Abyss Knight

Chapter 565

Under the leadership of the female doctor, after passing through several narrow houses, kukas came to the only basement of their stronghold. Of course, the underground secret room was not excavated by the mercenaries later, but existed a long time ago. Now the mercenaries just use it.

Although it is a secret basement, it has a large space. There are rooms of different sizes, and the layout and furnishings are almost the same as those above.

In the living room of the secret room, dozens of black robed fenlia warriors are standing aside to guard, while in the central area, seven or eight beautiful women are tied by magic ropes. There is a special chair in the center. On the chair sits a woman. Three or four fierce mercenaries were groping around the woman with a dirty smile.

The woman was almost naked, with some red ropes wrapped around her. The ropes were about the thickness of the baby\'s fingers and passed through the sensitive position on her body. A sound of panting and swearing jumped out of the beautiful woman\'s mouth. However, the mercenaries around didn\'t feel humiliation, but screamed excitedly.

The woman\'s body was more and more excited, but whenever she was about to reach an orgasm, the mercenaries would stop. Then ask about the forberg and his followers. When the woman\'s body calmed down a little, she continued to tease. Such repetition almost broke the woman\'s mind.

The arrival of kukas made the mercenaries stop their movements at once. A mercenary had no time to pull out the props inserted in the woman. As a result, the woman reached the peak of excitement.

The woman\'s comfortable cry made the women around blush. Some cried in a low voice and some were silent. The mercenaries and the surrounding fenlia warriors remained silent, waiting for kukas\'s orders.

"How could it be so much?" kukas slowly swept the woman on the chair. This woman is very delicate. Her watery eyes have lost the clarity that normal people should have, but she is confused and sad. On her bald head, there are two small horns. Of course, these horns are not the dark horns emitting the smell of evil and corruption of the abyss demons, but white as jade and look very holy. If he remembers correctly, only a race named Saint somir has such horns.

The legendary Saint somir race is a race with an extremely kind heart, and this race loves peace and rarely fights with people. They believe in some ancient and powerful gods. Although those ancient gods have disappeared, their beliefs have never changed. The reason is that some people say that the ancestors of this race were puppets made by the gods, and then slowly evolved into a race. Others say that this race is actually evolved from the hearts and minds of those ancient gods that have disappeared. With the help of their bodies, they are resurrected and returned to the throne of the gods.

In fact, kukas is not too interested in these legends. He is interested in why women of this race hang out with the forberg people.

If he remembers correctly, members of the Saint somir race never combine with members of other races, even if they are stronger than them, even if they are allies. Of course, if a member of the race is really combined with other members of the race, a sacred object of the Saint somir race will erase the soul mark of that member of the race from the noumenon by itself.

Without the soul mark imprinted on the sacred object, the member must die. Because after the birth of every member of St. somir, their soul mark will be branded in the holy thing. Of course, kukas did not know how the relic judged the combination of racial members with other members, and how it attracted and erased the soul mark of racial members. But he didn\'t know, even the legends and gods didn\'t know, even the most powerful beings of this race didn\'t know.

Some people say that the holy thing is actually the control prop made by the ancient gods who created the race, while others think it is the plane prop to protect the race. Of course, the debate during this period has nothing to do with kukas.

"Tell me, why did you follow the faubourg?" kukas asked in a deep voice, squatting in front of the Saint somir girl. Although he squatted down, he was still a little taller than the woman sitting in the chair with her limbs wide open.

This seemingly very weak woman did not answer kukas. Her spirit had been completely confused after the arrival of unattainable orgasms. Now she was just blankly enjoying her physical happiness and didn\'t hear what kukas was saying.

"Their sacred vessels were broken by themselves, twenty years ago." the female doctor on the side glared at the mercenary who left the props in the woman, and then quickly explained to kukas. Although the Saint somir race is not a powerful race in the endless void, their particularity has been recorded in books by some people. Therefore, through books, female doctors also know about this race.

"A sacred vessel that has lasted for countless years has broken itself?" hearing the explanation of the female doctor, an uneasy feeling was transmitted from the talent of killing. Although this uneasy feeling was not strong, it made him pay attention to it secretly.

"Why did she follow the faubourg?" kukas stood up and turned to ask the mercenaries around.

"She said that someone had predicted the strength of the faubourg, so the members of the race chose her to approach each other, which had something to do with the strong existence in the future." the one eyed man looked at the woman\'s trembling lower body and the liquid flowing from there and swallowed his saliva, which answered kukas\'s question: "And listen to her, she is still an imperial princess in the Saint somir race!"

"Let me go, or my man will kill all of you when he comes. And my father will not let you go. If he knows what you have done to me, he will destroy the whole face of Troy." The weak woman tied to the chair in a shameful way finally woke up in excitement. She didn\'t care about her current situation, but shouted with all her strength, hoping to use the power behind her to let the demons in front of her let her go, so that she could end this shameful punishment.