on their bodies, which will trigger the pleasure of their sensitive parts. So they all stayed where they were, anxiously waiting for the crack that was so high to move to them and save them.

At first, the crack moved every more than ten breathing times, swallowing a woman. At this time, after a series of changes caused by the emergence of kukas, the movement speed of the crack suddenly slowed down. For dozens of breathing time, I didn\'t move once.

"I\'m the purple priest of the Rongguang elves. I think we can talk about some things. Although you have hatred with the forberg, these women don\'t offend you. They are innocent." a middle-aged man\'s voice came out of the crack.

"No one is innocent. I have hatred with the faubourg people, and these women who follow the faubourg people also have hatred with me. No one can take them away." kukas grimaced and smiled. With his grimace, a complex thirteen pointed star Dharma array emerged from his feet.

The dark light sprays out from the illusory Dharma array. These black lights fill the Dharma array and solidify the Dharma array in an instant. At the next breath time, accompanied by the crying of the baby and the neighing of the war horse, a white bone war horse emerged from the Dharma array and directly lifted kukasto up.

The fierce ghost cry and fighting spirit were instilled into the white bone battle horse. A layer of white bone armor grew from the horse. It was just breathing time, so it wrapped him up.

The appearance of the ghost crying war horse made kukas feel that the pressure on him was light. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he rushed to the woman who was about to be swallowed up by the crack in an instant.

"Go away!" a roar sounded from the crack. With this sound, a spiritual force condensed into a short spear came out of it. The short spear almost instantly entered Cass\'s body, and then collided with his fighting space.

The violent mental power did not rush into his fighting space, but was blocked by the hard fighting space barrier. A burst of Weng ring, kukas only felt the violent turbulence in his fighting space, and a small crack appeared at the space barrier collided by the golden short spear. The turbulent fighting spirit rushed towards the crack involuntarily, some slipped out of the fighting space, and some integrated into the crack and slowly repaired the crack.

The turbulence in the fighting space really confused kukas\' mental power. Although he soon woke up, he was annoyed by everything in front of him.

It turned out that the people behind the crack took advantage of the turbulence in kukas\'s angry space to relax the control of the magic light band and concentrate their efforts to speed up the movement of the crack.

Just at this moment, the crack appeared next to the woman. The crack moved and swallowed the left half of the woman\'s body.

"Boy, you didn\'t want to attack you because of the suppression of rules, but you are so ungrateful. You deserve the space to be broken and have become a useless person since then. Even the eighth level caster who focuses on spiritual power can\'t resist my spiritual power, let alone you?" the purple priest of the glory elf family who controls the crack sneered in his heart. In his opinion, After a spiritual magic is released, the fighting space of the knight who dares to stop him will break in an instant and become a useless man from then on. The knight who loses his power, even if he can\'t die or become an idiot, will be killed by his deliberately strengthened authority. At that time, even if someone bothered him, he didn\'t care, because he didn\'t kill the other party, but the other party died carelessly under his coercion.

A thousand turns of mind, a moment of reality. While the purple priest was thinking about how to deal with other high-level professionals who would come to him in the future, he found that the bald evil man riding on the white bone war horse still released violent fighting spirit.

"How could this be possible?" kukas moved just when he felt the accident.

He took advantage of the ghost crying war horse to help him share the moment of those pressure, and regardless of the turbulence in the fighting space, he forced the fighting spirit to rush to the woman whose half body was swallowed up by the space crack.

The war horse neighed, and the thick bones collapsed because they couldn\'t bear the strong pressure. At this time, kukas stretched out his hands and grabbed the woman\'s shoulder and thigh.

"Come out." his arms worked hard, and the Black Ghost sobbed and fighting spirit wrapped around him. He kept jumping and cracking, but he wanted to pull the woman out of the crack.

"Go away!" the angry purple priest shouted. He was also a decisive man. He immediately gave up the magic light band he controlled and put the endless pressure on kukas, hoping to force the other party to let go or even kill him directly. At the same time, a new mental power spear outlined by secret method flew out of the crack, suddenly drilled into kukas\'s head and hit his gas space barrier.

The pressure was like a sea. The violent pressure instantly tore the skin of kukas. Although the bones under the flesh and blood had been quenched for countless times, some slender bones began to crack and break in front of the suddenly increased pressure of dozens of times. The fighting spirit erupted from him was forcibly squeezed into his body by the violent pressure. The tumbling fighting spirit tore his flesh and blood, and even shattered part of his internal organs.

The golden mental power short spear hit the gas fighting space barrier. Although this impact still didn\'t break his gas fighting space, it left a huge crack in the space. This crack is far more than ten times larger than the first crack.

A series of blows made kukas deaf. The turbulence in fighting space and physical injury made him uncontrollable. He opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood mixed with visceral fragments.

A series of powerful blows also made kukas completely angry. He roared. For a time, he didn\'t care what benefits those women would bring him. Instead, he pulled his arms up and down. With a click, he tore half of the woman\'s body apart.

A white, slender thigh and half an arm were in his hand, and the woman gave a painful cry, but even so, kukas was still unwilling to let him go. "Want to go? Die for me."

In the fury, kukas waved the woman\'s broken thigh as a stick and beat it hard according to the memory position. This time he exhausted all his strength. The white and tender thighs beat hard on the beautiful face, and the roar sounded. I don\'t know how many men\'s faces attracted. They were like broken watermelons thrown on the ground in an instant. Red blood, white brains and long blond hair were like the ragged silk and hemp mixed together by peasant women, splashing all around.

The next moment, the woman\'s mutilated body was swallowed up by the crack.

The purple robed priest of the glory elves was angry. He didn\'t expect that after he shot, the person he wanted to save was killed by a sixth order knight, and he was still so cruel that he couldn\'t bear it. The angry mood made his spirit turbulent, almost subconsciously. He wanted to appear in front of kukas through the space crack, and then crush the garbage that provoked him like an ant.

A white and tender palm poked out of the crack. The palm immediately grabbed kukas\'s head. The next moment, the violent magic power surged out like a tide and washed his head crazily: "die for me."

"Roar!" although kukas could not see things, but could not listen, he sensed great danger. Killing talent simulates the palm of the other party and the surrounding environment in his mind.

"Want to kill me? Then you must pay me some price." kukas roared, regardless of what to hide, directly mobilized the powerful plane source power to instill into his body through the endless void, and all the injuries on his body were recovered in an instant. And he lost the woman\'s incomplete arm and thigh, and his backhand firmly grasped the white jade like palm.

The fierce ghost cry and fighting spirit was instilled into each other\'s palm through both arms. The dark fighting spirit instantly tore the little magic power on the palm, but hanged the palm into powder in an instant.

At the same time, the magic power from the palm washed his body and tore his flesh and blood. Even with the support of endless original power, kukas was embarrassed under the impact of this violent magic power.

The flesh and blood flew, and the body flew upside down and hit the wall hard. There was no flesh or blood on the whole bald brain bag, revealing the white skull.

The black magic power collided with the golden plane original power. After the violent explosions, the flesh and blood on his head grew again.

A series of accidents happened in just a few breathing times. When kukas hit the wall of the secret room, the mercenaries forced to the corner by endless pressure broke out fiercely.

It turned out that in the struggle of these breathing times, the high-level professional behind the crack weakened the threat to the whole secret room again and again. Especially after kukas destroyed his palm, the power shrouded in the secret room was still huge, but it was turbulent because of the turbulence of the master\'s mind.

One eyed Shorty, as a mercenary, although his rank is not high, he has rich experience. He was keenly aware of the change, gave a strange cry in his mouth, sent out a signal, and rushed towards the crack with his mercenaries like hungry wolves.

"Unruly garbage, die for me." the one eyed shorty jumped into the air, blurred for a moment, and then appeared in front of the still slowly moving crack.

A fist sized gem was thrown into the crack by him, and then his body blurred again. The next moment he appeared next to kukas, his backhand twitched, and a small shield was escorted by him. The other mercenaries suddenly changed their direction, grabbed the women and gathered around the corner, and then protected them with the magic props left by the one eyed shorty.

When the one eyed shorty reached kukas, he saw the slow-moving crack shrink fiercely, and then it broke like glass.

"I won\'t let you go." a crazy killing idea with extreme cold came out of the broken crack. The killing idea swam around kukas and shorty one eyed mercenaries, and then disappeared suddenly.

"Bah! Shameless garbage, it\'s not clear whether it can survive, but it\'s still pretending to be forced." the one eyed shorty sneered repeatedly, but he didn\'t care about the threat of the high-level professional at all. Kukas shook his head and didn\'t notice these, because his fighting space was repaired by a large number of original forces regardless of cost, but his mind was still in violent turmoil.