Abyss Knight

Chapter 561

Open the door and look inside. The entrance is a living room. In the center of the living room is a long table. At the north end of the table sits a beautiful young woman. The young woman wore a pearl flower and precious jade with six colors of strange light and a trace of magical power. Peach blossom eyes, cherry mouth, full of charm between the eyes and eyebrows. Although he was sitting there, his chest was high and high. With his breathing, his chest fluctuated up and down.

"Kukas? A businessman in the battlefield center? I heard that your position is also a high-level position." the young woman said some information she had in a soft voice: "I don\'t know what business you\'re here to do with me?"

"A trader, not a businessman." kukas took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "I have a lot of magic crystals. I want to use these things to make a deal with you." then he sat down on the rattan chair opposite the young woman and said in a deep voice, "I think such a deal is much better than some deals."

"Hehe! I don\'t know what you mean. Well, are you going to trade in this place for a long time? Or just once? How long are you going to stay? If necessary, I can ask someone to take you here for a few days. Although the city is small, it is still very prosperous. In a few days, dozens of church people will hold some grand meetings here, Maybe you should have a look. "The beautiful young woman smiled softly. A trace of charm emanated from her. Under the seduction of this charm, a trace of * * hope came out of kukas\'s heart.

"Duchess, I think if you need a man, you can find one. To tell you the truth, I don\'t like women to seduce me." kukas touched his bare head and sneered. He is very dissatisfied with the other party\'s means to seduce himself.

"You look strong, stronger than any other man." the Duchess smiled in a low voice. Although the words were obscure, she quickly put away her charm.

"What do you want to trade with me?"

"If you want to get a little help from you, you just need to pretend that you can\'t see something." kukas didn\'t directly say his requirements. He just looked at each other through words.

"What kind of help?" although the Duchess put away her charm, the smell from her body still made her look so attractive.

Just as he was about to open his mouth and say his intention, he suddenly remembered what the female doctor told him when she came. So he paused a little and planned to organize the language and say his requirements in a euphemistic way. At this time, there was a rapid knock on the door, and then I heard a rapid sound outside the door.

"Madam, the faubourg is here again." the words were not only hasty, but also sounded very strange.

"You hide first." the Duchess could not help frowning. At the same time, a faint blush appeared on her face. She took a deep breath and then turned to kukas.

"Isn\'t it convenient?" kukas knew something when he looked at the Duchess. This is a woman who is both eager to be conquered and resisting conquest. Many female mages who used to hang out with him had this virtue when they got along with him.

"Yes, a little inconvenient." the Duchess reached out and pulled kukas, then went to a closet behind her. I don\'t know what she tossed about in the closet, and then the closet opened. Then he pushed kukas in. "We\'ll talk about the deal later." he wanted to close the cover of the closet and hide him.

"Ha ha! Madam, I think we\'ll have a proper meeting." kukas pulled his mouth and looked at each other with a strange smile: "I don\'t think the faubourg would like to see you hide a man here, especially the man you hide is his enemy."

"Yes, it will." the Duchess\'s hasty words suddenly stopped. She opened her eyes and looked at kukas in surprise. Her mouth was slightly open. She was obviously stunned by his words.

"Damn it, who are you?" while talking, the huge magic on her body began to surge, a trace of magic flew out of her body, and then condensed a layer of pink gauze behind her.

"Murderer." kukas shrugged his shoulders and grabbed the Duchess in his arms. Then he pulled the closet and closed the secret dark room. During this period, the Duchess\'s mood calmed down very quickly.

"Knight kukas, do you want me to help you kill my man? Can you think of such an idea?" the Duchess let kukas hold her in her arms, and then sneered: "do you know that when I raise an idea, I can make you die completely, and even your soul die!"

"I\'m sorry, there are many people who can kill me, but I haven\'t heard of those who can kill my soul. There was a legend who wanted to kill my soul, but he didn\'t do it. I still came out of the abyss of death, and the destroyed body recovered." facing the threat of the Duchess, he didn\'t care at all. Because at this time, the one eyed shorty mercenary must have caught the freberg\'s companion with the help of the female doctor.

Now the Duchess knew that the enemy had appeared, whether she helped him or not. Of course, it would be more convenient for him to do something if he could get the help of the Duchess. After all, this is not an area that he and his allies can control.


"Yes," kukas said in a deep voice, staring down at the Duchess\'s eyes. "If I\'m not wrong, you\'re just having fun with that faubourg. And I think you should know that you like that faubourg\'s heart not only because of his appearance, but also because a magic prop on him is affecting your mind."

"The magic props of the secret church are still powerful. I didn\'t expect you to know it. Hehe, is it possible that your woman was seduced by the faubourg man with props? But to be honest, his kung fu in bed is still good, and with the use of props, it\'s even more so." while talking, A layer of watery light had appeared in the Duchess\'s eyes, her breathing became faster, her body relaxed and attached to kukas.