Abyss Knight

Chapter 566

"Destroy the plane of Troy?" kukas couldn\'t help but see the fierce light in his eyes: "Ha ha! Well, I like to hear you say this and destroy the Trojan plane. Well, it\'s best to destroy all the planes related to the Trojan plane. Ha ha! I\'ve decided to cultivate you into a * * and sell it. I think your father will see all this. I really look forward to his anger coming to this plane and bringing all the sinners All destroyed. "

Kukas\'s answer stunned the Saint somir woman. She didn\'t expect that her threat was so pale and powerless in the other party\'s eyes, let alone that the other party agreed to support her father\'s destruction of Troy. For a time, she didn\'t know what to say.

"Although the Saint somyr race has some abilities, it\'s just looking for death if they want to fight against Troy. This brain crippled woman doesn\'t know how she lived to the present. How amazing!" the female doctor sneered, looked at the women around with sarcasm and said: "Among them, there are members of the elves and winged people. And they gathered around the foberger because their prophet predicted the future strength of the foberger. Hehe, the natural goddess imprisoned by us is actually the attention of the foberger."

"When you predicted the strength of the faubourg people, you bet on him? Did you come to me because someone predicted my strength?" kukas just frowned. He felt that the development of things was beyond his expectation. At this time, he just mumbled to think about something.

"If I predict your strength, I\'m afraid I\'m not qualified to stand next to you, and they are not qualified." the female doctor smiled, then stretched out her hand and pointed to the mercenaries around and explained softly: "According to some books, predicting the strength of the other party means that he may become the controller of a dimensional alliance, or the creator and controller of a divine system."

"We\'ll kill the faubourg anyway this time and save him from retaliating me later." kukas touched his bald head and looked at the captured women with a grim smile: "I\'m sorry, we didn\'t have any hatred, but who let you unite with that foberger? If you want to blame, blame that foberger! Don\'t worry, I\'ll give you a happy when I kill that foberger."

"No one can kill him, because in fate, he is destined to become the supreme existence, the king of kings and the only master of the eternal throne." a holy woman said piously.

"The supreme existence? The king of kings? The only owner of the eternal throne?" kukas suddenly appeared in front of the woman, then reached out and grabbed her head, forced his arm, and easily pressed her to the ground.

The holy woman moaned because of kukas\' rudeness, but not only kukas and their group ignored her here, but even the women who were with her did not sympathize with her for various reasons, but were secretly happy in their hearts.

"Are you a priest of the church? Hehe! Don\'t worry. I won\'t kill you. When the faubourg becomes a supreme being, I will give you as a tribute to him. Maybe he will like you more than any other female creature at that time." kukas grabbed her hair and said rudely.

"Well, kukas, let\'s go. There\'s no need to say anything to them." the female doctor frowned slightly, then stretched out her hand to pull kukas\'s arm and gently persuaded: "they are just prisoners of war now. It\'s a waste of time to speak with facts now."

"I\'ll let you hold the faubourg\'s head and continue to fantasize about your dream." when you release your hand, you leave the other party on the ground. Then he ordered the mercenaries: "continue to train them, and don\'t forget my plan."

"Knight, everything is going according to the normal plan. I think they will give in soon. Maybe it won\'t be long before they can kneel at your feet and beg you." The one eyed shorty laughed strangely, and a trace of ferocious and evil light flashed in his one eyed eyes. As a mercenary, he has completely fallen into the dark abyss. Therefore, it has become a habit and normal phenomenon for him to do some things.

There was nothing more to say. After telling the mercenaries, kukas led the female doctor out of here.

"We must get rid of these people before the so-called preaching event comes, otherwise any changes will bring us a lot of trouble," kukas said to the female doctor by gently tapping on the arm of his chair.

When the female doctor saw that kukas had changed her attention, she didn\'t object, because she didn\'t know as much as kukas about these things.

"Lure them to save these women, and we take the opportunity to kill them?"

"Well, time is a little tight, and we have few hands. Well, after these women are trained, we will take them to a place conducive to our fight. Well, at least we can release the nine headed monster snake. Here, our" Before kukas finished his words, he suddenly felt a feeling of being peeped. The killing talent spread, but it was more certain that someone was peeping at them.

At the same time, female doctors also noticed. "Bastard." in the face of this peeping phenomenon, the female doctor looked extremely angry. She cursed in a low voice and fumbled out a yellow pill from her arms.

The magic power was instilled into the pill. The pill expanded like an expanding balloon. However, a transparent light curtain was formed in a breath time to wrap the whole residence. At the same time, the female doctor held her hands high, and the scepter leaning against the wall flew between her hands in an instant.

The violent mental power was instilled into the scepter, and the gems and runes on the scepter flickered. The next moment, a golden light sprayed from the scepter and hit the void three or five feet high above.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" bursts of strange noises were transmitted from the void collision. Each time, the little face of the female doctor became paler, and the golden light sprayed from her Scepter was also dimmed, and even began to shrink greatly.