Abyss Knight

Chapter 554

"We can use the power of the Danu Protoss to bring its nine headed strange snakes there, and the Dragon tooth alliance can also use other forces to bring dragon tooth warriors there." kukas did not care too much about the doubts of the female doctor, because in his opinion, these things had nothing to do with his revenge and killing.

The female doctor didn\'t say anything more. She just curled up silently in kukas\'s arms and enjoyed this rare peace and coexistence.

"Let\'s go!" kukas suddenly said after a little silence.

"En!" the female doctor nodded. She must go to Troy with kukas, because she made the nine headed strange snake. Now the strange snake only obeys her orders. In order to hunt the Dragon tooth warrior, she must go with her.

The original power easily tore the void, and then wrapped kukas, the female doctor and the nine headed strange snake. It didn\'t take long to reach the plane of Troy.

There had long been a mark of mind, so kukas and them appeared directly in the island that served as a arena. Here, the old priest of the Danu Protoss is quietly standing by the transmission array waiting for kukas to appear.

The appearance of the nine headed strange snake brightened the eyes of the old priest of the Danu Protoss. He gave kukas a deep look, and then said in a deep voice, "welcome back. I think you came in time."

"What\'s the matter?" kukas frowned at his words. He heard a bad breath from each other\'s words. Although he had expected such a result, he still felt uncomfortable.

"Ha ha! There\'s nothing too big. The foberger you chased has recruited more opponents to fight against your fenlia warriors. Even the prince of a super Empire has joined them. I think if you come later, you\'ll meet more opponents." The old priest shrugged his shoulders and smiled strangely: "And I\'d like to tell you the good news. The man who led his companions has left the mountains and is now hiding in an empire. Your fenlia warriors are chasing them. Unfortunately, these fenlia warriors are not popular in some empires, and their way of doing things is a little rough, so the pursuit is blocked."

"What about mercenaries? I remember I asked you to hire some mercenaries for me." kukas touched his bald head and grinned. He had long been prepared for the failure of fenlia warriors, but wondered about the achievements of those mercenaries.

"Well! Speaking of mercenaries, I have to say that today\'s young people really don\'t have any professional ethics. When I was young, as a mercenary, as long as I signed a contract, I would use all methods to complete the task, even if I gave my life." At this point, the old priest of the Danu Protoss shook his head and seemed to fall into a memory. However, kukas didn\'t care about his behavior at all, but narrowed his eyes and listened to his story quietly.

"However, today\'s mercenaries always think that they have some skills, even foolishly listen to the lies of mission objectives, and even want to betray the agreement in various ways. Of course, as a result, you also think that these mercenaries who violate the agreement will be imprisoned, and they will be pressed in the deepest part of the ulah desert for hundreds of millions of years. ER! Maybe they can come out alive, maybe not Yes. "

"Why did the mercenaries break the agreement? I think they must know what the end of breaking the agreement is." kukas didn\'t hear the meaning of the old priest\'s words, but the female doctor heard it. She frowned slightly, looked at kukas and asked quickly.

"Well, I\'m surprised to say that. You know, in this world, mercenaries are not only males, but also many female creatures. They include tauren, Centaur, feathered and giant. In short, women become mercenaries in all races you can think of." The old priest laughed strangely. When he smiled strangely, people would not think he would be a powerful legendary priest, but would only regard him as a bad old man.

"These female mercenaries were immediately conquered by the charm of the faubourg people after contacting the faubourg people. They knelt at the feet of the faubourg people and prayed for each other\'s possession and rudeness. It is precisely because of these irrational women that their whole mercenary team was completely disintegrated. What a pity, isn\'t it? Many of those female mercenaries are one day It\'s a pity that they were suppressed, and some were even directly exiled to eternal prison. "

"Eternal prison? Is it the name under the desert?" kukas frowned at his words. He was wondering whether the foberger had mastered some extremely mysterious method of spiritual control, otherwise all the maids would never be lost in front of him, even if the other party was charming.

"No, it\'s another place of imprisonment. All people there will be imprisoned for thousands of years. After thousands of years of imprisonment, if they have a desire to live, they can continue to live and come out from there. But those without a desire to live will really die. During imprisonment, even if they are killed, they can rise again until thousands of years The time is over. "When the old priest said this, he looked a little unnatural:" it is said that in this era, no one can come out alive. "

"It seems that it\'s very scary." kukas touched his bald head and laughed strangely.

"Terror? Maybe! No one came out of it alive, not before, not now, and I don\'t think there will be any in the future." the old priest of the Danu Protoss grinned grimly: "it is said that countless legends and gods were exiled into it, and then there was no trace of them in the endless void."

"Well!" kukas nodded. He didn\'t intend to ask too much about it. Instead, he asked about the fuberger.

"Can you find out which faubourg seduces those professionals? Well, I mean those female professionals."

"I don\'t know. We are limited by the rules and can\'t do it against them, even if it\'s detection. Other people can\'t do it by means. We don\'t know what\'s going on at all, but a prophet at the top of level 7 predicted him. He vaguely saw that he could attract those women because of a magic prop on his body." The old priest of the Danu Protoss said with a heavy face.