Abyss Knight

Chapter 555

"Magic props? Maybe we should destroy his magic props." kukas rubbed his head in annoyance. The words of the old priest made him a little worried about the female doctor working with him.

"Ha ha! That\'s what you\'re going to do. It has nothing to do with me. But to tell the truth, I don\'t think it\'s necessary to fight with the foberger again. It\'s meaningless. It will only waste your time and make your mind unable to calm down." the old priest of the Danu God family shook his head and whispered: "Maybe you should find a quiet place to practice until one day you become a high-level professional."

"Why is it meaningless? For me, killing and cultivation are actually the same. Professionals who have not been killed will never really become stronger." kukas smiled grimly and did not recognize the words of the old priest of the Danu Protoss: "my mind will never really calm down if I don\'t kill the fuberger."

"Some people mobilized a lot of people to follow him with the help of the faubourg people, so as to arrange some wonderful means." after a long silence, the old priest of the Danu Protoss suddenly said: "Those dragon tooth warriors of your plane alliance are arranged here for this reason. It can be said that the outcome and process of your struggle with the foberger have been prepared for you secretly. Even if you find the nine headed monster snake, xudera is unable to change this process and result."

"To tell you the truth, these words you said are really mysterious." kukas heard the speech and laughed loudly. His chest fluctuated. After a long laugh, he slowly stopped: "dealing with you high-level professionals makes me very uncomfortable."

"Where are those people? Send us directly." after a strange smile, kukas\'s voice suddenly cooled down: "the fenlia warriors can\'t kill them, and the mercenaries can\'t do it. Let me solve them myself!"

"Be careful. To be honest, your green cannon fodder is very easy to use. We Danu Protoss don\'t want such cannon fodder to be lost quickly from us." The old priest took a deep breath. He knew that he had no ability to block the bald knight in front of him. Although he didn\'t want kukas to participate in the pursuit again, he couldn\'t let him change any attention. Knowing the outcome, he was unable to change, which made the old priest very upset.

Without too much ink, the old priest of the Danu Protoss quickly marked the gathering place of the fenlia warriors who were chasing and killing the fobergs, and described the things there in detail. Finally, he solemnly said: "The Empire once had some misunderstandings with our Danu Protoss, so your external environment may be very poor there. What\'s worse, we have no allies there. Everything depends on you to solve all kinds of trivial things yourself."

"Send us directly!" kukas glanced at the female doctor and suddenly said these words.

"The transport array can only transport you to neighboring countries, but not to that empire. I suggest you find a way to reduce the body of this little snake, well, at least make it look less conspicuous." the old priest stretched out his hand and pointed to the nine headed monster snake Xu dela, who was more than ten feet tall, and whispered: "Some people are very interested in all kinds of strange species in order to avoid unnecessary trouble."

"En!" kukas hummed softly, but he did not continue to entangle in this matter. After seeing that he did not speak, the old priest of the Danu Protoss just sighed in his heart, and then began to modulate the transmission array to transport kukas to their destination.

Just as the old priest of the Danu Protoss was about to complete the modulation, kukas\'s mind trembled. His mind quickly immersed into the fighting space. He saw that some information of the blonde general had been projected into his fighting space through the secret method.

"Looking for someone?" kukas frowned slightly. He didn\'t expect that at this time, the blonde general would suddenly look for him, and the reason why the other party looked for him was to leave the burning plane to look for others.

"Wait a minute, I\'ll go back and deal with something," kukas said to the female doctor, telling the old priest of the Danu Protoss.

"En!" the female doctor answered softly. She didn\'t want to ask kukas what to do, because she knew that if she should let herself know something, the bald evil man in front of her would tell herself. If he didn\'t want to let himself know, even if he asked, the other party wouldn\'t say it.

The black flag fluttered, rolled kukas\'s body in an instant, and disappeared in the air. In the endless void, there was an additional golden red light column, which instantly tore the void. However, in just a few breathing times, it crossed the interval of countless planes and plunged into an insignificant zero order plane.

"What\'s the matter?" kukas asked discontentedly in front of the blonde general.

"Send me and my men to the main plane of the world!" the blonde general put forward her request very directly as if she didn\'t see kukas\'s dissatisfaction.

"OK." kukas answered, but he did not directly bring the blonde female general to the main plane world. After thinking for some time, he virtualized the projection of the thirteen black flags, then rubbed the projections of the thirteen black flags together, and finally handed them to the female general: "In the future, you can use this thing to go in and out of the burning plane and the other 12 planes I control, but you won\'t carry too many people every time."

"The specific location of the reincarnation of the scarlet queen has been announced. I want to bring her back and take her to the main plane world." after the blonde general was stunned for a while, he reached out to take the black flag handed to her by kukas. Playing with the flag with black and red light, the female general\'s military spirit was a little turbulent.

"You value the scarlet queen very much!" kukas nodded and asked casually.

"Ha ha! Yes! If there were no scarlet queen, there would be no me now." the blonde general looked at kukas seriously and said, "now she is in trouble, I must help her."

"I remember you\'ve helped her many times."

"But you don\'t know how many times she has helped me. To be honest, kukas, you should learn to deal with interpersonal relationships. At least some people can think of you in times of danger, not now."