Abyss Knight

Chapter 562

Just as the Duchess relaxed and leaned against kukas, the door of the living room was opened and two figures came in from the outside.

The one in front is the one who leads kukas, and the one behind is a handsome boy. The boy was dressed in ordinary clothes, but his body was very clean. What attracted kukas\'s attention most was not the fighting breath occasionally leaked from him, but his slender big hands and a pair of pink eyes.

****Struggling to get to the table, and then lying on the top. The handsome boy reached out and groped regularly on her back and ass.

A pink chain wrapped around his hand, pink smoke flying on the chain, and images of some women emerged from time to time. The other end of the chain extended under the * * * * dress. Looking at the beautiful woman\'s trembling body and her hasty opening nostrils, kukas knew what it was doing in an instant.

In the past, he once fooled around with a female mage. The other party got the chance and became the bishop of the secret church with his help. At that time, they only saw that they had played this game.

Pink smoke emanated from * * * * and it didn\'t look like much, but it shrouded the whole living room in just a few breathing times. These pink smoke also appeared in the secret room behind the closet where kukas and them hid.

The appearance of smoke made the Duchess twist even more. Her peach eyes were confused, sober, leaning against kukas, and pulling away.

"You\'ve been branded by that thing!" kukas grabbed her ass, and then tightly let the other party stick it to himself: "ha ha, a noble eighth order caster, a duchess, has become the * * of the secret church. Well! Maybe your life will be more colorful in the future."

A drop of blood flowed from the Duchess\'s mouth. She used pain to stop her abnormal reaction.

"You know a lot about the secret church?"

"I once trained a bishop of a secret church and helped her control countless powerful wives and daughters in this way. Finally, they became slaves and * *." kukas sneered and turned his hands over, but took off each other\'s clothes while breathing: "Look! When a person like you touches this smoke, you will never refuse as long as the other party is willing to do you, even if the other party is your enemy."

While talking, he entered each other\'s body, while the Duchess bit her little hand in her mouth and pressed down the groan that was about to blurt out.

The two people outside the chamber of Secrets began to get together, the woman\'s wheezing sound, the collision sound of the body, and the liquid flowing. Under this stimulation, the Duchess could not help but straighten her body and began to pursue happiness. In the end, she even forgot everything and just stirred her ass to pursue physical pleasure.

I don\'t know how long it took. The Duchess nestled in kukas\'s arms finally collapsed on the ground in excitement. At this time, the men and women outside also reached the peak of climax.

"Kill!" roared. At this moment, kukas didn\'t care about the plan formulated by the female doctor, let alone the consequences of killing here. He just knew that he would go out and kill his enemies while the other party\'s mind was relaxed.

The huge body tore the cover of the closet, clawed his hands, and grabbed the young man who was excited. The young man was not someone, but the foberg man kukas had always wanted to kill.

The sudden killing not only stunned the foberger, but also woke the paralyzed * * * * twitching on the table. In her scream, kukas\'s hands grabbed the foberger\'s head.

"No" in the roar of Furberg\'s reluctance and anger, kukas did not hesitate. He squeezed each other\'s head like a watermelon.

"Bang!" There were no imaginary spatters of flesh and blood, and there were also imaginary mortal counterattacks. Some were just a pink smoke that rushed onto kukas\'s head in an instant. The smoke ignored the fighting defense and immediately penetrated into his body. In just a few moments, it followed his fighting spirit into the fighting space and began to erode his mind wildly. A pink wood fell to the ground On the, the wooden head was carved with extremely complex patterns and a large number of patterns of naked men and prodigal women. A faint pink light swam on it, and from time to time, more pink smoke burst out and wound around kukas.

"Do you think you can escape with this thing?" he glanced at the red wood on the ground, and kukas roared fiercely. He stepped forward and crushed the wood, and his huge body rushed out of the living room like a strong wind. His killing talent urged him with all his strength and locked his target in an instant.

"Get back." with a low roar, kukas opened his hand and scratched it hundreds of meters away. A golden shackle shadow flew out of his hand and appeared hundreds of meters away in an instant.

The void twisted hundreds of meters away, and a vague figure emerged under the power of the shackle. At the moment when the shackle was about to be set on the figure, a new faubourg jumped out of the figure. He hit the phantom of the shackle hard and let the shackle burn on him.

"Kukas, sooner or later, I will rob your woman and let her kneel at my feet like a dog." the man trapped by the shackles shouted at kukas strangely. When he shouted, his body swelled and burst, and the virtual shadow disappeared into the void again.

The virtual shadow of the yoke was torn to pieces by the violent explosion. Although it was condensed again in a short breathing time, it lost the target of capture. After the explosion, the man\'s body was broken, leaving only a pile of broken red wood falling to the ground.

"Catch my woman? You don\'t have that ability." kukas spit fiercely. In his perception, the body of the faubourg has fled tens of miles away. And his breath quickly disappeared from the sense of killing talent.

A series of changes ended in just a few breaths, when the waiters who were playing outside reacted. They screamed, ran about in the corridor, and even hid in some grass. However, the brave ones covered their faces with their hands, and then observed kukas\'s naked body through the gaps of their fingers.