Abyss Knight

Chapter 559

According to the signs of magic props, kukas and they soon found the mercenaries hired by the old priest. These mercenaries opened a shop in the city to sell some potions and low-level magic materials. In this way, they hide their identity well. However, as kukas appeared here with more than 30 big men in black robes, some interested people immediately understood another layer of identity of the store.

"They live here. This is a manor, covering an area of more than 100 mu. This manor is the property of a duchess. The Duchess has a very close relationship with the forberg people, so they have been entrenched there." there are only three mercenaries gathered here, and the others are outside to investigate the situation. The leading mercenary was a one eyed shorty with an eye patch on his incomplete eyes. A scar spread obliquely from the corner of his eye to the corner of his mouth, almost making him a three petaled mouth.

"There are more than 100 guards sent by the Duchess in addition to the fuberger and more than 30 professionals who follow him. One of our brothers has sneaked in and heard a little about the situation inside. However, he leaked too quickly and didn\'t find any other information." the one eyed shorty narrowed his eyes, Stretched out his thick fingers on a magic map.

This magic map is specially made. There are various routes of the whole city on it, several of which are marked red. The red marked routes are used for retreat after killing. Kukas was very satisfied with the description of the manor in which the foberg people were hidden. Several houses and warehouses were described in great detail.

Surprised to see the one eyed Shorty, kukas didn\'t expect that the other party\'s work was so detailed, which instantly increased his favor for the mercenary leader.

"Thank you!"

"Serving the employer is what we should do. Ha ha! If you don\'t mind, we can drink some. I\'ve collected some good wine here, and maybe you\'ll like it." the one eyed shorty was not hypocritical at all, but laughed heartily: "To tell you the truth, we are very nervous these days. We are afraid of any mistakes. Now the Lord is coming, and my heart is relaxed."

"Ha ha! It\'s not easy. Your task is not over yet!" kukas laughed loudly. He reached out and patted the one eyed shorty on the shoulder. His eyes showed ferocious and ferocious: "continue your task until we kill the fuberger. We need all kinds of information you provide, and we need your backup support."

"Don\'t worry, everything will be carried out according to the agreement." the one eyed shorty didn\'t avoid kukas\'s touch. He narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "now we are lucky that several professionals who follow the forberg people come out to play almost every day, and we can take the opportunity to kill them and weaken their strength a little bit."

"Can we kill at one stroke?" kukas sat down on the big chair, then narrowed his eyes and asked in a deep voice.

"There are several eighth level professionals in the manor. If we forcibly break into the manor to kill, those eighth level professionals will intervene." the one eyed shorty didn\'t hide it, and immediately said what he had.

"In addition, a grand banquet will be held in this city in the future, which is the banquet of the whole city. Dozens of churches gather here to explain and debate their intentions. At any time, the whole city will revel for more than ten days. At that time, I think these people will come out of the manor." the one eyed shorty touched his eye patch and then continued: "What\'s more, we will arrest some of them in advance, and then they will come out to negotiate on that Carnival day and take advantage of the chaos."

"Good advice." kukas doesn\'t have any talent for this. He just knows to solve things simply by force and rarely uses intrigue.

"What\'s the origin of the Duchess?" the female doctor who had been silent suddenly asked.

"The Duchess is a widow, and her husband has died. However, because her husband has made a lot of contributions to the Empire, the emperor now takes great care of her. It is said that dozens of priests of the church will bless her and bless her with the Duke\'s name." One eyed shorty took a deep look at the female doctor. He was very satisfied with the female doctor\'s inquiry.

"The Duchess has seven or eight churches behind her, and she is also a caster. It is said that she has a mentor, and that mentor is also a legend. Moreover, she has a very close relationship with the emperor\'s favorite concubine. To tell the truth, if the Duchess hadn\'t stopped her, maybe we would have killed the fuberger and his followers Killed more than half. "

"Can you deal with their dragon tooth warriors?" kukas fiercely interrupted each other\'s words and asked in a deep voice.

"Hehe, killing doesn\'t have to be face-to-face. I think you must know the melody of fate. This magic prop. Under the cover of this prop, you can change your breath temporarily." Shorty one eyed doesn\'t intend to tell kukas about their means in detail. Of course, kukas can guess some of these means if he doesn\'t tell them. Although he hasn\'t carried out many intrigues in this world, his previous life experience makes him know some about the use of some dark means.

"Keep a close watch on those people and catch some of their followers as you say. I\'ll meet the Duchess." kukas lit a silver smoke and smoked hard and muttered in a rough voice.

"What\'s your identity? I don\'t think the Duchess is easy to see." the woman doctor stood up and walked behind kukas, then put his head in her arms, reached out and massaged him with a secret method. This secret massage can calm kukas\'s mind and relax his tense mental strength slowly.

"A deal of power alliance. The Duchess is very happy to meet such people. Many forces do business in this empire and will cooperate with her." the one eyed shorty obviously made great efforts to the Duchess\'s information.

"Well, it\'s not easy to master the Duchess." the female doctor on the side knew what kukas was going to do when he went to see the other party, but she didn\'t think highly of kukas\'s behavior.