Abyss Knight

Chapter 556

Kukas thanked the female general for his persuasion, but he couldn\'t guarantee whether he could do it, not to mention the female general.

After the two talked again, kukas left, and the blonde general branded his mind on the projection of the plane prop according to his method, so as to stimulate a small amount of fighting spirit, mobilize the huge plane original power, and transmit it freely.

Of course, this kind of transmission is actually limited by distance, and although this limitation can not be shown now, as time goes by, the pace of the female general will be farther and farther, and she will find it. This restriction is not only shown in her plane prop projection, but also kukas can\'t get rid of this restriction. Fortunately, the planes they are walking are relatively close, so they don\'t have to worry too much for the time being.

Back to the Trojan plane, it was only a few breathing times. When the old priest of the nadanu Protoss saw kukas coming back, he motioned them to enter the transmission array for fixed-point transmission. At this time, the female doctor also used a secret method to control the nine headed monster snake, narrowed its body to a cubit, and then wrapped it around a gorgeous scepter and carried it in her hand.

"There are some fenlia warriors stationed there, so you don\'t have to worry about wasting time." the old priest suddenly remembered this thing after the transmission array was running.

The light of the transmission array began to float in the sky. These lights formed a circular light curtain at the edge of the transmission array. In the light curtain, various projections prohibited by the Dharma array swam away, and strange words emerged.

Several syllables full of mystery and desolation jumped out of the old priest\'s mouth. With these syllables, the circular light curtain contracted in an instant, and the next moment contracted to the thickness of the baby\'s fingers, and kukas and them disappeared with the contraction of the light curtain. After the light curtain shrinks to the light column of the baby\'s finger, it rises into the sky, instantly tears the space and disappears.

"The result is doomed. Can you change it? Is Hydra, the nine headed monster snake, really as powerful as the legend?" looking at the empty transmission array in front of us, the old priest of the darnu Protoss muttered in a low voice: "Well, maybe we should urge those damn alchemists, tens of thousands of alchemists, who spent so long and still didn\'t control the green skin. If we don\'t hurry, I\'m afraid there will be no chance!"

In the murmur of the old priest of the Danu Protoss, kukas and the female doctor came to the gathering place smoothly.

Thousands of fierce fenliya warriors waved various weapons and walked around their gathering place angrily, fighting with each other from time to time. Their originally extremely ugly appearance was even more ugly because of the stimulation of bloody smell.

A light beam with the thickness of the baby\'s fingers suddenly appeared among several fenliya warriors who were fighting disorderly. The light beam spread and instantly expanded to a square foot. Within this range, several fenliya warriors were instantly bounced out. Even if they had the power of seven peaks, they still looked extremely embarrassed under the impact of the light beam.

The sudden change attracted the attention of these fenliya warriors. Several fenliya warriors who were bounced out bounced up as soon as they fell to the ground. They made bursts of strange noises in their mouths and ignored their injuries. They just waved their weapons like mad dogs and rushed towards the dissipating light beam.

"Go away!" the thunder like voice was transmitted from the dissipated light beam. A bald evil man more than two meters high held a green haired woman in one hand and clawed at the head of the fenlia warrior who rushed up first. His five fingers were like a hook, and a trace of black fighting spirit was sprayed from his fingertips, and then wrapped around his whole arm.

After this capture, a series of residual shadows were scratched in the air, carrying an endless breath of killing, and they were caught by the Nefarian warrior.

"Roar!" the fenliya warrior roared in a low voice. He waved his sheep horn hammer and pulled it from bottom to top. The target was the chest and abdomen of the big man. As for the sharp claw that was about to be grabbed, he instinctively shook his head and let his shoulder out.

A dull noise came from the chest and abdomen of the bald evil man. His chest and abdomen collapsed like an air leaking balloon, while his upper body was strangely extended, and the length of his exposed arm soared about half an elbow. Before the sheep horn nail hammer came, he grabbed it on the shoulder of the fenlia warrior.

With five fingers, he pierced the hard skin of the fenliya warrior in an instant, and then firmly clasped his shoulder blade. The fierce fighting spirit gushed out of his fingers like a tide. In a short moment, one-third of the fighting spirit of the bald evil man was forcibly instilled into the fenliya warrior\'s body.

"Dead!" the baldheaded evil man smiled grimly. His arms worked hard, and his five fingers worked hard again under the package of fighting spirit. This time, they forcibly pierced through the bones of the fenliya warrior. His arms worked hard, fiercely raised the fenliya warrior high, and then waved the other party to take it out at another fenliya warrior who rushed up.

"Bang!" accompanied by the violent collision between two fenlia warriors, the warrior who was instilled with a lot of fighting spirit by the bald evil man rose like a balloon.

"Ah ah!" the fenglia warrior uttered bursts of strange cries and sprayed out his blood, but the killing inheritance in his blood still didn\'t make him lose his will to kill. On the contrary, under this blow, the idea of killing became stronger.

The talent ability was turned on. With the talent ability, the fenlia warrior not only forcibly suppressed the crazy fighting spirit in his lower body, but also turned his body strangely in mid air with the help of the impact force with his companions. His upper body suddenly threw in front of the bald evil man, grabbed the green haired woman in each other\'s arms with one hand, and still waved the sheep horn hammer to beat each other with the other hand.

"It\'s just a dying struggle." the bald evil man sneered mockingly. His five fingers fiercely opened, and the fingers pierced the shoulder of the fenlia warrior instantly tore his whole shoulder. The arm that hit the woman in his arms immediately fell off his body and was knocked out by the shock of the struggle between the two men.

After pulling out his arm, the bald evil man didn\'t dodge in the face of the sheep horn nail head hammer. He just shook his head. The already large head soared three or two times. A trace of fighting light flowed out of the fighting space, and then instilled it into his head to form a strange layer of defense.