Abyss Knight

Chapter 563

Kukas didn\'t care about the behavior of these maids at all. He didn\'t care that he didn\'t wear clothes. After a little thinking, he went straight back to the Duchess\'s living room.

The two women in the living room were hugging each other and dawdling. Even the Duchess could not resist the erosion of the pink smoke.

Looking at the two loitering buttocks, kukas found that they were branded with the mark of a secret church, which was the mark imprinted by the magic seal he used to teach some female slaves.

A look rose from his heart. He knew that the desire was not from his heart, but from the erosion of his body by the pink smoke. He had seen the female mage use this pink smoke before, so he knew that the power produced by this thing could only be vented, and there was no way to resist it. So he didn\'t waste time, just lying on the two women was a crazy stir.

"Kukas, what do you want to do with that faubourg?" the Duchess, who was paralyzed on the long table, took a hard breath and asked kukas. After successive orgasms, the magic power in her body disappeared, and her confused eyes became clear. But her maid, the * * * * was still confused. She kept twisting her body to cater to kukas\'s rough hands.

"He and all those who follow him will die." the power of pink smoke on kukas disappeared after several intentional venting. After lighting a silver smoke and taking a hard blow, he said with a grim smile: "maybe we can kill them together. What do you think? It\'s not good to be controlled by one person, do you think?"

"He\'s a faubourg."

"What\'s the matter with the faubourg? Whoever I want to kill, no matter what race he is, I will kill him." kukas smiled cruelly, the fierce light in his eyes soared, and said grimly: "no matter what his status among the faubourgs, I will kill him in the end."

"The number of faubourgs in Troy is actually small, and their people are very short-sighted. Every time a faubourg dies, a large number of people will be buried with him." the Duchess also lit a silver smoke like kukas and took a hard puff. Later, she felt depressed when she saw the eyes that still confused her mind, Reached out and slapped her on the chest. Slap down and immediately leave a dark blue handprint. However, the confused * * * * not only had no pain, but seemed more excited.

"More importantly, there is a super empire\'s fourth prince who follows the foberger." when the Duchess said this, she was a little depressed: "I may be able to find a way to bear the anger behind the foberger, but I can\'t bear the super empire\'s anger behind the fourth prince."

"Hei hei, to tell you the truth, Duchess, people like you can\'t achieve anything in their life if they care about this and that. They will treat you as a female slave and * *, but you don\'t dare to resist. Hehe, are you afraid of their power?" kukas pulled a corner of his mouth and sneered: "There is endless emptiness and countless planes. If you can\'t stay in this plane, go to our plane. No one dares to provoke you there."

"Do you have too many scruples? Hehe! If I didn\'t have too many scruples, do you think I could go to this point alone? If I didn\'t think twice and acted recklessly, I would have died countless times." The Duchess dismisses kukas\' suggestions. In her opinion, kukas\'s remarks are nothing more than letting himself help him and get benefits. When he leaves this position, his family and business can\'t get away here, and will eventually become his scapegoat.

Just when kukas wanted to say something more, he suddenly received a secret message from the female doctor. After receiving this message, the depression caused by the flenberg\'s escape immediately dissipated more than half: "Ha ha! Since you don\'t want to, forget it. You\'re afraid of the faubourg people and the so-called four princes of the super empire. I think you must not be afraid of the fenlia warriors, the Danu Protoss and even the deep-sea giants!" when he said this, he reached out and grabbed the purple grape in front of the Duchess and gently pulled it.

"Danu Protoss? Deep sea giants?" The Duchess didn\'t do kukas\'s behavior at all, but paid attention to his words. Her mind was turbulent. She was nothing in the whole Troy, but she was very influential in the Empire of ordinary people. It was these influences that she had heard of the Danu Protoss and the deep-sea giants. As for the Nefarian warriors, she knew very well. Because when she was young, a large number of fenlia warriors invaded her empire. It was because of that long war that she became a duchess from a mercenary.

"Maybe you can choose not to offend either, or you can choose to offend one." kukas fiercely stood up and planned to leave here. He was too lazy to talk to the Duchess because he didn\'t find each other\'s means. In his opinion, such a duchess was just a vase touted by others.

"What kind of treatment can I enjoy by settling me in your seat?" the Duchess suddenly took kukas by the wrist and asked quickly.

"I just built a castle. I think there is still a lack of a strong Lord in the area under the jurisdiction of the castle. Of course, the area under my jurisdiction is very barren, only endless desert." kukas did not hide his situation, simply described the specific situation, and then looked at the other Party\'s choice.

"Desert? It\'s also a good place." the Duchess frowned slightly and made a decision soon after thinking about it. In her understanding, the nadanu Protoss suppressed the forberg people, and the strength of the deep-sea giant could easily suppress a super empire. You know, in Troy, you may not know the name of a super Empire, but you can\'t help but know the ugly and ferocious deep-sea giants.

Moreover, the desert territory proposed by kukas may be very bad for ordinary people, but for her, it\'s just taking some time to change the environment there. Before long, the desert will become an oasis and finally prosper. At that time, she will become a lord and only need to serve one person.

As for whether this was treason, she didn\'t think so much. In her opinion, she only paid in this empire and had no return. Most of the money she earned was plundered by more senior officials in disguise. Even in order to survive, she had to provide physical services for those senior officials.

More importantly, no matter whether she stopped it or not, she knew that the bald evil man in front of her would fight against the forberg people and the four princes. At that time, regardless of success or failure, she will be implicated in her relationship with the forberg people and this man. At that time, her empire will hand her over. Either to the forberg, or to the super empire.

After thinking of these bad things, she quickly made up her mind: "unfortunately, you\'re too impulsive. Otherwise, I can invite them to my party. At that time, I\'ll prepare a little to ensure that I can catch all of them without so much trouble."

"An eighth level caster has no experience in killing. Even in some critical moments, he can\'t cast a powerful spell. When facing major situations, he can\'t make up his mind to deal with some things decisively. Do you think such a person can kill a large group of professionals?" kukas despised it, but didn\'t show it. At the suggestion of the female doctor, he gradually changed a little. Some emotions could not be revealed without being revealed.

"I once bought some drinks from a mysterious merchant. These drinks are very wonderful. Even the merchant doesn\'t know their origin. Anyone who has drunk these drinks, whether senior professionals or legends, will completely fall asleep after drinking a little. Once a giant dragon came to me as a guest. He only drank so much and then died The Duchess stretched out two fingers and circled, "more importantly, there is no toxin in this wine. No matter what kind of magic or magic, we can\'t detect the abnormality."

"Well! If so, I can only say that you are really lucky." kukas narrowed his eyes and thought. He was not thinking about the special wine, but about the cruel heart of the Duchess. The man who had been with her all day a few days ago now said he wanted to fight against her and immediately thought of a way to kill her. This makes him have to sigh that women\'s minds are strange.

"These drinks will be yours in the future."

"No, that\'s your stuff. I don\'t need these." kukas shook his head and said in a deep voice, "but you must give me some. The quantity doesn\'t have to be too much. A friend of mine is very interested in all kinds of strange things. She will study it."

"Hehe! Your men have caught the followers of the faubourg people? If I\'m not wrong, those men must have caught the four princes and the women of the faubourg people. Well! Maybe we can turn those women into female slaves and put them into the largest slave market. I think many people will like them." The Duchess narrowed her eyes and smiled, "in fact, I am very decisive in some things, don\'t you think?"