Abyss Knight

Chapter 560

"If I can\'t have a good start with that Duchess, I don\'t mind letting any Duchess disappear from the world." kukas shook his bald head and laughed grimly.

"Your idea is too extreme. Kukas, we don\'t have any hatred with the Duchess. Why do you think so?" the female doctor frowned slightly at the words, stopped the movement of her hand a little, and then continued to massage: "We can try other ways, not necessarily with the help of the Duchess. It\'s not bad for us to waste a little time."

"Doesn\'t it matter? Anything that prevents me from taking revenge has something to do with me." kukas snorted coldly, and then said sternly, "if she doesn\'t help me, she is helping my enemy. Such a person is also my enemy. Don\'t you think I should take revenge?"

Not only the female doctor can\'t accept kukas\'s remarks, but also the one eyed shorty on the side. Especially this one eyed Shorty, who walks in countless places and acts as a mercenary, has never met the master of such remarks. Well, although some of his ways of doing things are the same as kukas said, he just does it with his head down and never says it. After all, Xuan Yang\'s theory will bring big trouble to some things in the future.

After arguing with each other, the female doctor compromised. She said, but she couldn\'t change his mind. She could only persuade him powerlessly. Of course, whether such persuasion would leave some impression in kukas\'s heart depends on God\'s will. There is no way for the female doctor. She can only persuade him a little bit and slowly leave a little impression in his heart Some kind shadows.

Through the magic map depicted by the one eyed Shorty, kukas found the Duchess\'s manor smoothly. After announcing his identity, he quickly got the Duchess\'s invitation.

The manor is not big, but the layout inside is very exquisite. Ten steps and one Pavilion, five steps corridor, small pavilions are scattered, and strange flowers and plants grow. Some young maids walk quickly among the flowers like happy butterflies. Sometimes they drive away those annoying bees, sometimes pick some flowers and wear them on each other\'s heads. Some people whisper ancient poems The song dances, and some people pick up what residual flowers and withered grass with a flower basket, and their hearts are sad.

The appearance of kukas attracted the attention of these young maids. They looked at him curiously, were lively, and even directly stretched out their hands to guide him, or the staggered ugly scars on his face, or his tall figure, or his bald head.

Kukas didn\'t pay any attention to the behavior of these young maids. He just occasionally made a fierce look at some brave maids, and immediately scared the maids to yell and be weak, sitting on the ground and hugging their heads. However, after he couldn\'t see kukas\'s next action and found that he just made a ferocious expression, these The young maids were not so easily frightened when they arrived. Often when kukas made a fierce expression, some of them forced back a grimace and ran away laughing.

"They are still some children. The Duchess dotes on them so much that she even manages them as her own children. I hope the knight doesn\'t care about them." Kukas was led by a middle-aged woman. Although she did not have any professional strength, she still maintained her beautiful face and plump body through some means. The attractive smell of a mature woman came out on her, but she tightened her face and looked very serious.

"It\'s all right. They\'re very young. They haven\'t been with young children for a long time. I almost forget how I lived when I was young." kukas was stunned a little, and then grinned. "Maybe looking at them can remind me of some things when I was young."

The middle-aged woman just whispered well, and then continued to straighten up to lead the way in front of kukas. While the bald man made a vicious look at the young maids around, thinking about how to talk to each other when he saw the Duchess. He even began to think about how to talk to each other when he killed each other and fled the city What kind of secret method to get in again.

Just as kukas was thinking, the middle-aged woman who had been leading the way suddenly turned her head and glared at kukas, and then hummed to continue to lead the way. Although he was at a loss with each other\'s behavior, kukas didn\'t bother to pay attention to a woman like a housekeeper who led the way, even if the other party was a beautiful young woman. Whether before or now, he experienced There are too many women, noble, cheap, beautiful, ordinary, pure, free, debauchery, sultry and chaste. What kind of women have also been used.

After bypassing several corridors, a very small looking attic appeared in front of him. The whole attic was not made of commonly used boulders or logs, but woven with a kind of green branches. Although he could not understand the origin of the branches, he could feel the huge magical power contained therein.

"Madam is inside. Remember, no matter what kind of identity you have in other planes, you are just an ordinary businessman in this plane. You must not profane madam in words and eyes. Don\'t bring some ugly customs of your plane here." * * * * lowered his voice and said quickly.

"I\'m just here to do business with your duchess. If I play with women, I can go to other places. What kind of women have I never played? Your Duchess is just a duchess." kukas sneered and felt very boring about the * * * * words.

"Many people have said so, but they lost their manners in front of the Duchess."

"I\'m here to talk about business." kukas narrowed his eyes and carefully felt the smell of the attic in front of him. In his perception, the magic power contained in the attic was almost the same as that of the eighth order caster. After synthesizing the information of the one eyed shorty mercenary, he quickly deduced that the Duchess should have the power of an eighth order caster.

"An eighth level female mage, what do you think I can do to her? Ha ha! You are such a funny woman." kukas giggled.

****He glared at kukas fiercely, then came forward and pushed the door open: "go in! Madam is waiting for you inside." while talking, he nodded to the house.