Abyss Knight

Chapter 558

With kukas\' permission, the female doctor quickly selected more than 30 fenlia warriors. Of course, she didn\'t use any secrets. She just checked the physical conditions of those fenlia warriors with ordinary methods and found that as long as their physical functions were perfect, they would be selected.

It was precisely because of this choice, but in less than half a quarter of magic time, the female doctor completed her task.

The wide cloaks were taken out by kukas and shrouded over the Fenglian warriors. Soon, more than 30 people in black appeared in front of him. The female doctor watched and thought about how to continue to treat kukas, so that he could stay away from the blood and killing.

"Let\'s go! It\'s three thousand miles away, I think it\'s a little far." after the fenlia warriors were ready, the female doctor ordered the remaining fenlia warriors to return to the arena island through the transmission array. Such an order did not cause kukas\'s obstruction, let alone his disgust. In kukas\'s view, these behaviors of female doctors have nothing to do with him, and the future of those fenlia warriors is not what he considers.

"Well, first of all, we need to hire a carriage. The forberg has stayed in that city for a long time, and he will never leave in a short time. We are just on the way to have a good cultivation. You are really tired during this time. I mean, your spirit is too tight and you need to relax." when the female doctor said this, He came forward, took kukas by the arm, leaned his small head against his chest and abdomen, and muttered in a low voice.

"We\'d better hurry to get there. What\'s the accident in the province? Where is the fuberger in that city? We\'ll send it directly through the transmission array." kukas thought a little and soon had an idea: "after dealing with them, it\'s not too late for us to have a good rest."

"OK! I\'ll take your advice." the female doctor rubbed her head on kukas, and then whispered with a smile: "you said what would happen when they saw the nine headed strange snake Hydra swallow their dragon tooth warrior!"

"Ha ha!" kukas giggled. He looked deeply at the nine headed strange snake walking upstream of the female doctor\'s scepter, and then said grimly: "incredible, desperate, angry and crazy. I think they will never rejoice, let alone be interested in discussing whether it is male and female."

"Yes!" the female doctor answered softly.

"Let\'s go, find the nearest city and send it."


In the murmur of the female doctor, kukas led more than 30 fenlia warriors on the journey. Their goal is very simple. After finding the nearest city, they paid a lot of magic materials as a reward, and then directly transmitted them to the city where the fobergers are located with the help of the transmission array controlled by the military headquarters of the city.

After coming out of the busy transmission hall, the female doctor wanted to take kukas to have a good trip in this prosperous city, but kukas refused. He is now eager to find the mercenaries hiding here, get the news about the faubergs, and finally start killing them.

"I\'m afraid this prosperous city will not exist long after you solve the faubourg man." the female doctor pursed her small mouth and muttered. However, although she was dissatisfied, she knew that she could not force it at this time.

"Don\'t worry, if my perception is not wrong, there are at least a thousand legends and gods hidden in the dark in the city. If we destroy the city, we may be killed by these people immediately." he couldn\'t help shaking up when he remembered the message sent to him by the killing talent when he just came out of the transmission hall.

In his thematic world, only some big cities have powerful legends or gods, and there are no more than three or two legends and gods in a city. However, in this aspect of Troy, not only this city, but also the city where he first used the teleportation array, there are more than 1000 legends and gods as guardians.

The gap in the number of powerful professionals further deepened kukas\'s understanding of the Trojan plane. Not to mention the Trojan plane, it can be said that there is a transmission hall in every city. You should know that in his thematic world, only the imperial capital of an empire and some special cities have such things as transmission halls.

"Well, I feel it, too. As soon as I came out of the transmission hall, more than a dozen breath came to me. Fortunately, they didn\'t mean any harm, but just told me about the rules here." the female doctor was a little stunned. She didn\'t expect kukas to feel those hidden legends.

Of course, this is because she can\'t understand how powerful kukas\'s killing talent is. Within a certain range, those hidden legends did not cover their breath with too many prohibitions and Dharma arrays, and their breath was sensed by kukas\'s killing talent, so he could guess how many legends and gods there were.

"I can\'t fight here, as long as no one takes the initiative to kill me." for some future plans, the female doctor took the initiative to say the restrictions she was subjected to here: "I can\'t rob other people\'s things, let alone go in and out of their restricted area."

While talking, the female doctor went to one side to buy a magic map, then pointed out several positions on it and told kukas that this was a restricted area. The powerful professionals guarding the city are scattered in these restricted areas.

"Maybe every city has treasures, so there are so many legends and gods guarding here." looking at the seven or eight restricted areas pointed out by the female doctor, kukas frowned. He was worried that the foberger and those who followed him would enter these restricted areas.

You know, according to the description on the magic map, those forbidden areas are actually quite prosperous. A large number of ordinary people gather there, and there are some high-end and luxurious residences in the whole city. If the forberg people hide in these places, he is worried about the manipulation of the nine headed monster snake alone when the female doctor can\'t go in. Of course, in fact, he is more worried about whether the powerful creatures such as Hydra, a nine headed monster snake, are allowed in those restricted areas.

"The top plane is the top plane, which is not what we can imagine." the female doctor shook her head and denied kukas\'s guess.