Abyss Knight

Chapter 557

Black light flickered under the scalp, and some twisted patterns with evil smell appeared on the bare brain bag.

A horn hammer the size of a washbasin hit him hard on the head, only to hear a dull bang. Kukas\'s bare brain bag burst, his tough scalp was torn, and a lot of blood was sprayed out. However, although the sheep horn hammer was fierce, it didn\'t tear his skull and break his head. Instead, it was bounced out by the powerful rebound force.

The violent collision made kukas\'s head buzzing, but he still locked with instinct and mind, and grabbed the neck of the fenlia warrior who rolled up and killed him with his backhand.

The neck thicker than an adult\'s thigh was easily grasped by kukas under his palm like an ordinary man\'s wrist. With five fingers, his thick and long fingers pierced into each other\'s neck like a short knife. Then he grabbed the neck of the fenlia warrior and pulled it towards himself.

Just for a moment, two huge and ugly heads slammed together. With this impact, kukas not only forcibly instilled fighting spirit into the other party\'s body through his arm, but also took the opportunity to hook the fighting spirit he had suppressed in his body at first.

Two violent fights broke out at the same time, and the number was almost as much as all the fighting in kukas broke out in him at the same time. Kukas\'s spirit of ghost weeping and fighting was extremely violent. Although it was forcibly suppressed by the fenliya warrior, he only reluctantly suppressed it. Now more fighting spirit is pouring out, coupled with the violent impact, the fenlia warrior can no longer suppress those fighting spirit.

Losing the fighting spirit of bondage, the wanton destroyer broke his body, crushed internal organs and destroyed bones. Finally, due to the collision of two big heads, most of the fighting spirit was instilled into his head and burst out at the same time.

The fierce fighting spirit tore his brain, and even the hard skull was completely broken under the rage of the fighting spirit.

"Bang!" the huge head of the fenlia warrior burst like a broken watermelon. For a time, the Milky brain mixed with scarlet blood rose into the sky, and finally scattered on kukas. The female doctor in his arms seemed unaware of these things. She allowed these dead things to infect herself and destroyed her beautiful face and image in an instant.

Holding the mutilated body, kukas giggled strangely. At this time, the fenlia warriors who rushed up found that the person who suddenly appeared in front of them was not the enemy, but their master.

Under the influence of the treaty, these fenlia warriors stopped quickly, and some with weak willpower even knelt down directly on the ground. Because they all know how to punish their master.

"Stand up, rubbish." kukas was furious when he saw that several fenglia warriors knelt on the ground. He kicked them one by one and shouted, "fenglia warriors, no matter who they are facing, they won\'t kneel down. Why? You\'ve been like this without killing for a few days?"

Several fenliya warriors quickly stood up and muttered. As for whether they were defending or explaining, kukas didn\'t know, because he hadn\'t mastered the language of these fenliya warriors until now.

He threw the body on the ground, and dozens of fenlia warriors rushed up. They tore the dead body quickly, and then stuffed it into their mouth to eat. However, in just a few breaths, a body disappeared in front of kukas, and in the end, not even a bone remained.

The female doctor looked at the bloody and cruel scene in front of her. Although she was extremely disgusted, she could understand why these warriors did so. Because in the tradition of fenlia warriors, eating the flesh and blood of losers, especially fenlia warriors losers, will bring them great power.

"Where is the faubourg now?" the female doctor frowned slightly. She gently shook the scepter in her hand, while the nine headed strange snake on the scepter kept swimming, spitting out snake letters from time to time and hissing.

Several fenliya warriors muttered, while the female doctor nodded from time to time to show understanding. With her natural ability, she can easily control the words of fenlia warriors. Although this method of mastery is extremely rapid, it has a time limit. If she doesn\'t really master the language she mastered through natural ability in a hundred years, this language will disappear from her until she forgets. After that, she will never master and learn that language again.

"A city three thousand miles away from here is a city of another empire. The fenlia warriors have no way to enter that empire. Only some mercenaries go there to monitor them. Well, don\'t worry, the mercenaries who monitor the forberg people are men."

After asking some questions about the fenlia warriors, the female doctor easily told kukas the information she got: "now there are more than 30 professionals gathered around the foberger, almost all of them are the top of the seventh level. There are only a few low-level warriors, but they are most closely protected."

"Let them choose thirty of the most powerful warriors to set out with us." kukas said his plan casually. Only then did he have time to observe his current area. Glancing at it casually, he found that it was just a broken village. From time to time, some dried blood can be seen on the incomplete house. Obviously, the fenlia warriors occupied it with killing.

"I\'m afraid there will be unnecessary damage," the female doctor said with some concern because she knew the fenlia warriors better than kukas.

Sitting on a broken millstone, kukas pointed out the undisciplined fenlia warriors around him and said grimly, "do you think we still have time to pay attention to them after dealing with the fubergers? It\'s too normal to damage some. Only 30 of the most powerful warriors can do it, and you don\'t care about the rest."

"You are so stupid." the female doctor looked at kukas and suddenly wanted to laugh. Finally, she couldn\'t help laughing: "let me help you choose some. My secret method is very accurate."

"Whatever." kukas answered without thinking.

After hearing this answer, the female doctor was obviously relieved. She did not pity the fenlia warriors, but wanted to make kukas reduce the killing and blood through this subconscious guidance.